Ecological-taxonomic analysis of the petrophyte flora of Ikhrek (Rutulsky district) surroundings of Republic of Dagestan

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The study of petrophytes, as a peculiar group of plants, is important for understanding the history of the flora and nature in general. Their ecological characteristics, taxonomic composition, geographic and genetic relationships and other characteristics carry information about the stages of development of the mountain country and its flora. Rutulsky district is a part of Highland Dagestan and borders on the Republic of Azerbaijan in the South, Akhtynsky and Kurakhsky districts in the East, Tlyaratinsky and Charodinsky districts in the North-West, Kulinsky, Agulsky and Laksky districts of the Republic of Dagestan in the North. The relief of Highland Dagestan, which is the area of our research, is characterized by a large slope, stony and rocky mountains. The following paper contains taxonomic, biomorphic, ecological analyses of petrophyte complexes of the studied area and an analysis of endemism and relict flora of petrophytic complexes. Herbarium material has helped to find the dominant family, genera and species of petrophyte complexes of the area. Biomorphic and environmental groups of petrophyte complexes have been studied. Confinement of petrophytes to different environmental conditions has been established. Endemic, relict and protected species of petrophyte complexes have been identified.

About the authors

Agarza Medzhidovich Khalidov

Dagestan State University

Author for correspondence.

candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of Botanic Department

Russian Federation, 367025, Makhachkala, M. Gadzhiev street, 43a


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Copyright (c) 2016 Khalidov A.M.

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