Мақалалар тізімі

Шығарылым Атауы Файл
Том 53, № 7 (2019) Pharmacogenetic Tests for Antipsychotic-Induced Weight Gain
Zhuravleva E., Vel’ts N., Snegireva I., Kutekhova G., Alyautdin R.
Том 49, № 12 (2016) Pharmacokinetic Study of Oxidized Dextrans
Starostenko A., Troitskii A., Medvedev V., Gulyaeva E., Bystrova T., Shkurupii V.
Том 51, № 5 (2017) Pharmacokinetics in Intact Rats of N,N,N′,N′-Ethylenediaminetetrakis-(Methylenephosphonic Acid) Labeled with Gallium-68
Petriev V., Tishchenko V., Smoryzanova O., Skvortsov V.
Том 50, № 9 (2016) Pharmacokinetics of the Polyaldehyde Dextran Conjugate with Isonicotinic Acid Hydrazide
Starostenko A., Medvedev V., Troitskii A., Bystrova T., Arkhipov S., Shkurupii V.
Том 50, № 5 (2016) Pharmacological Activity of 4,5-Dihydropyrazole Derivatives (Review)
Korablina D., Vorozhtsov N., Sviridova L., Kalenikova E., Medvedev O.
Том 50, № 4 (2016) Pharmacopeia Standard Samples and Their Practical Application in the National Drug Standardization System
Merkulov V., Sakanyan E., Volkova R., Klimov V., Shemeryankina T., Yashkir V.
Том 51, № 8 (2017) Pharmacopoeial Quality Requirements for Compounded Pharmaceuticals: Present and Future
Shishova L., Sakanyan E., Shemeryankina T., Gubareva O.
Том 52, № 11 (2019) Pharmacopoeial Quality Requirements for Medicinal Products
Olefir Y., Sakanyan E., Shishova L., Senchenko S.
Том 53, № 8 (2019) Phenolic Compounds of Endemic Buxus Plants in Caspian Hyrcanian Forest (Buxus Hyrcana Pojark) and Their Biological Activities
Karimi E., Mehrabanjoubani P., Es-Haghi A., Chamani J.
Том 51, № 1 (2017) Phenolic Content and Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power of Artemisia Fragrans Willd. and Artemisia Vulgaris l. Herbs
Khezrilu Bandli J., Heidari R., Mohammadkhani N.
Том 51, № 8 (2017) Physical, Chemical, and Kinetic Properties of Trypsin-Based Heterogeneous Biocatalysts Immobilized on Ion-Exchange Fiber Matrices
Holyavka M., Artyukhov V., Sazykina S., Nakvasina M.
Том 52, № 7 (2018) Physicochemical and Technical Studies of an Interpolymer Complex of Polymethyacrylic Acid and Polyethylene Glycol as the Base for Creating Matrix Systems
Anurova M., Demina N., Bakhrushina E.
Том 53, № 6 (2019) Physicochemical and Technological Characteristics of Lycopus Europaeus L. Dry Herbal Extract and Related Compositions
Semkina O., Zvereva V., Dzhavakhyan M., Khomik A.
Том 52, № 9 (2018) Physicochemical Properties and Analytical Method Development for Drug Substance of GML-1, a Novel Original Anxiolytic Preparation
Gaevaya L., Grushevskaya L., Sergeeva M., Illarionov A., Avdyunina N., Pyatin B., Baiburtskii F., Mokrov G.
Том 53, № 1 (2019) Physicochemical Properties of the Original Antidepressant GSB-106 and Development of a Method for the Analysis of GSB-106 Substance
Tarasyuk A., Sazonova N., Shumskii A., Nekrashevich A., Antipov P., Gaevaya L., Grushevskaya L., Minaev S.
Том 50, № 11 (2017) Physicochemical Properties, Toxicity, and Specific Activity of a Follitropin Alpha Biosimilar
Vorob’ev I., Proskurina O., Khodak Y., Gosudarev A., Semikhin A., Byrikhina D., Krasil’shchikova M., Mel’nik B., Serebryakova M., Polzikov M.
