
Issue Title File
No 10 (2023) Images of ”Russia of the Future“ in the Representations of Its Citizens PDF
Kolennikova N.D.
No 10 (2023) Official and Subjective Poverty in Russia: the Impact of 2020–2021 Events PDF
Belopashentseva P.V.
No 10 (2023) Demographic Potential of the Republic of Buryatia: Dynamics and Factors of Reduction Under New Challenges PDF
Byuraeva Y.G.
No 10 (2023) Migration of the Population in the Border Region: Status and Trends (the Case of the Saratov Region) PDF
Loginova L.V., Shcheblanova V.V.
No 10 (2023) Fulfilled and Unfulfilled Promises of Everett Lee: Toward a Critique of Migration Theories PDF
Lisitsyn P.P., Stepanov A.M., Orlova N.A.
No 10 (2023) Features of Elderly People Perception in Russian Society PDF
Lyalikova S.V., Nazarova I.B., Karpova V.M.
No 10 (2023) Civilizational Turn in the Contemporary Sociology: the Contribution of S. N. Eisenstadt PDF
Braslavskiy R.G., Коzlovskiy V.V.
No 10 (2023) Professor S. M. Shirokogoroff: Russian Origins of Chinese Sociology PDF
Lebedintseva L.A., Deriugin P.P., Liu J.
No 10 (2023) Women’s Activity in the Public Sphere: Dynamics of Ethnogender Attitudes in the South of Russia PDF
Klimenko L.V., Vereshagina A.V.
No 10 (2023) Todzha Tuvans in Contemporary Situation PDF
Balakina G.F., Kharunova M.M.
No 10 (2023) A Russian Region in the Conditions of Crisis (on the example of the Nizhny Novgorod Region) PDF
Trufanov A.Y., Samsonov A.I., Lubyanoy M.S.
No 10 (2023) Cross-Border Area of the East of Russia in the Modernization Processes PDF
Badaraev D.D., Badmatsyrenov T.B.
No 10 (2023) Fuzzy Classifications in the Typological Analysis of Workers by Employment Instability PDF
Kuchenkova A.V., Tatarova G.G.
No 10 (2023) Development of the Theory of Crisis in Sociology: Evolving Ideas and Modernity PDF
Katerny I.V.
No 10 (2023) The Perspective of Postsocial Transit: Metamorphosis of Actions and Structures PDF
Ignatyev V.I.
No 9 (2023) "Throughout My Life Ii Sociology, I Carried an Interest and Love For It" (interview with G.E. Zborovsky) PDF
Doctorov B.Z.
No 9 (2023) Гроссмейстер брачно-семейных цифровизаций PDF
Antonov A.I.
No 9 (2023) Congratulations to A.E. Chirikova PDF
Социологические исследования Р.
No 9 (2023) Techno(crato)socialism: a Critical Look at the Ideas of B. King and R. Petty PDF
Davydov D.A.
No 9 (2023) Towards the Future: Continuing Education and its Legitimation in Machine Execution PDF
Klucharev G.A.
No 9 (2023) Is "Technosocialism" Socialism? PDF
Latov Y.V.
No 9 (2023) Drobyshev Readings: Ethnic and Social Dimensions PDF
Mukomel V.I., Shchegolkova E.Y.
No 9 (2023) VI Kazan Sociological Readings PDF
Eflova M.Y., Maksimova O.A.
No 9 (2023) Book Transformation: Mediatization of the Collective Experience of Generations PDF
Kolomiets V.P.
No 9 (2023) Krasin Yu.A. PDF
Социологические исследования Р.
No 9 (2023) Shavel S.A. PDF
Социологические исследования Р.
No 9 (2023) Гарольду Ефимовичу Зборовскому – 85 лет! PDF
Социологические исследования Р.
No 10 (2023) Development of Expert Institutions in a Changing World PDF
Grabelnykh T.I., Sablina N.A., Zyryanov V.V.
No 11 (2023) Russian Citizens on the Challenges of Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks and Social Optimism PDF
Levashov V.K., Grebenyak O.V.
No 11 (2023) Socio-Cultural Identification of Modern Armenians PDF
Pogosyan G.A., Poghosyan R.M.
