The PRC Economy: New Horizons of its Development till 2025

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The article analyses problems of China’s social and economic development in the period of the 14th Five Year Plan (2021–2025) by the materials, which were published in October, 2022 at the XX Congress of the CPC and in March, 2023 at the First Session of the National People’s Congress (NPC) of the 14-th Convocation. This article sums up the social and economic results of 2022, when economic growth rates were much less than in the period of economic reforms at the end of the XX century and in the beginning of the XXI century because the COVID-19 epidemic and evident decrease of the world economic development. Never the less a lot of economic indices of China proved to be higher than all over the world, and now China is one of the world economic leaders. The First Session of the NPC planned quite realistic goals of social and economic development of China for 2023. The author considers, if China fulfills its tasks by the end of the 14-th Five Year Plan, it will strengthen its economic potential and promote living standards of the Chinese population.

About the authors

Andrei V. Ostrovskii

Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9248-4222

Dr.Sc. (Economics), Professor, Chief Research Scholar

Moscow, Russian Federation


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