China’s Foreign Aid Transformation: Driver and Path Analysis

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This article examines the process of development of the state policy of the People's Republic of China in the sphere of international assistance to developing states. In its development, this policy has passed through three stages, which can be conditionally characterized as a gradual transition from political assistance through commercial support to assistance in the role of a "responsible state". At present, China's policy is undergoing a transformation: China's role has changed from "local partner" to "aid provider" and the establishment of a "new development aid system" has become the core of the development cooperation program. The paper investigates the reasons for these changes and also looks in more detail at the institutional aspects of the transformation underway, which include, among others, the establishment of the National Agency for International Development Cooperation in 2018. It is concluded that in the context of the ongoing changes, the practical aspects of public policy implementation are of particular importance: in particular, it is necessary to ensure a greater degree of transparency in management decision-making, as well as to establish a channel of direct communication with the final recipients of aid — foreign organizations and citizens. It is noted that the concept of "community of common destinies of mankind" makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of international aid in the context of multipolarity of the emerging world order, while the existing Western models of international aid providing do not take into account the objectively occurring global changes. Successful resolution of these issues will not only meet China's changed role in the international arena, but also contribute significantly to its domestic economic and social development.

About the authors

Hui Dai

China National Institute for SCO International Exchange and Judicial Cooperation, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0009-0007-5605-519X

Ph.D. (Jurisprudence), Associate Professor

Wai Qing Song Road, Shanghai, the People’s Republic of China).

Aleksei V. Sereda

Faculty of Law, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4486-6634

Senior Lecturer

Moscow, Russian Federation


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