Vol 12, No 2 (2023)


Ten years of the Samara Journal of Science: results and prospects

Mochalov O.D., Repinetsky A.I.


The article is devoted to the 10th anniversary of the Samara Journal of Science, published by Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education. The paper briefly examines the situation with scientific publications published by the university in the first 100 years of its operation, analyzes the prerequisites for the appearance of the Samara Journal of Science, the history of its creation and development, the current state and future prospects. Special attention is paid to such important milestones in the history of the journal as its inclusion in the list of the higher attestation commission and entry into the first category of scientific journals in Russia. The contribution of domestic and foreign scientists to the development of the journal is noted. Statistical information is given about the editorial board of the journal, as well as about the publication activity of the authors of articles, about the geography of the authors (a list of states and cities is provided). The contribution of the journal to the functioning of the scientific sphere of the Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education and to the development of interregional and international cooperation of university employees with other scientists is evaluated. The conclusion is made about the high importance of the publication for the development of biological, historical and pedagogical science not only in the Samara Region, but also throughout the Russian Federation and the countries of the near and far abroad.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):10-13
pages 10-13 views

Biological Sciences

The ecology of Lepus europaeus Pallas, 1778 common in the fauna of the Nagorno Karabakh

Hayrapetyan V.T., Minasyan H.J., Yaitsky A.S.


Mechanisms for the rational use and preservation of wildlife are considered to be one of the most important problems in modern zoology in Nagorno Karabakh. In our case, this is all the more relevant, since as a result of the military conflict initiated by Azerbaijan, the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh was exposed to ammunition prohibited by international norms. In this regard, we have chosen as the object of research the only species of Lagomorpha in the fauna of Nagorno Karabakh – Lepus europaeus Pallas, 1778. As a result of studies, we have found out the prevalence of these beasts, the preferred places, which are located at vertical heights, from 200–250 MAMSL to 2800–3000 MAMSL, and the reasons for the reduction of areas. At the same time, the work presents the results of our observations on the dynamics of the number change of Lepus europaeus from 1999 to 2021 and the factors influencing these changes. We have clarified the active hours of Lepus europaeus in plain and foothill zones, as well as the factors affecting their activity and the frequency of encounters with Lepus europaeus during the daylight in different seasons and places represented in percentage. The paper also presents the density and distribution according to zones.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):14-18
pages 14-18 views

Structural and functional characteristics of the assimilation apparatus of Alisma plantago-aquatica at different stages of development

Alyabysheva E.A.


This paper deals with the features of the structural and functional organization of the assimilation apparatus of individuals of the plantain fly, which are in five ontogenetic states (juvenile, immature, virginal, young and middle-aged generative). The changes in the morphometric parameters of the assimilation apparatus in j, im, v, g₁ and g₂ individuals of Alisma plantago-aquatica are analyzed. During the ontogenesis of Alisma plantago-aquatica, the length, width, area and mass of the sheet plastic, as well as the growth coefficient, changed along an S-shaped curve. In the middle-aged generative plants of Alisma plantago-aquatica, all morphometric parameters had maximum values. During the pregenerative (three ontogenetic states) and generative (two ontogenetic states) periods of ontogenesis, the number of chlorophylls a and b, carotenoids in the leaves of the helophyte increased. Regardless of the ontogenetic state of plants, the concentration of yellow pigments was 3,0–6,0 times lower than of the green ones. The degree of functionality of the photosynthetic apparatus in individuals of different ontogenetic states can be judged both by the ratio of chlorophyll a to chlorophyll b, and the ratio of the sum of chlorophylls to carotenoids. With an increase in the total assimilating surface of the leaves, the intensity of photosynthesis and, as a consequence, the amount of organic carbon in the leaves of Alisma plantago-aquatica individuals increased. The structural and functional changes of the photosynthetic apparatus observed in the ontogenesis of Alisma plantago-aquatica can be explained by the peculiarities of adaptation mechanisms to long-acting external environmental factors. Medium-aged generative plants of Alisma plantago-aquatica are promising for assessing carbon accumulation and overall productivity of coastal-aquatic phytocoenoses.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):19-23
pages 19-23 views

The ecological assessment of the purity of medicinal plant raw materials Thymus serpyllum L. in the Trans-Urals of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Buskunova G.G.


The paper presents the results of the study of heavy metals content in plant raw materials Thymus serpyllum L. growing in the vicinity of the village of Arkaim, Sibay, the Republic of Bashkortostan. The content of mobile forms of Cu, Ni, Mn, Co, Fe, Cd in soils did not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations, with the exception of Zn (1,87 MPC) and Pb (3,16 MPC). It was found that the most mobile element in the soil was Pb (59,4%), while Ni (0,07%) was less mobile. The soils of the studied territory were classified as permissible according to the degree of pollution, and the ecological situation turned out to be relatively satisfactory. The results of the statistical analysis showed that the concentrations of heavy metals in plant ash had a high variability (above 21%), with the exception of Co, which was characterized by an average variability (up to 20%). Cu content in Thymus serpyllum L. plants did not exceed acceptable values. There were exceeding of the maximum permissible levels for Zn (3,88–9,72 times), Fe (6,4–57,9 times), Ni (108–189 times), Cd (1,16–2,16 times), Co (3,7–5,6 times), Pb (4,6–10,8 times) in all organs of the plant Thymus serpyllum L. Mn concentrations exceeded the norms in the stems and roots of the species by 1,51–4,48 times, respectively. The most absorbed by plants Thymus serpyllum L. elements turned out to be Fe and Ni. In plants Thymus serpyllum L. Fe (124,3) and Ni (1567,5) belonged to the group of elements of energetic accumulation (IA > 10), Zn (8,12), while Cu (8,04), Mn (4,44), Pb (2,08), Cd (1,75), Co (1,31) belonged to the group of elements of strong accumulations (IA 1–10). In plants of Thymus serpyllum L. Cu, Zn, Ni, Fe, Mn, Pb were distributed by acropetal type (acropetal coefficient >1,0), while Cd, Co were distributed by basipetal type (acropetal coefficient <1,0).

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):24-29
pages 24-29 views

Planktonic algoflora of small rivers in urban conditions (on the example of the Mirozhka and Pskova rivers, Pskov, the Pskov Region)

Drozdenko T.V.


The paper studies the planktonic algoflora of the Mirozhka and the Pskova Rivers. The research was carried out in the early autumn period of 2019. The taxonomic composition of the Mirozhka River included 107 species and intraspecific taxa of microalgae, the Pskova river – 76 species taxa of algae from 7 phylums: Bacillariophyta, Cyanobacteria, Chlorophyta, Ochrophyta, Cryptophyta, Euglenozoa, Miozoa. The basis of the floral complex in both rivers were diatoms and green algae. The representatives of the Ochrophyta department also made a visible contribution to the species richness of the algoflora of the Mirozhka River. The degree of floral similarity of phytoplankton communities of the Mirozhka and Pskova rivers, calculated using the Sorensen-Chekanovsky index, was 55,7% (51 species of microalgae were common to the rivers). The average phytoplankton abundance in the Mirozhka River was 891,9 thousand cells/l, and in the Pskova river – 199,6 thousand cells/l, biomass – 366,9 micrograms/l and 79,6 micrograms/l, respectively. According to ecological and geographical analysis, freshwater widespread planktonic forms of microalgae predominated in both rivers, preferring slightly alkaline waters. Beta-mesosaprobionts prevailed in relation to organic matter pollution in rivers (38,5% – the Mirozhka River; 41,8% – the Pskova River), which indicates moderate pollution of the studied watercourses. The average saprobity index of the Mirozhka River and the Pskova River was 2,1 and 1,9, respectively, which makes it possible to attribute the waters of the studied watercourses to the 3rd class of quality – moderately polluted.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):30-34
pages 30-34 views

Biological features and distribution of nectarophage Timia (Empyelocera) abstersa Loew (Diptera, Ulidiidae)

Kaplin V.G., Narchuk E.P.


