Main weed species of the Republic of Bashkortostan: position on environmental gradients and agrobiological groups

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The paper presents a study of the main weed species in the Republic of Bashkortostan according to the results of a floristic analysis of 1170 geobotanical releves. The authors define 30 species, their constancy is more than 20%. Five species of dicotyledonous and 1 species of monocotyledonous plants Convolvulus arvensis, Chenopodium album, Cirsium setosum, Fallopia convolvulus, Avena fatua, Sonchus arvensis are characterized with the greatest values of occurrence (higher than 50%). According to the results of the ordination analysis and ANOVA the considered species are well differentiated on the gradients of the factors of moistening, richness of the soil and a crop. Among agrobiological groups of weed species the annual and creeping-rooted weeds prevail.

About the authors

Gulnaz Rimovna Khasanova

Bashkir State Agrarian University


candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of Soil Science, Botany and Selection Department

Russian Federation, Ufa

Sergey Maratovich Yamalov

South-Ural Botanical Garden-Institute of the Ufa Federal Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences


doctor of biological sciences, leading researcher of Wild-Growing Flora and Herbasceous Plants Introduction Laboratory

Russian Federation, Ufa

Maria Vladimirovna Lebedeva

South-Ural Botanical Garden-Institute of the Ufa Federal Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.

candidate of biological sciences, senior researcher of Tropical and Subtropical Plants Group

Russian Federation, Ufa


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Distribution of weed species in the space of the CCA - ordination axes. Note: Am. r. - Amaranthus retroflexus, Av. f. - Avena fatua, C. r. - Cannabis ruderalis, C.c. - Centaurea cyanus, Ch. al. - Chenopodium album, C. s. - Cirsium setosum, C. arv. - Convolvulus arvensis, Ech. c.-g. - Echinochloa crus-galli, El. n. - Elisanthe noctiflora, Er. c. - Erodium cicutarium, Eup. v. - Euphorbia virgata, F. c. - Fallopia convolvulus, F. off. - Fumaria officinalis, G. b. - Galeopsis bifida, G. l. - Galeopsis ladanum, G. ap. - Galium aparine, L.s. - Lactuca serriola, L. t. - Lactuca tatarica, Lap. sq. - Lappula squarrosa, L. t. - Lathyrus tuberosus, P.m. - Panicum miliaceum, P. l. - Persicaria lapathifolia, P. av. - Polygonum aviculare, S. v. - Setaria viridis, S. arv. - Sonchus arvensis, S. an. - Stachys annua, T. of. - Taraxacum officinale, Th. arv. - Thlaspi arvense, T. in. Tripleurospermum inodorum, V. arv. - Viola arvensis

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