Том 50, № 12 (2017) Phytochemical and Pharmacological Vectors from Malva Sylvestris L. for application in Dermatological Practice
Terninko I., Nemyatykh O., Sakipova Z., Kuldyrkaeva E., Onishschenko U.
Том 53, № 9 (2019) Phytochemical Composition, Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activities of Crude Extracts from the Species Euphorbia Atlantica Coss.
Mouffouk S., Gómez-Ruiz S., Benkhaled M., Carralero S., Haba H.
Том 52, № 4 (2018) Phytochemical Investigation, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Assays of Algerian Plant Calamintha baborensis Batt.
Seraoui R., Benkiniouar R., Akkal S., Ros G., Nieto G.
Том 50, № 10 (2017) Pilot and Industrial Absorption-Chromatographic and Membrane Technologies for Isolation and Purification of Plant- and Animal-Based Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients
Narkevich I., Semin A., Kartashova N., Teslev A.
Том 52, № 9 (2018) Planning and Assessment of Bioequivalence Studies of Darunavir Preparations
Uvarova N., Eremenko N., Ramenskaya G., Goryachev D.
Том 50, № 12 (2017) Planning Bioequivalence Studies of Drugs with Narrow Therapeutic Indices
Romodanovskii D., Goryachev D., Olefir Y., Bunyatyan N.
Том 52, № 4 (2018) Plant Juices and Related Medicinal Preparations: Issues of Standardization and Quality Control
Olefir Y., Sakanyan E., Tereshina N., Lyakina M., Shishova L.
Том 52, № 11 (2019) Polyene Macrolide Antibotic Derivatives: Preparation, Overcoming Drug Resistance, and Prospects for Use in Medical Practice (Review)
Belakhov V., Garabadzhiu A., Chistyakova T.
Том 51, № 4 (2017) Polymeric Complexes of Ofloxacin and Their Activity Against Tuberculosis Mycobacteria
Solovskii M., Borisenko M., Vlasova E., Tarabukina E., Zakharova N., Prazdnikova T.
Том 52, № 6 (2018) Porous Oral Drug Delivery System: Tablets
Singh S., Verma R., Kumar L.
Том 52, № 3 (2018) Possible Ways of Studying Pharmacokinetic Parameters of Calcium Preparations
Eremenko N., Shikh E., Serebrova S., Goryachev D.
Том 52, № 6 (2018) Potential Biological Activity and Chemical Composition of Caragana Jubata (Pall.) Poir. (Review)
Kakorin P., Tereshkina O., Ramenskaya G.
Том 50, № 12 (2017) Potential Synthetic Adaptogens. II. Synthesis and Pharmacological Activity of New Conformationally Labile Bromantane Analogs, N-[(Adamantan-1-YL)Methyl]-4-Bromoanilines
Babushkin A., Navrotskii M., Novakov I., Orlinson B., Robinovich M., Sheikin D., Voloboev S.
Том 53, № 6 (2019) Potentiometric Sensor for Benzylpenicillin Determination
Kormosh Z., Markovska N., Kormosh N.
Том 50, № 8 (2016) Potentiometric Sensor for Povidone-Iodine Determination
Kormosh Z., Savchuk T.
Том 53, № 4 (2019) Practical Issues of Preclinical Pharmacokinetic Investigations of New Drugs (Review)
Chistyakov V., Stepanova E.
Том 50, № 5 (2016) Preclinical Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Studies of Pharmaceutical Compositions of the Dipeptide Anxiolytic GB-115
Zherdev V., Boiko S., Konstantinopol’skii M., Raskin S., Alekseev K., Gudasheva T., Mart’yanov V., Kolik L.
Том 51, № 11 (2018) Preclinical Study of the Pharmacokinetics of a New Intravenous Dosage Form of Ubiquinol
Kalenikova E., Gorodetskaya E., Kulyak O., Kozaeva L., Makarov V., Pozharitskaya O., Shikov A., Medvedev O.
