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Том 53, № 11 (2019)

Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion)

Do Chemical Effects Affect the Accumulation of Structural Damage during the Implantation of Fluorine Ions into GaN?

Titov A., Karabeshkin K., Karaseov P., Struchkov A.


The accumulation of structural damage in GaN under irradiation with accelerated F and Ne ions with energies of 1.3 and 3.2 keV/amu is investigated. It is shown that chemical effects during implantation of fluorine ions within the doses under consideration do not noticeably affect the formation of stable structural damage both in the bulk and on the surface of GaN.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(11):1415-1418
pages 1415-1418 views

Electronic Properties of Semiconductors

Temperature Coefficient of Movement of the Resonance Level of Iron in Pb1 – x – ySnxFeyTe Alloys

Skipetrov E., Kovalev B., Skipetrova L., Knotko A., Slynko V.


The phase and elemental composition and the temperature dependences of the resistivity and Hall coefficient (temperature range 4.2 K ≤ T ≤ 300 K, magnetic fields B ≤ 0.07 T) are studied in Pb1 – x ySnxFeyTe alloys with varying matrix composition and iron-impurity concentration along single-crystal ingots synthesized by the Bridgman–Stockbarger method. The distributions of tin and iron along ingots are obtained. Anomalous temperature dependences of the Hall coefficient related to the Fermi-level pinning by the resonance level of iron located in the valence band of the alloys are found. The experimental results are analyzed within the model of transformation of the electronic structure, involving iron level movement with respect to the top of the valence band with increasing tin concentration and temperature. The temperature coefficient of the iron level movement with respect to the midgap is determined. Possible diagrams of transformation of the electronic structure with increasing temperature in alloys with the normal spectrum (0.06 ≤ x ≤ 0.35) are proposed.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(11):1419-1426
pages 1419-1426 views

Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation

Luminescence Properties of FZ Silicon Irradiated with Swift Heavy Ions

Cherkova S., Skuratov V., Volodin V.


The optical properties of float-zone (FZ) silicon irradiated with swift heavy ions (SHI) are studied. In the low-temperature photoluminescence spectra, a broad peak in the range 1.3–1.5 μm is evident along with the well-known X, W, W', R, and C lines. In this case, it is found that, as the irradiation dose is increased in the range 3 × 1011–1013 cm–2, the photoluminescence peak falls and narrows and, at the same time, its maximum shifts to longer wavelengths.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(11):1427-1430
pages 1427-1430 views

Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films

Relation between the Relaxation of Intrinsic Stimulated Picosecond Emission from GaAs with a Characteristic Charge-Carrier Cooling Time

Ageeva N., Bronevoi I., Zabegaev D., Krivonosov A.


During the powerful picosecond optical pumping of a thin (~1 μm) GaAs layer, a stimulated intense (up to 1 GW/cm2) picosecond emission arises. It is found that the characteristic picosecond relaxation time τr of the emission and of the carrier density increase with an increase of the diameter of the pump pulse for a fixed density of the pump-pulse energy. Due to the relation between the density and the temperature of carriers in the case of high-intensity emission (in the saturation state of emission amplification), the time τr is associated with the characteristic temperature-relaxation time τT of photopumped carriers, which was determined previously theoretically taking into account the emission-induced heating of carriers. The corresponding analytical expressions for τr as a function of τT are consistent with the above experimental results.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(11):1431-1438
pages 1431-1438 views

Quantum Corrections and Magnetotransport in 3D Dirac Semimetal Cd3 –xMnxAs2 Films

Mekhiya A., Kazakov A., Oveshnikov L., Davydov A., Ril A., Marenkin S., Aronzon B.


Thin films of solid solutions based on the three-dimensional Dirac semimetal Cd3As2 with the addition of manganese are investigated. Cd3 –xMnxAs2 films (x = 0, 0.05, and 0.1) 50–70 nm in thickness are formed on a glassceramic substrate using vacuum-thermal deposition from cadmium arsenide ingots doped by Mn and fabricated by direct alloying elements by the vacuum-cell method. The temperature and magnetic-field dependences of the resistance are measured and the transport parameters of the films under study are determined. Positive magnetoresistance of the characteristic shape corresponding to the contribution of the weak antilocalization effect is observed for films with x = 0 and 0.05. The contribution from the weak localization effect is observed at a higher Mn content (x = 0.1). This change in the quantum correction type as applied to topological semimetals points to reconstruction of the band structure and transition from the Dirac semimetal state into a trivial semiconductor phase, which corresponds to the critical Mn content xc ~ 0.07 in this case.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(11):1439-1444
pages 1439-1444 views

Mechanism of Singlet-Oxygen Generation on the Surface of Excited Nanoporous Silicon

Samosvat D., Chikalova-Luzina O., Zegrya G.


