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Issue Section Title File
No 1 (2023) Articles The Taiwan Question and PRC Politics of Memory towards Japan
No 1 (2023) Articles Chinese Policy in Latin America: Lessons and Risks for Spain
No 1 (2023) Articles The Mongolian National Factor in the PRC and Sino-Mongolian Relations
No 1 (2023) Articles The Expediency of Creating a Supranational Currency within the Framework of the SCO and BRICS International Organizations Under the Influence of Trade and Sanctions Restrictions
No 1 (2023) Articles From “world factory” to technological superpower: is China ready for global leadership in innovation?
No 1 (2023) Articles Development of Eco-industrial Parks in China
No 1 (2023) Articles Modern Challenges of Economic Cooperation between the Republic of Korea and the United States
No 1 (2023) Articles Epoch-Making Triad of Chinese Revolutions
No 1 (2023) Articles Origins and Development of Japanese Automotive Industry in 1920-1945, the Case of Toyota Motor Company
No 1 (2023) Articles The role of the Russian Imperial Consulate in Nyuzhuang (Yingkou) in expanding trade and economic ties between Russia and China from 1906 to 1909.
No 1 (2023) Articles 15 Years of Implementation of the Chinese Ancient Books Preservation Plan (2007-2022)
No 1 (2023) Articles The 33rd IFES-APRC Conference of the Institute of China and Contemporary Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Center for Asia-Pacific Studies of Hanyang University
No 1 (2023) Articles About the 10th Anniversary International Conference of Young Orientalists in ICCA RAS
No 1 (2023) Articles The History of Mankind Inside and Out (Book Reviews: Khoros V.G. Civilizations in the Modern World. Books 1 and 2. M.: Lenand, 2022. Indian, African, Islamic and Chinese Civilizations. Latin American Civilizational Community. 1st Book. 304 p.; European civilization. Russian Civilization. 2nd Book. 240 p.)
No 1 (2023) Articles Book Reviews: Sato Masaru. Putin`s ambitions. Tokio: Ushio Publishing, 2022. 272 p.
No 1 (2023) Articles Diaspora Engagement Policy of the PRC: Socio-economic Direction / A.V. Afonasieva. Moscow: IDV RAN, 2022. 336 p.
No 1 (2023) Articles Anniversary of Lyudmila Ivanovna Kondrashova
No 1 (2023) Articles Anniversary of Alexander Zakharovich Zhebin
No 1 (2023) Articles Anniversary of Vladimir Fedorovich Borodich
No 1 (2023) Articles Liubov Vladimirovna Novoselova 02.17.1951-01.20.2023
No 2 (2023) Articles About the New Concept of National Security of Japan
No 2 (2023) Articles Aggravation of China-US Competition on the Problem of the World Order: Chinese Scientists Views Evolution
No 2 (2023) Articles The PRC Economy: Prospects of its Development in the Period of the 14-th Five Year Plan (2021-2025)
No 2 (2023) Articles On the Growth Factors and Model of Economic Development of China
No 2 (2023) Articles On the Question of the Size and Location of the Chinese Diaspora in the World (1949 — present)
No 2 (2023) Articles The state and prospects of the development of the Mekong problem
No 2 (2023) Articles Participation of the Chinese Military-Industrial Complex in the Implementation of the State Plan "Made in China — 2025"
No 2 (2023) Articles Diplomatic Agency of the Russian Empire in Mukden in 1901-1904 and Activities of the Diplomat S.A. Kolokolov
No 2 (2023) Articles Languages of “Modern” (Harbin Hotel “Modern” in the History of Russian-Chinese Cultural Relations)
No 2 (2023) Articles The Role of the 88th Independent Infantry Brigade in the Anti-Japanese War
No 2 (2023) Articles The End of Japan's isolation. Expeditions of M.K. Perry and E.V. Putyatin in the Context of the Struggle for Colonies in the North Pacific in the Middle of the 19th Century
No 2 (2023) Articles On the Language Preferences of Chinese Leaders
No 2 (2023) Articles Annual All-Russian Conference “Modern Chinese State”
No 2 (2023) Articles On the 26th Conference of Russia and CIS Koreanologists “Korean Peninsula: Current Issues”
No 2 (2023) Articles The Outskirts of Russia on the Border with towering Asia. Book Review: "A Decade of Disappointed Expectations: Pacific Asia and Pacific Russia between Two Global Crises". Chief Editor V.L. Larin. Vladivostok: sole trader Shul'ga V.B., 2022. 456 р.