No 11 (2023) Media Consumption by Different Age Groups PDF
Poluekhtova I.A.
No 11 (2023) Outlook for Reproducing Scholarly and Teaching Personnel in Universities of Russia PDF
Sizova I.L.
No 11 (2023) Urban Research in the Focus of Socio-Humanitarian Analytics PDF
Shirokalova G.S., Savchenko I.A.
No 11 (2023) Population Social Dynamics and Human Potential PDF
Lyalikova S.V., Nazarova I.B.
No 11 (2023) Historical consciousness of Russians – a book and its problematic field PDF
Romanovskiy N.V.
No 11 (2023) Not a Renewal, but a Second Birth PDF
Doctorov B.Z.
No 11 (2023) Modern Capitalism from the Perspective of Critical Theory of Society PDF
Fatenkov A.N.
No 11 (2023) Buzgalin A.V. PDF
Editorial E.
No 11 (2023) After the “End of History”: Progressive Alternatives to the Refeudalization and “Techno-Socialism” PDF
Buzgalin A.V.
No 11 (2023) Informality in Society: Searching for Explorative Methodology PDF
Levicheva V.F., Dimans S.L.
No 11 (2023) Typological Groups of First-Year Students by Educational Strategies in Conditions of Individual Learning Trajectories PDF
Gavrilyuk T.V., Bocharov V.Y., Pogodaeva T.V.
No 11 (2023) Agency and Autonomy as a Learning Outcome: Distinguishing Notions PDF
Dobryakova M.S., Yurchenko O.V.
No 10 (2023) On the Way to a Sovereign Russian Civilization PDF
Titarenko L.G.
No 10 (2023) Vladimir Ze’ev Khanin. From Russia to Israel – and Back? Contemporary Transnational Russian Israeli Diaspora. Potsdam: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022 PDF
Nosenko-Stein E.E.
No 10 (2023) Tukumtsev B. G. Selected works: Collection of Articles. Ed. by V. Yu. Bocharov. Samara: Samarskii un-t, 2023 PDF
Sizova I.L.
No 11 (2023) National Sociological Heritage: Clarifying Evaluative Optics PDF
Titarenko L.G.
No 11 (2023) Explanatory Possibilities of M. Weber’s Concept of Disenchantment of the World in the Context of Growing Magical Conciousness PDF
Zarubina N.N.
No 11 (2023) A.A. Bogdanov as a Sociologist and Utopian: the «Klass für Sich» Problem PDF
Gloveli G.D.
No 11 (2023) Russians’ Perception of the Conflict with Ukraine: Testing the “Spiral of Silence” Hypothesis PDF
Zvonovsky V.B., Khodykin A.V.
No 11 (2023) Features of Digital Literacy Measurement in Russia PDF
Popov E.V.
No 11 (2023) Congratulations to N.E. Tikhonova PDF
Editorial E.
No 11 (2023) N.E. Tikhonova’s School (from the experience of included observation) PDF
Mareeva S.V.
No 11 (2023) Savings Activity of Russians: Dynamics and Factors PDF
Tikhonova N.E.
No 11 (2023) Kondrashov P.N. PDF
Editorial E.
No 9 (2023) Doctor's Dissertations in Sociology Approved by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation 2012-2022 PDF
Zyryanov V.V.
No 6 (2023) Values and Socialization of Youth: the Case of the Russian Federation and China PDF
Ли Цзяньхуэй L.J.
No 5 (2023) Война в предметном поле современной зарубежной социологии PDF
Obraztsov I.V.
No 5 (2023) Social Well-Being of Russians in the Spring of 2022 PDF
Rogach O.V., Frolova E.
No 5 (2023) About Some Social Characteristics of Chronic Stress of Shift Workers in the Arctic Conditions PDF
Akimov A.M.
No 5 (2023) Typological Analysis of Young People Health Behavior: on Specifics of the Four-Component Model Realization PDF
Chirkova A.V.
No 5 (2023) После «конца истории»: консервативный неолиберализм и рефеодализация? PDF
Buzgalin A.V.
No 5 (2023) Социология в поиске идентичности (интервью с Н.В. Романовским) PDF
Demidenko S.Y.
