China in Central Asia’s “Green” Energy Sector

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Over the past few years, China has been increasingly active in promoting solar, wind, small hydropower and other clean technologies (from electric vehicles to smart grids) in Central Asia, where demand for a green transformation is high and the potential for clean energy is enormous. Beijing’s involvement in the development of the renewable energy industry in the region is intended to strengthen China’s international image as a responsible great power promoting the green transition, promote the implementation of Chinese rules, norms and standards in the field of clean energy, and expand the export opportunities of Chinese manufacturers of green equipment and technologies (including the so-called “three new products”— photovoltaic products, electric vehicles and lithium-ion batteries), open up new opportunities to meet China’s energy needs. The article focuses on cooperation between China and Central Asian countries in such areas as the development of solar and wind energy. The article demonstrates the interest convergence of the parties in the development of clean energy, determines the role, scale and forms of China’s participation in the promotion of solar and wind energy in the region.It is concluded that at the present stage, China’s role in financing solar and wind energy projects in the region is limited (especially in comparison with the scale of financing coming from multilateral development banks and national development and international cooperation agencies of Western countries), while the presence of Chinese companies as contractors and equipment suppliers in the construction of solar and wind power plants in Central Asia is very significant.

About the authors

Yana V. Leksyutina

Saint-Petersburg State University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6766-1792

Dr.Sc. (Political Science), Professor

Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation


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