
Genes of killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors and their HLA ligands after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in myeloid leukemia patients
Khamaganova E., Parovichnikova E., Kuzmina L., Kulikov S., Savchenko V.
Clinical features of coronary artery disease and 5-year survival of patients after myocardial infarction against the background of depressive disorders
Nonka T., Lebedeva E., Repin A.
Multiple myeloma: response to treatment and survival of patients according to the interim analysis of the Russian observational, retrospective-prospective, multicenter cohort study (MULTISPECT)
Ptushkin V., Kunst M., Mitina T., Konstantinova T., Rachkova N., Shelekhova T., Elykomov I., Kuchma G., Farizova K., Vinogradova O., Nikitin E., Pashanov E.
Analysis of the effectiveness of multiple myeloma treatment based on the clinical experience of European countries
Ptushkin V., Mueller M.
Predictors of clinical events in patients with Fabry disease: the role of chronic kidney disease
Moiseev S., Karovaikina E., Bulanov N., Moiseev A., Fomin V.
Prognostic value of 1q21 amplification in multiple myeloma
Abramova T., Obukhova T., Mendeleeva L., Pokrovskaya O., Gribanova E., Ryzhko V., Grebenyuk L., Nareyko M., Solovyev M., Votyakova O., Kulikov S., Rusinov M., Savchenko V.
Role of splenectomy in the treatment of myelofibrosis
Melikian A., Kolosova L., Sokolova M., Kovrigina A., Silaev M., Giliazitdinova E., Gemdzhian É., Karagiulian S.
FLT3 and NPM1 gene mutations in patients with acute myeloid leukemias and the impact of FLT3-ITD mutations on the survival of patients with a normal karyotype
Martynkevich I., Gritsaev S., Moskalenko M., Ivanova M., Aksenova V., Tiranova S., Abdulkadyrov K., Martynkevich I., Gritsayev S., Moskalenko M., Ivanova M., Aksenova V., Tiranova S., Abdulkadyrov K.
Effects ofprognostic parameters and radiotherapy on survival of patients with pulmonary cancer
Yuozaitite E., Inchura A., Sakalauskas R., Valius L.
The value of bone mineral density assessment by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry for prediction of cardiovascular mortality in patients treated with hemodialysis
Mazurenko S., Nakatis Y., Enkin A., Staroselsky K., Vasiliev A., Mazurenko O., Soin P., Ermolaeva L., Ivanov I.
Risk of cardiovascular death in relation to blood pressure levels in Tyumen men and women: results of a 12-year prospective study
Akimova E., Pushkarev G., Gafarov V., Kuznetsov V.
Results of hemopoietic cell transplantation in the first complete remission in children with acute myeloid leukemia from an intermediate risk group
Dyshlevaya Z., Skorobogatova E., Maschan M., Shipitsyna I., Skvortsova Y., Trakhtman P., Balashov D., Pashko Y., Kurnikova E., Suntsova E., Goronkova O., Solopova G., Baidildina D., Kalinina I., Khachatryan L., Shneider M., Maschan A.
Intradialysis hypotension: causes and sequelae
Milovanova L., Nikolaev A., Safonov V., Milovanov Y.
Survival of bDMARDs in bionaive patients with rheumatoid arthritis: data from a retrospective 12-month follow-up
Aronova E., Lukina G., Glukhova S., Gridneva G., Kudryavtseva A.
Survival in pulmonary arterial hypertension, associated with connective tissue diseases, treated by sildenafil: results of the prospective study
Volkov A., Nikolaeva E., Yudkina N., Kurmukov I., Nasonov E.
Risk of cardiovascular death in relation to blood lipid composition in male inhabitants of Tyumen: results of a 12-year prospective study
Akimova E., Gakova E., Pushkarev G., Smaznov V., Kaiumova M., Gafarov V., Kuznetsov V.
Recurrences of acute promyelocytic leukemia in children: experience with arsenic trioxide therapy and autologous hemopoietic cell transplantation
Baidildina D., Maschan M., Skorobogatova E., Dubrovina M., Rumyantseva Y., Maschan A., Rumyantsev A., Samochatova E.
Survival and prognostic factors of death risk in antiphospholipid syndrome: results of 8-year follow-up
Reshetnyak T., Alekberova Z., Kotelnikova G., Alexandrova E., Mack E., Radenska-Lopovok S., Kalashnikova L., Nasonova V.
Follicular lymphoma: first - line selection criteria of treatment
Nesterova E., Kravchenko S., Kovrigina A., Gemdzhian E., Plastinina L., Babaeva F., Obukhova T., Magomedova A., Gaponova T., Kremenetskaya A., Vorobyev A.
