Influence of Demographic Processes on the Development of the Education System in Modern China

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Population structure is an important characteristic of society. As a key element of socio-economic development, the population is linked to the development potential of the nation and the state. Its scale, quality and structure have an important influence on the future direction of the educational system as a whole. In the development of educational activities, the number of students in each school year is directly correlated with the school-age population. The scope of education coverage, planning and organization of school activities are determined by the size of the population and the characteristics of its location. This is the basic logic of the relationship between education and population. Education in many ways influences society as a whole and the processes taking place in it, for example, the processes of population migration, etc. China is entering the era of negative population growth. China is entering an era of negative population growth, and it is important to predict how the education sector will respond to demographic changes. The new demographic trend will primarily affect the development of basic education. The decline in the total school-age population and the specifics of its regional distribution in the course of urbanization have led to a decrease in the number of students in rural areas and an oversupply in urban areas. Under such conditions, it is increasingly difficult to ensure high-quality development of basic education, avoid the emergence of new educational inequalities and a number of other social problems. All these problems of the current basic school will eventually be transmitted to higher education, and given the dynamics of population aging, it is clear that the labour market may be in a very difficult situation in the near future. If proper measures are not taken, systemic educational risks may arise that will have an impact on the overall socio-economic development of the state.

About the authors

M. A Guleva

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9226-6011

Ph.D. (Economics), Associate Professor

Moscow, Russian Federation


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