The distribution and spatial structure of the range of Timia abstersa (Ulidiidae) were analyzed for the first time. The map of this species distribution is based on the materials of the collection of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It served as the basis for the analysis of the zonal landscape conditions of the distribution of the adult flies of T. abstersa and the cultivation of alfalfa – its main fodder plant. The nectarophagy of T. abstersa flies on alfalfa was first established on the basis of our laboratory and field studies in alfalfa crops in the forest-steppe of the Samara Region and according to literary data on the fodder nutrition of adult flies of this species in the southwestern part of Iran. The distribution of T. abstersa in forest-steppes, typical and dry steppes in lowland, foothill and on mountain plateaus from 28° to 92° east longitude and from 29° to 53° north latitude in the temperate and subtropical zones of Eurasia was noted. Two mountain centers of its formation have been identified in the area of T. abstersa: Transcaucasian-North Iranian and Central Asian. From the Transcaucasian-North Iranian mountain center, this species spread to flat landscapes in the north and northeast direction to Europe, western and northern Kazakhstan, Western Siberia, and from the Central Asian mountain center – in the east: along the foothills and mountains of southern Kazakhstan, northern China to Western Mongolia. The formation of T. abstersa centers is due to the greatest diversity of perennial wild alfalfa species in them, and the expansion of the range of T. abstersa is due to the increase in the territories of widespread cultivation of this crop.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):35-38
pages 35-38 views

Secretive invasive pests Robinia sp. (Fabaceae) in Voronezh

Kondratyeva A.M., Rzhevsky S.G., Aksenenko E.V., Kornev I.I.


Three species of secretive invasive insects (locust gall midge Obolodiplosis robiniae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), miner moth Macrosaccus robiniella (Clemens, 1859) and locust digitate leafminer Parectopa robiniella (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae)) as well as locust gall midge parasitoid Platygaster robiniae Buhl & Duso, 2007 (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) were noted on black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia Linnaeus, 1753) and clammy locust (R. viscosa Ventenat, 1801) (Fabaceae) on the territory of Voronezh. In galls on Robinia leaves, gall midge larvae, pupae exuvia, and pupae of the parasitoid P. robiniae were found, from which adults were bred under laboratory conditions. Galls of O. robiniae and mines with larvae of the moth M. robiniella were noted both on black and clammy locust. Mines with larvae of the moth P. robiniella were recorded only on clammy locust on the territory of the forest park area of the All-Russian Research Institute of Forest Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology. The distribution of P. robiniella is possibly associated with the cleaning of leaf litter in the city. The locust gall midge O. robiniae and its parasitoid P. robiniae are reported for the Voronezh Region for the first time.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):39-45
pages 39-45 views

Monitoring of the condition of woody plants in the central part of the city of Donetsk

Kornienko V.O., Kharkhota L.V.


The dendroflora of Donetsk has been studied – the species composition of trees in stands has been determined, the age structure of plantings has been analyzed, the life condition of green spaces has been assessed, as well as morphometric parameters of trees have been evaluated and models of age dependences of the allometric coefficient of trees, characterized by high indicators of adequacy to the initial data, have been proposed for the first time. As part of the linear plantings of the surveyed streets, 45 species of trees were identified, including 13 species of the indigenous fraction of the local flora belonging to 24 genera and 17 families. Dominant are Populus bolleana Lauche, Acer platanoides L., Betula pendula Roth, Acer pseudoplatanus L., Robinia pseudoacacia L., Aesculus hippocastanum L. and Picea pungens Engelm. The plantings are dominated by species of European (48,85%), North American (22,49%) and Central Asian (18,02%) origin. The most numerous in trees is the age group of 40–49 years. The vital condition of 41% of trees with a fast and medium growth rate is assessed as good with minor signs of weakening, and 59% of plants are marked as severely weakened or dying. For slow-growing trees, 91% of the sample consists of healthy plants with minor signs of weakening.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):46-51
pages 46-51 views

Ecological and evolutionary aspects of the nesting life of black-headed gulls Larus ridibundus) as a colonial breeding species

Lamekhov Y.G.


This article analyzes the ecological and evolutionary aspects of the nesting life of the black-headed gull (Larus ridibundus), which leads a synanthropic lifestyle and forms colonies during the breeding season. The number of individuals belonging to this species began to increase rapidly at the end of the 19th century, which is a manifestation of one of the criteria for biological progress. This direction of evolution is associated with an increase in the level of adaptability of descendants in comparison with their ancestors. The progressive nature of the development of the species affects the stages of the annual life cycle, which includes the pre-breeding and nesting periods. During the pre-nesting period, birds arrive in the nesting area and select a site for the colonial settlement. Arrival dates are determined by temperature, the state of aquatic ecosystems and the physiological characteristics of birds. The nesting period includes the construction of a nest in a certain part of the territory on which the colony is being built. The process of colony formation occurs in stages: single nests, microcolonies, biological center. After the formation of the biological center, nests are built on the periphery. The formation of this part of the colony according to the same stages as the biological center. The biological center deals with the birds that arrive first on the territory of the colony. This area within the colony differs from the periphery in early terms of formation and high density of nests. In the formed colony, the biological center and periphery are distinguished. The colony as a supraorganismal structure is built under the influence of environmental factors that provide a sufficient level of adaptability of this group of individuals to the environment. The obtained materials will make it possible to study monospecific and polyspecific colonies as groups of individuals that exist on the basis of the manifestation of biocoenotic relationships.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):52-57
pages 52-57 views

Species composition of lichens in the zone of impact of a coal mining enterprise

Larina O.A., Yurkova A.V.


This article presents a multi-aspect analysis of lichens growing in the impact zone of a coal mining enterprise located in the Altai District of the Republic of Khakassia. The study was conducted every month from May to October for four years together with the staff of the Department of Biology. The collection of material was carried out according to the generally accepted methodology in the vicinity of the Bolshoe and Stolbovoe lakes located on the territory of the enterprise. The length of the study area was 8 km. 41 species of lichens from 13 families and 24 genera have been found in the vicinity of Bolshoe and Stolbovoe lakes, settling mainly on rocks. Lichen samples were also collected on soil, trees, shrubs and concrete slabs. The familial and generic spectra of lichens characterize this research area as arid and are noted for lichenoflora of the temperate Holarctic. The life forms and ecological groups of the studied lichens on the territory of the Bolshoe and Stolbovoe lakes are typical for steppe.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):58-63
pages 58-63 views

Modern forest climatopes and forest typological zoning of the northern part of European Russia

Nazarenko N.N.


The article considers the current problem of modern scheme of Russia forest zoning designing and methods of forest typological assessment of forest climatopes and forest typological zoning. For the northern part of European Russia at the beginning of the XXI century, the climates of forest thermotopes, contrastotopes and hygrotopes, their spatial distribution, geographical stretching and zoning has been determined by classical forest typological methods. It has been ascertained four zones of forest climatopes, four zones of continentality (zones of forest contrastotopes), one of that has separate semienclave from the White and Barents Seas, and five zones of forest hygrotopes (one of that is disjunctive). A new, previously undescribed climate of the contrastotop of the mild (seaside) forest climate has been identified, requiring an assessment of the forest-growing effect. It has been established that the modern zones of forest thermo-, contrast- and hygrotopes have a different nature of geographical extent, and modern boundaries of zones have characterized by dynamical mobility and indefinite form in most cases, especially boundaries of forest hygrotopes climate zones. The modern forest typological zoning of the northern part of European Russia is proposed according to three equivalent climatic regimes and it has established forest typological regions with maximal area. In connection with complicate of boundaries of zones character it is established that the greatest diversity of forest typological areas are between boundaries of thermotopes and hygrotopes climate zones and from White and Barents Seas and Ural Mountains. The question is raised about the assessment of the actual existence of some selected local forest typological areas as geographical ecotones.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):64-71
pages 64-71 views

The polyvariety of Acer negundo L. individuals development in different conditions of the urbanized environment

Osmanova G.O., Firulina I.I.


The paper studies the morphological and rhythmological polyvariety of the female and male A. negundo individuals development in conditionally clean and conditionally dirty habitats. The morphological polyvariety of leaves has been analyzed according to three characteristics: shape, edge and venation. Of the 5 identified leaf forms, elliptical leaves are found with a high frequency. Two forms of the edge of the leaf blade have been revealed – one-piece and toothed: female trees have an increase in the occurrence of leaves with a jagged edge; in males growing in a conditionally clean habitat, the leaves were mostly whole-edged, and in a conditionally dirty one – toothed. Regardless of the habitat, three types of venation are noted: regular, opposite and mixed. The most common type of venation is mixed. The revealed diversity of leaves in A. negundo, growing in conditionally clean and conditionally dirty habitats according to the three characteristics studied, indicates the manifestation of morphological polyvariety. It is established that the flowering of A. negundo depends not only on weather conditions and the degree of illumination, but also on the location of inflorescences in different tiers of the crown. Even within the same tier, the order of flowering of inflorescences is not the same. The rhythmological polyvariety of the phenophases of A. negundo flowering manifests itself in the asynchrony of flowering, this is due to the peculiarities of individuals of the generative period and is of great biological importance for this species. Apparently, atmospheric air pollution can accelerate phenophases, so male A. negundo individuals in a conditionally dirty habitat bloomed earlier than in a conditionally clean habitat.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):72-80
pages 72-80 views

Carbon stocks in the litter of the middle taiga deciduous forests of the Komi Republic

Pristova T.A.