No 3 (2023) Articles On the Way to a New Formula a of the State Power (The First Session of the 14th National People's Congress, 2023)
No 3 (2023) Articles Restructuring of Multilateralism and Inclusive Development of the SCO
No 3 (2023) Articles China as a Focal Point of Japan's Security Strategy
No 3 (2023) Articles The Indo-Pacific Strategy of the Republic of Korea
No 3 (2023) Articles China and the 2023 Iran-Saudi Agreement: Setting, Goals and Significance
No 3 (2023) Articles Taxonomy of Chinas’s “Green” Economy
No 3 (2023) Articles Analysis of Sino-Russian Space Cooperation in the New Period
No 3 (2023) Articles Spatial Configuration of Key Parliamentary Constituencies in the Republic of Korea in the XXI Century
No 3 (2023) Articles Social Credit System in China
No 3 (2023) Articles The Features of German-Japanese Cooperation in the Sphere of Security and Defence in the Early 2020-s
No 3 (2023) Articles The Far East and Prospects of Shipping Operations of the Voluntary Fleet
No 3 (2023) Articles The Concept of Human Capital
No 3 (2023) Articles Annual All-Russian Scientific Conference of Center for Chinese Economy and Social Studies ICCA RAS «Modernization of the PRC Economy in the Light of the Decisions of the Twentieth CPC Congress»
No 4 (2023) Articles Party Diplomacy in China’s Foreign Policy: “CCP Dialogue with the World-2023”
No 4 (2023) Articles DPRK as a Structural Factor of Regional and Global Security
No 4 (2023) Articles The Intensification of the Struggle for Influence in Oceania and the Role of Japan
No 4 (2023) Articles Prospects for Russian gas in China
No 4 (2023) Articles Japan’s Energy Policy: Current Challenges and Problems
No 4 (2023) Articles Japan’s Economic Strategy in India: Issues and Prospects
No 4 (2023) Articles Architecture of China’s Cyber Sovereignty Concept (Based on the Reports World Internet Conference “Sovereignty in Cyberspace: Theory and Practice”
No 4 (2023) Articles Historical Experience of the Development of Chinese Civilization
No 4 (2023) Articles A Study of the Economic Growth Quality in the Eastern Regions of Russia and the Northeastern Regions of China
No 4 (2023) Articles “Russia has Come More Than Twice as Nearer to Us”: The 1896 Moscow Treaty in the Chinese Scholars’ Perceptions
No 4 (2023) Articles «Continuation of the Complete Collection of the Historical Notes of Dai Viet» and Its Unfortunate Fate
No 4 (2023) Articles The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in the Implementation of China's Educational Policy in Inner Asia
No 4 (2023) Articles XXIV International Scientific Conference “China and East Asia: Philosophy, Literature, Culture”
No 6 (2023) Articles NATO's Pivot to the East: Motives and Problems
No 6 (2023) Articles Non-Governmental Organizations in Contemporary China: political and legal aspect
No 6 (2023) Articles Relations between Russia and the DPRK in 2023
No 6 (2023) Articles The PRC’s Foreign Aid to Developing Countries as a Tool to Protect Chinese Companies’ Investments against Political Risks
No 6 (2023) Articles The Japanese Model of Energy Transition (on the Example of the Introduction of Hydrogen Energy). High Hopes and Modest Prospects
No 6 (2023) Articles Russian-Mongolian Border: Updating Checkpoints and Strengthening Infrastructure Connectivity
No 6 (2023) Articles Development of the Video Game Industry in China at the End of the 20th Century
No 6 (2023) Articles Politics and Mysticism in the Modern Republic of Korea: Case of Lee Jae-myung
No 6 (2023) Articles The Original Meanings of the New Terminology of the CCP
No 6 (2023) Articles Budgetary Systems of the Eastern Russian Regions during the Pandemic Crisis 2020-2021: Territorial Projection
No 5 (2023) Articles The Official Position of the People's Republic of China Regarding the Nature of Relations with the Russian Federation in the Context of the “Special Military Operation” (SMO)
No 5 (2023) Articles On the Big business of the Chinese Diaspora
No 5 (2023) Articles The Revival of China's Tea Industry in the Years of Reform
No 6 (2023) Articles On the Question of the Polish-Japanese Military Alliance against the USSR in 1922-1939
No 5 (2023) Articles Asian Space Race: New Priorities for Industrial Development of Solar System Bodies
No 5 (2023) Articles Universal Basic Income in the Republic of Korea: Development of Social Security or Populism?
No 6 (2023) Articles The Logic of Circumstances versus the Logic of Intentions: Guan Yu's Deadly Bet with Zhuge Liang
No 5 (2023) Articles The Outside World in China's Strategy after the 20th CPC Congress
No 5 (2023) Articles Features of the Car Import into Primorsky Region
No 6 (2023) Articles Museums in China: From Local Dialects to the Languages of the World
No 5 (2023) Articles The Confrontation between Soviet Intelligence and Japanese Special Agencies on the Eve of the Manchurian Strategic Offensive Operation (1945)
No 6 (2023) Articles Marxism is Alive. The 13th World Socialism Forum
No 5 (2023) Articles Pages from the History of the Democratic League of China in the Late Republican Period
No 5 (2023) Articles Educational Charities in China: Key Areas of Work and Development Prospects
No 6 (2023) Articles Book Review:People's Republic of China: Politics, Economics, Culture—2022 / Ch. ed. K.V. Babaev, A.V. Lukin. M.: IKSA, 2023. 432 p.
