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Том 52, № 12 (2018)

Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018

Field Effect in PbSnTe:In Films with Low Conductivity in the Mode of Injection from Contacts and Space-Charge Limitation of the Current

Akimov A., Klimov A., Epov V.


At T = 4.2 K, a strong change (up to 4 times) in the space-charge-limited current (SCLC) is observed for the first time at samples based on semi-insulating PbSnTe:In films grown by molecular-beam epitaxy on BaF2(111) substrates. The obtained results agree with experiments on the effect of treatment of the surface of PbSnTe:In films on the space-charge-limited current with a variation in the current to 103 times or more. At a qualitative level, the model is considered which assumes the substantial contribution of localized surface states to space charge formed in the mode of space-charge-limited current due to the injection of charge carriers from contacts.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(12):1505-1510
pages 1505-1510 views

Formation of a Graphene-Like SiN Layer on the Surface Si(111)

Mansurov V., Galitsyn Y., Malin T., Teys S., Fedosenko E., Kozhukhov A., Zhuravlev K., Cora I., Pécz B.


00-The kinetics of the formation and thermal decomposition of a two-dimensional SiN-(8 × 8) nitride layer on a Si(111) surface is studied. The SiN-(8 × 8) structure is a metastable intermediate phase formed during the nitridation of silicon before the formation of a stable amorphous Si3N4 phase. Studying the SiN-(8 × 8) structure by scanning tunneling microscopy shows its complex structure: it consists of an adsorption (8/3 × 8/3) phase, with the lateral period 10.2 Å, and a honeycomb structure with a ~6 Å side of a hexagon that is turned 30° with respect the adsorption phase. The band gap of the SiN-(8 × 8) phase is measured and found to be ~2.8 eV, which is smaller compared to the band gap of the β-Si3N4 crystal phase 5.3 eV. The interplanar spacings in the (AlN3)/(SiN)2 structure on the Si(111) surface are measured. The spacings are 3.3 and 2.86 Å in SiN and AlN, respectively. Such interplanar spacings are indicative of weak van der Waals interaction between the layers. A model of the SiN-(8 × 8) structure as a flat graphene-like layer is suggested. The model is consistent with the diffraction and microscopy data.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(12):1511-1517
pages 1511-1517 views

Analysis of the Behavior of Nonequilibrium Semiconductor Structures and Microwave Transistors During and After Pulsed γ- and γ-Neutron Irradiation

Venediktov M., Dukov D., Krevskiy M., Metelkin I., Chukov G., Elesin V., Obolensky S., Bozhen’kina A., Tarasova E., Fefelov A.


The influence of nonequilibrium processes in semiconductor structures under the effect of radiation on the characteristics of structures and microwave transistors based on them is analyzed. Special attention is paid to the comparison of pilot (experimental) and series-produced structures and transistors based on them before and after γ-neutron irradiation.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(12):1518-1524
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Relation between the Electronic Properties and Structure of InAs/GaAs Quantum Dots Grown by Vapor-Phase Epitaxy

Gorshkov A., Volkova N., Pavlov D., Usov Y., Istomin L., Levichev S.


On the basis of a comprehensive study of the structural and electronic properties of InAs/GaAs quantum dots grown by vapor-phase epitaxy at atmospheric pressure, a structural model of the quantum dots as three truncated pyramids adjoined at their bases is chosen. The model takes into account the diffusive smearing of the composition near the base and lateral surface as well as the segregation of indium near the vertex. It is established that the wave functions of charge carriers in the ground state are localized in a comparatively small region of the quantum dot near its vertex.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(12):1525-1528
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Features of the Initial Stage of GaN Growth on Si(111) Substrates by Nitrogen-Plasma-Assisted Molecular-Beam Epitaxy

Mizerov A., Timoshnev S., Sobolev M., Nikitina E., Shubina K., Berezovskaia T., Shtrom I., Bouravleuv A.


The results of investigations of the effect of the initial conditions (nitridation of the Si(111) substrate, the GaN growth temperature, and the stoichiometry of GaN growth) on the growth kinetics and the GaN/Si(111)-layer polarity under nitrogen-plasma-assisted molecular-beam epitaxy are presented. It is experimentally established that the optimal initial condition for GaN epitaxy on Si(111) substrates is high-temperature nitridation of the Si(111) substrate carried out immediately before GaN growth. It is shown that it is possible to control the polarity of GaN by means of appropriate choice of the growth under conditions with N or Ga enrichment at the initial stage of GaN/Si(111) epitaxy.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(12):1529-1533
pages 1529-1533 views

Electrical Tunability of Terahertz Amplification in a Periodic Plasmon Graphene Structure with Charge-Carrier Injection

Polischuk O., Fateev D., Popov V.