Data are presented on the stock and content of carbon in the litter-fall and litter of middle-taiga deciduous forests of different ages, which are formed at the site of felling of bilberry-type spruce forests. It has been determined that the litter of birch-spruce young stands accumulates 10 tC/ha, while annually with ground litter 1 tC/ha enters, in aspen-birch stands – 8 and 2 tC/ha, respectively. The results of the research have shown that the contribution of the litter of the underground part of vegetation to the accumulation of carbon in the litter is comparable to the above-ground one and is about 1 tC/ha per year for woody plants and 0,6–1,1 tC/ha per year for ground cover plants. The rate of annual carbon release in the process of litter destruction is 21–30%, for the fall of assimilating organs of trees and plants of the ground cover – 42–79%, for branches, cones and tree roots – 7–24%. The carbon content in the litter is differentiated by subhorizons: its concentration in Oi is higher than in Oe + Oa. In the studied deciduous stands, the increase in litter reserves from the upper subhorizon to the lower subhorizon is inversely proportional to carbon accumulation. The average annual rate of carbon turnover in the litters is about 3 years.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):81-85
pages 81-85 views

Biological features of the rare species Ixiolirion tataricum (Pall.) Herb. in the forest-steppe conditions of Western Siberia

Fomina T.I.


The results of a study of the development and seed reproduction of the Lavender Mountain Lily, Ixiolirion tataricum (Pall.) Herb. introduced to Novosibirsk are presented. Phenorhythmotype of the species is an early-summer flowering hemi-ephemeroid, which grows in the third decade of April, blooms in June, bears fruit in July, and completes the growing season in late July–early August. The seasonal development lasts 94–102 days. The real seed productivity (RSP) averages 11 ± 1 pcs. of seeds per capsule, while the conditional real seed productivity (CRSP) is three times higher. Laboratory germination of seeds in the harvest year up to 98% on stratification at +4°C. The economic longevity of seeds at room storage is preserved for 3–4 years. With soil sowing of seeds, seedlings appear next spring and the plants bloom in the 4th–6th year. I. tataricum is non-sustainable in the collection of the botanical garden, the duration from the appearance of seedlings to the complete death of individuals doesn’t exceed 7 years. Maintaining of I. tataricum in the conditions of forest-steppe of Western Siberia as a rare species and valuable ornamental perennial is possible by regular renewal with local seed reproductions.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):86-90
pages 86-90 views

Soil microbiocoenosis in the agricultural environment as a dynamic system: primary results of the assessment of changes

Khalikova L.V., Kavelenova L.M.


Soil biota is characterized by high structural, taxonomic and functional diversity and determines the leading trends in the process of soil formation, while the microorganisms content in the soil varies widely depending on its chemical composition, humidity, temperature, pH and other properties. On the other hand, the soil microbiome has a significant impact on soil fertility, participating in the conversion of nutrients inaccessible to plants into usable forms. Soil microbiota can promote or inhibit plant growth. The purpose of this work is to conduct a comparative analysis of the leading representatives of the microbiome for soil samples from the territory of the model field of the peasant (farm) economy Tsirulev E.P. (Privolzhsky District of the Samara Region). Soil sampling was carried out in accordance with the methods of sampling and sample preparation for chemical, bacteriological, helminthological analysis. For comparison, 15 samples were taken from the same points of the field in different years – 2019 and 2020. Soil suspensions were prepared according to the serial dilution method. Sowing dilutions was carried out on potato-glucose agar. Microorganisms were identified by microscopic method. The test result was calculated separately for fungi and bacteria. The ratio of fungi and bacteria in % to their total number was determined by calculating the number (N) of microorganisms present in the sample. Chemical analysis of soil samples was carried out according to the following parameters: water pH, salt pH, mass fraction of organic matter, mobile potassium and mobile phosphorus, exchangeable calcium and exchangeable magnesium. Laboratory study of soil samples taken on a model field from the territory of a peasant (farm) economy Tsirulev E.P. showed a fairly stable level of water and salt pH values, moderate variability in the content of organic matter, mobile potassium, magnesium and calcium, with a high heterogeneity of the spatial distribution of mobile phosphorus in the soil. Identification of the presence and abundance in soil samples of typical representatives of soil microbiocoenosis (12 broad-spectrum phytopathogens and 2 phytopathogen antagonists) made it possible to detect microorganisms: – common in this soil environment in both years of research (causative agents of phomosis, yellow mucous bacteriosis); – found for samples of one year in the minimum number of samples, not detected in another year (causative agent of verticillium, gray mold) or significantly increased their presence (causative agents of rhizoctoniosis, anthracnose, cladosporiosis). The presence in a significant proportion of soil samples, from 20 to 50–80% of the samples, was noted for a significant group of objects (Alternaria, Fusarium, Aspergillus, Penicillium, Rhisopus), in both years of research, the presence of the phytopathogen antagonist Trichoderma was detected in all samples. The question of the connection between the revealed changes in the composition of the soil microbiome and the species of plants that were cultivated in this field during a given growing season requires additional data to be clarified, which we will do in subsequent years. Nevertheless, the primary data obtained confirm the existing ideas about the lability of soil microbiocoenosis as a dynamic system that changes its state in response to the impact of abiotic (temperature, humidity) and biotic factors.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):91-97
pages 91-97 views

The evaluation of effectiveness of preparations based on Steinernema carpocapsae (Nematoda: Rhabditida) against the greater wax moth (Galleria mellonella L.) and the yellow mealworm beetle (Tenebrio molitor L.)

Chakina D.A., Rodionova E.Y.


At present, the issue of studying the effect of nematodes on insects has become one of the key issues, as biopreparations are a promising alternative to other chemical insecticides and expand the range of proposed means of protection. The use of biopreparations based on entomopathogenic nematodes is optimal because they do not have a negative impact on humans and the environment. In the course of the work we have identified the necessary concentration of biopreparation based on Steinernema carpocapsae, for an effective effect on the large wax moth and big flour borer. The study showed that the nematodes of St. carpocapsae species quickly penetrate and multiply in the body of the large wax moth. In the first day the biological effectiveness of the prepared suspension was 46,5% at a concentration of 1950 specimens/ml and 87% at a concentration of 3450 specimens/ml; while on the large wax moth the prepared suspension had a much slower effect. On the first day, the biological efficacy was only 24% at the two concentrations. Comparing the yield of nematodes, we found that for Galleria mellonella the concentration of 1950 specimens/ml was preferable, for Tenebrio molitor – 3450 specimens/ml.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):98-101
pages 98-101 views

The effects of Chlorophytum comosum on the indoor air quality

Chuenko N.F., Novikova I.I., Dultseva G.G., Novikov E.A., Savchenko O.A.


In this paper, the authors assess the ability of Chlorophytum comosum to absorb formaldehyde in closed rooms. Chlorophytum comosum was used as a model for studying the gas-absorbing activity of indoor plants. A Chlorophytum comosum plant with a leaf area of 0,46 m² was placed in a sealed exposure chamber with a volume of 0,7 m³. As a model source of pollution, 10% formaldehyde was used, for three days daily sprayed in chamber in the form of an aerosol at a concentration that 2,5-fold exceeded a maximum permissible one. Immediately after spraying, air samples were taken for an hour and a half. A similar chamber without a plant was used as control. Within an hour and a half after spraying, the concentration of formaldehyde in the chamber with plant significantly decreased compared to the control chamber. The rate of absorption of formaldehyde by the plant was the highest on the first day of the experiment. The results obtained show that the Chlorophytum comosum plant is able to effectively absorb formaldehyde from indoor air, up to regulated levels. However, prolonged exposure to formaldehyde leads to a decrease in the absorption capacity, without affecting the viability of the plant itself. Chlorophytum comosum can be recommended for improving the indoor air environment.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):102-105
pages 102-105 views

Specific features of in vitro micropropagation of various representatives of the genus Rhododendron

Shilina D.M., Syrova V.V., Makarova A.E., Shirokov A.I.


