The nidicolic group of gamase mites on the territory of Eastern Transbaikalia and their biocoenotic relationships

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This paper summarizes the results of studies on the fauna of gamas mites of the nidicolic group. On the Eastern Transbaikal Territory, 68 species have been identified as part of the nidicolic group. They belong to nine families, most of them have been found in rodent nests. The largest number of species belongs to the families Parasitidae, Laelaptidae, Rhodacaridae. Many species have been found in the soil, where they form micropopulations. Of the 68 species 19 have not been found in the soil: six species of Euryparasitus, three species from the genera Poecilochirus, Ameroseius, Macrocheles, one species – Parasitus (Coleogamasus) tichomirovi, Veigaia beklemischevi, Pachylaelaps siculus, Hypoaspis krameri. In the biocoenosis of the vegetable storage, H. timofejevi have had the highest rates, its reproduction and development have taken place here. We have detected all stages of development. The main parts of the population have been represented as follows: females – 48%, males – 11,8%, larvae – 1,2%, protonymphs – 7%, deutonymphs – 32%. Females in each hamazid population numerically have predominated over males. Drawings of the preimaginal stages of development as well as its topical and phoric connections have been described. The nidicoles of the forest-steppe zone of Transbaikalia have demonstrated a tendency to synanthropization. The tendency has been noted in 21 species of nidicoles from six families: eight from the family Parasitidae, five from the family Laeleptidae, three from the family Macrochelidae, two species from the family Ameroseidae, Aceosejidae and one species from the family Rhodacaridae. Interspecific relationships have been established for H. timofejevi, E. emarginatus.

About the authors

Tatyana Grigorevna Poletaeva

Chita State Medical Academy


candidate of biological sciences, senior lecturer of Biology Department

Russian Federation, Chita

Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Kleusova

Chita State Medical Academy


candidate of biological sciences, senior lecturer of Biology Department

Russian Federation, Chita

Nataliya Petrovna Larina

Chita State Medical Academy


candidate of biological sciences, head of Biology Department

Russian Federation, Chita

Nataliya Sergeevna Chistyakova

Chita State Medical Academy


candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of Biology Department

Russian Federation, Chita

Irina Nikolaevna Plyaskina

Chita State Medical Academy

Author for correspondence.

assistant of Biology Department

Russian Federation, Chita


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 – Haemogamasus timofejevi Bujakova et Gontcharova, 1962. Larva: A – dorsal side, B – ventral side, C – tritosternum, G – tectum, D – chelicerae, E – gnathosome, W – first leg, H – second leg, I – third leg

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3. Figure 2 – Haemogamasus timofejevi Bujakova et Gontcharova, 1962. Protonymph: A – dorsal side, B – ventral side, C – tritosternum, G – tectum, D – chelicerae, E – gnathosome, W – second leg, H – fourth leg

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4. Figure 3 – Haemogamasus timofejevi Bujakova et Gontcharova, 1962. Female deutonymph: A – dorsal side, B – ventral side, C – tritosternum, G – tectum, D – chelicerae, E – gnathosome, W – second leg, H – fourth leg

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5. Figure 4 – Haemogamasus timofejevi Bujakova et Gontcharova, 1962. Male deutonymph: A – ventral side, B – chelicera, C – paw

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6. Figure 5 – Interspecific relationships of E. emarginatus in the natural biocenosis of the forest-steppe zone of Transbaikalia. Arrows directed to E. emarginatus indicate the food object of this tick, its topical and trophic connections. Arrows pointing from E. emarginatus indicate its enemies

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Copyright (c) 2022 Poletaeva T.G., Kleusova N.A., Larina N.P., Chistyakova N.S., Plyaskina I.N.

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