Long-term results of treatment for T-cell lymphoblastic lymphomas

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Aim. To define the efficiency of the GMALL 2002 program for the treatment of patients with T-cell lymphoblastic lymphomas (T-LBL). Subjects and methods. Twenty-five patients with a verified diagnosis of T-LBL were examined. Male/female ratio was 19:6; median age was 33 (range 16-67) years. There was a preponderance of patients with the generalized stages of the diseases: 2, 5, and 18 with Stages II, III, and IV, respectively. Mediastinal lesion was found in 20 (80%) of the 25 patients. Their treatment was performed according to the GMALL 2002 program and similar CHOP courses. Analysis was made in 2 groups that were not different in their clinical and morphological characteristics. Group 1 consisted of 17 of the 25 patients treated according to the GMALL programs; Group 2 comprised 8 patients who had similar CHOP and other chemotherapy regimens. Results. In Group 1, 15 (88%) patients achieved a complete clinical and hematological remission and 2 (12%) patients died in the first stages of the treatment. No relapses were noted. The median survival had not been achieved; 5-year overall survival was 88±8%. In Group 2, three patients were alive; 2 completed their treatment; 5 (63%) patients died from treatment failures. The median survival was 23±18%; 5-year overall survival was 45%. Conclusion. The findings suggest that the GMALL 2002 programs are highly effective in treating patients with T-LBL at the first stage of treatment.

About the authors

Iu E Vinogradova

ФГБУ "Гематологический научный центр" Минздравсоцразвития России, Москва

Email: jvinogr@blood.ru

N G Chernova

Email: ngchernova@mail.ru

I B Kaplanskaia

Email: irinakap@blood.ru

B V Zingerman

Email: boris@blood.ru

Ia K Mangasarova

Email: V.k.jana@mail.ru

B B Krasil'nikova

S K Kravchenko

Email: krav@blood.ru


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