One of the best plants for landscaping urban areas are representatives of the genus Rhododendron L. However, there is the problem of obtaining planting material because traditional propagation methods are inefficient or take a lot of time and resources. In vitro micropropagation can be a solution to this problem. The research objects were Rhododendron Helsinky University, Rhododendron hybrid Marianna v. Weizsacker, and Rhododendron caucasicum var. Rosea. Three variants of Woody Plant Medium (WPM) were used for the experiment: with the addition of benzylaminopurine/indolylbutyric acid or naphthylacetic acid/kinetin in the proportion of ¼ mg/l, and a control variant without hormones. The analysis of the effect of different concentrations of phytohormones has demonstrated that for different representatives there are specific combinations of growth regulators. For Rh. caucasicum var. Rosea the hormone-free medium was the most suitable for plant growth as well as the appearance of shoots of order II. For Rh. hybrid Marianna v. Weizsacker, the optimal medium for plant growth was also a hormone-free medium, but the addition of naphthylacetic acid / kinetin enhanced the tillering. The presence of benzylaminopurine / indolylbutyric in the medium had a negative effect on the species and the hybrid. The use of these hormones for Rh. Helsinky University resulted in stimulation of growth and tillering of the plant, while naphthylacetic acid / kinetin hormones caused a depressing effect.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):106-110
pages 106-110 views

The results of the initial introduction of Bupleurum aureum Fisch. ex Hoffm. in the middle taiga subzone of the Komi Republic

Echishvili E.E., Portnyagina N.V., Fomina M.G.


The paper summarizes the results of a long-term introduction study of plants of golden boletus in the collection of medicinal plants of the Botanical Garden of the Institute of Biology of the Komi Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The primary introduction of the species into new growing conditions became possible only by transferring living plants to cultivation from the places of natural growth of the Tomsk Region, followed by propagation of plants from seeds of their own reproductions. The optimal methods of seed propagation of this species in the conditions of the North were revealed: winter sowing with freshly harvested seeds and self-sowing of seeds with further transplantation of emerging seedlings to a new plot with a feeding area of 30 × 30 cm golden is distinguished by high survival rate, winter hardiness and stability in the coenosis. The mass transition of plants into the generative period occurred in the second – third year of life. The phenology and dynamics of plant growth have been studied. The rhythm of the seasonal development of plants in. golden in culture in the North corresponds to the new soil and climatic conditions of cultivation. The growing season is 96–100 days. Golden boletus regularly forms full-fledged seeds, which, after undergoing natural stratification under snow cover, germinate in the spring and give a large self-sowing. Real seed productivity (the number of mature full-fledged seeds) in plants c. golden of different ages varies over the years from 420 to 570 seeds per shoot. The morphobiological signs of the generative shoot were studied in culture and the amplitude of their variability was determined. High and very high levels of individual variability of signs of the floral zone of the shoot indicate the possibility of targeted selection of more productive individuals within the population. For the first time, data on the content of proteins and its amino acid composition in plants are presented. The mass fraction of nitrogen (in terms of crude protein) in the aboveground phytomass was 1,5–1,8%. In proteins from aboveground phytomass, 17 amino acids were identified, including 7 essential ones (threonine, valine, methionine, isoleucine, leucine, phenylalanine, lysine). The proportion of essential amino acids averaged 39% of the total. The highest rates were noted for amino acids: glutamic, aspartic, leucine, lysine, alanine and valine – 13,1, 10,7, 9,2, 8,1, 6,7 and 6,2% respectively.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):111-118
pages 111-118 views

Historical Sciences

The results of researching of Algay site in the Lower Volga region in 2022

Gilyazov F.F., Vasilenko A.A., Surina E.O.


Excavations of the Algay multi-layered site in 2022 confirmed the presence of a stratigraphic sequence of occurrence of the Neolithic and Eneolithic layers. The finds are represented by fragments of ceramics, quartzite and flint tools and production waste, animal bones and bone tools. The upper cultural layer is identified as the Khvalynskaya, middle – as the Cis-Caspian layer, lower – as the Orlovsky Neolithic layer. Stone inventory differs in raw materials, flint and quartzite tools were found. Scrapers of different types, points and geometric microliths were found. As for the ceramic inventory, a fragment of a wall ornamented with a jagged stamp was found in the Khvalynskaya cultural layer. However, this specimen can be attributed to both the Khvalynskaya and Altatinskaya cultures. The results of the technical and technological analysis of ceramics showed the presence of only two technological subgroups of vessels made from silty and natural clays. Vessels made of silt have not been recorded, but the results of previous years of excavations revealed the use of three types of raw materials at the Algay site. The Neolithic layer is represented by pottery with prickly incised ornaments made using the technique of pricking, retreating, and less often incising. The revealed features of the making of the dishes are close to the pottery technology of the Orlovskaya culture of the Lower Volga region, the population of the Varfolomeevskaya site (Saratov Region). The specificity of this sample is the absence of ceramics made in accordance with more archaic methods (the use of silt as the initial plastic raw material), which is known for the Algay site from previous excavations.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):119-126
pages 119-126 views

The ceramics from dwellings of the Tenteksor I site

Vybornov A.A., Laktaeva E.M., Frolov I.K.


The article is about complete publication of ceramic inventory from the Neolithic site in the North Caspian Sea region. It has become eponymous for identifying the late Neolithic of the area of interest. On the Tenteksor I several objects which were interpretated as dwellings or utility pits were researched. But the first article about this complex has summary character without analyzing inventory for individual objects. So, the purpose of the publication is a detailed description of the ceramics inventory for each object. The authors conclude that all three objects are dwellings despite on different size. We can interpretate their features as seasonality. In each house were founded collapses, sets of vessels, single fragments of dishes. Their deep distribution in each object is traced. Ceramics has similar characteristics of making technology, shapes, methods of applying patterns and ornamental compositions. These features are inherent in the Tenteksor type of late Neolithic of the North Caspian Sea. At the same time, the vessels have its own features in each object. It can be explained by chronological differences in the research materials. Radiocarbon dates indicate this.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):127-139
pages 127-139 views

About the functionality of the animal lower jaw in the economy of the Late Bronze Age (from finds of Bay-Kiyat I settlement, Tarkhankut peninsula)

Kashuba M.T., Malyutina A.A., Kulkov A.M., Kozhukhovskaya Y.V., Kulkova M.A.


Investigations of functional features of the lower jaws of animals were carried out at the Late Bronze Age site Bai-Kiyat I. The Bai-Kiyat I settlement is one of the most significant settlements in North-Western Crimea, which was excavated by V.I. Kolotukhin in the 1990s. About 14 living structures, numerous household structures, as well as finds of ceramic fragments; clay artifacts, bones and horns, and stone, and bronze tools were found. Archival materials on archaeozoological collection from this settlement showed that domestic animals (96%) are represented by agricultural species, among which sheep have a large proportion. The lower jaws of sheep were processed and used by the population of this settlement as tools in economic activities. Similar tools are widely known in the Late Bronze Age at many sites, as well in the south of the European part and in Central Asia, and on the Altai sites. According to their functional specifics, they were defined as sickles, tools for working leather, anvils in blacksmithing, etc. Determination of traces of human activity on the bone surfaces and microtomographic scanning showed that the lower jaws of sheep from the Bai-Kiyat I settlement were used for processing animal skin. Thus, complex scientific and historical – archival research for the first time established the role of sheep breeding in the economic system of settled pastoral settlements of the Late Bronze Age and the presence of leather production on the territory of the North-Western Crimea.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):140-149
pages 140-149 views

«I will make no speeches; I come to die»: the duke of Monmouth execution – a simple of Jacobite propaganda, 1685

Gordienko D.O.


The article analyzes a document testifying to the last moments of the Duke of Monmouth’s life. The eldest illegitimate son of Charles II, Monmouth rebelled against his Catholic uncle James II. The rebel militias were defeated by the royal regular army and the Duke was captured. The defeated bastard of royal blood tried to save his life by begging forgiveness from the king, but was executed. Government propaganda used the plot of the duke’s execution, showing him as a weak and weak-willed traitor. The text of the article analyzes a pamphlet describing the various stages of preparation for the execution of the duke. The pamphlet shows Monmouth’s behavior before his death. His dialogue with the priests is given. The attempt of the royal power to force Monmouth to repent is shown. The documents included in the appendix are also being examined – the duke’s letters to King James and his declaration, in which the rebel is blamed before the Crown. The Duke of Monmouth was the last rebel of royal blood in the history of England to claim the throne of the Three Kingdoms. It is concluded that the rebellious duke has no support from the general population and the popularity of his business. The importance of mass media in early Modern England is shown.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):150-154
pages 150-154 views

The activity of E.I. Baranovsky on the preparation and abolition of serfdom in the Orenburg Region in the assessment of J.P. Krechetovich

Khanzhin E.E.


