
Laparoscopic pelvic exenteration for malignant tumors of the female reproductive system: a case series
Lyadov V., Nevrov A., Garipov M., Moskalenko A., Simbiryov T., Galkin V.
Avastin in clinical chemotherapy of malignant tumors
Gorbunova V.
HPV-associated lesions in the Russian Federation: assessment of the problem
Briko N., Lopukhov P., Kaprin A., Novikova E., Trushina O., Khaldin A., Isaeva D., Skvortsova A.
Cardiovascular toxicity of chemotherapy and thyroid status of patients with gastric and colon cancer: Current state of the problem. A review
Stanoevich I., Ioutsi V., Lysovolenko N., Alekseev I., Kondrashkina A., Polianskii M., Pis'mennaia E.
Following in the footsteps of SABCS 2022: top 16 early breast cancer studies that could change our clinical practice: A review
Kolyadina I.
Characteristics of the receptor phenotype of tumor-associated immune cells of the epithelial-mesenchymal microenvironment of ovarian cancer
Zhurman V.
PARP (Poly ADP‐Ribose Polymerase) inhibitors for locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer (Russian Translation of Cochrane Plain Language Summary)
Uvarova K.
Experience in the treatment of radioinduced angiosarcoma of the breast in a patient with primary multiple lesions of the breast and bladder. Case report
Semenov E., Gasymly D., Zyuzyukina A., Zukov R.
The ability to combine autodermoplasty in the treatment of patients with malignant tumors of the skin extremities (clinical observation)
Vaschenko L., Dashkova I., Kechedzhieva E., Babieva S.
Disability-Adjusted Life Year (DALY) assessment and economic damage from premature death of cervical uterine and ovarian cancers in the Tomsk Region
Zhuikova L., Ananina O., Sirotina A., Pikalova L., Fokin V., Kononova G.
Erythropoietin as an adjuvant treatment with (chemo) radiation therapy for head and neck cancer (Russian Translation of Cochrane Plain Language Summary – PLS)
Alexandrova E.
Keliks (pegilirovannyy liposomal'nyy doksorubitsin) v programmnoy terapii 2-y linii metastaticheskogo raka molochnoy zhelezy
Clinical benefits of parenteral iron carboxymaltose in patients with colorectal cancer: a retrospective observational study
Postolov M., Suvorov V., Kravets A.
Safety and efficacy of ribociclib in combination with letrozole in an extended population of patients with HR+/HER2- advanced breast cancer: analysis of data from a subgroup of patients from Russia in the phase lllb CompLEEment-1 study
Zhukova L., Bolotina L., Dvornichenko V., Fadeeva N., Ganshina I., Grechukhina K., Hasanova A., Kislov N., Kudryavtsev I., Manikhas A., Musaeva N., Nizhegorodtseva A., Sadikova O., Sakaeva D., Snegovoy A., Stroyakovskiy D., Tjulandin S., Trishkina E., Vladimirova L., Volkov N., Kostalanova Y.
Membrane (CD8⁺PD-1⁺ and CD4+PD-1⁺) and soluble (sPD-1 and sPD-L1) forms of immune checkpoints in melanoma, breast cancer, and oral mucosal cancer patients: A observational study
Zabotina T., Chertkova A., Borunova A., Kushlinskii N., Gershtein E., Zakharova E., Shoua E., Tsiklauri V., Samoylenko I., Khoroshilov M., Kadagidze Z.
Place of durvalumab in the treatment of biliary tract cancer: A review
Breder V., Ledin E., Chubenko V., Orlova R., Petkau V., Pokataev I.
Place of CDK 4/6 and PARP inhibitors in the modern treatment approach of HER2-negative breast cancer
Editorial B.
Clinical prognostic factors of bilateral synchronous renal cancer
Komarov M., Matveev V., Volkova M., Komarov I., Ridin V.
Anxiety and cognitive impairment in elderly patients with gastrointestinal cancers
Stilidi I., Kotyukova A., Lyadov V.
Passive smoking prevalence among patients of krasnoyarsk regional oncologic dispensary
Kutumova O., Kononova L., Dobretsova E., Shulmin A., Korotkova K., Rossiyeva T.
