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No 6 (2024)

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Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences: towards the centenary

The rise of law – the mission of S.S. Alekseev (On the 100th anniversary of the outstanding jurist)

Kazantsev M.F., Rudenko V.N.


The article is devoted to the outstanding scientist and organizer of science, jurist, philosopher, thinker, publicist, writer, statesman, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Law, Professor Sergey S. Alekseev (1924–2013). The biography of S.S. is traced. Alekseev, his hypostasis as a legal theorist, civilist, philosopher, organizer of science, publicist, writer, statesman, legislator, is evaluated for his contribution to science, the formation of the modern legal system in our country, reveals his role in the creation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The article quotes fragments of previously unpublished works by S. S. Alekseev.

Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2024;(6):7-32
pages 7-32 views

Russia in the new geopolitical realities: the legal vector of civilizational self-determination

Lapaeva V.V.


Modern geopolitical realities are determined by two key factors – the geopolitical crisis and the exponential nature of technological progress. At this historical stage, both of these factors together determine the division of the global world into techno-economic blocks. The inevitability of some form of block confrontation in the medium term does not negate the possibility of future legal development based on the principle of formal equality between States. The theoretical model of such development in Russian political science is represented by the essentially legal concept of the multilateralism of the world order, which is fundamentally different from the power model of multipolarity. The possibilities of Russia’s legal development as a sovereign state so far depend on success in finding allies in the bloc and on what scientific, technological, economic and spiritual baggage the country will enter into such a union of states. The competitive potential of each block will be determined both by its technological might and by the special value-normative complex that has developed within it, which will reflect the spiritual unity of the peoples united in such a union. At the same time, the civilizational values that form the basis of such a “soft power” should not only be expressed at the level of theories, but also presented in the practice of building new models of socio-economic and political-legal structure capable of introducing technological development into the legal mainstream.

Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2024;(6):33-43
pages 33-43 views

Philosophy of law

Dialectics in fundamental jurisprudence: ancient approaches and modern trends

Likhter P.L.


The exact methodology of research is crucial for a unified terminological, formal and semantic understanding of the basic phenomena of law. Dialectics retains importance in the formation of explanatory strategies of complex systems that combine contradictory legal values, principles, and goals. The main purpose of the work is to find relevant points of application of the dialectical method in fundamental jurisprudence. For this purpose, the essential features and the concept of dialectics are consistently considered; the history of its origin and development; possible use in modern legal science of approaches formed in Antiquity. The work uses systematic, normative-value, historical-legal, comparative-legal, theoretical-prognostic structural-functional and dialectical methods. The author explores the heuristic potential of dialectical laws, categories and principles to clarify the ontological status of elements of legal reality. The transformation of approaches to the categorical pair “cause – effect” is noted in the light of the achievements of analytical philosophy, including through the establishment of the property of supervenience. Particular attention is paid to the intersection of holistic ancient methodology and modern approaches in dialectics. Methodological holism corresponds to the principle of the material unity of the world, which is realized in the objective existence (not necessarily in the sense of “existere”, but in the sense of “est”) of a set of elements of legal reality. Holism and dialectics exclude the reduction of the complexity of legal problems to the level of analysis of a particular case without taking into account its relationship with other elements of the whole. Accordingly, both methodologies assume cognitive strategies with a holistic approach to the problem, rejecting its narrowly sectoral solution.

Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2024;(6):44-54
pages 44-54 views

Judicial power

On current problems of the mechanism of liability of judges for disciplinary misconduct: Law enforcement practice, general approaches Part 3. On disciplinary liability of retired judges

Kleandrov M.I.


In the present article, the third in the series devoted to a perspective of disciplinary responsibility of judges features of the mechanism of disciplinary responsibility of the judges staying in resignation are considered. Two groups of the judges staying in resignation are considered: a) “vacationers” as pensioners or working in the positions permitted by the law; b) called according to the legislation for direct implementation of justice for a certain term. The author pays attention that disciplinary this type of responsibility of judges-retirees is conditional, in the law it is not called in any way, for violation set the bans and restrictions for the judges staying in resignation the only type of responsibility – the resignation termination is established that does not give the chance for perfect offense to apply adequate punishment. The author formulates the conclusions, proposals are made.

Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2024;(6):55-67
pages 55-67 views

Court, prosecutor’s office, bar, notarial system

Administrative legal proceedings as a procedural form of protection

Mikhailova E.V.