Том 50, № 12 (2017) Prediction and Study of Anticonvulsant Properties of Benzimidazole Derivatives
Vasil’ev P., Kalitin K., Spasov A., Grechko O., Poroikov V., Filimonov D., Anisimova V.
Том 52, № 7 (2018) Preparation and In Vitro/In Vivo Evaluation of Antihistaminic Ocular Inserts
Shah S., Nawaz A., Javed H., Rafiq M., Riaz R., Sadaquat H., Akhtar M.
Том 51, № 9 (2017) Preparation and Activity of a Complex of Oligohexamethyleneguanine with P-Aminosalicylic Acid Derivatives
Kedik S., Shatalov D., Isaikina P., Askretkov A., Sedishev I., Panov A., Evseeva A.
Том 51, № 2 (2017) Preparation and Antiproliferative Activity of Glucose – Acetylsalicylic Acid Conjugate
Huang G., Gao H., Yi C., Ai Y., Huang D.
Том 49, № 10 (2016) Preparation and Bioavailability Evaluation of Micronized Steroidal Mecigestone Drug Substance
Nazarov A., Zavarzin I., Nazarov G., Aksenov A., Levina I.
Том 50, № 12 (2017) Preparation and Characterization of Drug-Loaded Phthalic Anhydride Based Hyperbranched Polyesteramide Microspheres
Reddy K., Karpagam S.
Том 50, № 1 (2016) Preparation and Molecular Composition of an Inclusion Complex of Dilsulfiram and Hydroxypropyl-β-Cyclodextrin
Tyukova V., Kedik S., Panov A., Zhavoronok E., Zolotareva M.
Том 53, № 8 (2019) Preparation and Properties of Lysozyme-Containing Eye Drops for Tear-Substitutive Therapy
Romanovskaya I., Dekina S., Sotnikova E., Abramova A.
Том 51, № 10 (2018) Preparation and Properties of Protamine/Pectin-Ag Biopolymer Microcapsules Containing a 2-Arylaminopyrimidine Derivative
Gilevskaya K., Ignatovich Z., Golubeva M., Koroleva E., Agabekov V.
Том 53, № 1 (2019) Preparation of a Horse Chestnut Extract with a 50% Content of Escin and its Actions on Tumor Cell Proliferation and Isolated Mitochondria
Fedotcheva T., Sheichenko O., Sheichenko V., Fedotcheva N., Shimanovskii N.
Том 50, № 4 (2016) Preparation of Biologically Active Film-Forming Materials Based on Polyphosphate-Modified Chitosan
Kasatkina M., Budantseva N., Kil’deeva N.
Том 52, № 2 (2018) Preparation of Gallic Acid – Anhydride Conjugate and Evaluation of Prodrug Release Through Pva-Based Hydrogel
Mahire R., Agrawal D., Patil D., More D.
Том 51, № 1 (2017) Preparation of Liposomal Forms of a Number of Pyrazolesulfonylchlorides and Piperazinecarboxylates
Stepanov V., Bulatov V.
Том 52, № 2 (2018) Preparation of Low-Molecular-Weight Heparins by Radiation-Induced Destruction
Tuaeva N., Trukhan V., Kardonskii D., Eganov A., Grebenkina E., Veselov V.
Том 51, № 7 (2017) Preparation of Nuflein - an Alkaloid from the Yellow Waterlily Nuphar Lutea - and its Cytotoxic Action on Cultures of Normal and Tumorous Human Cells
Fedotcheva T., Sheichenko O., Anufrieva V., Sheichenko V., Fedotcheva N., Shimanovskii N.
Том 50, № 10 (2017) Preparation, Toxicity, and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Complexes of Uracil Derivatives with Polyfunctional Acids
Zimin Y., Borisova N., Timerbaeva G., Gimadieva A., Mustafin A.