The paper shows the role of Orenburg civil governor Egor Ivanovich Baranovsky in the assessment of Joseph Pavlovich Krechetovich. The work is based on the analysis of I.P. Krechetovich’s monograph «Peasant reform in the Orenburg Region (reform preparation)», in which various aspects related to the preparation of the reform of the abolition of serfdom in the Orenburg province are considered in detail, and the characteristics of the personalities who influenced its course are given. One of these people was the Orenburg civil governor – E.I. Baranovsky, whose activities were aimed at facilitating the life of landowners and factory peasants. The paper presents brief biographical information of I.P. Krechetovich. The biography of E.I. Baranovsky before his arrival in the Orenburg Region is considered. The characteristic of his activity in leadership positions in the Orenburg province is given. The author draws attention to the role of E.I. Baranovsky in eliminating peasant unrest on the territory of the region. A brief description of the provincial committees is given. The influence that the civil governor exerted on the course of meetings of the Orenburg provincial Committee is considered. The author summarizes the historical examples presented in the monograph of I.P. Krechetovich, which testify to E.I. Baranovsky as a far-sighted politician who was not indifferent to the fate of the region entrusted to him.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):164-167
pages 164-167 views

Russian-Asian trade caravans of the 18th–19th centuries: features of organization and everyday life on the road

Abdrakhmanov K.A.


The study covers transport issues of economic relations between Russia and Asian states in the 18th–19th centuries. The paper attempts to systematize the accumulated information about the mechanism of the trade caravan as an important element of the everyday work of merchants engaged in international trade in the period under study. The article describes the key tasks of entrepreneurs in organizing a caravan. Being the main customers of the caravan services, the merchants tried to take into account all the nuances of preparing goods for shipment, from the selection of management and working personnel to the purchase of fastening gear. Emphasis is placed on the elements of everyday life of the caravan personnel, such as the rules for placing cargo on pack animals and caring for them, the gastronomic arsenal of caravaners, recreation conditions, replenishment of water and provisions during the movement. The article describes the principles of selection of caravan masters, their functions and powers. In the course of the study, a number of differences between Russian and Asian caravans were discovered, which existed mainly in the status of caravan masters, the way the owners of the goods travelled and how meals were organized. The source base of the study, formed by unpublished archival materials, narratives of merchants and travelers who traveled in the 18th–19th centuries on pack animals across the Asian steppes and deserts and participated in the everyday camp life, made it possible to recreate the microenvironment of the caravan travel as a unique logistical phenomenon.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):155-163
pages 155-163 views

Russian-Bashkir schools in the Orenburg Province in the post-reform period

Lyubichankovskiy S.V.


The paper analyzes the number, composition and major problems in the work of Russian-Bashkir schools in the Orenburg province in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries The analysis has been carried out on the basis of unpublished sources from the funds of the Joint State Archive of the Orenburg Region and published sources of zemsky records, as well as a number of scientific and journalistic works of the post-reform period. The connection between the development of this segment of the educational system and the theoretical study of the Bashkir language by Russian linguists is shown. The author has come to the conclusion that with time the priority in the system of Russian-Bashkir schools in the Orenburg province was the full development of their graduates in the Russian language, which required, paradoxically enough, more attention to the study of their native (Bashkir) language. The paper proves that the Congress of directors and inspectors of national schools of the Orenburg school district, which took place in Ufa in 1912, initiated a reform of the «Russian-Bashkir non-Russian educational» system aimed at the integration of teaching in Russian and Bashkir languages within the single curriculum. It is shown that since the establishment of the Orenburg zemstvo in 1913 the issues of «non-Russian» education were in the focus of its attention. The study also shows the resistance to the processes of «Tatarization» in Russian-Bashkir schools at the level of regional administration of the system of «non-Russian» education.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):168-173
pages 168-173 views

Cultural and educational work in the Red Army during the Great Patriotic War (22.06.1941–09.05.1945): the first attempts to study the problem undertaken in the Soviet historiography in hot pursuit

Tribunsky S.A.


In the Soviet, post-Soviet and modern Russian historiography of the beginning of the 21st century, it was established that the system of party and political work successfully functioned in the Red Army during the Great Patriotic War (22.06.1941–09.05.1945). Its integral element was (albeit with a relative degree of independence) cultural and educational work. Moreover, in the Soviet historical science, their research was held in the category of priority, which cannot be said about the post-Soviet historiography. The author of the paper has made an attempt to consider the history of studying the problem of cultural and educational work in the Soviet historical science during the Great Patriotic War, figuratively speaking, in hot pursuit. In the coverage of the topic indicated in the title of this paper, the following circumstances are fully taken into account: the conditions for the performance of the first works, determined by the emerging military-political situation, and the process of restructuring of the Soviet historical science during the war; a small number of historiographical and historical sources that were published in the chronological framework indicated above; the absence of works that would correspond strictly to academic canons, the presence of a certain chronicle on them on the subject of the feat of the Soviet people in the fight against Nazi Germany and its satellites; the absence of a proper historiographical understanding of our topic. The paper is made from the standpoint of modern theoretical and methodological approaches, in the key of a lapidary historiographical review (with small elements of conciseness). Consequently, there are no copyright claims to the completeness of the coverage of the problem.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):174-179
pages 174-179 views

Healthcare of the Urals in the second half of the 40s – early 50s of the XX century: problems of material and personnel support

Khisamutdinova R.R., Khomyakova N.V.


This article is discussed the reorganization of the healthcare system after the Great Patriotic war in Urals. The main task of the system was to solve the problem of providing the population with affordable quality medical care. The changing of medical and preventive institutions network, development human resources, the specific formation of hospital bed`s network and the special formation of the hospital fund are reviewed on the base of archival documents and legal sources. It is noted that, unfortunately, a number of problems in the health care system in the postwar years could not be solved: the planned indicators of the bed network were not systematically fulfilled, which had a negative impact on hospitalization of patients and increased the mortality rate; with a general increase in the number of doctors there was a lack of narrow specialists; there was a lack of medical equipment in medical institutions and not in all institutions it was possible to use it in practice. It is noted that the medical service in cities was better than in villages and the large work was done by the government reducing asymmetry in a healthcare system. In spite of technic-material and staff shortage problems there was an intensive development of the region healthcare.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):180-187
pages 180-187 views

Rector-creator: To the 90th anniversary of the Honorary Rector of Samara State Pedagogical University A.A. Semashkin (1933–2023)

Sheremeev E.E.


The article is devoted to the life and work of the Honorary Rector of Samara State Pedagogical University Anatoly Alekseevich Semashkin. The way of his professional formation is shown: from an assistant at the Department of History of the CPSU to the dean of the Faculty of Public Professions of the Kuybyshev State Polytechnical Institute, head of the Department of History of the CPSU and Political Economy, secretary of the Party Committee of the CPSU in Kuybyshev State Institute of Railway Engineers and rector of the Kuybyshev State Pedagogical Institute. The research work of A.A. Semashkin is considered. The article analyzes his policy as rector for the development of Kuybyshev State Pedagogical Institute in the leading pedagogical university of the country (1984–2000). The business and personal qualities of Anatoly Alekseevich Semashkin, his pedagogical principles, personnel, social and youth policy, the system of patriotic education and the formation of the principles of selfgovernment in the labor collective are highlighted. The work of Semashkin by the Kuybyshev/Samara regional branch of the Soviet/Russian Children’s Fund is shown. Semashkin’s contribution to the development of the pedagogical cluster of the Samara Region, to the preservation and modernization of the system of higher educational institutions of the region is reflected. The clash of the traditional model of domestic education with pro Western scholasticism is reflected. The work has been prepared on the basis of generalization and analysis of a wide range of sources.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):188-202
pages 188-202 views

Pedagogical Sciences

Visualization of information in a digital educational environment

Alekseeva E.E.


The development of a digital society as well as the digital transformation of education has a significant impact on the modern educational process. An increase in the volume of educational material involuntarily leads the student to the need to continuously process information flows – both educational and extracurricular. Incoming data must be analyzed, comprehended, divided into useful and redundant, which in turn leads to the need to use innovative tools, digital content visualization technologies that would contribute to its perception, analysis, memorization, interpretation and reproduction. Infographics can become one of these tools, as well as improve the information and computer literacy of students as well as teachers in a digital educational environment. The skills of working with infographics in a digital educational environment can be useful for students in their future professional life and for social adaptation. The paper reveals the relationship between the development of digital literacy of students and the use of infographics and its elements for this purpose, which would allow students to master subject knowledge, skills and abilities as well as meta-subject competencies of the digital society. Infographics is a way of graphical representation of complex information, the purpose of which is to concisely, accurately and reliably represent large amounts of data without losing information. As a result of the analysis of the possibilities of using infographics as a way to visualize digital educational content and its elements in the classroom, for the development of digital literacy of students, it has been found that infographics can be used, for example, to explain the operation of various devices, when teaching programming, to visually illustrate facts or events, to create problematic situations, as reference materials in solving problems.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):203-207
pages 203-207 views

Transformation of technologies and forms of teaching mathematics to foreign students

Balabaeva N.P., Barova E.A., Enbom E.A., Yankevich O.A.