The article deals with the problem of defining the concept, legal nature and procedural features of the administrative procedural form. The author considers the concept of administrative proceedings in a broad sense, including both the activities of courts of general jurisdiction and arbitration courts. The fundamental difference between private law and public law relations is shown, the idea of the need to transform administrative proceedings is substantiated, taking into account the specifics of the public law to be protected and the peculiarities of regulating public law relations. The problem of independence and impartiality of the court considering the public law conflict is posed, the way of its solution is proposed. Substantiated proposals for improving the judicial protection of public rights, which are based on public, state interests.

Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2024;(6):68-75
pages 68-75 views

Discussions and debates

The catechism of normativity: Syncretic reflections on the philosophical foundations of military law

Kholikov I.V., Dakhin A.V., Kumankov A.D., Naumov P.Y., Novikov N.S.


Socio-political and international legal trends, the growing scale of military conflicts in various regions of the planet determine the attention of scientists and practitioners to the social nature and essence of military law and its institutions. The recent appearance of the monograph “Military Law” in three volumes (the third volume in two books) serves as proof of this attention in our country. This monograph reflects the key theoretical and legal constructs that form the foundation, the “core” of Military Law as a branch of law. It examines the genesis of Military Law, reveals the systemic prerequisites of Military Law, describes Russia’s military activity as an object of Military Law, substantiates the military organization of the state as a subject of Military Law, identifies the social value of Military Law, proves the place of Military Law in the system of legal norms as a branch of law, verifies system of Military Law, the main provisions of the Military Law of foreign countries are systematized, international legal aspects and the current state of Military Law are revealed. In the article, the authors reflect on the continuation of the ideas of the monograph “Military Law”, to search and substantiate the philosophical origins and grounds of its origin. The authors would like to draw your attention to the fact that today Military Law and the prerequisites for its formation should be studied within the framework of scientific approaches characteristic of the modern stage of existence of post-non-classical science (systemic, historical-legal, axiological, epistemological, functional). It is pointed out that the scientific works of leading philosophers from the stage of classical science to the present day contain the methodological and theoretical foundations for constructing the concept of Military Law as a branch of law and a social phenomenon. The result of the discussion is the substantiation of the philosophical foundations of Military Law, as well as the conceptualization of philosophical ideas as sources of the theoretical structure of Military Law. Provisions are put forward to continue philosophical research in the field of Military Law to substantiate its methodological platform and theoretical basis.

Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2024;(6):76-92
pages 76-92 views

В субъектах Российской Федерации

Features of admission to the state civil service in new subjects of the Russian Federation

Presnyakov M.V.


In 2022, a very significant event took place, including for jurisprudence: the Russian Federation included four new territories and four new constituent entities of the Russian Federation were formed. Currently, many of the most important tasks related to the formation of public authorities in these entities are being solved. In this sense, the adaptation of official relations existing in these territories to the Russian legal system is significant. Such tasks cannot be solved simultaneously, therefore, the current legislation provides for different transitional periods for “debugging” the legal regulation of public service institutions on the territory of new constituent entities of the Russian Federation. This article deals with the realization in the new territories of the right to enter the civil service, which is an important component of the constitutional right to participate in the management of the state. In particular, the author analyzes the transitional provisions that operate on the territory of these subjects, notes contradictions and inconsistencies with the current federal legislation. The article predicts problems that may occur after the transition period and makes proposals for their elimination.

Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2024;(6):93-101
pages 93-101 views

Civil and entrepreneurial law

Common property of a simple partnership as the basis of corporate management

Laptev V.A.


As a result of the inclusion in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation of a simple partnership as a contractual form of an entrepreneurial association of an economic type in domestic jurisprudence, the need arose to comply with its legal status, including legal personality, as well as the legal regime during its general development and drawing up the foundations of entrepreneurial and other economic activities. Purpose of the study: to establish the essential characteristics and features of the legal regime of general damage to a simple partnership. Objectives of the study: identifying certain types of common property; analysis of legislation and approaches to judicial practice on the issue under consideration; determining the role of general damage in the activities of a simple partnership. Research methods. The work used theoretical (analysis and synthesis, including methods of system analysis) and empirical methods of scientific knowledge (observation, description). Scientific methods are also used (formal-logical, historical-legal, legal comparative studies, hermen’s and synergetic). Results: national legislation establishes the legal regulation of the general damage regime of a simple partnership, the subsidiary application of the general provisions of constitutional legislation, which should not contradict the conditions and capital intended for the study of this property.

Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2024;(6):102-110
pages 102-110 views

Labor law and social security law

Legal means of protection of creative labor as a traditional Russian spiritual and moral value

Chucha S.Y.


