
The path to recognition (An essay on the life and scientific heritage of Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences A. N. Trainin)
Savenkov A.
The rise of law – the mission of S.S. Alekseev (on the 100th anniversary of the outstanding jurist) (The end)
Kazantsev M., Rudenko V.
Sources of specification and interpretation of the prescriptions of a special part of Russian criminal law
Aslanyan R.
The rise of law – the mission of S.S. Alekseev (On the 100th anniversary of the outstanding jurist)
Kazantsev M., Rudenko V.
Historiosophy of law: synthesis of disciplines or independent questioning?
Bochkarev S.
The subject of law as a formall-ydogmatic model of human in legal reality: anthropological and legal analysis
Pavlov V.
Legal protection of the environment and rational use of natural resources: implementation of O. S. Kolbasov’s ideas
Ustyukova V.
The concept of law: diversity of interpretations and unity of meaning
Frolova E.
On the way to a sovereign philosophy of Russian law A. I. Bastrykin, К. F. Ismagilov, М. P. Salnikov. The idea of goodness шn the works of А.M. Dostoevsky and its influence on the development of the philosophy of law (to the 200th anniversary of F. M. Dostoevsky) / intro. by A. I. Aleksandrov. St. Petersburg: university foundation, 2021. – 380 pp. (series “Science and society”); S. I. Zakhartsev, D. V. Maslennikov, V. P. Salnikov. The logos of law: Parmenides – Hegel – Dostoevsky. To the question of the speculative-logical foundations of the metaphysics of law. Moscow: Yurlitinform, 2019. – 376 pp.
Stepashin S.
The so-called service law: The newest discussion
Grishkovets A.
International legal foundations of national security
Shinkaretskay G.
The dialogue of theology and law in russian science and education
Gryanova E.
Legal awareness: from the history of the philosophy of law
Frolova E.
Korovin Evgeny Alexandrovich: opening up the horizons of International Law
Savenkov A.
Development of military law as a way of life: Values, problems, prospects
Kholikov I., Naumov P.
The catechism of normativity: Syncretic reflections on the philosophical foundations of military law
Kholikov I., Dakhin A., Kumankov A., Naumov P., Novikov N.
Russian-Chinese round table “Modern legal science and education in Russia and China”
Krotkova N.
Objective law in the light of modern materialistic theory of law Review of the discussion materials of the book by V.M. Syrykh “Fundamentals of the materialistic theory of law: in 4 vols. Vol. I. Objective law and forms of its expression”
Mal’ko A., Trofimov V., Panchenko V., Krotkova N.
Legal identity: postclassical measurement
Chestnov I.
Dialectics in fundamental jurisprudence: ancient approaches and modern trends
Likhter P.
A fundamental scientific work was published, which proved Fermat’s legal theorem Military Law: in 3 vols / under the general editorship of A.N. Savenkov, A.V. Kudashkin
Pligin V.
On the issue of the diversity of national models of regulation of information (digital) relationships. Edward J. Swan. Internet law: a concise guide to regulation around the world
Tedeev A., Oshmankevich K.
Harmonization of conflict of laws party autonomy and the regulatory competition
Erpyleva N., Get̓man-Pavlova I., Kasatkina A.
State secret as an institution of legal support for national sovereignty and security of the Russian Federation
Polyakova T., Kamalova G.
Flexibility, excessiveness and lack of strategic planning documents and other planning acts: financial and legal assessment
Shokhin S., Kudryashova E.
“Digital law” vs “digitalization of law”
Globenko O., Sheyafetdinova N., Solovyev A.
Ya. Stoilov. Principles of law: concept and application / transl. from Bulgarian by E.M. Kuzmina, G. Kanev
Frolova E.
Conditions for the restriction of intellectual rights in the protection of the constitutional right of citizens to health protection
Latyntsev A.
Philosophical and legal ideas of F.M. Dostoevsky in modern legal doctrine A. I. Bastrykin, R. F. Ismagilov, V. P. Salnikov. The idea of goodness in the works of F.M. Dostoevsky and its influence on the development of the philosophy of law (to the 200th anniversary of F. M. Dostoevsky) / opening speech by A. I. Aleksandrov. 2nd, rev. and exp. St. Petersburg: University Foundation, 2023. – 456 pp. (Series “Science and Society”)
Polishuk N., Zelepukin R., Krotkova N.
Russia in the new geopolitical realities: the legal vector of civilizational self-determination
Lapaeva V.
