Peculiarities of vocal pedagogical culture formation in future music teachers in China’s higher education system

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This article reveals the peculiarities of the formation of vocal and pedagogical culture among future music teachers in the higher education system in China. Modern requirements for the professional training of future music teachers and their musical and pedagogical culture, including a vocal and pedagogical component, raise the need to modernize the higher education system. The article presents a study of the structure of the vocal and pedagogical culture of a music teacher, which includes four components: axiological, theoretical, technological and creative. The article defines the essential characteristics of experimental, practical, linguistic and research methods for the formation of vocal and pedagogical culture among future music teachers. The analysis of teaching methods allows us to conclude that at present the system of higher music and pedagogical education in China is undergoing serious changes, moving away from the traditional approach to interactive, from theoretical education to practical, and also shifting its focus from focusing on results to focusing on the quality of education. All this suggests that the vocal and pedagogical culture of a music teacher is becoming an increasingly important component of the professional training of future music teachers in China. New methods and approaches to teaching, such as interactive techniques and the active use of practical skills, help students to better understand and assimilate the material, as well as improve the quality of their musical and pedagogical culture. The development of the vocal and pedagogical culture of a music teacher in China is an important area of modernization of the higher education system in the country.

About the authors

Yulia N. Kislyakova

Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank

Author for correspondence.

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, dean of Management and Professional Development of Teachers Faculty

Belarus, Minsk

Bailin Liu

Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank


postgraduate student of Management and Educational Technologies Department

Belarus, Minsk


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