Interests of China and India Regarding ASEAN: Rivalry or Parallel Courses?

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The paper examines whether the interests of China and India in relation to ASEAN reflect rivalry or rather co-exist in parallel without rigid confrontation. ASEAN occupies an important place among the key vectors of foreign policy of China and India in the Asia-Pacific region. ASEAN represents interest to China as an important trade and economic partner. The Associations is also important for China in regional security issues and the protection of the “first island line”. Strategically, deepening contacts with ASEAN is crucial for China in order to neutralize US plans to contain it. For India, the development of cooperation with ASEAN is aimed at balancing the strengthening of China's regional positions. Geopolitically, ASEAN is one of the key components of a “selfreliant foreign policy” of India, and enhances its role as a more active participant in key regional processes. New Delhi sees some potential for the development of joint transport, logistics and economic projects, and plans impetus to domestic economic development by strengthening trade relations with ASEAN. Despite the increasing rivalry between China and India for leadership in the region, Beijing and New Delhi are pursuing parallel courses with regard to ASEAN. ASEAN occupies an important place in the regional subsystem. Based on the concept of ASEAN-centricity, ASEAN plays one of the leading roles in the regional institutional architecture. Its members remain committed to a multi-vector approach and are interested in developing ties with all regional and non-regional actors, which help to uphold autonomy by maintaining foreign policy balance and benefit from multilateral economic cooperation.

About the authors

D. A Bochkov

MGIMO-University under the Ministry of For- eign Affairs of Russia, RIAC

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7326-3966

Ph.D. Candidate, RIAC expert

Moscow, Russian Federation


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