Biological features of the rare species Ixiolirion tataricum (Pall.) Herb. in the forest-steppe conditions of Western Siberia

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The results of a study of the development and seed reproduction of the Lavender Mountain Lily, Ixiolirion tataricum (Pall.) Herb. introduced to Novosibirsk are presented. Phenorhythmotype of the species is an early-summer flowering hemi-ephemeroid, which grows in the third decade of April, blooms in June, bears fruit in July, and completes the growing season in late July–early August. The seasonal development lasts 94–102 days. The real seed productivity (RSP) averages 11 ± 1 pcs. of seeds per capsule, while the conditional real seed productivity (CRSP) is three times higher. Laboratory germination of seeds in the harvest year up to 98% on stratification at +4°C. The economic longevity of seeds at room storage is preserved for 3–4 years. With soil sowing of seeds, seedlings appear next spring and the plants bloom in the 4th–6th year. I. tataricum is non-sustainable in the collection of the botanical garden, the duration from the appearance of seedlings to the complete death of individuals doesn’t exceed 7 years. Maintaining of I. tataricum in the conditions of forest-steppe of Western Siberia as a rare species and valuable ornamental perennial is possible by regular renewal with local seed reproductions.

About the authors

Tatyana I. Fomina

Central Siberian Botanical Garden of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.

candidate of biological sciences, senior researcher of Ornamental Plants Introduction Laboratory

Russian Federation, Novosibirsk


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Рисунок 1 – Продолжительность межфазных периодов в сезонном цикле I. tataricum

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3. Рисунок 2 – Ixiolirion tataricum: А – общий вид растения в коллекции ЦСБС СО РАН; Б – вид зрелых семян под стереомикроскопом (увеличение ×0,63, рабочее расстояние 81 мм)

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