Klinicheskie sluchai lecheniya gepatotsellyulyarnogo raka v Rossii. Klinicheskiy sluchay 1 Bolee chem 3-letnyaya stabilizatsiya protsessa gepatotsellyulyarnogo raka na fone dlitel'nogo priema preparata sorafenib
Sheko S., Dem'yanova G.
Effect of internal subtype on the efficacy of CDK4/6 inhibitor therapy in advanced HR+/HER2breast cancer: A review
Grechukhina K., Filonenko D., Sukhova M., Zhukova L.
Hereditary forms of breast malignant neoplasms: prognosis, screening and prevention. A review
Sultanbaev A., Kolyadina I., Gilyazova I., Nasretdinov A., Musin S., Sultanbaeva N., Menshikov K.
Determination of sentinel lymph nodes in gynecological cancer using the radiopharmaceutical Sentiscan. A case series
Shevchuk A., Krylov A., Knyazev R., Afanasieva K.
Which faecal blood test is more accurate in detecting bowel cancer and large polyps in population screening? (Russian Translation of Cochrane Plain Language Summary (PLS))
Plyakhina K.
Malignant neoplasm of the bronchi and lung: Russian clinical guidelines
Laktionov K., Artamonova E., Borisova T., Breder V., Bychkov I., Vladimirova L., Volkov N., Ergnian S., Zhabina A., Kononets P., Kuz’minov A., Levchenko E., Malikhova O., Marinov D., Miller S., Moiseenko F., Mochal’nikova V., Novikov S., Pikin O., Reutova E., Rodionov E., Sakaeva D., Semenova A., Smolin A., Sotnikov V., Tuzikov S., Turkin I., Tiurin I., Chkhikvadze V., Kolbanov K., Chernichenko A., Fedenko A., Filonenko E., Nevol’skikh A., Ivanov S., Khailova Z., Gevorkian T., Butenko A., Gil’mutdinova I., Gridneva I., Eremushkin M., Zernova M., Kasparov B., Kovlen D., Kondrat’eva K., Konchugova T., Korotkova S., Krutov A., Obukhova O., Ponomarenko G., Semiglazova T., Stepanova A., Tkachenko G., Khulamkhanova M.
Regorafenib: from clinical research to clinical practice
Fedyanin M., Tryakin A.
Current algorhytm of screening and early diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma
Tikhonov I., Pavlov C., Mayevskaya M., Ivashkin V.
Toxicity and safety of the combination of lenvatinib with pembrolizumab in patients with advanced renal cell cancer: The Russian phase IV observational study
Volkova M., Kalpinskiy A., Goncharova O., Menshikov K., Karabina E., Dergunov A., Polshina N., Alexandrova E., Lebedinets A., Panov A., Sultanbaev A., Usynin E., Volkonskiy M., Mikhalyuk V., Zukov R., Anzhiganova Y., Gusniev M., Igumnova E., Kuzmicheva S., Pokataev I., Olshanskaya A., Pervakova N., Parsadanova E., Sannikova T., Bystrov A., Dubovichenko D., Miliausha M., Chubenko V., Shkret K., Gorshenina M., Davlatova M., Kosareva A., Lutoshkina O., Maslova O., Makhnutina M., Mishina A., Murzalina M., Podyacheva O., Kalinin S., Mailyan O., Safarova A., Semenova K., Strokova M., Urashkina E., Shmygina O.
Experience with olaparib in the treatment of BRCA-associated tumors in real clinical practice. Observational study
Sultanbaev A., Menshikov K., Musin S., Nasretdinov A., Fatikhova A., Izmailov A., Lipatov O., Ayupov R., Sultanbaeva N., Menshikova I., Serebrennikov G.
Supportive therapy for ovarian cancer
Pokataev I., Tyulyandin S.
A population-based portrait of breast cancer in russia: a cancer register-based analysis in russian
Poddubnaya I., Kolyadina I., Kalashnikov N., Borisov D., Makarova M.
Targetnaya terapiya rasprostranennogo raka pochki: problema vybora preparata na primere mul'tikinaznykh ingibitorov
Matveev V.