Alekseev’s school
Krasheninnikov P.
Perspectives of the application of artificial intelligence in civil legal proceedings: risk assessment and the method of their mitigation
Danielyan A.
Essence and significance of conviction of deceased Nazi’s for crimes not subject to statutory limitations
Kamenetsky Y.
Legal regulation: positive and negative aspects
Valiev R.
Legal consequentialism: history and significance for the present (discussion on I.V. Kolosov’s monograph “History of legal consequentialism: the effectiveness of law”)
Lapaeva V., Sigalov K.
Development of law contrary to the legal acts (contra legem) in the Republic of Armenia
Ghambaryan A.
Formation and development of branches of law in the historical and modern legal reality of Russia: in 12 vols. Vol. VIII Administrative Law in the system of modern Russian law / ed. by R.L. Khachaturov, A.P. Shergin
Arzamasov Y.
Translation of knowledge and scientific criteria: concepts of the modern theory of military law
Kholikov I., Naumov P.
Theoretical and methodological problems and Military Law (to the publication of the monograph “Military Law”)
Tushkov A.
Development of Labor Law method in the context of modern state and legal policy
Sagandykov M.
Tradition and ideology of the human legal status in Russian constitutionalism
Dzhagaryan A., Sokolshchik I.
At the breaks of history (Mikhail Aleksandrovich Arzhanov – man, scientist, era)
Pligin V., Kobzar-Frolova M.
Philosophical and methodological foundations of the constitutionalization of Russian law in the context of post-classical jurisprudence
Alekseev I.
Theoretical and legal science: a modern approach
Zhukov V.
Modern understanding of subjeсt of science of administrative law
Grishkovets A.
V.S. Nersesyants as a philosopher of law: from Soviet to Post-Soviet
Savenkov A., Gorban V.
Approaches to the regulation of testing and the use of unmanned vehicles in Singapore
Dremlyuga R., Korobeev A., Chuchaev A.
The teaching of professor V.T. Kabyshev on constitutionalism. To the 85th anniversary of Vladimir T. Kabyshev, doctor of law, professor, honored scientist of the Russian Federation, honorary worker of higher education of Russia
Zametina T.
Philosophical and legal readings of memory Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.S. Nersesyants (All-Russian Scientific Conference with international participation)
Kozhokar I., Lapaeva V.
The problem of protecting the right of a user of internet platforms to an account
Diskin E.
On the scientific heritage of Professor, judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation V. O. Luchin
Bobrova N.
Common property of a simple partnership as the basis of corporate management
Laptev V.
Formation and development of the idea of representation and Russian parliamentarism in the constitutional doctrine
Bezrukov A., Savoskin A.
Features of hybrid threats to the security of the Russian Federation: theoretical and legal analysis
Bobrova O.
On the scientific comprehension of the subject of constitutional law: to putting the question
Cherepanov V.
On the crisis of Russian criminal law (re-reading A.E. Zhalinsky)
Lopashenko N.
Methodology of the Neo-Kantian Philosophy of Law: the transition from “due” to “being”
Frolova E.
Academician V.V. Laptev on the main component of Economic (Entrepreneurial) Law
Kleandrov M.
Trends in the criminal law policy of modern Russia in the sphere of lawmaking: Empirical and analytical research
Korobeev A., Chuchaev A.
The fundamentals of Criminal Law: a new direction of research (on the pages of the book by I. M. Ragimov “Crime and punishment in world religions. Historical, religious, legal and philosophical aspects. St. Petersburg: Association “Law Center”, 2023. – 303 pp.”)
Savenkov A.
Theoretical and legal science: continuity and prospects of development in the XXI century
Frolova E.
Prospects for the development of Russia’s criminal law policy: the search for the real model
Korobeev A., Chuchaev A.
The Lieber Code
Butrim I., Chuchaev A.
Administrative legal proceedings as a procedural form of protection
Mikhailova E.
On the form of ownership of state corporations and public law companies and a new type of legal entity
Andreev V.
The significance of N. Ya. Danilevsky’s ideas for the formation of modern Philosophy of Law
Savenkov A.
Transformation of scientific paradigms in social practice
Chuchaev A.
S.V. Kabyshev. The Constitution of Russia: Traditions of progress (to the 30th anniversary). Moscow: O.E. Kutafin University Publishing Center (MSLA), 2024
Mazaev V.
Epistemological aspects of law enforcement
Chukin D.
