Legal means of protection of creative labor as a traditional Russian spiritual and moral value

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In the article of legal means and instruments for the protection of creative work are considered among the traditional spiritual and moral values. Based on the analysis of the latest legislation, it is substantiated that traditional spiritual and moral values, preserved and strengthened by the state, cannot contradict the spiritual values of religions traditional for Russia, should be reflected in legal norms and, above all, constitutional ones in order to give them a sign of universality, and also be specified in industry principles and norms. In order to be protected and strengthened by the state, these moral guidelines, formed in the course of religious development, which have found their unique, original manifestation in the spiritual, historical and cultural development of the multinational people of Russia, must be normatively enshrined in domestic legislation, including the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Based on these criteria, among the values of creative labor, respect for the worker and social partnership are highlighted and studied.

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About the authors

Sergey Yu. Chucha

Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Law, Professor, Chief Researcher, Procedural Law Department

Russian Federation, Moscow


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