Currently, the problem of teaching foreign citizens in higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation is relevant. There is an urgent need to choose the most rational and adequate forms, technologies, pedagogical tools and methods of teaching students from other countries. In this regard, it is important to comprehensively consider, develop and implement teaching methods that ensure the active and effective involvement of foreign students in the educational process of a Russian university. The problem of providing a teacher of a particular course with accelerated adaptation of foreign students to a new educational environment and the elimination of information, motivational and sociocultural barriers in the development of all necessary competencies comes to the fore. The paper focuses on the problem of designing an effective model for teaching higher mathematics to foreign students based on the interaction of traditional and innovative educational techniques and technologies. Specific possible ways of solving the problems posed are considered on the example of teaching mathematical courses to students majoring in 10.05.02 «Information security of telecommunication systems» at Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics, 10.05.03 «Information security of automated systems» at Samara National Research University and 44.03.05 «Pedagogical education» (Mathematics and Physics) at Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):208-214
pages 208-214 views

The profile of key competencies of teachers with vocational education and training as a reflection of employers’ requests

Golub G.B., Prudnikova V.A., Fishman L.I., Fishman I.S.


The article looks at the results of recent research dealing with the requests of employers in the general education sector for the content and level of formation of various aspects of the key competencies of primary school teachers. The article represents methodology and a tool for building up a profile of key competencies of graduates of the system of vocational education and training. The tool can be used at the level of the regional system of vocational education followed by setting specific tasks for the formation of key students’ competencies before professional educational organizations implementing certain vocational programs. The tool can also be used at the professional educational level to refine requests from employers representing partner organizations. The results of an empirical study are presented, which made it possible to build a profile of the key competencies of teachers with vocational education, which can be used by professional educational organizations for planning the work on the formation of students’ key competencies in the corresponding program. It is revealed that the main function of universal competencies, for employers in the field of general education, lies in the fact that universal ways of activity become the basis for mastering professional activity, though employers rarely allow situations requiring direct access to universal ways of activity. The findings suggest that it is necessary to specify the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards for the key competencies of vocational education and training students in different programs based on the requests of employers, obtaining a specific list of planned educational results of this type for each program or group of related programs.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):215-225
pages 215-225 views

Methodology of educational program design (on the example of «Technosphere Safety» program)

Gorina L.N., Panishev A.L., Freze T.Y.


Changing paradigms of higher education formulate challenges to educational systems in terms of changes in structural elements, their content, technologies and methods of implementation. The genesis of the design and existence of educational systems is the methodological basis (principles, approaches, conditions). To improve the effectiveness of the educational system of training specialists in technosphere safety it is necessary to substantiate the methodological approaches as the basis of system design. Taking into account the professional tasks in the field of technosphere safety the selection of the system of methodological approaches, principles and methods is carried out. The expert assessment of methodological applicability of these methods for the design of structural elements of the system was carried out. As structural elements of the educational system in the field of technosphere safety the following were chosen: theoretical basis of the program implementation, specialist model, educational content, methods and technologies of implementation, monitoring of the educational system. Taking into account the peculiarities in the content of the technosphere safety system, as well as professional tasks of a specialist, the following methodological approaches are presented as the main approaches: system, anthropological, axiological, cultural, risk-oriented, normative, reflexive, process, inversological approaches. The model of formation of the educational system includes: the model of a specialist, the content of education, methods and technologies of realization, monitoring of the educational system, the system’s stakeholders. The proposed methodological approaches are described in terms of applicability to a specific educational system, taking into account the features of theoretical and applied aspect. The proposed format of the technosphere safety training system allows to systematize the process of designing the content of elements and provides a logically determined progressive nature of work. Each element of the system has a set of key concepts describing the content of the element.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):226-234
pages 226-234 views

On the question of the content of the concept of «professional culture of military musicians»

Grebennikova V.M., Stepenko E.A., Nikitina N.I., Illarionova L.P.


The authors of the article state that the content of the concept of «professional culture of a military musician» is due to the specific characteristics of his professional activity (both in peacetime and in wartime). In the article, the professional culture of military musicians is interpreted as a synergetic set of individually mastered professionally oriented knowledge, professionally applied skills, skills, competencies, abilities to follow professional deontological principles for the qualitative performance of their professional duties. The authors of the article believe that the process of forming a professional culture of a military musician at a university can be considered as one of the fundamental conditions for the formation and development of the personality of a future officer as a highly qualified specialist capable of performing his functional duties at the highest possible level. The authors consider a complex of professionally important qualities of a military musician, which are classified as a meaningful component of the professional culture of this specialist soldier. Among the professionally important qualities of a military musician, the following are especially distinguished: discipline (a high level of self-discipline), ultimate responsibility, developed willpower, moral stamina, physical endurance, restraint, collectivism (teamwork skills, which makes it possible to perfect the ensemble performance of military-musical, patriotic works), quick response to changes in the situation, stress resistance. Particular attention is paid to the interpersonal relationships of cadets who are part of the military brass band, the development of their skills and abilities of cooperation, team interaction as important components of the professional culture of military musicians.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):235-240
pages 235-240 views

Problem-based learning in raising motivation when teaching English in a non-linguistic university

Guseva E.V., Khristoforova P.Y.


The article focuses on problem-based learning as one of the means of raising motivation of university students mastering English. It is highlighted that dealing with non-linguistic university students motivation is achieved when we refer to the topics relevant and challenging for their future profession. It is problem-based learning, treated as independent search activity of the students aiming at cognitive activity and strong motivation, that gives great opportunities to solve the problem under discussion. The main notions of problem-based learning, such as its distinctive features, functions and advantages, are further discussed. Realization of problem-based learning is exemplified on the method of projects used when teaching English to students majoring in «Applied information in electronic economy». Based on the unit «Job Interviews and Career» from «The Business 2.0» there was worked out an algorithm of project activity including preparation, organization and putting the project to action, role-play, evaluation of the results. Each of the stages contains the description of the students’ activity targeting at raising their cognitive function and motivation. In conclusion it is stated that method of projects as one of the technologies of problem-based learning is a relevant instrument in forming motivation to learn a foreign language in a non-linguistic university.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):241-245
pages 241-245 views

Selection and creation of the content of Applied Mathematics courses at the university of economics

Dobudko T.V., Makarov S.I.


The changes taking place in a dynamically developing industrial production and society determine the main trends in the field of educational activities. The need for innovative transformations in the training of economists with the appropriate amount of knowledge to successfully solve production and organizational problems is obvious. An analysis of undergraduate and specialist programs at leading domestic and foreign universities of Economics shows that in recent years there has been an increase in the mathematical component in Economics education. The professional training of economists and managers is aimed at the development of a set of qualities and competencies necessary for future professional activity in the learning process. The list of professional and general competencies is regulated by the State Educational Standard. Mathematical courses are basic in the training of economists and managers. Knowledge of the mathematical foundations allows the student to study most of the Economics courses of the bachelor’s degree and continue their education in the master’s program. The ability of an economist to apply the mathematical knowledge gained over the years of study in professional activities makes him/her competitive in the labor market. The most important factor in the demand for mathematically literate economists and managers is the growing digitalization of the economy. The task of selecting and creating the content of mathematical courses in the current paradigm of Economics education is of paramount priority. The paper attempts, on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standards for Economics major, to determine the courses of Applied Mathematics that ensure the development of professional competencies and their meaningful filling with theoretical and practical material, to substantiate the relevance of the chosen strategy for selecting the content of education in mathematical courses.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):246-250
pages 246-250 views

Contextual approach to the formation of ethical responsibility of cadets of a departmental university of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

Zhalmurzin R.B.