Tsetuksimab pri lechenii metastaticheskogo kolorektal'nogo raka
Sekacheva M., Skipenko O.
EDP chemotherapy combined with somatostatin analogues and mitotane in the treatment of disseminated adrenocortical carcinoma: a clinical case
Magamedova O., Oganesyan L., Feoktistova P., Feidorov I.
Malignant neoplasm of the bronchi and lung: Russian clinical guidelines
Laktionov K., Artamonova E., Borisova T., Breder V., Bychkov I., Vladimirova L., Volkov N., Ergnian S., Zhabina A., Kononets P., Kuzminov A., Levchenko E., Malikhova O., Marinov D., Miller S., Moiseenko F., Mochal’nikova V., Novikov S., Pikin O., Reutova E., Rodionov E., Sakaeva D., Sarantseva K., Semenova A., Smolin A., Sotnikov V., Tuzikov S., Turkin I., Tyurin I., Chkhikvadze V., Kolbanov K., Chernykh M., Chernichenko A., Fedenko A., Filonenko E., Nevol’skikh A., Ivanov S., Khailova Z., Gevorkian T., Butenko A., Gil’mutdinova I., Gridneva I., Eremushkin M., Zernova M., Kasparov B., Kovlen D., Kondrat’eva K., Konchugova T., Korotkova S., Krutov A., Obukhova O., Ponomarenko G., Semiglazova T., Stepanova A., Khulamkhanova M.
Dual immunological blockade in the treatment of metastatic non-small cell lung cancer: reality and perspectives
Yudin D., Laktionov K., Laktionova L., Breder V.
The role of bevacizumab in the treatment of patients with ovarian and cervical cancer
Khokhlova S.
Isolated metastasis to the scalp in occult breast cancer: a clinical case
Ognerubov N., Sergeev R., Hizhnyak A., Ognerubova M., Dzhabrailov M.
Clinical factors of the risk of hyperplastic endometry processes on tamoxifen therapy with breast cancer: Retrospective population study
Golubenko E., Savelyeva M., Poddubnaya I., Korennaya V.
Second primary cancer in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: case report
Agabekyan G., Stelmakh D., Aydarbekova A.
The role of targeted therapy in the treatment of advanced hepatocellular carcinoma
Shakhnovich E., Kerbikov O., Kulaga E.
Mesto tsetuksimaba v terapii metastaticheskogo raka tolstoy kishki
Artamonova E.
Estramustina fosfat (estratsit) v lechenii raka predstatel'noy zhelezy (po materialam Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2005 ASCO Proceedings)
Podregul'skiy K.
Endoscopic criteria for early differential diagnosis of gastritis-like form of primary non-Hodgkin's lymphomas and gastric cancer: A prospective study
Lozovaia V., Malikhova O., Tumanyan A., Gusarova O.
Rare histological subtypes of bladder cancer in clinical practice: a case series
Paychadze A., Golubeva S., Kamalova M.
Diagnostic potential of endosonography in primary and secondary esophageal tumors: retrospective study
Khalaev Z., Suleymanov E., Malikhova O., Tumanyan A., Krylovetskaia M., Kontsevaya A., Salimova A., Makarova M.
The era of immuno-oncology in onco-urology: what have we achieved? The review of the symposium of the alliance between Merck and Pfizer held within the framework of the XXV Russian Oncology Congress. November 9, 2021
Editorial B.
Cabazitaxel in the treatment of metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer
Ognerubov N.
Squamous cell breast cancer: description of a rare clinical case
Zikiryakhodjaev A., Khakimova S., Rasskazova E., Saribekian E., Omarova D., Surkova V., Khakimova G.
PARP inhibitors in female reproductive system cancers
Pokataev I., Tyulyandin S.
Efficacy and safety of pemetrexed maintenance therapy in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer: a review of phase III studies
Kit O., Vladimirova L., Sholokhova E.
Denosumab (AMG-162) v profilaktike osteoporoza, vyzvannogo priemom ingibitorov aromatazy u bol'nykh rakom molochnoy zhelezy v ad\"yuvantnoy terapii i u bol'nykh rakom predstatel'noy zhelezy pri polnoy androgennoy blokade
Lichinitser M., Semenov N.