No 5 (2023) Специфика идентичности студентов приграничья России и Украины (на примере Белгородского и Харьковского госуниверситетов) PDF
Simonyan R.K.
No 5 (2023) Life Goals of Youth and Ways to Achieve Them (a survey in the South-Western and Southern regions of Russia) PDF
Reutov E.V., Reutova M.
No 5 (2023) Dangerous Youth: why Do Political Uprisings Take an Unarmed Form? PDF
Ustyzhanin V.V., Zinkina Y.V., Korotayev A.V.
No 5 (2023) Attitude to the traditional wedding of students from Central Asia studying in Moscow PDF
Barsukova S.Y.
No 5 (2023) Functional Features of Languages in Ethnofederations: a Comparative Analysis PDF
Farukshin M.K.
No 6 (2023) Social Contract as a Noumenon: The Experience of Sociological Understanding PDF
Toschenko Z.T.
No 6 (2023) Digitalization and Critical Theory of Society PDF
Ivanov D.V., Asochakov Y.V.
No 6 (2023) Applied Sociology of Professor G.P. Davidyuk and Revival of Sociological Science in the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic PDF
Danilov A.N.
No 6 (2023) On the Regional Consciousness of the Russian-Chinese Border Region Students PDF
Simonyan R.K.
No 6 (2023) Value Orientations and Practices of Social Activity of Nonresident Students in Kazan and St. Petersburg PDF
Eflova M.Y., Maksimova O.A., Ozerova K.
No 6 (2023) “Relocated Russians” In Perceptions of Armenian Youth PDF
Atanesyan A.V.
No 6 (2023) Territorial Identity: Structure, Boundaries, Reproduction (A Comparative Analysis of the Saratov region, the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria and the Republic of South Ossetia) PDF
Mokin K.S., Baryshnaya N.A.
No 6 (2023) Values and Norms of Political Culture in the Public Consciousness of Kazakhstan Society PDF
Kurganskaya V.D., Dunaev V.Y., Sagikyzy A.
No 6 (2023) Sociological Monitoring of the External Policy Orientations of Ukrainian Society in The 2000–2020s PDF
Sushchiy S.Y.
No 6 (2023) Wives of Diplomats: Career Opportunities in a Situation of Professional Family Interaction PDF
Ivanova E.Y.
No 6 (2023) Basic Human Values and Social Participation in Russia PDF
Nastina E.A., Almakaeva A.M.
No 6 (2023) Differentiation in Russians' Perception of Inequality and Their Dynamics PDF
Салмина А.
No 6 (2023) Perceptions of Inequality as a Factor of Investments in Human Capital (an empirical analysis) PDF
Slobodenyuk E.D., Mareeva S.V., Karavay A.V.
No 5 (2023) Dichotomy and Two-Component Polytomy in Contemporary Sociology PDF
Pasovets Y.M.
No 5 (2023) Communication in interviews with teenagers on sensitive topics PDF
Yashina M.N., Zharikova A.V.
No 5 (2023) How to Get Truthful Answers in Sensitive Research (On the methodological potential of the nominative techniquе) PDF
Myagkov A.Y.
No 4 (2023) Migrants from Uzbekistan in the Moscow Agglomeration: Assessment of Migration Experience PDF
Osadchaya G.I.
No 4 (2023) Contours of the Migration Crisis of 2020–2022 in Russia PDF
Shustov A.V.
No 4 (2023) Russian Sociology in the Context of Society Digitalization: Results of a Corpus Analysis of Scientific Texts PDF
Smirnov A.V.
No 4 (2023) Nonrandomized Techniques for Sensitive Surveys: Comparative Analyses PDF
Myagkov A.Y.
No 4 (2023) Epistemic Justice for the Dead (transl. by N.V. Romanovsky) PDF
Turner S.P.
No 4 (2023) Domination of Domination Idea: “The Will to Power” in Contemporary Social Theory. Part I. PDF
Gofman A.B.
No 3 (2023) Titarenko L.G. Sociology of Public Opinion. Minsk: RIVSH, 2021 PDF
Ambarova P.A.
No 3 (2023) Osinsky I.I. Intelligentsia of Tuva. XX Century. Formation, Development, Activity. Ulan-Ude: BGU, 2022 PDF
Istomina O.B.