The mechanism of singlet-oxygen generation on the surface of photoexcited nanoporous silicon has been theoretically analyzed. It is shown that the mechanism of singlet-oxygen generation is based on nonradiative energy transfer from nanoporous silicon to an oxygen molecule according to the Dexter exchange mechanism. An analytical expression is obtained, and the probability of energy transfer from nanoporous silicon to an oxygen molecule is numerically estimated. It is shown that its numerical value, on the order of ~(103–104) s–1, is in good agreement with the experimental data.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(11):1445-1456
pages 1445-1456 views

Effect of Ion-Beam Processing during RF Magnetron Sputtering on the properties of ZnO Films

Krylov P., Alalykin A., Durman E., Zakirova R., Fedotova I.


The effect of ion-beam processing alternating with magnetron sputtering on the properties of zinc-oxide thin films is investigated. It is shown that ion-beam processing reduces the growth rate, coherent-scattering-region sizes, and the resistivity. The stoichiometric index, band gap, and refractive index increase. The transparency of the films in the weak absorption region remains unchanged.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(11):1457-1464
pages 1457-1464 views

Structure and Electrical Properties of (ZnO/SiO2)25 Thin Films

Volochaev M., Kalinin Y., Kashirin M., Makagonov V., Pankov S., Bassarab V.


(ZnO/SiO2)25 thin-film multilayers consisting of nanocrystalline ZnO layers and amorphous SiO2 spacers with a bilayer thickness from 6 to 10 nm are synthesized in a single deposition process. An analysis of the temperature dependences of the electrical resistivity of (ZnO/SiO2)25 thin films shows that, in the temperature range of 77–300 K, the dominant conductivity mechanism successively changes from hopping conductivity with a variable hopping length in a narrow energy band near the Fermi level at temperatures of 77–250 K to thermally activated impurity conductivity around room temperature. Using the obtained temperature dependences of the electrical resistivity, the effective density of localized states at the Fermi level and the activation energy of impurity levels are estimated. The effect of heat treatment on the structure and electrical properties of the synthesized films is examined. It is established that in (ZnO/SiO2)25 thin-film systems at temperatures of 580–600°C, the ZnO and SiO2 layers chemically interact, which is accompanied by destruction of the multilayer structure and formation of the Zn2SiO4 compound with a tetragonal structure (sp. gr. I-42d).

Semiconductors. 2019;53(11):1465-1471
pages 1465-1471 views

Investigation of Composition Uniformity in Thickness of GaInAsP Layers Grown on InP Substrates by Vapor-Phase Epitaxy

Gagis G., Levin R., Marichev A., Pushnyi B., Scheglov M., Ber B., Kazantsev D., Kudriavtsev Y., Vlasov A., Popova T., Chistyakov D., Kuchinskii V., Vasil’ev V.


GaInPAs/InP heterostructures grown by metalorganic chemical vapor-phase deposition at a temperature of 600°C and pressure of 0.1 bar are investigated. The thicknesses of the grown GaInAsP layers amount to about 1 μm. For Ga1 –xInxP1 –yAsy solid solutions with average compositions of x = 0.77–0.87 and y = 0.07–0.42, the variation in the content y of V-group atoms over the epitaxial-layer thickness by a value of Δy up to 0.1 atomic fractions in the sublattice of the V-group elements is revealed by secondary ion mass spectrometry. In most cases, a change in y occurs in the GaInAsP layer over a length to 200 nm from the InP heterointerface. In certain cases, y varies throughout the entire GaInPAs-layer thickness. For the epitaxial layers with satisfactory crystalline perfection, the value of Δy is less in the case of better lattice-matching between the GaInPAs epitaxial layer and the substrate. For GaInPAs layers strongly lattice-mismatched with the substrate and characterized by a low degree of crystalline perfection, the value of Δy is close to zero. All these facts enable us to assume that it is elastic deformations arising in the forming monolayer lattice-mismatched with the growing surface that affect the incorporation of V-group atoms into the forming crystalline lattice.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(11):1472-1478
pages 1472-1478 views

Boson Peak Related to Ga Nanoclusters in AlGaN Layers Grown by Plasma-Assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxy at Ga-Rich Conditions

Davydov V., Jmerik V., Roginskii E., Kitaev Y., Beltukov Y., Smirnov M., Nechaev D., Smirnov A., Eliseyev I., Brunkov P., Ivanov S.


