
Stimulated emission from a metamorphic GaAsSb bulk layer on a GaAs substrate
Aleshkin V., Dubinov A., Kudryavtsev K., Yunin P., Drozdov M., Vikhrova O., Nekorkin S., Zvonkov B.
Effect of Conditions of Electrochemical Etching on the Morphological, Structural, and Optical Properties of Porous Gallium Arsenide
Seredin P., Lenshin A., Fedyukin A., Goloshchapov D., Lukin A., Arsentyev I., Zhabotinsky A.
Features of the diagnostics of metamorphic InAlAs/InGaAs/InAlAs nanoheterostructures by high-resolution X-ray diffraction in the ω-scanning mode
Vasil’evskii I., Pushkarev S., Grekhov M., Vinichenko A., Lavrukhin D., Kolentsova O.
Structural and photoluminescence properties of low-temperature GaAs grown on GaAs(100) and GaAs(111)A substrates
Galiev G., Klimov E., Grekhov M., Pushkarev S., Lavrukhin D., Maltsev P.
Study of the surface of GaAs after etching in high-frequency and glow discharge plasma by atomic force microscopy
Dunaev A., Murin D., Pivovarenok S.
Molecular-Dynamics Simulation of the Low-Temperature Surface Reconstruction of a GaAs(001) Surface during the Nanoindentation Process
Prasolov N., Gutkin A., Brunkov P.
On the Application of Strain-Compensating GaAsP Layers for the Growth of InGaAs/GaAs Quantum-Well Laser Heterostructures Emitting at Wavelengths above 1100 nm on Artificial Ge/Si Substrates
Baidus N., Yunin P., Shaleev M., Reunov D., Rykov A., Novikov A., Nekorkin S., Kudryavtsev K., Krasilnik Z., Dubinov A., Aleshkin V., Yurasov D.
Optical properties of metamorphic GaAs/InAlGaAs/InGaAs heterostructures with InAs/InGaAs quantum wells, emitting light in the 1250–1400-nm spectral range
Egorov A., Karachinsky L., Novikov I., Babichev A., Nevedomskiy V., Bugrov V.
Study of the Electron Distribution in GaN and GaAs after γ-Neutron Irradiation
Tarasova E., Khananova A., Obolensky S., Zemlyakov V., Sveshnikov Y., Egorkin V., Ivanov V., Medvedev G., Smotrin D.
Initial Stages of Planar GaAs Nanowire Growth—Monte Carlo Simulation
Spirina A., Neizvestny I., Shwartz N.
Vertical Field-Effect Transistor with a Controlling GaAs-Based pn Junction
Vostokov N., Daniltsev V., Kraev S., Krukov V., Skorokhodov E., Strelchenko S., Shashkin V.
Effect of Epitaxial-Structure Design and Growth Parameters on the Characteristics of Metamorphic Lasers of the 1.46-μm Optical Range Based on Quantum Dots Grown on GaAs Substrates
Maximov M., Nadtochiy A., Shernyakov Y., Payusov A., Vasil’ev A., Ustinov V., Serin A., Gordeev N., Zhukov A.
Laser-assisted simulation of transient radiation effects in heterostructure components based on AIIIBV semiconductor compounds
Gromov D., Maltsev P., Polevich S.
The Study of Nanoindentation of Atomically Flat GaAs Surface using the Tip of Atomic-Force Microscope
Prasolov N., Ermakov I., Gutkin A., Solov’ev V., Dorogin L., Konnikov S., Brunkov P.
Studies of the Cross Section and Photoluminescence of a GaAs Layer Grown on a Si/Al2O3 Substrate
Sushkov A., Pavlov D., Shengurov V., Denisov S., Chalkov V., Baidus N., Rykov A., Kryukov R.
GaAs structures with a gate dielectric based on aluminum-oxide layers
Kalentyeva I., Vikhrova O., Zdoroveyshchev A., Danilov Y., Kudrin A.
Widening the Length Distributions in Irregular Arrays of Self-Catalyzed III–V Nanowires
Berdnikov Y., Sibirev N., Koryakin A.
Submonolayer InGaAs/GaAs Quantum Dots Grown by MOCVD
Aleshkin V., Baidus N., Dubinov A., Kudryavtsev K., Nekorkin S., Kruglov A., Reunov D.
Electric-Field Behavior of the Resonance Features of the Tunneling Photocurrent Component in InAs(QD)/GaAs Heterostructures
Orlov M., Volkova N., Ivina N., Orlov L.
Heterostructures of metamorphic GaInAs photovoltaic converters fabricated by MOCVD on GaAs substrates
Mintairov S., Emelyanov V., Rybalchenko D., Salii R., Timoshina N., Shvarts M., Kalyuzhnyy N.
JV Characteristic of pn Structure Formed on n-GaAs Surface by Ar+ Ion Beam
Mikoushkin V., Kalinovskii V., Kontrosh E., Makarevskaya E.
Module of Laser-Radiation (λ = 1064 nm) Photovoltaic Converters
Khvostikov V., Kalyuzhnyy N., Mintairov S., Potapovich N., Sorokina S., Shvarts M.
Formation and reconstruction of Se nanoislands at the surface of thin epitaxial ZnSe layers grown on GaAs substrates
Kozlovskiy V., Krivobok V., Kuznetsov P., Nikolaev S., Onistchenko E., Pruchkina A., Temiryazev A.
Sulfur passivation of semi-insulating GaAs: Transition from Coulomb blockade to weak localization regime
Bagraev N., Chaikina E., Danilovskii E., Gets D., Klyachkin L., L’vova T., Malyarenko A.
Electron transport and optical properties of structures with atomic tin nanowires on vicinal GaAs substrates
Khabibullin R., Yachmenev A., Lavrukhin D., Ponomarev D., Bugayev A., Maltsev P.
1 - 25 из 38 результатов 1 2 > >> 
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