No 3 (2023) Threats as a Social Phenomenon in the XXI Century PDF
Grabelnykh T.I., Sablina N.A., Zyryanov V.V.
No 3 (2023) Consolidation of Russian Society in New Geopolitical Realities PDF
Belyaeva L.A.
No 3 (2023) Sociology in the Post-Global World: Problems and Prospects PDF
Asochakov Y.V.
No 4 (2023) Social Acceptability of Objective and Subjective Reasons for Divorce in Modern Russia PDF
Sinelnikov A.B.
No 4 (2023) Bologna Experience: Successes and Doubts PDF
Klucharev G.A., Tyurina I.O.
No 5 (2023) Russian Sociology in Search of Responces for Theoretical Challenges PDF
Titarenko L.G.
No 5 (2023) Domination of Domination Idea: “The Will to Power” in Contemporary Social Theory. Part II PDF
Gofman A.B.
No 4 (2023) Realism and “Formal” Sociology: a New Reassembly of the Social (reflecting on a book of I.A. Shmerlina) PDF
Katerny I.V.
No 4 (2023) Men in Modern Russian Society PDF
Rostovskaya T.K.
No 4 (2023) XVI Grushin Readings at Lomonosov University PDF
Anikina M.E., Khroul V.M.
No 4 (2023) The Quality of Employment of Hired and Self-Employed Workers in Russia PDF
Baimurzina G.R., Valiakhmetov R.M., Bocharov V.Y.
No 4 (2023) Men, Women, … Tribes, Peoples: What Does a Person’s Life Look Like Among His/Her Constructs? PDF
Podvoyskiy D.G.
No 4 (2023) Attitudes Towards Russia and the USA in the Public Opinion of Modern China PDF
Qin L., Babich N.S.
No 4 (2023) Paradoxes of the Russian Popadanets` Science Fiction PDF
Latov Y.V.
No 4 (2023) Russian science fiction in the Genre of Alternative History as a Reflection of Mass Consciousness: Sociological Approaches PDF
Abramov R.N.
No 4 (2023) Work-Related Learning Practices of University Graduates: Scope and Determinants PDF
Varshavskaya E.Y.
No 4 (2023) What Sociologists Talked at the XXIII Ural Sociological Readings PDF
Zborovsky G.E., Ambarova P.A.
No 9 (2023) Doctoral Dissertations in Sociology in 2012-2022. In Russia: Statistics, Analytics PDF
Zyryanov V.V.
No 8 (2023) Humans in the Information Society: Continuation of the Discourse PDF
Avdoshina N.V., Bocharov V.Y.
No 8 (2023) Trust as a Private Good in the Context of Social Capital PDF
Mond D.L.
No 8 (2023) World Outlook and General Scientific Prerequisites of the Logico-Meaningful Method of Pitirim Sorokin’s “Dynamics”: a Reconstruction PDF
Golovin N.A.
No 8 (2023) “Social Form” in the Context of S. L. Frank’s Social Philosophy PDF
Shmerlina I.A.
No 8 (2023) Russian Media Reacts and Assesses the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China PDF
Guo L., Xu J., Chen P.
No 8 (2023) “Unwanted” Children? Values of Parenting, Rights of Fathers and Mothers in Sociocultural Attitudes of the Russians PDF
Bezrukova O.N., Samoylova V.A.
No 8 (2023) Transformation of Parental Involvement in the Children`s Lives PDF
Dorofeeva Z.Y., Kozyreva P.M.
No 8 (2023) Religious Situation in Modern Kazakhstan (а sociological reconstruction) PDF
Burova Y.Y., Jamanbalayeva S.E.
No 8 (2023) Revitalization of Religion: Toward an Understanding of the Perspectives of the Modern Religious Situation PDF
Lebedev S.D., Blagoevich M., Shapovalova L.V.
No 8 (2023) Employment Prospects for the Population of Russia Along the Center-Periphery Axis (the Case of Vologda Region) PDF
Popov A.V., Soloveva T.S.
No 8 (2023) Motivation Trap on Russian Labour Market PDF
Karacharovskiy V.V., Guruleva M.N.