We report the results of systematic Raman spectroscopy studies of AlxGa1 –xN (x ~ 0.75) layers grown using plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy at various stoichiometric conditions and growth fluxes. The high-intensity asymmetric low-frequency peak obeying Bose statistics is discovered in Raman spectra of the layers grown by temperature-modulated epitaxy at strongly Ga-enriched conditions. Theoretical model is developed to explain the origin and the high intensity of the observed low-frequency peak, which is attributed to the presence of excessive metallic gallium in AlGaN layers and can be explained by vibrations of gallium clusters with a diameter of ~1 nm. The nature of the low-frequency peak is similar to that of the boson peak in glasses, which occupies the same frequency range in Raman spectra. We demonstrate the capabilities of Raman spectroscopy as an express and non-destructive technique for optimization of growth conditions of AlGaN layers to achieve simultaneously the atomically-smooth droplet-free surface morphology and the high structural quality.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(11):1479-1488
pages 1479-1488 views

Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena

Time-Resolved Photoluminescence of InGaAs Nanostructures Different in Quantum Dimensionality

Nadtochiy A., Mintairov S., Kalyuzhnyy N., Maximov M., Sannikov D., Yagafarov T., Zhukov A.


The time-resolved photoluminescence of quantum-confined InGaAs heterostructures grown on GaAs substrates is studied by time-correlated single photon counting. The heterostructures have different dimensionalities: the structures are formed as quantum dots, quantum wells, and structures of transition dimensionality (quantum well-dots). It is found that the room-temperature photoluminescence decay time of the samples substantially depends on their dimensionality and corresponds to 6, 7, and >20 ns for quantum dots, well-dots, and wells, respectively. It is thought that the presence of localization centers for charge carriers can be responsible for the experimentally observed shortening of the photoluminescence time in the heterostructures.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(11):1489-1495
pages 1489-1495 views

On the Anisotropic Trigger Electrical Properties of Two-Dimensional Superlattices

Zav’yalov D., Konchenkov V., Kryuchkov S.


The problem of the spontaneous generation of a transverse electric field with a variation in the pulling field in a two-dimensional superlattice with an additive spectrum is considered. It is shown that if the miniband width is the same in the longitudinal and transverse direction, two equiprobable states of the system corresponding to the appearance of a transverse field of different signs appear upon reaching a certain threshold value by the pulling field, which leads to a knee in the longitudinal current–voltage characteristic. If the miniband widths deviate from equality, one of these states becomes more energetically favorable, but the system can transfer into the second state under a certain pulsed effect, which leads to a jump-like change in the longitudinal current in the superlattice.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(11):1496-1499
pages 1496-1499 views

Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors

Structure and Optical Properties of Chalcogenide Glassy Semiconductors of the As–Ge–Se System

Isayev A., Mekhtiyeva S., Mammadova H., Alekberov R.


The types of structural elements and chemical bonds forming an amorphous matrix of chalcogenide glassy semiconductors of the As–Ge–Se system and changes occurring in them depending on the chemical composition are determined using a method for studying the Raman and transmission spectra and density measurements. It is shown that a transition from the elastic to isostatic state and then to the stressed-rigid state occurs in the system under study with increasing arsenic and germanium contents. The observed changes in the Raman spectra and the features of the dependences of optical and other parameters on the chemical composition are explained within the chemical-ordering model, taking into account the existence of local states near the allowed band boundaries.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(11):1500-1506
pages 1500-1506 views

Structure of Se95As5 Chalcogenide Glassy Semiconductor Doped by EuF3 Impurity

Garibova S., Isayev A., Mekhtiyeva S., Atayeva S.