The dependence of the plasmon terahertz resonant frequency in the generation mode on the quasi-Fermi energy in the active (ungated) region of graphene with an inverse charge carrier population and on the Fermi energy in the gated p- and n-type regions in a periodic pin structure based on graphene with injection pumping is theoretically investigated. It is shown that electrically frequency-tunable nanoscale plasmon graphene amplifiers and generators operating in a broad terahertz frequency range at room temperature can be designed.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(12):1534-1539
pages 1534-1539 views

Behavioral Features of MIS Memristors with a Si3N4 Nanolayer Fabricated on a Conductive Si Substrate

Tikhov S., Gorshkov O., Antonov I., Tetelbaum D., Mikhaylov A., Belov A., Morozov A., Karakolis P., Dimitrakis P.


The effect of the material of the metal plates (Au, Ta, W) and exposure to a high-power blue laser on the memristive characteristics of metal–insulator–semiconductor (MIS) capacitors with a Si3N4 film 6 nm thick fabricated on the basis of n+-Si is studied. It is shown that bipolar switching by the current appears only in capacitors with Au. The causes of the absence of bipolar switching in capacitors with Ta and W are explained. The switching of capacitors with Ta by the current and light and the photomemory effect are detected. It is shown that, despite the high doping level of the semiconductor substrate, it decreases the MIS memristor response rate due to a high density of surface states localized at the Si3N4/n+-Si interface. However, illumination allows a significant increase in the response rate due to a decrease in the semiconductor resistivity. The surface state densities are determined. To improve the frequency characteristics of MIS memristors, it is necessary to achieve a low surface state density.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(12):1540-1546
pages 1540-1546 views

On the Application of Strain-Compensating GaAsP Layers for the Growth of InGaAs/GaAs Quantum-Well Laser Heterostructures Emitting at Wavelengths above 1100 nm on Artificial Ge/Si Substrates

Baidus N., Yunin P., Shaleev M., Reunov D., Rykov A., Novikov A., Nekorkin S., Kudryavtsev K., Krasilnik Z., Dubinov A., Aleshkin V., Yurasov D.


Stressed InGaAs/GaAs quantum-well laser structures are grown by gas-phase epitaxy from organometallic compounds on GaAs substrates and artificial Ge/Si substrates based on Si(001) with an epitaxial metamorphic Ge layer. To suppress the relaxation of elastic stresses during the growth of InGaAs quantum wells with a high fraction of In, strain-compensating GaAsP layers are applied. The structural and radiative properties of the samples grown on substrates of various types are compared. Stimulated radiation at wavelengths up to 1.24 μm at 300 K is obtained for structures grown on GaAs substrates and at wavelengths up to 1.1 μm at 77 K, for structures grown on Ge/Si substrates.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(12):1547-1550
pages 1547-1550 views

Nonuniversal Scaling Behavior of Conductivity Peak Widths in the Quantum Hall Effect in InGaAs/InAlAs Structures

Gudina S., Vasil’evskii I., Yakunin M., Shelushinina N., Podgornykh S., Savelyev A., Neverov V., Ilchenko E., Arapov Y., Vinichenko A.


The longitudinal ρxx and Hall ρxy resistances were measured in the region of the quantum phase transitions for the quantum Hall effect regime with magnetic fields up to 12 T at temperatures of T = 0.4–30 K in two-dimensional electron systems n-In0.9Ga0.1As/In0.81Al0.19As. The nonuniversal scaling behavior of the temperature dependence of the width of the resistance ρxx peaks related to the effect of the large-scale random potential and of Landau-level mixing with opposite spin directions was found.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(12):1551-1558
pages 1551-1558 views

Production of Si- and Ge-Based Thermoelectric Materials by Spark Plasma Sintering

Erofeeva I., Dorokhin M., Zdoroveyshchev A., Kuznetsov Y., Popov A., Lantsev E., Boryakov A., Kotomina V.