No 8 (2023) Social Processes in Modern Russian Society PDF
Istomina O.B.
No 8 (2023) About the XIV Ural Demographic Forum PDF
Neklyudova N.P., Pyshmintseva O.A.
No 9 (2023) Students' Professional Strategies in the Context of The Image of the Social Future PDF
Didkovskaya Y.D., Трынов Д., Chistyakov P.A.
No 9 (2023) Changes in Youth After-School Trajectories: Social Differentiation PDF
Cherednichenko G.A.
No 9 (2023) Economic Elite of Crimea After 2014 PDF
Kolesnik N.V.
No 9 (2023) Russian Citizens’ Social Mood, Its Structure and Influence on Helping Behaviour PDF
Mersianova I.V., Briukhno A.S.
No 9 (2023) AI Value Alignment and Sociology of Morality PDF
Deviatko I.F.
No 9 (2023) Theoretical Understanding of Social Reality: The 25th Kharchev Readings PDF
Demidenko S.Y., Romanovskiy N.V.
No 8 (2023) TOURAINE A. (03.08.1925–09.06.2023) PDF
Vershinina I.A.
No 8 (2023) Reproducing Intellectual Labor Specialists: Institutional Imbalances and Gaps PDF
Zborovsky G.E., Ambarova P.A.
No 8 (2023) OSINSKY I.I. is 90! PDF
Социологические исследования Р.
No 8 (2023) Congratulations to I.V. Zuravleva PDF
Социологические исследования Р.
No 8 (2023) Congratulations to V. V. Gavrilyuk PDF
Социологические исследования Р.
No 8 (2023) Vladimir Shubkin as Researcher of Catastrophic Consciousness PDF
Astafyev Y.U.
No 8 (2023) The Window Opened by Shubkin: Youth in Education and the Labor Market PDF
Konstantinovsky L. D.L.
No 8 (2023) Vladimir Nikolaevich Shubkin: Fate and Creativity PDF
Cherednichenko G.A.
No 7 (2023) ”Silence Game” as a Form of Social Interaction PDF
Spirkina A.K.
No 7 (2023) The Social Role Mastering of the Patient during Childhood PDF
Beschetnova O.V., Mayorova-Shcheglova S.N.
No 7 (2023) Development Vectors of Interviewing Children: Inclusion, Trust, Agency PDF
Savinskaya O.B.
No 7 (2023) Digitalization of Psychological Help: Factors and Trends (the case of St. Petersburg) PDF
Plutov L.E., Rusakova M.М., Guzeva D.V.
No 7 (2023) Socio-psychological state of the Vologda region population in crisis periods: socio-structural characteristics PDF
Smoleva E.O.
No 7 (2023) Dynamics of Reproductive Attitudes of Adult Fertile Women in St. Petersburg (2011–2021) PDF
Argunova E.V.
No 6 (2023) Abdulmanapov P.G. Transformation of Demographic Processes in the Republic of Dagestan in Modern Conditions. Makhachkala, 2022. Reviewed by A.Z. Adiev PDF
Adiev A.Z.
No 7 (2023) Marriage Choice of Immigrants in Russia: Main Characteristics and Relationship with Integration PDF
Endryushko A.A.
No 7 (2023) Progress in Sociology? PDF
Turner S.P.
No 6 (2023) Памяти Рустема Махмутовича Нуреева (13.05.1950–12.04.2023) PDF
Социологические исследования Р.
No 6 (2023) The Practices of Qualitative Data Analysis In Social Sciences: The Textbook / Ed. By E.V. Polukhina. Moscow: Id VSHE, 2023. 383 P. Reviewed By O.R. Mikhaylova PDF
Mikhaylova O.R.
No 7 (2023) Individual and Generational Futures in the Urban Youth Narratives in St. Petersburg PDF
Nartova N.A.
No 7 (2023) Three Dimensions of Adulthood: Freedom, Responsibility, and Care PDF
Andreeva A.S.
No 7 (2023) Corrective Labor Colony ‘Perm‑36’ in the Memory of Neighbouring Villages Residents PDF
Riazanova S.V., Mitrofanova A.V.
1 - 150 of 222 Items 1 2 > >> 

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