The local structure of film samples of the chalcogenide glassy semiconductors Se95As5 and Se95As5(EuF3)x (x = 0.01–1 at %) are studied by X-ray diffraction and Raman scattering. The “quasiperiod” of the structure, the correlation length, the structural elements, and the chemical bonds, which form the amorphous matrix of the investigated materials, are determined. The obtained results are interpreted within the framework of the Elliott void–cluster model taking into account the chemical activity of europium ions.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(11):1507-1510
pages 1507-1510 views

Spectra of SmS Films in the Far- and Mid-Infrared Regions

Ulashkevich Y., Kaminski V., Soloviev S., Sharenkova N.


The basic features of the band structure observed in bulk samples are retained in polycrystalline SmS thin films. Specifically, the bottom of the conduction band is formed from s-type states and there exist donor impurity levels in the band gap, at an energy of 0.04–0.065 eV below the bottom of the conduction band.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(11):1511-1513
pages 1511-1513 views

Formation of ncl-Si in the Amorphous Matrix a-SiOx:H Located near the Anode and on the Cathode, Using a Time-Modulated DC Plasma with the (SiH4–Ar–O2) Gas Phase (\({{{\text{C}}}_{{{{{\text{O}}}_{2}}}}}\) = 21.5 mol %)

Undalov Y., Terukov E., Trapeznikova I.


The formation of ncl-Si in the amorphous matrix a-SiOx:H using a time-modulated DC plasma at an elevated oxygen content of \({{C}_{{{{{\text{O}}}_{2}}}}}\) = 21.5 mol % in a gas mixture of (SiH4–Ar–O2) is investigated. Plasma modulation implies the repeated (n = 180) switching on (for ton = 5, 10, 15 s) and switching off (for toff = 5, 10, 15 s) of the magnet coil of the DC magnetron. The effect of self-induction is used to enhance the processes of SiH4 dissociation, the formation of Si nanoparticles, and the ionization of oxygen and ncl-Si flows towards the electrodes. The samples are located both on an electrically isolated substrate holder near the anode and on the cathode (beyond its erosion zone). These experiments show that the shape of the dependences of the photoluminescence intensity \(I_{{{\text{PL}}}}^{{ncl - {\text{Si}}}}\) on the wavelength Λ are identical for all pairs of samples on the anode and cathode. When the ton value is small (ton = 5 s), the difference in the sample location only slightly affects the infrared (IR) spectra. At longer times ton (≥10 s) and a short time toff (5 s), the amorphous matrix located on the cathode is enriched with oxygen (as compared with that near the anode). The optimal plasma-modulation parameters are found to be toff/ton = 5, 10, 15/10 and toff/ton = 5, 10/15; under these conditions, the amorphous matrix has a “perfect structure” and is transparent to radiation, and the \(I_{{{\text{PL}}}}^{{ncl - {\text{Si}}}}\) value is the largest in the range λ ≈ 0.75–0.9 μm.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(11):1514-1523
pages 1514-1523 views

Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors

Determination of the Free Charge Carrier Concentration in Boron-Doped Silicon Nanowires Using Attenuated Total Reflection Infrared Spectroscopy

Lipkova E., Efimova A., Gonchar K., Presnov D., Eliseev A., Lapshin A., Timoshenko V.


Attenuated total reflection infrared spectroscopy is used to determine the free charge carrier concentration in arrays of silicon nanowires with characteristic transverse sizes of 50–100 nm and a length of the order of 10 μm formed on lightly doped crystalline p-type silicon by metal-assisted chemical etching and subjected to the additional thermal-diffusion doping of boron at temperatures of 850–1000°C. It is found that the free hole concentration in arrays varies from 5 × 1018 to 3 × 1019 cm–3 depending on the annealing temperature and is maximal at temperatures of 900–950°C. These results can be used to extend the range of potential application of silicon nanowires in photonics, sensorics, and thermoelectric power converters.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(11):1524-1528
pages 1524-1528 views

Physics of Semiconductor Devices

High-Voltage AlInGaN LED Chips

Markov L., Kukushkin M., Pavlyuchenko A., Smirnova I., Itkinson G., Osipov O.


