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Том 52, № 5 (2018)

XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26–30, 2017. Excitons in Nanostructures

Calculation of Energy States of Excitons in Square Quantum Wells

Belov P.


The ground and excited energy states of excitons in single square GaAs-based quantum wells are found by the numerical solution of the three-dimensional Schrödinger equation. This equation is obtained within the envelope-function formalism from the exciton energy operator using the spherical approximation of the Luttinger Hamiltonian. Precise results for the exciton states are achieved by the finite-difference method. The radiative decay rates of the calculated states are also determined.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(5):551-553
pages 551-553 views

Biexciton Binding Energy in Spherical Quantum Dots with Γ8 Valence Band

Golovatenko A., Semina M., Rodina A., Shubina T.


The biexciton binding energy in spherical CdSe/ZnSe quantum dots is calculated variationally in the framework of kp-perturbation theory. Smooth and abrupt confining potentials with the same localization area of carriers are compared for two limiting cases of light hole to heavy hole mass ratio β = mlh/mhh: β = 1 and β = 0. Accounting for correlations between carriers results in their polarized configuration and significantly increases the biexciton binding energy in comparison with the first order perturbation theory. For β = 0 in smooth confining potentials there are three nearby biexciton states separated by small energy gap between 1S3/2 and 1P3/2 hole states.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(5):554-557
pages 554-557 views

Spectroscopy of PbS and PbSe Quantum Dots in Fluorine Phosphate Glasses

Kuznetsova M., Cherbunin R., Litvyak V., Kolobkova E.


Transmission spectra of the narrow-bandgap semiconductor quantum dots PbS and PbSe in the fluorine phosphate glass are experimentally studied at different temperatures. Energies of 1s exciton transitions observed in the absorption spectra are used to determine characteristic sizes of the quantum dots under study. A nontrivial temperature behavior of the ground and excited quantum confined states in the quantum dots of different sizes are observed.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(5):558-561
pages 558-561 views

Effect of Transverse Electric Field on Polariton Reflectance Spectra of Wide Quantum Wells

Loginov D., Donets A.


Excitonic waves propagating in thick GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells form an interference pattern, which is observed as oscillations in the reflectance spectra. Oscillations in the spectra of wide GaAs quantum wells should reveal a non-trivial behavior as a function of the external uniform electric field as it is found in the theory developed in the present work. The oscillations are suppressed as the electric field increases and then reappear again with an opposite phase at the further rise of the field.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(5):562-564
pages 562-564 views

The Impact of the Substrate Material on the Optical Properties of 2D WSe2 Monolayers

Schneider L., Lippert S., Kuhnert J., Renaud D., Kang K., Ajayi O., Halbich M., Abdulmunem O., Lin X., Hassoon K., Edalati-Boostan S., Kim Y., Heimbrodt W., Yang E., Hone J., Rahimi-Iman A.


2D-materials, especially transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) have drawn a lot of attention due to their remarkable characteristics rendering them a promising candidate for optical applications. While the basic properties are understood up to now, the influence of the environment has not been studied in detail, yet. Here we highlight a systematic comparison of the optical properties of tungsten diselenide monolayers on different substrates. Subtle changes in the emission spectrum and Raman signature have been found as well as surprisingly pronounced differences in the pump-power-dependent and time-resolved output at higher excitation densities. For all samples, exciton–exciton annihilation can be obtained. Nevertheless an analysis of different pump-dependent decay rates suggests substrate-dependent changes in the diffusion constant as well as exciton Bohr radius.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(5):565-571
pages 565-571 views

Dangling Bond Spins Controlling Recombination Dynamics of Excitons in Colloidal Nanocrystals and Nanoplatelets

Rodina A., Golovatenko A., Shornikova E., Yakovlev D., Efros A.


