The history of law in the life of Professor Nina A. Krasheninnikova: to the 95th anniversary

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On the anniversary of the 95th anniversary, the legendary professor of legal history and a prominent orientalist lawyer from Moscow University, the founder of her own scientific school with numerous students and followers, Nina A. Krasheninnikova again stands before our eyes with her unique and bright scientific world of universal legal history and non-Western legal cultures. This article describes the beginning of her long scientific journey, first in the editorial environment of Moscow institutions, in parallel with the preparation of a dissertation research in English law. Then the stage of formation within the framework of scientific and pedagogical activity at the university of the “eastern direction” of her scientific research and close study of the colonial legal culture, preparation of a doctoral dissertation on traditional Hindu and post-colonial Indian Law is shown. Throughout her life, the professor has been engaged in consistent educational and methodological updating of the course on the General history of law, gaining new associates and direct students, participating, together with her graduate students and colleagues, in large research and educational projects, including an anthology of world legal thought, collections of translated documents and etc.

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About the authors

Pavel Vladimirovich Krasheninnikov

State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

Russian Federation, Moscow

Elena Nikolaevna Trikoz

Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Moscow


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