A high-voltage light-emitting diode (LED) flip chip based on an AlInGaN heterostructure is developed and fabricated. The LED flip chip consists of 16 elements connected in series, each of which is a convential LED. The chip with a total area of 1.25 × 1.25 mm is intended for a working current of 20 mA and a forward voltage of 48 V. To improve the current-distribution uniformity over the active region of the chip elements and to minimize the losses of the element area occupied by the n-type contact, the n-type contact pads in them are arranged inside the p-type contact region due to the two-level metallization layout with an intermediate insulating layer of dielectric. The arrangement topology of the contact pads is developed using numerical simulation. An increase in the quantum efficiency of the chip is provided by the application of combinations of metals with a high reflectance at the LED emission wavelength, which are used when fabricating n- and p-type contacts as well as current-carrying strips.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(11):1529-1534
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Counteracting the Photovoltaic Effect in the Top Intergenerator Part of GaInP/GaAs/Ge Solar Cells

Mintairov M., Evstropov V., Mintairov S., Shvarts M., Kalyuzhnyy N.


The “top” intergenerator part situated between the GaInP and GaAs subcells (electric power generators) is analyzed. The shape of the light current–voltage characteristics and the VocJsc (open-circuit voltage–short-circuit current) dependence are examined. It is found that the p+n+ tunnel heterojunction situated in the “top” intergenerator part can operate as a photoelectric source counteracting the base pn junctions. In this case, the VocJsc characteristic has a descending part, and a sharp jump can be observed. This undesirable effect becomes weaker with increasing peak current of the tunnel junction.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(11):1535-1539
pages 1535-1539 views

Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures

On the Processes of the Self-Assembly of CdS Nanocrystal Arrays Formed by the Langmuir–Blodgett Technique

Svit K., Zhuravlev K.


The morphology of CdS nanocrystal arrays self-assembled during the evaporation of a behenic-acid organic matrix on a wetted substrate surface is studied by atomic force microscopy. The dependence of the morphology of nanocrystal arrays on the initial matrix surface is studied. The morphology of nanocrystal arrays noticeably changes from small fractal arrays to a porous submonolayer with an increase in the nanocrystal density. The nature of attractive forces between nanocrystals which prevents their reversible adhesion and ensures their comparatively high mobility in the array composition is proposed.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(11):1540-1544
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Changes in the Photoluminescence Properties of Semiconductor Heterostructures after Ion-Beam Etching

Levitskii Y., Mitrofanov M., Voznyuk G., Nikolayev D., Mizerov M., Evtikhiev V.


The ion-beam etching of AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures gives rise to radiation defects and, as a result, leads to photoluminescence quenching. Annealing at 620°C in an atmosphere of As almost completely restores the quantum efficiency of photoluminescence in the case of radiation-induced defects lying at a distance of up to 150 nm from the heterointerface.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(11):1545-1549
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On the Phase Composition, Morphology, and Optical and Electronic Characteristics of AlN Nanofilms Grown on Misoriented GaAs(100) Substrates

Seredin P., Fedyukin A., Terekhov V., Barkov K., Arsentyev I., Bondarev A., Fomin E., Pikhtin N.


Thin AlN nanofilms are produced by reactive ion-plasma deposition onto GaAs(100) substrates misoriented with respect to the 〈100〉 direction to different degrees. It is shown that growth on substrates misoriented with respect to the 〈100〉 direction to different degrees results in the formation of AlN films with different phase compositions and crystal states. An increase in the degree of misorientation of the GaAs(100) substrate used for growth influences both the structural quality of AlN nanofilms and their electronic structure, surface morphology, and optical properties. Thus, the morphology, surface composition, and optical functional characteristics of AlN/GaAs(100) heterophase systems can be controlled using differently misoriented GaAs(100) substrates.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(11):1550-1557
pages 1550-1557 views

Raman Scattering in AlN Crystals Grown by Sublimation on SiC and AlN Seeds

Breev I., Anisimov A., Wolfson A., Kazarova O., Mokhov E.


The Raman-scattering technique is used to analyze the structural quality of bulk AlN crystals grown by sublimation on SiC and AlN seeds. Growth on SiC seeds is conducted with retention of the SiC seed during growth (type 1) and with total evaporation of the SiC seed (type 2). Growth on AlN seeds is conducted in tungsten containers with no graphite parts (type 3). According to the analysis of Raman spectra, the highest quality is inherent in type-3 crystals that exhibit minimal full widths at half maximum of Raman lines. The experimentally observed specific features are defined by differences in the mechanism of growth and by the content of dopant impurities in the crystals grown.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(11):1558-1561
pages 1558-1561 views

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