Thermoelectric materials on the basis of SiGe produced by spark plasma sintering are studied. The degree of doping of the initial materials, the degree of mixing of Si and Ge, and the properties of the grain structure of the formed samples are varied. It is established that the use of initial materials doped with donor or acceptor impurities provides a means for controlling the charge-carrier concentration in the sintered samples. It is shown that the charge-carrier concentration has the most profound effect on the energy characteristics (power factor) of thermoelectrics. For structures with the highest charge-carrier concentration, the thermoelectric coefficients can be controlled by varying the degree of mixing of Ge and Si and the degree of uniformity of the distribution of impurities.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(12):1559-1563
pages 1559-1563 views

Photodetectors with an InGaAs Active Region and InGaP Metamorphic Buffer Layer Grown on GaAs Substrates

Samartsev I., Nekorkin S., Zvonkov B., Aleshkin V., Dubinov A., Pashenkin I., Dikareva N., Chigineva A.


The results of studying the reverse dark currents of photodiodes for a wavelength of 1.06 μm grown on a GaAs substrate with the help of an InGaP metamorphic buffer layer are presented. The metalorganic chemical vapor epitaxy (MOCVD) growth technology of InGaP metamorphic buffer layers with a stepwise composition variation is developed. Photodiodes with a photosensitive area of 1 mm in diameter and radiation input through the substrate are fabricated. The photodiode dark current at room temperature and reverse bias of –3 V was 50 nA. It is assumed that the bulk component of the dark current is caused by the tunneling mechanism through the trap levels.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(12):1564-1567
pages 1564-1567 views

Solar Cell Based on Core/Shell Nanowires

Sibirev N., Kotlyar K., Koryakin A., Shtrom I., Ubiivovk E., Soshnikov I., Reznik R., Bouravleuv A., Cirlin G.


Arrays of Be-doped (Al,Ga)As core/shell nanowires are synthesized by molecular-beam epitaxy on a Si-doped n-GaAs (111)B substrate. A study of the photovoltaic properties of the structures under illumination with a solar simulator (AM1.5G spectrum) demonstrate that the internal quantum efficiency of the resulting solar cell is 4.1%, and its power conversion efficiency is 0.4%.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(12):1568-1572
pages 1568-1572 views

On the Intracenter Relaxation of Shallow Arsenic Donors in Stressed Germanium. Population Inversion under Optical Excitation

Tsyplenkov V., Shastin V.


The relaxation rates of lower excited states 1s(T), 2p0, 2s, 3p0, and 2p± of arsenic donors in a germanium crystal are calculated upon the interaction with long-wavelength acoustic phonons depending on the uniaxial stress in the crystallographic direction [111]. The populations of states under optical excitation are estimated for calculated times. It is shown theoretically that optical excitation of the medium forms an inverse population of arsenic donor levels and leads to the possibility of the implementation of a four-level laser scheme with the radiative transition between 2p states and the 1s triplet state at zero strain. The estimated value of the expected gain in the medium under optical excitation conditions by CO2 laser radiation in the medium at a donor concentration of 2 × 1015 cm–3 is ~0.35 cm–1 at a frequency of 1.98 THz if the laser transition is 2p± → 1s(T) and 1.25 THz if the laser transition is 2p0 → 1s(T).

Semiconductors. 2018;52(12):1573-1580
pages 1573-1580 views

Singularity of the Density of States and Transport Anisotropy in a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas with Spin-Orbit Interaction in an In-Plane Magnetic Field

Sablikov V., Tkach Y.


A two-dimensional electron gas with spin-orbit interaction in an in-plane magnetic field is known to form an anisotropic system with a van Hove singularity of the density of states controlled by a magnetic field. Tensors of the conductivity and spin susceptibility that determine the Edelstein effect for this system are studied. It is established that the conductivity and spin susceptibility have sharp singularities that appear in the process of varying the magnetic field or the Fermi level position when the Fermi level passes through the singularity point.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(12):1581-1585
pages 1581-1585 views

Bipolar Persistent Photoconductivity in HgTe/CdHgTe (013) Double Quantum-Well Heterostructures

Spirin K., Gaponova D., Marem’yanin K., Rumyantsev V., Gavrilenko V., Mikhailov N., Dvoretsky S.