Том 50, № 11 (2017) Production Technology for Katatsin Antihypoxic Drug Substance from Roots of Polygonum Coriarium Grig
Sagdullaev B., Shakhidoyatov R., Mamatkhanova M., Turaboev S., Beknazarova N., Aripova S., Sagdullaev S.
Том 53, № 2 (2019) Prospects for Intranasal Delivery of Neuropeptides to the Brain
Shevchenko K., Nagaev I., Andreeva L., Shevchenko V., Myasoedov N.
Том 51, № 10 (2018) Prospects of a Search for Kappa-Opioid Receptor Agonists with Analgesic Activity (Review)
Zaitseva N., Galan S., Pavlova L.
Том 51, № 6 (2017) Protein Glycation During Diabetes Mellitus and the Possibility of its Pharmacological Correction (Review)
Spasov A., Solov’eva O., Kuznetsova V.
Том 51, № 10 (2018) QSAR Modelling of Thymidylate Synthase Inhibitors in a Series of Quinazoline Derivatives
Khairullina V., Gerchikov A., Lagunin A., Zarudii F.
Том 52, № 10 (2019) Quality Control Method for 111In-Oxine Radiopharmaceutical Composition
Taratonenkova N., Lyamtseva E., Malysheva A., Kodina G.
Том 52, № 7 (2018) Quantification of Sofosbuvir in Human Plasma: RP-HPLC Method Development and Validation
Rathod R., Navyasree K., Bhat K.
Том 53, № 3 (2019) Quantitative Determination of Ivabradine and Its N-Demethylated Metabolite in Volunteer Blood and Urine
Smirnova L., Tolkachev B., Ryabukha A., Suchkov E., Kuznetsov K., Magnitskaya O., Petrov V.
Том 51, № 6 (2017) Quantitative Determination of Mycophenolic Acid in Human Blood Plasma by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with Tandem Mass-Spectrometric Detection
Khokhlov A., Dzhurko Y., Shitov L., Kubeš V., Ryska M., Yaichkov I., Shitova A., Shabrov V., Miroshnikov A.
Том 50, № 10 (2017) Quantitative Determination of Total Anthraquinone Glycosides in Cassia Syrup Preparation
Kurkin V., Shmygareva A., Ryazanova T., San’kov A.
Том 51, № 4 (2017) Quantitative Determination of Total Carbohydrates (Recalculated for Fructose After Conversion to Furans) in Burdock Juice
Kopytko Y.
Том 52, № 10 (2019) Quantitative Determination of Total Flavonoids in Blood-Red Hawthorn Leaves
Kurkin V., Morozova T., Pravdivtseva O., Kurkina A.
Том 53, № 2 (2019) Quantitative Determination of Total Flavonoids in Horse Chestnut Aesculus Hippocastanum Buds
Kurkin V., Belov P., Ryzhov V.
Том 52, № 5 (2018) Quantitative Determination of Total Saponins in Aralia Mandshurica Plant Raw Material
Kurkin V., Ryazanova T.
Том 53, № 3 (2019) Quantitative HPLC Determination of γ-Aminobutyric Acid Derivative Mefebut in Bioassays
Smirnova L., Ryabukha A., Suchkov E., Kuznetsov K., Tyurenkov I., Bakulin D.
Том 53, № 2 (2019) Quantitative UV-Spectrophotometric Determination of Ribavirin
Kienskaya K., Il’yushenko E., Sardushkin M., Guznova N., Koldaeva T., Kusmaev A., Ibragimova R., Belova I., Kukharenko A., Shaposhnikova L., Zav’yalova O., Avramenko G.
Том 53, № 2 (2019) Quantum-Chemical Modeling of Vinpocetine Desorption from Silicon and Silicon-Dioxide Particle Surfaces
Polkovnikova Y., Len’shin A., Slivkin A.
Том 50, № 3 (2016) Quantum-Chemical Parameters for Studying the Structure – Ionization-Constant Relationship of N-Substituted Mono(Di)Halo(H)Anthranilic Acids and Their Amides and Hydrazides
Andryukov K., Korkodinova L.