Neksavar® (sorafenib)v lechenii rasprostranennogo pochechno-kletochnogo raka
Podregul'skiy K.
Fraksiparin kak osnovnoe sredstvo profilaktiki tromboembolii legochnoy arterii v posleoperatsionnom periode u bol'nykh kolorektal'nym rakom
Makarov O.
Benefits and limitations of breastfeeding for mothers with malignant tumors
Ladodo O., Iurova M., Khokhlova S., Rodionov V., Sheshko E., Zubkov V., Makieva M., Chutkova D., Akhapkina E., Degtyarev D.
Real-world experience with trastuzumab deruxtecan in patients with metastatic HER2-positive breast cancer and HER2-positive gastric cancer: A retrospective study
Evdokimov V., Bloshchinenko A., Abolmasov A., Vilensky A., Laskov M.
Following in the footsteps of SABCS 2022: top 12 advanced breast cancer studies that could change our clinical practice: A review
Kolyadina I.
Cabozantinib in the treatment of patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma
Volkova M., Turupaev K., Kalinin S.
Modern ultrasound technologies in monitoring the effectiveness of chemotherapy for cervical cancer
Musaeva Z., Chekalova M., Mesheryakov A.
The potential use of oncolytic viruses in breast cancer: historical aspects and future prospects (literature review)
Morozov D., Kolyadina I., Poddubnaya I., Chumakov P., Ilinskaya G., Bokhian V., Sopova M.
Adenosquamous carcinoma of the colon: case report
Nefedova N., Kharlova O., Malkov P., Kharlov N., Danilova N.
Second line chemotherapy for advanced biliary cancer: FOLFOX versus FOLFIRI: Analysis of retrospective and prospective data
Savchenko I., Stilidi I., Dzhanyan I., Antonova E., Polyakov A., Egorova A., Chulkova S., Breder V.
Efficacy and safety of alpelisib in patients with HR+HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer in real clinical practice: Results of a single-center observational retrospective study
Sultanbaev A., Kolyadina I., Menshikov K., Musin S., Nasretdinov A., Sultanbaeva N., Rakhimov R., Lipatov D., Menshikova I., Izmailov A., Lipatova E.
Clinical and morphological features of breast tumors with PIK3CA mutations in Russian patients: Observational study
Sokolova T., Solov'eva T., Aleksakhina S., Janus G., Goryainova A., Gluzman M., Orlova R., Stukan A., Zukov R., Zyuzyukina A., Murunova Y., Sultanbaev A., Vorobeva E., Mikhaevich L., Pyliv V., Lysenko A., Khachmamuk Z., Kozlov A., Bakharev S., Parsyan S., Rossokha E., Osidze L., Shumskaya I., Agaeva A., Kasmynina T., Klimenko V., Akhmetgareeva K., Vakhitova A., Chakhkieva M., Dmitriev V., Bakshun Y., Vasilyev A., Gasimly D., Kravchenko N., Maksimov D., Nesterova A., Sharvashidze I., Gadzaova C., Rakhmankulova G., Khamgokov Z., Amirkhanova I., Bembeeva L., Vladimirov V., Petrenko O., Ruskova N., Serikova E., Subbotina K., Tkachenko S., Chang V., Erdniev S., Barbara V., Vasilevskaya A., Mikheeva Y., Popova N., Startseva E., Fateeva A., Yukalchuk D., Grechkina A., Musaeva K., Odintsova S., Stel'makh A., Khabibulaeva P., Khlobystina A., Shvaiko K., Basova E., Bogomolova I., Bolieva M., Goldberg V., Kibisheva M., Menshikov K., Ryazanov D., Stepanova M., Udalova Y., Shkradyuk A., Chapko Y., Shchukina A., Khabriev I., Kirtbaya D., Degtyarev A., Epkhiev A., Tyugina Y., Murachuev M., Togo A., Ievleva A., Imyanitov E.