The effects of the residual photoconductivity in HgTe/CdHgTe (013) double quantum-well heterostructures are studied at T = 4.2 K. It is shown that the residual photoconductivity in this system has a bipolar character, i.e., both positive and negative persistent photoconductivity is present depending on the illumination wavelength.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(12):1586-1589
pages 1586-1589 views

Terahertz Injection Lasers Based on a PbSnSe Solid Solution with an Emission Wavelength up to 50 μm and Their Application in the Magnetospectroscopy of Semiconductors

Maremyanin K., Ikonnikov A., Bovkun L., Rumyantsev V., Chizhevskii E., Zasavitskii I., Gavrilenko V.


On the basis of a Pb1 –xSnxSe solid solution, long-wavelength diffusion injection lasers with laser generation up to a record long wavelength of 50.4 μm are created and studied. Pb1 –xSnxSe single crystals are grown from the vapor phase under the conditions of free growth (unseeded vapor-growth technique). By the example of a HgCdTe narrow-gap semiconductor and a quantum-well heterostructure, the possibility of applying the developed lasers in solid-state spectroscopy is demonstrated.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(12):1590-1594
pages 1590-1594 views

Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena

All-Electric Laser Beam Control Based on a Quantum-Confined Heterostructure with an Integrated Distributed Bragg Grating

Shashkin I., Soboleva O., Gavrina P., Zolotarev V., Slipchenko S., Pikhtin N.


The characteristics of semiconductor chip modulators providing the angular deflection of a laser beam due to all-electric modulation of the optical characteristics of a semiconductor heterostructure are theoretically studied. Designs for quantum-confined semiconductor waveguide heterostructures with a distributed Bragg reflector integrated on the heterostructure surface are developed. The design of a waveguide structure including 20 periods of coupled asymmetric quantum wells, which provide an optical confinement factor of the waveguide mode of 20%, and an optimized doping profile allowing a uniform electric-field distribution to be maintained in the quantum-well region in the entire range of operating voltages are proposed. In this waveguide structure, the change in the refractive index due to the quantum-confined Stark effect reaches 0.086 when the control signal changes from 0 to 6 V. It is shown that the spatial (angular) scanning of the laser beam emitted from the surface of a distributed Bragg mirror with a divergence of less than 0.1° in the range of 1°–2° is feasible for the proposed waveguide structure design.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(12):1595-1602
pages 1595-1602 views

Ridge Waveguide Structure for Lattice-Matched Quantum Cascade Lasers

Mamutin V., Ilyinskaya N., Usikova A., Lyutetskiy A.


The fabrication and investigation of the ridge waveguide structure for a quantum cascade laser on an indium phosphide substrate intended for a wavelength of 4.8 μm, which corresponds to one of the atmospheric transparency windows, is calculated. The heterostructure is grown by molecular-beam epitaxy and consists of 30 cascades. Post-growth treatment is performed by photolithography using Russian equipment. The fabricated ridge waveguide structure allowed lasing to be attained at the required wavelength at room temperature.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(12):1603-1606
pages 1603-1606 views

Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors

Estimation of the Temperature of the Current Filament that Forms upon Switching in GeSbTe

Fefelov S., Kazakova L., Bogoslovskiy N., Tsendin K.


The current–voltage characteristics of thin-film samples of the GeSbTe system are measured in the current control mode. Voltage oscillations observed after switching are investigated. It is shown that these oscillations can be associated with the formation of a hot current filament and its gradual cooling. The size and temperatures of the current filament are estimated. It is shown that the characteristic temperature in the hot current filament corresponds to the temperature of the phase transition to the crystalline state.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(12):1607-1610
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Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors

Electrical Properties of GaAs Nanowires Grown on Graphene/SiC Hybrid Substrates

Alekseev P., Dunaevskiy M., Mikhailov A., Lebedev S., Lebedev A., Ilkiv I., Khrebtov A., Bouravleuv A., Cirlin G.


The electrical properties of GaAs nanowires grown on a 6H-SiC (0001) substrate covered with graphene single layers and bilayers are studied. The nanowires are grown by molecular-beam epitaxy, with gold as a catalyst. The electrical properties are studied by measuring and analyzing the current–voltage characteristics of single nanowires vertically grown on a substrate. Numerical simulation of the experimental current–voltage curves revealed the presence of a ~0.6-V-high Schottky barrier between the nanowires and graphene. The appearance of the barrier is due to the formation of excess arsenic at the nanowire/graphene interface.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(12):1611-1615
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Carbon Systems

Transition between Electron Localization and Antilocalization and Manifestation of the Berry Phase in Graphene on a SiC Surface

Agrinskaya N., Lebedev A., Lebedev S., Shakhov M., Lahderanta E.


