Mechanisms of Scientific and Technical Cooperation between Russia and China in the New Era

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The obvious rapprochement between the two countries of Russia and China is dictated by the historical course of events and the changing geopolitical situation in the world Russia and China are conducting activities to develop new strategies for the technological development of the two countries. The strengthening of existing and the formation of new innovative models and forms of scientific and technical interaction is taking place based on existing experience and taking into account the sanctions policy of the West. The current stage of Russian-Chinese relations, according to Russian President V. Putin, characterizes Russian-Chinese cooperation as “a partnership looking to the future”. Speaking about Russian-Chinese scientific and technological cooperation at the current stage, Chinese President Xi Jinping notes that China and Russia, being responsible global and influential scientific and technological powers, need comprehensive and multi-level cooperation and exchange between the scientific and technical circles of the two countries to reform the system and building a “community with a common destiny for humanity.” The article examines the main mechanisms of scientific and technical cooperation between Russia and China that have developed at the present stage. Particular attention is paid to programs and tools for the implementation of national scientific and innovative development of China. Models that can become effective channels for practical scientific and technical progress in Russia and China are considered. An overview of the general situation is provided that allowed China to quickly make a breakthrough in the development of fundamental research, systematization of the structure and management of the work of RECs, research institutes, research projects, etc. according to the operating principle of the Soviet State Committee for Science and Technology, as well as modern methods and approaches, tools and mechanisms of bilateral interactions.

About the authors

Maria Yu. Ulyanova

Russian House of International Scientific and Technical Cooperation

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0009-0004-4051-074X

Ph.D. (Philology), Deputy Head of the China Department

Russian Federation, Moscow


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