Osimertinib for the first-line treatment of EGFR-positive non-small cell lung cancer
Reutova E., Laktionov K., Iudin D., Neliubina L., Gorokhova G., Egorova A.
Clinical cases of treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma
Lazarev S., Mamontov K., Manihas G., Antimonik N.
Lechenie metastazov kolorektal'nogo raka v pecheni
Patyutko Y., Sagaydak I., Pylev A., Podluzhnyy A., Chuchuev E., Shishkina N.
Primenenie tsetuksimaba v lechenii ploskokletochnogo raka golovy i shei
Romanov I., Kupchan D.
Femara (letrozol) v sovremennoy terapii raka molochnoy zhelezy
Perevodchikova N.
8 let nadezhdy: novye dannye issledovaniya ATAS
Primenenie Zomety na fone endokrinnoy terapii Femaroy u bol'nykh rakom molochnoy zhelezy s metastazami v kosti
Konstantinova M., Ovchinnikova L., Lomakin N., Galleev M., Neretina E., Mukhamedshina G., Mukhametgaleeva F.
Immunogistokhimicheskoe opredelenie ekspressii HER2/neu pri rake molochnoy zhelezy (po dannym Smolenskogo oblastnogo onkologicheskogo klinicheskogo dispansera)
Shisterova O., Golik E.
K voprosu o diagnostike raka yaichnikov pri polineoplaziyakh
Payanidi Y., Sel'chuk V., Zhordania K., Asanov A., Zakharova T., Savelov N.
Vozmozhnosti lekarstvennoy terapii raka sheyki matki
Kharitonova T.
Aromazin (ekzemestan) v neoad\"yuvantnoy i ad\"yuvantnoy gormonoterapii raka molochnoy zhelezy
Makarenko N.
Znachenie taksanov v neoad\"yuvantnoy terapii raka molochnoy zhelezy
Bozhok A., Semiglazov V., Kletsel' A., Arzumanov A., Ivanova O., Semiglazov V.
Ribociclib + adjuvant hormone therapy in early breast cancer: prevention of recurrence. New opportunities. A review
Ognerubov N.
The effect of hormonal contraception on the risk of breast cancer: A review
Iurova M., Mezhevitinova E., Yakushevskaya O., Rodionov V., Prilepskaya V.
Updates in urologic oncology guidelines: prostate cancer: A review
Volkova M., Alekseev B., Nosov D., Nyushko K.
Current concepts of neuroendocrine cancer of the prostate: a clinical case and review of the literature
Chizh G., Tyutrina Y., Protsenko S., Dzhelialov E., Latipova D.
Analysis of the complications of endocrine therapy with tamoxifen in breast cancer: clinical and pharmacogenetic aspects. Prospective pharmacogenetic cohort study
Savelyeva M., Golubenko E., Sozaeva Z., Poddubnaya I., Korennaya V.
Triple-negative breast cancer: new options for systemic targeted therapy. A review
Andreev D., Zavyalov A.
Targeted therapy of brain metastases in patients with ALK-positive non-small cell lung cancer: A review
Sakaeva D., Bulavina I.
Surgical treatment of recurrent ovarian cancer: A review
Egenov O., Stilidi I., Tyulyandina A.
Breast cancer immunophenotype and its relationship with haematopoiesis
Ryabchikov D., Chulkova S., Shamilov F., Chanturia N., Zheltikov S., Tupitsyn N.
Sarcopenia, sarcopenic obesity, myosteatosis as factors of poor prognosis in gastrointestinal tract tumors: review
Dikova T., Zatsepina A., Fedorinov D., Lyadov V.
Don’t let it disappear: new opportunities to prolong the life of HR+ HER2- advanced breast cancer patients. Event review of the satellite symposium. RUSSCO Big Conference «Breast Cancer» (online). January 28th, 2021
Board E.
Modern possibilities of radiological diagnosis of bladder cancer
Suchilova M., Nikolaev A., Shapiev A., Mukhutdinova G., Tkacheva P., Nikiforova M., Gombolevskiy V., Morozov S.
Clinical and morphological case of lung cancer with generalized metastases to the internal organs
Vorobeva O.
