Features of hybrid threats to the security of the Russian Federation: theoretical and legal analysis

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The article formulates theoretical approaches to the concept, signs, and characteristics of legal relations that develop during the hybrid war. A system of factors determining the development of legal security of the State border of the Russian Federation in the context of a special military operation has been identified. The hypothesis is substantiated, according to which a special military operation is a response to a hybrid war against Russia. At the same time, hybrid warfare is a phenomenon in which a coalition of attacking states uses a combination of military and non-military measures, polysubjectivity, multi-sphere, including legal space. This approach is enshrined not only in military legal doctrine, but also in international acts of NATO member states in general and the United States in particular. These factors determine the need to make changes to the system of regulatory and legal regulation of ensuring military security of the Russian Federation and its military and political allies (CSTO member states) trade and economic partners (EAEU member states). Methodological approaches to the study of hybrid warfare as a legal phenomenon are proposed, which Russia is facing as a fourth-generation war within the framework of a special military operation now and is likely to face in the future within the framework of the concept of global competition of states. The article presents the results of the application of general scientific and private scientific methods (methodology of system analysis, method of referring to other sciences, special legal method, etc.) to the formulation of the legal characteristics of hybrid warfare (concept, structure of legal relations, place and role of law in countering threats of hybrid warfare), taking into account a special military operation and the need to ensure the security of the State border of the Russian Federation.

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About the authors

Olga G. Bobrova

The Prince Alexander Nevsky Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
Email: sushkoolga@mail.ru

PhD in Law, Head of the 20th Department (Military Law), Doctoral Candidate

Russian Federation, Moscow


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