The history of law in the life of Professor Nina A. Krasheninnikova: to the 95th anniversary
Krasheninnikov P., Trikoz E.
Legal force of the source of law: the problem of foundations
Spirin M.
The prospect of convergence of the legal system of Russia and China as a legal dimension of multipolarity in the XXI century
Nebratenko G.
The law of armed conflicts in the era of global changes (some aspects of its place and role in the light of the publication of monograph “Military Law”)
Nagorny I.
The U.S. supreme court and the ministerial exception doctrine
Pibaev I.
Legal training of medical professionals and the branch of Medical Law
Skrebneva N., Dobrovolskaya N.
The level of the World Ocean and International Law
Shinkaretskaya G.
Three-volume monograph “Military Law” under the general editorship of A.N. Savenkov, A.V. Kudashkin (M.: Center for Legal Communications, 2021 - 2022) as a practical result of the activities of the national scientific school of Military Law
Blazheev V.
System of criminal measures procedural coercion: What signs indicate for its existence?
Rossinskiy S.
S. A. Drobyshevsky, L. S. Matveev, T. V. Protopopova. The application of law: Problems of theory and history. Moscow: Prospekt, 2024. – 128 pp.
Kozhevnikov V.
The concept of the state: a return to the classics
Zhukov V.
Legal means of protection of creative labor as a traditional Russian spiritual and moral value
Chucha S.
Review of the materials of the Scientific and Practical Forum with international participation “Actual problems of comparative-historical jurisprudence and theoretical-legal research”
Dorina Z., Trikoz E., Tumanova A.
Fair justice M.I. Kleandrov. Justice and fairness. 2nd ed., rev. and exp.
Vinogradova E., Zakhartsev S., Salnikov V.
Actual problems of Administrative and Administrative Procedural Law
Kaplunov A., Ukhov V.
Theoretical and legal approaches to determining the methods and procedural forms of protection of traditional values in the Russian state
Mikhailova E., Butrim I.
Prussian codification of 1794 as a monument of law and an object of study
Kizyakovsky V.
The search for the “legal Grail” has been completed (Reflections on the fields of fundamental research “Military Law” in the era of transformation of the current world order)
Yatskin A.
Review of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation “The history of state and law in the conditions of new scientific rationality”
Glotov S., Aleshkova I.
The Russian constitutionalism in the framework of new geopolitical environment: milestones and vectors
Dobrynin N.
Places of traditional residence and traditional economic activity of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Russian Far East: legal aspect
Kryazhkov V.
Intellectual property statute in Private International Law
Lisitsa V.
The potential of the monograph “Military Law” in the training of the future military lawyer and the development of his personality
Gaidamashko I., Naumov P., Dyachkov A.
Philosophy of Law and modern legal education
Stepanenko R.
Forecasting legal behavior as a final level of legal forecasting and practical function of the theory and Sociology of Law
Agamirov K.
Machine-reading and machine-execution law: essential, linguistic and mental aspects
Gavrilov S.
On the concept of intellectual rights in the light of their object
Ovchinnikov I.
The Russian idea in the Philosophy of Law
Savenkov A., Zhukov V.
Legal protection of human life and health in the process of using artificial intelligence
Kirill E.
The “forgotten” branch of the Russian legal system “The Law of armed conflicts” is being revived with the release of the fundamental scientific work of the three-volume monograph “Military Law” (Some comments in connection with the publication of the three-volume monograph “Military Law”)
Kartapolov A.
Civil society, “civil theology” and Augustine’s political morality: a comparative analysis with ancient teachings
Khrameshin S.
Fundamental contribution to the study of the problems of the law of international treaties Modern concept of interpretation of international treaties
Vylegzhanin A., Lobanov S., Kalamkaryan R.
Powerful incentive for legal research in Military Science Military Law: in 3 vols / under the general editorship of A.N. Savenkov, A.V. Kudashkin (Moscow: Center for legal communications, 2021–2022)
Chemezov S.
Canonical Law in modern theological and legal cognitionю V.V. Bagan. Genesis and ontology of the Canonical Law of the Orthodox Church: scientific-theological and scientific-legal research
Ovchinnikov A.
Features of nature as an object of ecological relations
Brinchuk M.
Criminal and military-criminal legislation in the creative heritage of P.S. Romashkin
Chuchaev A.
Development of the doctrine of Russian Information Law in the context of the transition to a data economy
Polyakova T., Minbaleev A., Krotkova N.
