Dynamics of the Physical Volume of Industrial Production in China in 2010–2022

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The rapid growth of the Chinese economy should generate structural shifts associated with the saturation of some markets and the growth of others. Chinese statistics provide an opportunity to observe the dynamics of natural indicators that clearly demonstrate the state of production and markets. The article examines the production of coal, cement, electricity, mineral fertilizers, edible vegetable oil, fabrics, household refrigerators, automobiles, steel smelting, production of metalcutting machines, cell phones, integrated circuits for 2010–2022. The dynamics of changing trends in the industry of the People's Republic of China is analyzed. The analysis of the time series of industrial production in physical terms demonstrates that several groups of industries exist and develop simultaneously in Chinese industry, in which various trends are observed. There is saturation in the industries building infrastructure, but also continued growth in their modern part (electricity), or sectors aimed for new markets (coal mining, cement industry, steel production). Industries operating primarily for the domestic market are experiencing saturation and even a decline in production (mineral fertilizers, edible vegetable oil). In traditionally export industries, there is a change of leaders (reduction of fabric production). New industries are developing, working for the domestic market and exports (growth in automobile production, saturation of the household refrigerator market). In the branches of the investment complex, the technological basis is being replaced (robots replace metalworking machine-tools). The industries of the most modern electronic technologies are developing rapidly, there is saturation in the production of mobile phones, and the rapid growth is on in the production of integrated circuits. In general, China's industry operates in three large and relatively independent groups of markets: the markets of developed countries, the growing domestic market, as well as the markets of developing countries.

About the authors

Alexander V. Akimov

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Email: akimovivran@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5310-903X

Dr.Sc. (Economics), Head of the Department of Economic Research

Moscow, Russian Federation


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