Modern perspectives in sequential therapy for metastatic colorectal cancer with reference to the use of regorafenib
Sekacheva M., Nuriev R., Rozhkov A., Semenkov A., Bagmet N., Boroda A.
Clinical case of long-term use of osimertinib in the treatment of EGFR mutation-positive lung adenocarcinoma
Odintsova S., Sviridenko M., Cheremnykh A., Filippova E., Urtenova M., Orlov S.
Molecular-biological marker Bcl-2 in colorectal cancer: the characteristics, the role of mechanisms regulating apoptosis, the effect on the prognosis (review of literature)
Darenskaia A., Dobrova N., Stepanova E.
Opportunities of the pharmacogenetic approach to personalized tamoxifen breast cancer therapy: case reports
Savelyeva M., Dudina I., Zaharenkova J., Ignatova A., Ryzhikova K., Sozaeva Z., Kudlay D., Perfileva O., Poddubnaya I.
The first experience of immunotherapy application of ipilimumab in combination with chemotherapy of small-cell lung cancer in the Russian population. Analysis of the combined data of two centers, participating in the multicenter randomized phase III study СА 184-156
Kuzminov A., Gorbunova V., Poddubskaya E., Bagrova S., Baranova M., Laktionov K.
Cost-effectiveness analysis of ixabepilone use in monotherapy in patients with locally advanced and metastatic breast cancer resistant to treatment with anthracyclines, taxanes and capecitabin
Kolbin A., Mosikyan A., Balykina Y., Proskurin M.
Irreversible electroporation of locally advanced unresectable pancreatic cancer
Patyutko Y., Polyakov A., Kudashkin N., Podluzhnyi D., Chistyakova O.
Brachytherapy with ultrasound assistance in patients with cervical cancer
Kizhaev Y., Razumova E., Bessolova O.
Long-term treatment of neuroendocrine tumor of the pancreas
Khvastunov R., Egorov S., Kargin A., Kim A.
Bioequivalence assessment of BCD-022 (trastuzumab, manufactured by JSC BIOCAD, Russia) as compared with Herceptin® (F.Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Switzerland), used in combination with paclitaxel in HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer patients: findings of the international, double-blind phase III clinical study
Ignatova E., Burdaeva O., Kopp M., Kotiv B., Udovitsa D., Stroiakovskii D., Alekseev S., Sheveleva L., Khorinko A., Shapovalova I., Moiseenko V., Ivanov R.
Clinical and prognostic significance of matrix metalloproteinase-7 and vascular endothelium growth factor in patients with ovarian cancer
Knyazev R., Poddubnaya I., Bokin I., Barinov V.
Efficacy and safety of extimia® (empegfilgrastim): results of a double-blind controlled phase iii study in patients with diagnosis «breast cancer» receiving myelosuppressive chemotherapy
Krivorotko P., Burdaeva O., Nechaeva M., Frolova M., Kopp M., Abrosimova A., Ivanov R.
Immunological heterogeneity of stage I breast cancer:biological, population-based and prognostic value (international cooperation experience)
Kolyadina I., Poddubnaya I., Van de Velde C., Kuppen P., Frank G., Komov D., Karseladze A., Bastiaannet E., Dekker-Ensink N.
Targeted therapy for metastatic renal cell carcinoma
Porta C., Tsimafeyev I.
Modern technology of radiation therapy: IMRT, VMAT using simultanting integrated boost (SIB) in the complex treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of the anal canal
Tkachev S., Glebovskaya V., Rasulov A., Tsariuk V., Aliev V., Vodyanik V.
Algorithm of treatment of patients with castrate-resistant prostate cancer: modern concept and perspectives
Alekseev B., Nyushko K., Kalpinskiy A., Kaprin A.
New aspects of the first-line chemotherapy in colorectal cancer
Artamonova E.
Press-release. The resolution of oncologists of the North-West Federal District: screening for female reproductive system cancers is required
Rezul'taty «Epidemiologicheskoy programmy skrininga HER2-statusa u bol'nykh rakom molochnoy zhelezy» v Rossiyskoy Federatsii
Frank G., Poddubnaya I., Yagudina R., Borisov D.
