The activity of E.I. Baranovsky on the preparation and abolition of serfdom in the Orenburg Region in the assessment of J.P. Krechetovich

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The paper shows the role of Orenburg civil governor Egor Ivanovich Baranovsky in the assessment of Joseph Pavlovich Krechetovich. The work is based on the analysis of I.P. Krechetovich’s monograph «Peasant reform in the Orenburg Region (reform preparation)», in which various aspects related to the preparation of the reform of the abolition of serfdom in the Orenburg province are considered in detail, and the characteristics of the personalities who influenced its course are given. One of these people was the Orenburg civil governor – E.I. Baranovsky, whose activities were aimed at facilitating the life of landowners and factory peasants. The paper presents brief biographical information of I.P. Krechetovich. The biography of E.I. Baranovsky before his arrival in the Orenburg Region is considered. The characteristic of his activity in leadership positions in the Orenburg province is given. The author draws attention to the role of E.I. Baranovsky in eliminating peasant unrest on the territory of the region. A brief description of the provincial committees is given. The influence that the civil governor exerted on the course of meetings of the Orenburg provincial Committee is considered. The author summarizes the historical examples presented in the monograph of I.P. Krechetovich, which testify to E.I. Baranovsky as a far-sighted politician who was not indifferent to the fate of the region entrusted to him.

About the authors

Evgeny E. Khanzhin

Orenburg State Pedagogical University

Author for correspondence.

applicant of Russian History Department

Russian Federation, Orenburg


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