The Revival of the Great Tea Road between China, Russia and Mongolia: a New Review from China

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The object of this study is the Great Tea Route, which operated from the 17th to the 20th centuries and covered large areas of China, Mongolia and Russia. Today, the original route of the Great Tea Road no longer exists in its former form, however, its influence continues to this day. The lines of the tea road largely coincide with the main route of the China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor, which, in turn, is an important part of such projects as the Silk Road Economic Belt (SREB), One Belt — One Road ". The revival of this road helps strengthen mutually beneficial trilateral cooperation, cultural exchanges and trade and economic ties between regions. The author set a goal to explore the current state and directions of development of the tea road. The history of the formation and prospects for the revival of the ancient route are considered within the framework of the creation of joint projects “SREB” and “Economic Corridor China — Mongolia — Russia”. Thanks to the efforts of the governments of the three countries, representatives of the academic community and the public, it was possible to reach an agreement to submit an application to include the Great Tea Road on the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List. In addition, key areas of trilateral cooperation were analyzed. The practical significance of the work lies on the fact that it introduces the scientific community to the latest achievements, results of work, as well as new measures taken by the Chinese side to revive the ancient path. Particular attention is paid to the prospects and key areas of cooperation within the framework of the revival of the Great Tea Road.

About the authors

Z. Xiaoling

Shanghai University of Political Science and Law

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6125-8246

Ph.D. (Humanities), Associate professor

Shanghai, China


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