We show theoretically that spins of dangling bonds (DBSs) at the surface of colloidal nanostructures can be responsible for the dark exciton radiative recombination governing low temperature photoluminecence. The DBS-assisted dark exciton recombination is efficient when all spins are randomly oriented. The DBS polarization caused by external magnetic field or by the formation of the dangling bond magnetic polaron (DBMP) at low temperatures suppresses the DBS-assisted recombination. The temperature or magnetic field control on the DBS-polarization allows to detect experimentally the presence of DBS and DBS-assisted recombination in CdSe nanocrystals and 2D nanoplatelets.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(5):572-574
pages 572-574 views

Long-Lived Magnetoexcitons and Two-Dimensional Magnetofermionic Condensate in GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructure

Kulik L., Gorbunov A., Zhuravlev A., Timofeev V., Kukushkin I.


Excitation of long-lived triplet magnetoexcitons in a Hall insulator (filling factor ν = 2) with a high mobility of electrons, at low temperatures, Т < 1 K, enabled to discover a new collective state − magnetofermionic condensate, that interacts coherently with an external electromagnetic field, exhibits superradiant properties and, owing to its low viscosity, spreads over the surface of the two-dimensional structure for macroscopically large distances.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(5):575-578
pages 575-578 views

Plasmon-Excitonic Polaritons in Metal-Semiconductor Nanostructures with Quantum Wells

Kosobukin V.


A theory of plasmon-exciton coupling and its spectroscopy is developed for metal-semiconductor nanostructures. Considered as a model is a periodic superlattice with cells consisting of a quantum well and a layer of metal nanoparticles. The problem is solved self-consistently using the electrodynamic Green’s functions taking account of resonant polarization. Coulomb plasmon-exciton interaction is associated with the dipole surface plasmons of particles and their image charges due to excitonic polarization of neighboring quantum well. Optical reflection spectra are numerically investigated for superlattices with GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells and silver nanoparticles. Superradiant regime caused by one-dimensional Bragg diffraction is studied for plasmonic, excitonic and plasmon-excitonic polaritons depending on the number of supercells. The plasmon-excitonic Rabi splitting is shown to occur in reflectivity spectra of resonant Bragg structures.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(5):579-582
pages 579-582 views

XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26–30, 2017. Nanostructure Characterization

Polymer Composition Influence on Optical Properties of Laser-Generated Au Nanoparticles Based Nanocomposites

Zulina N., Achor U., Kniazev K.


Au nanoparticles (AuNPs) stable colloid solution were prepared by laser ablation and fragmentation in liquid monomer isodecyl acrylate (IDA). Sizes of obtained nanoparticles were determined by scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and were about 20 nm. Nanocomposites films were prepared from obtained stable colloid solution by UV-photocuring. To prepare solid polymer films different crosslinking diacrylates were used. Third-order nonlinear optical responses of prepared nanomaterials with different polymer matrix compositions were estimated by z-scan technique and compared.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(5):583-586
pages 583-586 views

Luminescence Decay of Colloidal Quantum Dots and Stretched Exponential (Kohlrausch) Relaxation Function

Bodunov E., Simões Gamboa A.


The room temperature non-exponential luminescence decay of colloidal quantum dots is investigated theoretically in an attempt to identify the underlying physical mechanisms responsible for the shape of the decay. It is shown that a stretched exponential functional form of the luminescence decay can be understood in terms of long-range resonance energy transfer from quantum dots to acceptors (molecules, quantum dots, or anharmonic molecular vibrations) or by contact quenching by quenchers (surface traps, molecules or quantum dots) distributed statistically (Poisson distribution) on the surface of the dots. These non-radiative transition processes are assigned to different ranges of the stretching parameter β.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(5):587-589
pages 587-589 views

Ballistic Hole Emission Spectroscopy of Self-Assembled GeSi/Si(001) Nanoislands

Filatov D., Guseinov D., Chalkov V., Denisov S., Shengurov V.