Том 52, № 10 (2019) Radioprotective Efficiency of Recombinant Flagellin and Interleukin-1 Beta with Combined Administration
Murzina E., Sofronov G., Simbirtsev A., Ishchenko A., Antipova T., Aksenova N., Veselova O., Zatsepin V.
Том 50, № 6 (2016) Rapid HPLC-MS/MS Determination of Carbamazepine and Carbamazepine-10,11-Epoxide
Rodina T., Mel’nikov E., Sokolov A., Prokof’ev A., Arkhipov V., Aksenov A., Pozdnyakov D.
Том 52, № 12 (2019) R-Benzylidenehydrazides of NH-Furoyl-5-Iodoanthranilic Acids: Synthesis, Properties, and Analgesic and Antibacterial Activity
Gazizova A., Kurbatov E., Makhmudov R., Bobyleva A., Korkodinova L., Kurbatova A.
Том 53, № 3 (2019) Recent Advances in Antiviral Benzimidazole Derivatives: A Mini Review
Kanwal A., Ahmad M., Aslam S., Naqvi S., Saif M.
Том 52, № 8 (2018) Recombinant Interferons Beta-1a and Beta-1b: Protein Structural Features and Problematic Issues with Identity Confirmation
Goloshchapova E., Runova O., Ustinnikova O.
Том 52, № 6 (2018) Reductive Amination of Sterically Hindered Arylaminoketones Using a Modified Leuckart Reaction
Skachilova S., Zheltukhin N., Sergeev V., Davydova N.
Том 53, № 7 (2019) Relaxivity of Paramagnetic Complexes of Manganese and Gadolinium
Borodin O., Sannikov M., Belyanin M., Filimonov V., Usov V., Rybakov Y., Gukasov V., Shimanovskii N.
Том 52, № 3 (2018) Release Testing of Selected Drugs from Surface Magnetic Nanoparticles and Their Diffusion Through a Membrane
Gronczewska E., Worobiec W., Defort A., Jurkowski A., Kozioł J.
Том 52, № 3 (2018) Research and Development of Solidago Caucasica Herbal Dry Extract
Fedotova V., Konovalov D.
Том 52, № 2 (2018) Resonance Light-Scattering Enhancement Effect of the Y(III)–PUFX–Eosin System and its Fluorescence Study
Bano S., Mohd A., Khan A., Asiri A., Siddiqui J., Hussain S.
Том 50, № 1 (2016) Results of Experimental Studies of the Immunotropic Action of Polyprenols Extracted from Alcea Nudiflora
Syrov V., Vais E., Khidyrova N., Rakhmatova M., Shakhidoyatov R., Khushbaktova Z.
Том 52, № 3 (2018) Reversed-Phase HPLC Method for Determination of Temozolomide in Rat Plasma and Brain: Simple, Sensitive and Robust Method
Attari Z., Kumar L., Mallikarjuna Rao C., Koteshwara K.
Том 53, № 8 (2019) Role of Drug – Drug Interactions in the Efficacy and Safety of Clarithromycin Treatment for Helicobacter Pylori Eradication
Serebrova S., Kareva E., Eremenko N., Prokof’ev A., Kurguzova D., Drozdov V., Lazareva N., Komissarenko I., Starodubtsev A.
Том 49, № 11 (2016) RP-HPLC Method Development and Validation for Simultaneous Determination of Esomeprazole and Diclofenac Sodium in Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms
Khan F., Ahmad I., Akhtar M., Rauf H., Altaf H., Hayat M.
Том 52, № 10 (2019) Safe Use of Systemic Interferons for Multiple Sclerosis Treatment
Snegireva I., Darmostukova M., Kazakov A., Lepakhin V.
Том 51, № 8 (2017) Search for Anti-Inflammatory Agents in the Tetrahydropyrido[2,1-B ][1,3,5]-Thiadiazine Series
Bibik E., Yaroshevskaya O., Devdera A., Demenko A., Zakharov V., Frolov K., Dotsenko V., Krivokolysko S.