The concept of resectability in the treatment of colorectal cancer liver metastases: the present notion
Bagmet N., Bedzhanyan A., Polishchuk L., Sekacheva M., Shatveryan G., Skipenko O.
Preliminary results of an observational program for estimating the duration of bevacizumab therapy in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer in daily clinical practice
Poddubnaya I., Bobrovskaya E., Vladimirova L., Gordeev S., Davidenko I., Emelyanov S., Zharkova O., Koroleva I., Krasilnikova S., Maikoparova S., Malysheva T., Modestov A., Morozov A., Stachenko G., Strygina E., Tlish E., Feoktistova P., Chichkanova A., Sherman N.
Klinicheskiy sluchay effektivnogo lecheniya lapatinibom (Tayverb)i kapetsitabinom (Kseloda) bol'noy disseminirovannym rakom molochnoy zhelezy s giperekspressiey ErbB2 (Her-2/neu) s metastaticheskim porazheniem veshchestva i obolochek golovnogo mozga
Naskhletashvili D., Chmutin G.
Vozmozhnosti ispol'zovaniya tsetuksimaba dlya lecheniya bol'nykh kolorektal'nym rakom
Orlova R., Tyukavina N.
Bevatsizumab (Avastin) v kombinatsii s taksanami v 1-y linii lecheniya HER-2-negativnogo metastaticheskogo raka molochnoy zhelezy(Rezul'taty issledovaniya AVADO)
Zhukova L.
Predvaritel'nye rezul'taty induktsionnoy khimioterapii s paklitakselom pri mestnorasprostranennom rake sheyki matki
Morkhov K., Kuznetsov V., Lebedev A., Nechushkina V., Zakharova T., Tyulyandin S.
Targetnaya terapiya raka pochki
Alekseev B., Shegay P.
Femara (letrozol) v ad\"yuvantnoy terapii raka molochnoy zhelezy
Stenina M.
Vliyanie rekonstruktivno-plasticheskikh operatsiy na kachestvo zhizni bol'nykh rakom molochnoy zhelezy v otdalennom periode
Arslanov K., Tkachenko G.
Opyt primeneniya Taksotera v kombinatsii s doksorubitsinom v kachestve khimioterapii 1-y linii u bol'nykh metastaticheskim rakom molochnoy zhelezy
Samoylenko V., Gorbunova V., Koshelev M., Yurashko K.
Nasledstvennyy rak zheludka: molekulyarno-geneticheskie i klinicheskie aspekty
Nikulin M., Lyubchenko L., Sel'chuk V., Stilidi I.
Endoskopicheskaya retrogradnaya pankreatokholangiografiya v differentsial'noy diagnostike opukholey podzheludochnoy zhelezy
Kuvshinov Y., Poddubnyy B., Kormnov V., Pirogov S.
Zavisimost' vozniknoveniya retsidiva raka yaichnika rannikh stadiy ot prognosticheskikh faktorov
Tamaeva Z., Zhordania K., Kharitonova T., Panichenko I., Poddubnaya I.
Faktory prognoza pri rake molochnoy zhelezy
Bozhok A., Semiglazov V., Semiglazov V., Arzumanov A., Kletsel' A.
What is the accuracy of different combinations of ultrasound imaging and blood tests to diagnose ovarian cancer in women before and after the menopause? [Russian translation of the Plain Language Summary (PLS) of the Cochrane Systematic Review]
Yakushina K.
Remote pre-habilitation in patients with cachexia and resectable gastric cancer: a case series
Boldyreva T., Lyadov V., Derevyashkina G., Shestakova V., Gorshkov A., Zyatenkova E., Procenko E.
Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin after cardiac transplantation: a clinical case
Ognerubov N., Ognerubova M.
Breast cancer: genetic personal risk factors: A review
Zolotykh M., Bilyalov A., Nesterova A., Gimranov A., Filina J., Rizvanov A., Miftakhova R.
Current treatment aspects of hormone-dependent ERBB2-negative metastatic breast cancer: overall survival outcomes
Snegovoy A., Kononenko I.