Ballistic hole emission microscopy/spectroscopy has been applied to study the electronic structure of the hole states in the self-assembled GeSi/Si(001) nanoislands. The ballistic hole emission microscopic images demonstrated the spots of increased collector current related to the ballistic electron tunnelling via the confined valence band states in the GeSi/Si(001) nanoislands. In the ballistic hole emission spectra of the Ge hut clusters the stepwise features attributed to the quantum confined hole states have been observed. The results of present study demonstrate the capabilities of the ballistic hole emission microscopy/spectroscopy in the characterization of the electronic structures of the valence band states in the GeSi/Si nanostructures.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(5):590-592
pages 590-592 views

Composition and Band Structure of the Native Oxide Nanolayer on the Ion Beam Treated Surface of the GaAs Wafer

Mikoushkin V., Bryzgalov V., Nikonov S., Solonitsyna A., Marchenko D.


Detailed information on GaAs oxide properties is important for solving the problem of passivating and dielectric layers in the GaAs-based electronics. The elemental and chemical compositions of the native oxide layer grown on the atomically clean surface of an n-GaAs (100) wafer etched by Ar+ ions have been studied by synchrotron-based photoelectron spectroscopy. It has been revealed that the oxide layer is essentially enriched in the Ga2O3 phase which is known to be a quite good dielectric as compared to As2O3. The gallium to arsenic ratio reaches the value as high as [Ga]/[As] = 1.5 in the course of oxidation. The Ga-enrichment occurs supposedly due to diffusion away of As released in preferential oxidation of Ga atoms. A band diagram was constructed for the native oxide nanolayer on the n-GaAs wafer. It has been shown that this natural nanostructure has features of a p–n heterojunction.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(5):593-596
pages 593-596 views

Geometry Optimization and Charge Density Distribution of Single Layer of ZN-Based Metal-Organic Framework

Senkevich N., Vrubel I., Polozkov R., Shelykh I.


The set of theoretical approaches were used to obtain the optimized geometries, electronic structure and charge density of single layer of metal-organic framework based on Zn [Zn2(TBAPy)(H2O)2 · 3.5DEF]n (MOF-Zn). Infinite monolayer composed of the unit cell of the MOF-Zn was considered. Ground state properties were researched using density functional theory with BLYP and PBE exchange-correlation functionals. The influence of the type of these approaches on the spatial structure and charge density was discussed.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(5):597-599
pages 597-599 views

TiN Nanoporous Electrode Covered by Single Cell as Bio-Electronic Sensor of Radiation Hazard

Stupin D.


Here we demonstrate a simple label-free bio-electronic radiation (ultra-violet) hazard detector based on non-destructive electrical impedance spectroscopy technique with a single living cell as a sensing element. Radiation results in wrong cell’s functioning and, as corollary, cell’s membrane distortion. The latter results in impedance shift for the electrode covered by the cell. The additional sensitivity of impedance shift is achieved by the simultaneous usage of the TiN porous electrodes and adaptive filtering for impedance data processing. The main advantage of the proposed sensor with respect to purely physical and/or chemical sensors is high selectivity: it a priory reacts only on the dangerous for living beings radiation.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(5):600-601
pages 600-601 views

Optical Properties of GaN Nanowires Grown by MBE on SiC/Si(111) Hybrid Substrate

Shtrom I., Filosofov N., Agekian V., Smirnov M., Serov A., Reznik R., Kudryavtsev K., Cirlin G.


The aim of this work is to demonstrate the fundamental possibility of Si-doped GaN nanowires growth on the buffer layer of silicon carbide on silicon substrate and to investigate the optical characteristics of this structures.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(5):602-604
pages 602-604 views

The Features of GaAs Nanowire SEM Images

Soshnikov I., Kotlyar K., Bert N., Kirilenko D., Bouravleuv A., Cirlin G.