No 5 (2023) Articles Religious and Cultural Adaptation of Korean Immigrants in Russia in the Late 19th Century on the Example of Blagoslovennoe Village
No 6 (2023) Articles Book Review: Jin Chongji. Survey of Chinese History in the Twentieth Century / tr. by T.B. Urzhumtseva, A.A. Kovaleva. Saint Petersburg: SPbSUE, 2023. 616 p.
No 5 (2023) Articles International scientific and practical conference “45 years of reform and opening up in China: lessons and prospects”
No 5 (2023) Articles Book review: Luo Maoden. The Tale of Zheng He's Campaign to the Western Ocean: abridged edition in 2 volumes / trans. from Chinese by N.E. Borevskaya. M.: Chance, 2023.
No 5 (2023) Articles Book Review: CPC Futures. The New Era of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics. Edited by Frank N. Pieke and Bert Hofman, Singapore: National University of Singapore Press for the East Asian Institute, 2022. VIII, 194 p. Print ISBN: 978-981-185-162-9 (paper); ePDF ISBN: 978-981-185-206-0; ePub ISBN: 978-981-185-163-6.
No 5 (2023) Articles Anniversary of Andrei Andreevich Krushinsky
No 5 (2023) Articles Anniversary of Artem Igorevich Kobzev
No 2 (2024) Politics Japan—US—South Korea Triangle: How Strong Will the New Alliance Be?
No 2 (2024) Politics Climate Agenda in Bilateral Relations between China and the United States
No 2 (2024) Politics Mechanisms of Scientific and Technical Cooperation between Russia and China in the New Era
No 2 (2024) Politics Prospects for BRICS Expansion and Development: Academic Discussions in China
No 2 (2024) Economics Dynamics of the Physical Volume of Industrial Production in China in 2010–2022
No 2 (2024) Economics The PRC Economy: New Horizons of its Development till 2025
No 2 (2024) Economics Comparative Analysis of the Far East Countries’ Sovereign Debt Risk
No 2 (2024) Economics China’s Foreign Aid Transformation: Driver and Path Analysis
No 2 (2024) State and society The Emergence of China as a Cyber Superpower
No 2 (2024) Environment Corporate Climate Strategies and Financing the Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy in Japan
No 2 (2024) Environment China in Central Asia’s “Green” Energy Sector
No 2 (2024) Culture Information Technology and Chinese Characters
No 2 (2024) Culture The Revival of the Great Tea Road between China, Russia and Mongolia: a New Review from China
No 2 (2024) Scientific events Annual All-Russian Conference “Modern Chinese State”
No 2 (2024) Book reviews Book Review: 任晓: 中国国际关系学史 [Ren Xiao. The History of Chinese Studies of International Relations]. 北京. 商务印书馆, 2022年. 424页.
No 1 (2024) Politics On the Staffing of Chinese Diplomacy
No 1 (2024) Politics Interests of China and India Regarding ASEAN: Rivalry or Parallel Courses?
No 1 (2024) Politics Germany`s Approach to the Cooperation with Singapore in the Sphere of Security and Defence in the Early 2020-s
No 1 (2024) Politics Evolution of Chinese Researchers' Views on the National Interests (from the 1990s till Present)
No 1 (2024) Economics About the Future of the Formation of the Chinese Yuan as a World Currency
No 1 (2024) Economics The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership is the Largest Integration Association in Asia and the World
No 1 (2024) Economics Current State of the Economy of the Republic of Korea
No 1 (2024) Military build-up On Some Aspects of the Establishment and Development of Russian-South Korean Military-Political Ties
No 1 (2024) History Chinese Workers on the Construction of the CER 1898–1899
No 1 (2024) History His Majesty’s Eyes and Ears: on the Establishment of the Institution of Control of Provincial Authorities in Korea during the Joseon Period
No 1 (2024) History Zheng He — Sinbad’s Prototype? (A Critique of a Popular Viewpoint)
No 1 (2024) History The Palace Coup of 1900 in China (Based on the Materials of the Archive of Foreign Policy of the Russian Empire)
No 1 (2024) Culture Activities of the USSR Society of Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries on the Visit of the Chinese Education Mission in 1933
No 1 (2024) Education Influence of Demographic Processes on the Development of the Education System in Modern China
No 1 (2024) Book reviews Book Review: Shih Chih-yu. Post-Chineseness. Cultural Politics and International Relations. Albany: SUNY Press, 2022. 358 p.

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