The mechanism of action of different generations of EGFR-inhibitors in malignant lung tumors. Literature review and data synthesis
Nasretdinov A., Menshikov K., Sultanbaev A., Musin S., Sultanbaeva N., Men'shikova I.
Endoscopic esophageal stenting in combination with chemoradiation therapy: A review
Ivanov A., Popov V., Burmistrov M.
Metastatic cervical cancer: clinical experience with pembrolizumab application. Case report
Protasova A., Strakh L., Lando E., Sidorkina E.
Extrapulmonary small cell carcinoma. Literature review
Orel N., Poddubnaya I.
Assessment and correction of the geriatric status of patients with metastatic colorectal cancer during the first-line systemic therapy
Alekseeva Y., Semiglazova T., Sharashenidze S., Tkachenko E., Kasparov B., Brish N., Teletaeva G., Filatova L., Sluzhev M., Semiglazov V., Protsenko S., Belyaev A.
Piqray – basic questions at the start: whom to test? whom to treat? how to treat? Event review of the satellite symposium. RUSSCO Big Conference «Breast Cancer» (online). January 29th, 2021
Board E.
Differential diagnosis and treatment of primary peritoneal cancer and mesothelioma
Abdullaev A., Kozlov N., Schakhpazyan N., Tsigankova A.
Outcomes of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in resectable, borderline resectable and locally advanced pancreatic cancer
Dalgatov K., Semenov N., Kozodaeva M.
Detection of disseminated tumor cells and their relationship with a population of bone marrow lymphocytes in patients with non-small cell lung cancer
Djumanazarov T., Chulkova S., Tupitsyn N., Chernysheva O., Allakhverdiev A., Palladina A., Kupryshina N., Kolbatskaya O., Kononetz P., Akhmedov B., Gerasimov S.
Adjuvant targeted therapy for non-small cell lung cancer
Laktionov K., Kazakov A., Gordiev M., Kononets P., Akhmedov B., Maevskaia J.
Effect of starting dose of regorafenib on overall survival of patients with metastatic colorectal cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Fedyanin M., Polyanskaya E., Tryakin A., Pokataev I., Tjulandin S.
Non-small cell lung cancer with the tracheal bifurcation involvement. Carinal pneumonectomy or chemo-radiation therapy?
Dadyev I., Davydov M., Shogenov M., Abdullaev A., Ibraev M., Filatov A.
Surgery for early-stage ovarian cancer
Nechushkina V., Morkhov K., Abduragimova Z., Kuznetsov V., Selchuk V., Dmitriev V.
Pre-operative chemoradiation therapy in complex treatment of patients with locally advanced tumors of the thoracic esophagus
Shogenov M., Davydov M., Allakhverdiyev A., Chekini A., Filatov A., Akhmedov P., Serebryanskaya M., Korolyeva A., Dadyev I., Chichikov E., Grigorenko V., Kozlov N., Nazliyev P., Malikhova O., Tryakin A.
The role of cytoreduction surgery in advanced ovarian cancer (review)
Tandelov R., Sel'chuk V., Morkhov K., Nechushkina V., Kuznetsov V.
The comparative pharmacoeconomic analysis of tyrosine kinase inhibitor Iressa® (gefitinib) with TKI Giotrif® (afatinib) as first-line therapy for patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer associated with mutations in the epidermal growth factor receptor
Ryazhenov V.
Circulating tumor cell: biology, methods of isolation, clinical significance in breast cancer
Nenahova Y., Lyadov V., Poddubnaya I.
Regorafenib application in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer in actual clinical practice
Sekacheva M., Bagmet N.
The results of epidemiological screening program of HER2 status in patients with breast cancer in the federal districts of the Russian Federation in 2015
Poddubnaya I., Frank G., Yagudina R., Koroleva N., Zavalishina L.
The optimization of second-line therapy for metastatic colorectal cancer: new targeted therapy options
Artamonova E., Manzyuk L.
Hereditary ovarian cancer
Demidova I.
Stereotactic biopsy of breast lesions under x-ray control
Manikhas G., Safronova O., Khudjakova T., Barabanova L., Punanova N.
1 - 150 的 446 信息 1 2 3 > >> 


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