Clinical and hemodynamic characteristics and possibilities for therapy in patients with severe (functional class IV) pulmonary arterial hypertension associated with diffuse connective tissue diseases
Nikolaeva E., Yudkina N., Kurmukov I., Novikova D., Markelova E., Volkov A.
Long-term results of treatment for T-cell lymphoblastic lymphomas
Vinogradova I., Chernova N., Kaplanskaia I., Zingerman B., Mangasarova I., Krasil'nikova B., Kravchenko S.
Types of lupus nephritis exacerbations: prognostic significance
Samokishina N., Kozlovskaia N., Shilov E., Varshavskiĭ V., Miroshnichenko N.
Epidemiology of multiple myeloma in city Moscow
Vinogradova O., Ptushkin V., Chernikov M., Kochkareva Y., Zherebtsova V.
The duration of an HIV infection course and its influencing factors
Pokrovskaia A., Popova A., Ladnaia N., Iurin O.
Eliseev M., Denisov I., Barskova V.
Prognostic implication of a focal lesion of bone marrow in diffuse large В cell lymphosarcoma
Magomedova A., Kremenetskaya A., Vorobyev I., Kravchenko S., Kaplanskaya I., Samoilova R., Gemdzhyan E., Vorobyev A.
Remissions and progression of C3 glomerulopathy
Karunnaya A., Dobronravov V.
Efficacy and safety of the TAIS coronary stent implantation: nine monthmuticenter study
Samko A., Belenkov Y., Batyraliev T., Pershukov I., Niyazova-Karben Z., Sercelik A., Calenici O., Karaus A., Guler N., Eryonucu В., Kadayifci S., Temamogullari A., Ozgul S., Akgul F., Levitsky I., Besnili F., Sozykin A., Arful F., Jamgyrchiev S., Tiryaki В., Daniyarov B., Demirbas O., Sengul H.
Risk factors for and prognostic value of multifocal atherosclerosis in patients with diabetes mellitus
Gracheva S., Biragova M., Glazunova A., Klefortova I., Shamkhalova M., Dzhavelidze M., Soldatova T., Il'in A., Shestakova M., Tugeeva É., Buziashvili I.
Volkov A., Martynyuk T., Yudkina N., Danilov N., Glukhova S., Guseva N., Chazova I., Nasonova V.
Echocardiography - prognosis of the course of infectious endocarditisand long-term survival in this disease
Maslov S., Lobanov M., Kovalev Y.
Prognosis factors of survival in patients with liver cirrhosis and portal hypertension
Olevskaya E., Dolgushina A., Tarasov A., Hihlova A.
Heterogeneity of acute myeloid leukemia with the translocation t(8;21)(q22;q22)
Gritsaev S., Martynkevich I., Ziuzgin I., Kariagina E., Martynenko L., Petrova E., Tsybakova N., Ivanova M., Kostroma I., Tiranova S., Potikhonova N., Abdulkadyrov K.
Krasovsky S., Amelina E., Chernyak A., Nikonova V., Voronkova A., Kashirskaya N., Kapranov N., Chistyakova V., Samoilenko V., Semykin S., Simonova O., Petrova N., Gorinova Y., Chuchalin A.
Epidemiology of chronic renal disease in the Northwest of Russia: setting-up the register
Dobronravov V., Smirnov A., Dragunov S., Zverkov R., Evdokimova T., Butrimova S., Grigorschuk V.
Evaluation of respiratory parameters in patients with chronic obstructive lung disease during physical exercises
Abrosimov V., Ageeva K., Filippov E.
Pulmonary arterial hypertension in Russia: six-year observation analysis of the National Registry
Chazova I., Arkhipova O., Martynyuk T.
Bosentan: A considerable increase in the survival of patients with pulmonary hypertension associated with systemic rheumatic diseases
Volkov A., Iudkina N., Nikolaeva E., Kurmukov I., Glukhova S., Nasonov E.
Long-term results of HBV and HCV infection in patients with blood diseases
Garmaeva T., Kulikov S., Mikhaylova E., Gemdzhyan E., Gaponova T., Grumbkova L., Yaroslavtseva N., Tupoleva T., Somova A., Makarik T., Glinshchikova O., Fevraleva I., Sudarikov A., Filatov F., Savchenko V., Garmaeva T., Kulikov S., Mikhailova E., Gemdzhyan E., Gaponova T., Grumbkova L., Yaroslavtseva N., Tupoleva T., Somova A., Makarik T., Glinschikova O., Fevraleva I., Sudarikov A., Filatov F., Savchenko V.
Cardioprotective effect of erythropoietin preparations in patients with chronic renal failure
Nikolaev A., Ermolenko V., Milovanova L., Milovanov Y.
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