The article actualizes the importance of the personality of an employee of the penitentiary system in the correction of a person serving a sentence for illegal actions. The role of the ethical responsibility of an employee of the penal system in inclusion in a system of relations where moral requirements-models prevail over requirements-prohibitions is substantiated. An interpretation of the concept of «ethical responsibility of a cadet of a departmental higher education institution of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia» is proposed. The necessity of using the scientific approach as a multi-level toolkit for the formation of the ethical responsibility of cadets is proved. The possibility of using a departmental university as a scientific approach to the formation of ethical responsibility of cadets of the contextual approach in the educational process is substantiated. Theoretical aspects of contextual education are revealed, which served as a source of a contextual approach to solving various problems in the field of vocational education. It is argued that within the framework of the problem of formation of the ethical responsibility of cadets, it is necessary to refer to the ethical context of the professional activity of an employee of the penal system, as a system of internal and external conditions for the actions and actions of an employee in a specific situation that arises in official activities, determined by (the system of) ethical standards governing the official activities of an employee penitentiary system. The purpose of the contextual approach to the formation of the ethical responsibility of cadets is substantiated, which consists in the fact that the contextual approach in the educational process of a departmental higher education institution of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia ensures the creation of an ethical context for the professional activities of a penitentiary officer.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):251-256
pages 251-256 views

Applying national-regional component in teaching a professionally oriented foreign language to undergraduates of agrarian specialties

Kazakova L.N., Perkova E.L.


The article considers proven in practical teaching methodological techniques and strategies that are effective for the development of oral speech skills for undergraduates of agricultural specialties. Individual tasks and group projects based on the national-regional component are offered, facilitating the adaptation of probation specialists in the professional field and contributing to the development of professional communication skills in a foreign language. An integrative approach, methods of general scientific analysis, and a descriptive method are used. The introduction of a national-regional component is proposed using supportive tables and schemes that facilitate the comprehension of professional information. Visualization of agrotechnical information allows a student to select and apply the necessary amount of data for analyzing to discuss in a concise and accessible form, in a systematic and consistent presentation without the need to memorize. The article presents 2 types of tables useful to perform specific tasks aimed to develop professional competencies in the process of learning a foreign language. The data of the survey proposed to the students are given, the most relevant goals are highlighted in the opinion of undergraduates, achieved with the introduction of a regional component. The introduction of a regional component in the process of learning a professional foreign language contributes to the development of general professional competencies. Besides, it allows you to bring the learning process closer to the conditions of practical work and apply the acquired skills and knowledge of a foreign language to solve specific agrotechnical tasks. The ability to systematize information in the form of tables, formulate a related statement based on the data from a table or a diagram also contribute to the development of professional communication skills in a foreign language, useful for students in later professional activities.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):257-261
pages 257-261 views

Peculiarities of vocal pedagogical culture formation in future music teachers in China’s higher education system

Kislyakova Y.N., Liu B.


This article reveals the peculiarities of the formation of vocal and pedagogical culture among future music teachers in the higher education system in China. Modern requirements for the professional training of future music teachers and their musical and pedagogical culture, including a vocal and pedagogical component, raise the need to modernize the higher education system. The article presents a study of the structure of the vocal and pedagogical culture of a music teacher, which includes four components: axiological, theoretical, technological and creative. The article defines the essential characteristics of experimental, practical, linguistic and research methods for the formation of vocal and pedagogical culture among future music teachers. The analysis of teaching methods allows us to conclude that at present the system of higher music and pedagogical education in China is undergoing serious changes, moving away from the traditional approach to interactive, from theoretical education to practical, and also shifting its focus from focusing on results to focusing on the quality of education. All this suggests that the vocal and pedagogical culture of a music teacher is becoming an increasingly important component of the professional training of future music teachers in China. New methods and approaches to teaching, such as interactive techniques and the active use of practical skills, help students to better understand and assimilate the material, as well as improve the quality of their musical and pedagogical culture. The development of the vocal and pedagogical culture of a music teacher in China is an important area of modernization of the higher education system in the country.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):262-265
pages 262-265 views

The possibilities of using virtual reality technology in teaching a foreign language

Kolesnichenko A.N.


This paper considers the possibilities of using virtual reality technology in the process of teaching a foreign language. The relevance of the topic is due to the emergence of innovative computer developments and the prospect of their introduction into the educational process. The paper contains the definition of the term «virtual reality»; the views of scientists on the appropriateness of using digital technologies for pedagogical purposes are presented. The study gives a comprehensive analysis of modern Internet resources containing virtual reality technology, and describes in detail the possibilities of their use for teaching a foreign language. On the example of the educational program «Virtual Speech», methods of working on creating a presentation and preparing a monologue statement in virtual reality are considered, which confirms the practical significance of the work, the results of which can be used by foreign language teachers. The analysis revealed the advantages of the technology under consideration: creating the effect of full presence and immersion in the language environment, interactivity, expanding ideas about the surrounding processes and phenomena, sensory perception of updated data in a familiar environment, which contribute to the communicative competence development necessary for mastering a foreign language. These features of virtual reality are of interest to students and increase motivation to learn a foreign language. The conducted research allows us to conclude that there are great opportunities for using virtual reality technology in teaching a foreign language.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):266-270
pages 266-270 views

The role of humor in the formation of a positive attitude towards the educational environment and the teacher at a technical university

Kotliarenko I.Y., Odaryuk I.V.


The paper explores the possibilities of humor as one of the pedagogical techniques that form a positive attitude of students towards the teachers working with them and thus contribute to the implementation of successful learning activities. An empirical study has been carried out, which consists in studying the perception of students of their mentors depending on their speech behavior, including the use of humorous techniques. The results showed that teachers who skillfully operate with humorous discourse in the educational process and in extracurricular communication evoke a positive attitude among students towards themselves and, accordingly, towards the discipline being taught. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the effectiveness of the activity of a teacher of a technical university is considered, depending on his or her possession of humorous skills. It’s the first time students majoring in engineering have become participants in the survey on this topic. The practical significance is due to the possibility of using the results of the study in educational activities in order to create a positive educational environment, motivate students with emotionally presented material to facilitate its understanding and memorization. Research methods: description, analysis, systematization, generalization of theoretical material, an experiment to study the attitude of students to students who use humor as a pedagogical technique in teaching. The findings are significant for school and university teachers, researchers involved in the search for innovative tools in teaching.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):271-276
pages 271-276 views

The organization of students’ project activities while teaching English at school

Kulaeva O.A., Bondar L.S.


This paper discusses the problem of educational research and project activities organization while teaching English at school. Despite numerous works and the popularization of this type of activity, for a modern English teacher there are a number of difficulties both at the level of organization and at the level of implementation of project activities in the subject. An important factor determining the success of educational research activities is the research and educational motivation of students as well as teachers. To determine the difficulties faced by a teacher or a head of the educational unit in charge of this issue, the authors of the paper created and conducted a survey of two pedagogical teams. The survey results were analyzed. The authors propose an algorithm for organizing and implementing project activities at school. The authors conclude that a teacher and a student should have a clear idea of what the project is, what they need to do and what encouragement awaits them if the project product meets all quality criteria. The paper can be of interest to beginner teachers, heads of methodological associations, deputy directors who oversee educational research and project activities in subjects.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):277-280
pages 277-280 views

Universal competencies development among prospective foreign language teachers in the conditions of a pedagogical technopark

Lazutova L.A.


The paper is devoted to the study of issues related to the professional training of a foreign language teacher in the context of the transformation of pedagogical education. The idea of ensuring the outstripping rates of development of the pedagogical education system is substantiated. As a result of theoretical understanding of the problem, one of the solutions associated with the unification of education, science and high technologies and representing an innovative educational space of the technopark has been identified. The paper presents arguments in favor of the use of modern pedagogical technoparks: unified approaches to the subject, methodological and psychological-pedagogical training of teachers, improving the infrastructure of pedagogical universities, changing the forms of interaction between teachers and students. The author focuses on the importance of universal competencies development among prospective teachers, which are fundamental in pedagogical activity and in demand by employers. Special attention is paid to the potential of modern sites of the pedagogical technopark – a universal pedagogical IT cluster, a media laboratory, an audience for conducting a professional (demonstration) exam for universal competencies development. Practice-oriented tasks created using technopark equipment contribute to the development of students’ critical thinking skills, analysis of information, search for optimal ways to solve problems, teamwork and development of business communication in a foreign language. The conducted research allows us to conclude that the active use of technological resources in the modern educational space of the pedagogical university allows to develop universal competencies of prospective foreign language teachers and design new learning technologies.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):281-285
pages 281-285 views

Education topic in All-Russian English language Olympiad

Maksimchik O.A.