It is shown that the transport properties of graphitized silicon carbide are controlled by a surface graphene layer heavily doped with electrons. In weak magnetic fields and at low temperatures, a negative magnetoresistance is observed due to weak localization. A crossover in the magnetoresistance from weak localization to weak antilocalization (the latter is the manifestation of the isospin in graphene) is observed for the first time in samples of this kind at elevated temperatures. A pronounced pattern of Shubnikov–de Haas oscillations is observed in strong magnetic fields (up to 30 T). This pattern demonstrated fourfold carrier spectrum degeneracy due to the double spin and double valley degeneracies. Also, the manifestation of the Berry phase is observed. The effective electron mass is estimated to be m* = 0.08m0, which is characteristic of graphene with a high carrier concentration.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(12):1616-1620
pages 1616-1620 views

Physics of Semiconductor Devices

Violation of Local Electroneutrality in the Quantum Well of a Semiconductor Laser with Asymmetric Barrier Layers

Asryan L., Zubov F., BalezinaPolubavkina Y., Moiseev E., Muretova M., Kryzhanovskaya N., Maximov M., Zhukov A.


A self-consistent model for calculating the threshold and high-power characteristics of semiconductor quantum well lasers with asymmetric barrier layers is developed. The model, which is based on a system of rate equations, uses the universal condition of global charge neutrality in the laser structure. The electron and hole concentrations in the waveguide region and in the quantum well (QW) and the concentration of photons of stimulated emission are calculated. The local neutrality in the QW is shown to be strongly violated, especially at high injection currents. The violation of neutrality in a QW makes the electron and hole concentrations there dependent on the injection current under lasing conditions: in the structures under consideration, the electron concentration in the QW decreases while the hole concentration increases with increasing injection current. In the case of the ideal functioning of asymmetric barrier layers, when electron–hole recombination in the waveguide region is completely suppressed, the violation of neutrality in the QW has almost no effect on the dependence of the output optical power on the injection current: the quantum efficiency is close to unity and the light–current characteristic is linear. Nevertheless, the violation of neutrality in the QW causes weakening of the temperature dependence of the threshold current and, hence, an increase in the characteristic temperature T0 of the laser.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(12):1621-1629
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Avalanche Breakdown Stability of High Voltage (1430 V) 4H-SiC p+n0n+ Diodes

Ivanov P., Samsonova T., Potapov A.


The electrothermal breakdown in high-voltage (1430 V) 4H-SiC p+n0n+ diodes with an n0-base thickness of 7.5 μm, a donor concentration of 8.0 × 1015 cm–3, and 4.9 × 10–4 cm2 in area are studied. The stability of the diodes to avalanche breakdown is characterized by the maximum energy of a single avalanche current pulse that can be scattered by a diode until its catastrophic destruction. At a pulse duration of ~1 μs, the energy maximum is 1.4 mJ (2.9 J/cm2). It is shown that diode destruction is caused by local overheating of the diode structure to a temperature of ~1600 K at which the intrinsic carrier concentration becomes higher than the doping donor concentrations in the blocking n0-type base.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(12):1630-1634
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Galvanic and Capacitive Effects in n-SiC Conductivity Compensation by Radiation-Induced Defects

Kozlovski V., Lebedev A., Davydovskaya K., Lyubimova Y.


JBS diodes based on 4H-SiC irradiated with electrons and protons are studied. This is carried out by using the methods of capacitance–voltage and current–voltage characteristics. It is concluded that, for both kinds of irradiation, deep centers are formed in the upper half of the band gap of silicon carbide. This leads to a sharp decrease in the concentration of ionized carriers in the conduction band and to an exponential increase in the resistance of the base regions of the structures under study.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(12):1635-1637
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Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures

Electrical Properties of Indium-Oxide Thin Films Produced by Plasma-Enhanced Reactive Thermal Evaporation

Ilin A., Matsukatova A., Forsh P., Vygranenko Y.


The structure and electrical properties of transparent indium-oxide thin films produced by plasma-enhanced reactive thermal evaporation at different substrate temperatures are studied. It is found that the films have a grained structure. An increase in the substrate temperature yields a considerable increase in the conductivity of the films and a decrease in the photoconductivity-relaxation time. An interpretation of the effect of the substrate temperature on the observed changes in the electrical and photoelectric properties of the indium-oxide films under study is proposed.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(12):1638-1641
pages 1638-1641 views

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