The Role of the 88th Independent Infantry Brigade in the Anti-Japanese War

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The 88th Independent Infantry Brigade in the Far East is the only unit in the history of the Communist Party of China and the history of the Chinese Communist Army that was reorganized into the Soviet Army. In the operation of the Soviet Army dispatching troops to the Northeast of China, the teaching brigade of Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army entered the Northeast as an advance force to perform some special tasks such as guidance, translation, reconnaissance, military representatives of the Soviet garrison and so on. In addition, in accordance with the instructions of the CPC Central Committee, the teaching brigade of Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army competed with the Kuomintang regime for the actual control of the Northeast under extremely perilous conditions, and quickly completed the «Three Constructions» (Party Construction, Army Construction, and Political Construction), which made an exceedingly special contribution to the victory of the Anti-Japanese War and the liberation of the Northeast by the CPC.

About the authors

Yanhong Ning

Heihe University

Heihe, Heilongjiang Province, China, 164300

Yan Gao

Heihe University

Heihe, Heilongjiang Province, China, 164300


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