Том 51, № 6 (2017) Search for Bactericides Among Derivatives of Deoxyvasicinone, Mackinazolinone, and Thienopyrimidinones
Ortikov I., Turdibaev Z., Islamova Z., Élmuradov B., Abdurazakov A., Bektemirov A., Osipova S., Khushbaktova Z., Syrov V., Shakhidoyatov K.
Том 51, № 9 (2017) Seasonal Oscillations in Statistical Mean Measures of Blood Composition and Blood Cell Morphology in Healthy White Rats
Pushkin A., Drugova E., Kamshilin S., Obraztsov N., Polekhina O., Dvoretskaya S., Churyumova A.
Том 50, № 1 (2016) Selection of Optimum Parameters for Separating Amino Acids in a Thin Layer of Sorbent
Trineeva O., Slivkin A., Safonova E.
Том 50, № 9 (2016) Selection of Standardization Parameters and Development of Quality Control Methods for Isoleucyl-Tryptophan Dipeptide Coordination Complex with Iron(II) (Timofer)
Bunyatyan N., Kholnazarov B., Olefir Y., Bobizoda G.
Том 52, № 2 (2018) Selective Voltammetric Determination of Sulfur-Containing Amino Acids in Drugs and Vitamin Complexes on an Electrode Modified by a Ruthenium-Hexachloroplatinate Film
Shaidarova L., Gedmina A., Zhaldak É., Chelnokova I., Demina V., Budnikov G.
Том 50, № 2 (2016) Separation and Determination of a Mixture of Fat-Soluble Vitamins A, D2, AND E and β-Carotene by Gradient Thin-Layer Chromatography
Trineeva O., Safonova E., Slivkin A.
Том 51, № 6 (2017) Separation of Camptothecin by Ethanol/K2CO3 Aqueous Two-Phase System Containing Tetramethylguanidine
Zhu J., Jin Z.
Том 53, № 4 (2019) Silica Nanoparticles: Preparation, Characterization and Applications in Biomedicine
Morales M., Castán H., Ortega E., Ruiz M.
Том 50, № 5 (2016) Simple and Sensitive Colorimetric Method for the Determination of Milnacipran in Bulk and Swellable Matrix Tablets
Hussain T., Shahzad M., Hayat K., Hussain K., Bukhari N.
Том 52, № 2 (2018) Simple Extraction Cum RP-HPLC Method for Estimation of Nanotized Quercetin in Serum and Tissues of Mice
Gupta K., Sharma A., Gupta R., Dixit S., Singh S., Das M., Dwivedi P.
Том 51, № 12 (2018) Simultaneous Determination of Metoprolol and Bisoprolol in Human Serum by HPLC-MS/MS for Clinical Drug Monitoring
Rodina T., Mel’nikov E., Dmitriev A., Belkov S., Sokolov A., Arkhipov V., Prokof’ev A.
Том 51, № 9 (2017) Sites of Action of Subtoxic Doses of the Iodine-Containing X-Ray Contrast Medium Iopromide on the Kidney and the Search for Means of Preventing the Development of Nephropathy
Sukoyan G., Kezeli T., Dolidze N., Fedorova M., Golovach V., Shimanovskii N.
Том 53, № 5 (2019) Solid Lipid Nanoparticles and Nanostructured Lipid Carriers: Emerging Lipid Based Drug Delivery Systems
Shirodkar R., Kumar L., Mutalik S., Lewis S.
Том 53, № 9 (2019) Solid State Fermentation Optimization of Pleurotus Ostreatus for Lovastatin Production
Atlı B., Yamaç M., Yıldız Z., Şőlener M.
Том 50, № 3 (2016) Solid-State Ion-Selective Electrode with an Ion – Electron Transducer for Doxycycline Determination
Ryasenskii S., Feofanova M., Vasil’eva D., Mantrov G.
Том 52, № 3 (2018) Solubility and Stability of Proroxan at Various PH Values
Krechetov S., Nifontova G., Dolotova O., Veselov M.
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