Relations between Russia and the DPRK in 2023

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2023 witnessed a marked surge in contacts between Russia and the DPRK. Active mutual visits were the main event and the main surprise. In summer Russian defense minister Sergey Shoigu visited Pyongyang, in September North Korean leader Kim Jong-un came to Vladivostok to meet President Vladimir Putin, and in October Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov went to the DPRK.After the COVID-induced break, the two countries’ representatives met face to face to seek ways to develop bilateral relations in a new political reality. Moscow and Pyongyang are concerned about the US — South Korea — Japan trilateral alliance emerging in North East Asia. Besides, practical cooperation should reach a level worthy of neighbors who have converging foreign policy views. Also, the two parties are discussing how to organize their political cooperation in the future.Now, in a changed world, Russia promises to block all new sanctions against the DPRK in the UN Security Council, but it does not mean Moscow will neglect its duties as a permanent member or ignore sanctions that are already in effect. The quest for available profitable cooperation formats may prove arduous, and possible options might include projects in the areas of logistics, tourism, etc. Still, it is highly unlikely that Russia receives or seeks arms supplies from the DPRK, like the West claims. As the global confrontation intensifies, North Korea keeps close to traditionally like-minded actors, but Pyongyang may yet diversify their diplomatic options should the opportunity present itself. In the meantime, Russia should use this chance to flesh out our relations with the close neighbor.

About the authors

Ilya Vladimirovich Dyachkov

MGIMO University

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7058-0811
119454, Moscow, prospect Vernadskogo, 76


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