Application of the historical method in Russian lawmaking in the first half of the 19th century: from practice to theory
Tatiana S.
General principles of law in the regulation of space activities
Shinkaretskaya G.
The consequences of Brexit for the constitutional system of the Great Britain
Kodaneva S.
Moral foundations of russian criminal proceedings
Malina M.
The modern concept of the interaction between International and domestic law / res. ed. A. Ya. Kapustin
Vylegzhanin A., Lobanov S., Kalamkaryan R.
“Lethality”: is it permissible to introduce into scientific circulation as an independent medical and legal category V.N. Galuzo. Lethality (medical and legal research)
Redkous V.
The specifics of states and the harmonization of international human rights norms
Kartashkin V.
State crimes in the system the Special part of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
Nikolaeva J.
Deliberativity and aleatory procedures as a legitimation of somatic human rights: experience of the Republic of Ireland and the Commonwealth of Australia
Denisenko V., Trikoz E.
Constitutional Law, Philosophy and statehood of Russia. B.S. Ebzeev. The Philosophy of Russian constitutionalism: essays
Zhukov V.
Improving the constitutional and legal policy of the Russian Federation in the field of regulating the educational activities of universities in the context of globalization and regionalization
Khizhnyak V.
Agreements and contracts in the field of family relations: correlation and features of legal regulation
Letova N.
Man in the world of law. D.S. Velieva, M.V. Presnyakov. Legal certainty and human rights
Permilovskiy M.
Motherhood and childhood as a basis for family policy: modernity and historical heritage
Letova N.
Comparative Constitutional Law: new approaches, concepts and categories (All-Russian the “Round Table”)
Varlamova N., Vasilieva T.
Confiscation as a civilistic instrument of the state’s anti-corruption policy
Aryamov A., Ryabtseva E.
Instruments for post-contract opportunism in Islamic law
Shovkhalov S.
Remembering Academician V.N. Kudryavtsev…
Lukasheva E.
Procedural status of a member of the election commission
Turischeva N.
On the issue of codification of information legislation in the context of digital transformation
Polyakova T., Minbaleev A., Naumov V.
Prerequisites for the adoption and essence of the main provisions of the Concept of Legal Policy of the Republic of Belarus
Chupris O.
Trends and problems of modern law. Review of the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Plevako Tambov Legal Readings”
Zelepukin R., Kholikov I., Krotkova N., Zemlin A.
Legal security and legal certainty of the individual: constitutional and legal aspect
Veliyeva D., Presnyakov M.
Judicial and legal progress as a special category of modern law
Maksurov A.
About alternative legal constructions of regulation of financial relations
Zapolsky S., Vasyanina E.
Subject and system issues of administrative law (part 2)
Kostennikov M., Kurakin A., Admiralova I.
Civilizational approach to human rights: on the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Savenkov A., Kolotova N.
Labor Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan: in 3 vols. Vol. 1. General part: textbook
Tomashevski K.
Defined the new time and the strategies of the future
Savenkov A.
To the question of the definition and features of corporate norms
Makarova N.
The legal status of the press in Russia at the beginning of the XX century
Sopova A.
National codifications of Private International Law: General Law of Uruguay No. 19.920
Erpyleva N., Getman-Pavlova I., Kasatkina A.
Identification criteria for erga omnes obligations
Vereina L., Sinyakin I., Skuratova A.
Criminal Law and operational investigative activity: problems of legislation, science and practice
Pleshakov A., Shkabin G.
Theory of labor relations in the context of the transformation of the sphere of work: designation of the problem
Chucha S.
On the effectiveness of digital dispute resolution through arbitration in England and Wales
Rusakova E., Frolova E.
The international legal basis of the criminal law policy of the Russian Federation in the field of protection of historical and cultural heritage
Khalikov I.
All-Russian Conference with international participation “History of political and legal doctrines as a scientific and educational discipline”
Krotkova N.
Preconditions for the right to bring claim: state of the art
Mikhailova E.
Jangir Abbasovich Kerimov – man, scientist, citizen
Savenkov A.
The place of Emission Law in the system of educational material
Belsky K.
Social risks of the genetic revolution: from the standpoint of the legal approach
Lapaeva V.
Freedom of profession and protection of private property in the decisions of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany
Kucherenko P., Terekhov A.
Relations of administrative and legal protection as a kind of administrative and legal relations: concept, content, characteristics
Kobzar-Frolova M.
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