In the article of legal means and instruments for the protection of creative work are considered among the traditional spiritual and moral values. Based on the analysis of the latest legislation, it is substantiated that traditional spiritual and moral values, preserved and strengthened by the state, cannot contradict the spiritual values of religions traditional for Russia, should be reflected in legal norms and, above all, constitutional ones in order to give them a sign of universality, and also be specified in industry principles and norms. In order to be protected and strengthened by the state, these moral guidelines, formed in the course of religious development, which have found their unique, original manifestation in the spiritual, historical and cultural development of the multinational people of Russia, must be normatively enshrined in domestic legislation, including the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Based on these criteria, among the values of creative labor, respect for the worker and social partnership are highlighted and studied.

Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2024;(6):111-119
pages 111-119 views

Strengthening of legality and struggle with criminality

System of criminal measures procedural coercion: What signs indicate for its existence?

Rossinskiy S.B.


The article attempts to consider the entire set of currently existing measures of criminal procedural coercion from the point of view of systems theory, that is, through comparison with the known signs of systematicity: unity, integrity, interconnection of elements, structure and orderliness, hierarchical structure, multiplicity of descriptions, dynamic development. It is noted that the totality of coercive measures provided for criminal justice meets only two of the specified characteristics. At the same time, circumstances are analyzed that prevent the identification of other signs of systematicity in a given set. As a result, the conclusion is formulated that the system of measures of criminal procedural coercion is another, in no way substantiated and unsubstantiated doctrinal myth, which owes its emergence to incorrect legal and technical approaches that imply a desire to group the provisions of the law, regardless of the essence, content and legal the nature of the relevant techniques and procedures.

Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2024;(6):120-127
pages 120-127 views

Criminological assessment of the scale of drug consumption and drug trafficking

Solov’yev V.S.


The article presents the results of an anonymous Internet survey of users of social networks on the relevance of the problem of drug consumption and trafficking in the modern world, on the ability of respondents to acquire drugs, on the frequency of respondents meeting with offers to purchase drugs in real life, on the Internet and on the Darknet.The study participants answered whether there are people who use drugs among their social circle, expressed their attitude towards them, spoke about the possibility of legalizing “soft” drugs (for example, marijuana) and assessed the potential dynamics of the number of users of these drugs if such a decision is made.The responses given by respondents in different territories were compared, a correlation was established between security threats and the level of crime associated with drug trafficking.

Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2024;(6):128-136
pages 128-136 views

In the countries – members of the Commonwealth of Independent States

Reform of the upper house of the parliament of the Republic of Uzbekistan in modern constitutional and legal conditions: Comparative legal analysis of the main trends

Safarov J.I.


The article analyzes trends related to the improvement of the place and role of the upper house of parliament in the context of constitutional and legal reforms carried out in Uzbekistan and the Central Asian States. The experience of reforming parliaments in Central Asia and the Asian region is being studied. The issues of the upcoming tasks to improve the legislation on the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, taking into account the norms and provisions of the updated of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, are being considered. Specific proposals and recommendations have been put forward on existing problems in this area and ways to solve them.

Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2024;(6):137-144
pages 137-144 views


The U.S. supreme court and the ministerial exception doctrine

Pibaev I.A.


In the article the author aims to consider the approach of US legislatures and courts in resolving the contradictions between the First Amendment and anti-discrimination laws. The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States guarantees religious organizations, exercising their constitutional right to profess religion, to freely choose their ministers without any obstacles or supervision from the State. At the same time, American legislation establishes that employers, as a general rule, cannot be guided by such criteria as religion when making a decision on hiring. It is noted that two main ways of solving the contradiction have been developed. First, the formulation of a legislative exception in subsection 702 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Secondly, the judicial application of the doctrine of “ministerial exception” which is sometimes called a “church exception” suggesting the impossibility of applying the anti-discrimination legislation of the United States in the field of labor relations of religious institutions with their “ministers”. The article defines the genesis of the doctrine of “exceptions for ministers” and reviews the key decisions of the appellate courts and the Supreme Court of the United States, starting with the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in 1871 in the case “Watson v. Jones” to two key cases considered in the XXI century, “Evangelical Lutheran Church and School Hosanna-Tabor v. Equal Rights Commission employment Opportunities” (2012) and “Morrissey-Burrough v. Our Lady of Guadalupe School” (2020). Four criteria used by the Supreme Court to apply the “exception for ministers” are considered. As a result the author comes to the conclusion that in accordance with the approach adopted by the US courts, as soon as it is proved that the claim falls under the “exception for ministers”, further judicial review is excluded and the religious organization wins. The current judicial practice of the US Supreme Court on the “exception for ministers” seems to consider religious autonomy as the main value to be protected.

Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2024;(6):145-153
pages 145-153 views

Pages of history

Public administration in Russia: The “digital” transformation of the economy in the late XIX – early XX century

Vershinin A.P.


The article discusses the issues of public administration (primarily economics) in Russia of the late XIX – early XX century. In the age of digital technologies, it is necessary to recall that S. Y. Witte, being, like I. A. Vyshnegradsky, a mathematician by education, in his memoirs called both himself and his predecessor as Minister of Finance, “digitalists”. This allows us to consider some of the features of the modernization of public administration of the past in a new light. The concept of the “Witte System” has entered scientific circulation. A set of measures to reform the economy can be studied from different sides and from different sciences, analyzing and generalizing both ideas for modernizing public administration “for the common benefit” and the goals and means of the activities of specific government and public figures. “Digitalization”, thanks to logical and mathematical methods and automation, gives the theory and practice of public administration an additional impetus, while simultaneously revealing its limits.

Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2024;(6):154-164
pages 154-164 views

Scientific reports

Legal regulation of taxation in the context of global climate problems

Lyutova O.I.


The article is devoted to the conceptual issues of the development of the tax system of Russia in the conditions of “greening of the economy”. The analysis of the impact of the development of climate policy on the change in the structure of taxation in the context of environmental safety is presented. The emphasis is placed on the need to use the collective concept of environmental taxes to realize the possibility of a comprehensive analysis of the transformation of the legal regulation of the tax system during the “green” economy. The article discusses possible options for the future design of taxation against the background of intensification of emission reduction and energy efficiency improvement.

Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2024;(6):165-171
pages 165-171 views

Customs control of goods moved as humanitarian aid

Agamagomedova S.A.


The article examines the features of customs control of goods transported as humanitarian aid. Increased tension in international relations, man-made, military and other crises determine the increased importance of humanitarian assistance in modern interstate interaction. Customs control of goods transported as humanitarian aid is positioned as an area of customs control carried out for the purpose of promptly processing the cross-border movement of humanitarian goods with exemption from customs duties. Based on the analysis of the legal regulation of procedures for the provision of humanitarian assistance, the administrative-legal and financial-legal features of the considered area of customs control are highlighted, and a conclusion is made that it is classified as a non-financial component of customs control. Based on the identification of theoretical and practical problems of customs control of goods transported as humanitarian aid, ways to solve them are proposed, related to the theoretical and legal justification of the specifics of this area of customs control and its place in the customs control system as a whole, as well as the development of Administrative Regulations for Customs Control goods transported as humanitarian aid.

Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2024;(6):172-180
pages 172-180 views

Scientific life

Russian-Chinese round table “Modern legal science and education in Russia and China”

Krotkova N.V.


The Round Table addresses issues of modern legal education and legal science in Russia and China. It is noted that in these countries, legal education and legal science are going through a transitional period. In both Russia and China, the introduction of market mechanisms and extensive contact with the West have led to the transformation of jurisprudence. Scientists and teachers faced the problem of adapting the national legal tradition to new historical conditions. The comparative analysis of Russia and China is also interesting because both states have a socialist past, and the legal system, legal science and legal education of China have experienced a noticeable influence of the USSR.

Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2024;(6):181-200
pages 181-200 views

Criticism and bibliography

S.V. Kabyshev. The Constitution of Russia: Traditions of progress (to the 30th anniversary). Moscow: O.E. Kutafin University Publishing Center (MSLA), 2024

Mazaev V.D.


The review draws attention to the originality of S. V. Kabyshev’s work “The Constitution of Russia: traditions of progress (to the 30th anniversary)”. In particular, the reviewed monograph presents six independent topics in the general context of the interpretation of value categories and directions both in the science of Constitutional Law and in the general process of constitutional regulation of public relations: 1) continuity and dialogue in the constitutional and legal development of Russia; 2) the place and role of Russian constitutional law in the system of national jurisprudence; 3) constitutional ideology as a guarantee of sovereign development; 4) human rights in the constitutional system: a dialogue on prospects; 5) the constitutional formula of Russian legal education; 6) the Constitution of Russia, scientifically-technological progress and spatial and territorial development.

Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2024;(6):201-205
pages 201-205 views


pages 206-206 views

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