The detailed study of GaAs nanowires synthesized by molecular beam epitaxy performed by scanning electron microscopy allowed to reveal the presence of specific contrast in the images obtained. To understand the causes of the phenomenon the transmission electron microscopy of nanowire crystal structure was carried out. The results showed that it could be caused by the segments having polytypic crystal phase. It was also confirmed by the modelling of the electron beam scattering on such nanowire arrays.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(5):605-608
pages 605-608 views

GaAs Wurtzite Nanowires for Hybrid Piezoelectric Solar Cells

Alekseev P., Sharov V., Geydt P., Dunaevskiy M., Soshnikov I., Reznik R., Lysak V., Lähderanta E., Cirlin G.


The properties of the hybrid energy sources “piezoelectric nanogenerator-solar cell” based on GaAs nanowires with the wurtzite crystal structure were investigated. Measurements were performed by the bending of the nanowire by the probe of the atomic force microscope with simultaneous recording of short circuit current in dark and illuminated conditions. We show that a piezoelectric current pulse of ~10 pA arises in the “nanowire-probe” circuit during the deformation of nanowire by the AFM probe. Under laser illumination, the value of the pulse increases by two orders of magnitude as a result of the piezophototronic effect. Deformation of the nanowire boosts the photocurrent by 40% up to 0.5 nA.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(5):609-611
pages 609-611 views

Dielectric Properties of Oligonucleotides on the Surface of Si Nanosandwich Structures

Fomin M., Chernev A., Bagraev N., Klyachkin L., Emelyanov A., Dubina M.


Planar silicon nanostructures that are formed as a very narrow silicon quantum well confined by delta-barriers heavily doped with boron are used to study the dielectric properties of DNA oligonucleotides deposited onto the surface of the nanostructures. The capacitance characteristics of the silicon nanostructures with oligonucleotides deposited onto their surface are determined by recording the local tunneling current- voltage characteristics by means of scanning tunneling microscopy. The results show the possibility of identifying the local dielectric properties of DNA oligonucleotide segments consisting of repeating G–C pairs. These properties apparently give grounds to correlate the segments with polymer molecules exhibiting the properties of multiferroics.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(5):612-614
pages 612-614 views

Molecular Beam Epitaxy of Materials Interfaces with Atomic Precision

Ploog K.


In this contribution a few selected examples to engineer material interfaces in nanostructured solids with atomic precision by means of molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) are presented. The examples include 2D electron gas systems for quantum transport and mesoscopic physics, quantum cascade lasers, Sb-based materials, ferromagnet-semiconductor heterostructures, as well as oxide materials for electronics and quantum physics. Finally, the prospects to fabricate novel van-der-Waals heterostructures are briefly discussed.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(5):615-617
pages 615-617 views

XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26–30, 2017. Nanostructure Technology

Thermal Smoothing and Roughening of GaAs Surfaces: Experiment and Monte Carlo Simulation

Kazantsev D., Akhundov I., Alperovich V., Shwartz N., Kozhukhov A., Latyshev A.


GaAs thermal smoothing at temperatures T ≤ 650°C in the conditions close to equilibrium yields surfaces with atomically smooth terraces separated by steps of monatomic height. At higher temperatures surface smoothing is changed to roughening. Possible reasons of surface roughening at elevated temperatures are studied by means of Monte Carlo simulation and compared with the experimental results on GaAs. It is proved that GaAs roughening at elevated temperatures is caused by kinetic instabilities due to deviations from equilibrium towards growth or sublimation. The microscopic mechanisms of kinetic-driven roughening are discussed.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(5):618-621
pages 618-621 views

Metal-Semiconductor Nanoheterostructures with an AlGaN Quantum Well and In Situ Formed Surface Al Nanoislands

Evropeytsev E., Semenov A., Nechaev D., Jmerik V., Kaibyshev V., Troshkov S., Brunkov P., Usikova A., Ivanov S., Toropov A.


