The Revival of China's Tea Industry in the Years of Reform

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The article is devoted to the main problems of the revival of tea production in China in the XXI century. Tea in China is more than a drink. This is the most important element of history and culture, an important article of foreign trade since the time of the Great Silk Road, when there was the so-called Great Tea Road (茶道) — a caravan route that ran in the XVI-XIX centuries between Asia and Europe. In terms of trade turnover, it was the second after the Great Silk Road. Since the beginning of the 80s of the XX century, the promotion of tea culture in the country has been based on traditional foundations. The awakening of interest in tea culture was accompanied by an appeal to some traditional values of Chinese society and their rethinking in the new conditions, which is of great interest to the scientific community both in China and abroad. Currently, China ranks first in the world in terms of tea plantation area and total production, accounting for a fifth of the world's exports. Among the necessary measures for the development of the tea industry, it is necessary to create a modern infrastructure that ensures the optimal operation of tea plantations, the improvement of the technological process for processing tea collection, the creation of new factories for processing and packaging finished products, as well as new domestic tea brands.

About the authors

Svetlana Nikiforovna Aleksakhina

Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences

ORCID iD: 0009-0006-8432-8178
/1, Rozhdestvenka str., Moscow, 107031, Russian Federation


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