Study of floristic structure of the territory using family range in the Sok River basin (Samara Region, Zavolzhye, forest-steppe zone)

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Ecological approach to the study of flora implies an integral flora unit called elementary flora (EF), which is usually regarded as the elementary unit of floristic division. Identification of the minimum-range of EF is prerequisite for the research of flora of any territory. The aim of this research is to identify the number of EF in the research area (floral patterns) by comparing the values of certain parameters of the family range of flora in four minimum-ranges. The basin of the river Sok is the research area. Its landscape zoning varies in different literature sources. Florae of the four minimum-range habitats are formed on territorial basis with reference to the existing floristic descriptions. The following parameters of the family range of flora in four minimum-ranges were used: establishment of the order of the first triad of families depending on number of species in a sample, percentage of monotypic families and percentage of species in the top ten families. The considered values of florae parameters in the sample areas corresponding to the minimum-range habitats show a certain degree of similarity. The largest differences were observed in the study of the formation of top three leading families, depending on the number of species. This indicator reflects the peculiarities of individual sample areas due to the variety of intra-landscape. The authors reach a conclusion concerning the conditional affiliation of the researched territory to one EF. The conclusion is based on the analyzed parameters of the family range of flora of all minimum-ranges as well as their floristic descriptions.

About the authors

Anastasia Viktorovna Ivanova

Institute of Ecology of the Volga River Basin of Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.

candidate of biological sciences, researcher of the Laboratory of Problems of Phytodiversity

Russian Federation, Togliatti

Natalia Viktorovna Kostina

Institute of Ecology of the Volga River Basin of Russian Academy of Sciences


candidate of biological sciences, senior researcher of the Laboratory of Modeling and Management of Ecosystems

Russian Federation, Togliatti


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Fragment of the physical and geographical zoning of the Middle Volga region [7]. 69 - Soksky high-plain area

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3. Figure 2 - Fragment of the physical and geographical zoning of the Ural-Caspian region [8]. Trans-Volga lowland-lowland province: 1 - Cheremshano-Soksky; 2 - Kondurchinsky. Trans-Volga-Cis-Ural upland province: 3 - Nizhneseoksky; 4 - Verkhnesoksky; 5 - Prikinelsky

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4. Figure 3 - Location of trial plots and floristic descriptions

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5. Figure 4 - Formation of the top three families with an increase in the number of species in the floras of the four identified minimum-areas of the Soksky landscape region. The ranges of variation of the shares of the family are shown by columns: 1 - Asteraceae, 2 - Poaceae, 3 - Fabaceae, 4 - Rosaceae

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6. Figure 5 - Percentage of species in the top ten families in samples with different numbers of species on sample plots: 1 - X, 2 - N, 3 - R, 4 - Y

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7. Figure 6 - Percentage of monotypic families in samples with different numbers of species on trial plots: 1 - X, 2 - N, 3 - R, 4 - Y

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8. Figure 7 - The results of the analysis of the species composition of the floras of the trial plots according to the Preston difference indicator

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Copyright (c) 2016 Ivanova A.V., Kostina N.V.

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