The article considers the tasks of All-Russian English Language School Olympiad (ARELSO or Olympiad) dedicated to the topic of education. The Year of the Teacher and Mentor stimulates a keen interest in educative value of school subjects and their career guidance opportunities, and also of various contests and Olympiads for gifted and talented schoolchildren. The author emphasizes the importance of ARELSO as a means to identify schoolchildren’s future vocational orientation. Outlining researchers’ contribution to the field of developing gifted children’s potential, and preparing them for intellectual contests and Olympiads, we have to admit the absence of full-scale research into subject matter of Olympiad tasks. The relevance of the study is determined by a thorough analysis of the 2009/2010–2022/2023 Olympiad tasks, and, based on the author’s experience as an Olympiad tasks designer, an attempt to offer examples of municipal level tasks dedicated to the topic of education. Such tasks can be found in all parts of the Olympiad (Listening, Reading, Use of English, Writing). The author emphasizes the thematic importance of the Olympiad and the necessity of regularly designing education topic tasks with the aim of schoolchildren’s vocational orientation.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):286-295
pages 286-295 views

University profile educational sessions at Russian universities: the basic principles of the implementation of the integration function

Miroshnichenko A.A., Baryshnikov A.V., Golubeva I.A.


The article is devoted to the problems of integration processes and the implementation of integration in the space of the Russian Federation by organizing joint activities in the educational sphere. The means of implementing the integration function are University profile educational sessions (University sessions). To determine and describe the basic principles of the indicated function, the authors analyze studies devoted to the retrospective of the analyzed process, modern integration experience, the specifics of the implementation of the integration function in a specific form of organization. The basic principles formulated by the authors are distributed according to the components of the pedagogical process: targeted, meaningful, procedural assessment. The target component for university sessions defines the principles concerning the unification of the university staff and university sessions participants for joint activities, the focus of university sessions on education, the multicultural educational space of university sessions, qualitative and quantitative planning of sessions results. The content component defines principles regarding the inclusion of variable and invariant parts of the program, dynamic and adaptive content. The procedural component defines the principles of joint activities in group and individual formats, ensuring equal opportunities for all participants, the choice of methods, forms and means of joint activities that reflect the best experience of domestic education. The evaluation component involves the systemic use of diagnostic tools, the implementation of constant monitoring. Based on the analysis, the concept of the integration function of the University session at the university is also formulated.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):296-300
pages 296-300 views

Organization of technical students’ project activity in department scientific circles

Ovchinnikova L.P., Mikhelkevich V.N.


The scientific circle of the technical university department is the simplest, human conformable and highly efficient form of additional professional education. Great relevance and demand of social pragmatization of technical students’ project activity in department scientific circles is due to the fact that cumulatively it creates favorable conditions that enable students to acquire knowledge and skills when performing R&D, activates and stimulates creative thinking, and enhances the student’s creative abilities. Organizing students’ project activity, we must put special emphasis on the choice of the subject to be investigated and the content of the creative project. The general methodological approach requires that the subject of the project be in line with the department scientific school. Individual approach means that the form of the project is chosen by the student independently and approved by his/her scientific supervisor. Freedom to choose both the subject and the content of the project enables the individual to acquire some additional super subject competence that he/she considers vital for future professional career. The prime task of organizing students’ project activity in the framework of scientific coterie is to let them independently, under supervision of academic staff, study and acquire heuristic and algorithmic methods and techniques required to search for ideas of progressive and science-intense design and technological solutions of the technical objects under development. The students are to study independently existing evaluation criteria and diagnostic tools to monitor and measure test validity of the research for further use of the obtained results in their professional project activity.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):301-305
pages 301-305 views

English for lawyers: the design of foreign language training

Parnyuk N.V., Don Z.G.


The study deals with the development and design of the foreign language education program aimed for postgraduates getting a Master of Law Degree at Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs of Russia. The research is needed to build relationships across courses while creating and implementing educational programs. The paper analyzes the concepts «interdisciplinarity», «interdisciplinary education» by researchers of national pedagogical science and foreign researchers. It also highlights the characteristics of interdisciplinary education, develops the structure of an interdisciplinary approach to learning a foreign language, and describes the elements of educational and methodological support of the course. It shows the process of the syllabus development as well as the coursebook creation and conducts a questionnaire. The study has shown that an interdisciplinary approach to teaching a foreign language is carried out through the reliance of a foreign language on specialized courses in order to establish significant, from students’ point of view, links between courses to develop foreign language communicative competence as well as improve professional knowledge through language, particularly, the ability to find, understand, synthesize and use knowledge of specialized courses through English and in English, expanding the professional and personal worldview.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):306-312
pages 306-312 views

The use of digital technologies in the educational process of basic general, secondary general and secondary vocational education on the example of the study of regional studies (history of the Samara Region)

Sukhorukova A.A., Buranok S.O.


The development of the information society and the technological development of the Russian Federation poses new challenges for pedagogy. The main trend in the development of modern Russian education is a combination of both traditional values aimed at the formation of patriotism, Russian civic identity, morality, and the digitalization of education. This article discusses the role, significance, and impact on the quality of knowledge of students of digital technologies in the educational process of studying regional studies of secondary general and secondary vocational education (on the example of studying the history of the Samara Region). The authors consider both widely used digital technologies (work in the Microsoft PowerPoint program; use of films; Internet resources; work in the Microsoft Word program) and digital technologies introduced into the educational process. Particular attention is paid to the peculiarities of assimilation of information by students of the considered ICT resources in different age groups. Development and testing of scientific and methodological support of regional history in the educational process, taking into account the use of digital technologies, includes the following aspects: theoretical description of digital technologies; the possibility of introducing into the educational process the study of regional studies; description of the pedagogical experiment.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):313-321
pages 313-321 views

The use of modern technologies in teaching foreign languages at non-linguistic faculties of a pedagogical university

Tukaeva O.E.


This paper is devoted to the study of innovations in the modern education system, as well as their application in the process of teaching a foreign language. The paper discusses the concept of «innovation in education», it is noted that innovation contributes to improving the quality of education. The most relevant is the use of an interactive approach in the process of teaching a foreign language. The hypothesis is that the effectiveness of teaching foreign languages will increase if it is based on an interactive approach. Interactive training helps to ensure the readiness of university graduates for foreign-language professional communication. Interactive learning is understood as a mutual learning process that takes place through a dialogue of participants in the educational process. During this cognitive process, there is an exchange of information, discussion and resolution of the problem, as well as various educational situations are modeled. The paper describes in detail such an interactive technique as an «ideological carousel»; it also gives an assessment of the use of role-playing and business games. The educational value of the game is quite high. With the help of the game, it becomes possible to learn the language in an interesting way, the speech-thinking activity of students is activated, students test various behavioral models that are characteristic of subsequent pedagogical activity.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):322-325
pages 322-325 views

Development of children’s technical creativity through the implementation of a 3D modeling program in the supplementary education system

Chelnokova T.A., Kubekov R.R.


The problem of developing children’s technical creativity is not something entirely novel in pedagogical science. The theoretical foundations of children’s technical creativity were laid in research at the beginning of the last century. However, the changing conditions of modern life, where the pace of technological progress is reaching unprecedented levels, and the question of early involvement of future specialists in the interaction with new technologies becomes particularly important, make research on the involvement of children and adolescents in technical creativity relevant. Of particular interest is the activity of extracurricular educational organizations, which are entering a new stage of their development, actively implementing modern teaching and educational technologies, and expanding the number of educational programs in the field of technical creativity. In this regard, the study of issues related to the activities of educational organizations that actively utilize their potential for developing children’s and adolescents’ abilities in technical creativity becomes a relevant topic of research. The experience of such activities, carried out based on the licensed commercial organization «Andromeda», is presented in the materials of this article. It provides the results of an experimental study, which is based on the formation of 3D modeling skills in children and adolescents.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):326-330
pages 326-330 views

Pedagogical support for achieving subject educational results in the context of digitalization

Yusupova O.V., Galimullina E.Z.


The article is devoted to the organization of schoolchildren’s education in a digital educational environment and the achievement of subject educational results by them, the main mechanism of which is pedagogical support. The article provides an analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature in the field of defining and substantiating the content of pedagogical support. The main ideas and approaches of domestic scientists to the problem of pedagogical support are considered, its structure is considered, the content of pedagogical support is substantiated in solving learning problems in the context of digitalization of education. Under the pedagogical support for the achievement of subject educational results by schoolchildren in a digital educational environment, the authors understand the totality of resources and conditions aimed at enhancing the cognitive activity of students to ensure the effectiveness of the educational process. The authors include digital educational and methodological support, hardware, software, learning management systems; to the conditions – the readiness of the teacher to create a digital educational environment in the subject and work in it, a set of didactic conditions that contribute to the achievement of subject educational results by schoolchildren in a digital educational environment. As a result, the authors propose a theoretically substantiated content of pedagogical support for the process of achieving subject educational results by schoolchildren in a digital educational environment.

Samara Journal of Science. 2023;12(2):331-336
pages 331-336 views

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