We report on fabrication and studies of composite heterostuctures consisting of an Al0.55Ga0.45N/Al0.8Ga0.2N quantum well and surface Al nanoislands, grown by plasma-assisted molecularbeam epitaxy on c-sapphire substrates. The influence of a substrate temperature varied between 320 and 700ºC on the size and density of the deposited Al nanoislands is evaluated. The effect of Al nanoislands on decay kinetics of the quantum well middle-ultraviolet photoluminescence has been investigated by time resolved photoluminescence. The samples with the maximum density of Al nanoislands of 108 cm–2 and lateral dimensions in the range of 100–500 nm demonstrated shortening of the photoluminescence lifetime, induced by interaction of the emitting quantum well and the plasmonic metal particles.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(5):622-624
pages 622-624 views

Ion Synthesis: Si–Ge Quantum Dots

Gerasimenko N., Balakleyskiy N., Volokhovskiy A., Smirnov D., Zaporozhan O.


We present a method of Si–Ge QDs formation by ion beam implantation (IBI) technique and high temperature annealing for self-organization. Implantation doses varied from 1014 to 1017 cm–2, ion energies ranged from 50 to 150 keV, annealing proceeded at temperature of 950 to 1050°C in argon environment. Formed QDs show strong infrared (IR) photoluminescence (PL) in the temperature region 15–250 K.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(5):625-627
pages 625-627 views

New Method of Porous Ge Layer Fabrication: Structure and Optical Properties

Gorokhov E., Astankova K., Azarov I., Volodin V., Latyshev A.


Porous germanium films were produced by selective removal of the GeO2 matrix from the GeO2 heterolayer in deionized water or HF. On the basis of Raman and infrared spectroscopy data it was supposed that a stable skeletal framework from agglomerated Ge nanoparticles (amorphous or crystalline) was formed after the selective etching of GeO2 heterolayers. The kinetics of air oxidation of amorphous porous Ge layers was investigated by scanning ellipsometry. Spectral ellipsometry allowed estimating the porosity of amorphous and crystalline porous Ge layers, which was ~70 and ~80%, respectively.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(5):628-631
pages 628-631 views

Fabrication of Silicon Nanostructures for Application in Photonics

Kamalieva A., Toropov N., Vartanyan T., Baranov M., Parfenov P., Bogdanov K., Zharova Y., Tolmachev V.


Silicon is the primary material of modern electronics. It also possesses bright potentials for applications in nanophotonics. At the same time optical properties of bulk silicon do not fully satisfy requirements imposed on them. Fortunately, properties of silicon nanostructures strongly depend on their shapes and sizes. In this regard, of special interest is the development of fabrication and post-processing methods of silicon nanostructures. In this contribution we propose a method for silicon nanostructures fabrication combining the technique of high-vacuum deposition with metal-assisted chemical etching. SEM images as well as ellipsometry, Raman scattering and optical spectroscopy data prove that the desired structural changes were obtained.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(5):632-635
pages 632-635 views

Alternative Technology for Creating Nanostructures Using Dip Pen Nanolithography

Lukyanenko A., Smolyarova T.


For modern microelectronics, at the present time, the technologies of consciousness smart structures play an important role, which can provide accuracy, stability and high quality of the structures. Submicron lithography methods are quite expensive and have natural size limitations, not allowing the production of structures with an extremely small lateral limitation. Therefore, an intensive search was conducted for alternative methods for creating submicron resolution structures. Especially attractive one is the possibility of self-organization effects utilization, where the nanostructure of a certain size is formed under the influence of internal forces. The dip pen nanolithography method based on a scanning probe microscope uses a directwrite technology and allows one to carry out a playback of small size structures with high accuracy. In the experiment, a substrate coated with Au (15 nm) using a DPN technique is applied to the polymer to form a desired pattern nano-sized channel. The experiment was conducted using a pointed probe SiN, coated MHA-Acetonitrile, on the Si(111)/Fe3Si/Au structure.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(5):636-638
pages 636-638 views

Сoncentric GaAs Nanorings Growth Modelling

Nastovjak A., Neizvestny I., Vasilenko M., Shwartz N.


The nanostructures formation process using the droplet epitaxy technique was investigated by Monte Carlo simulation. The simulation was fulfilled for two-dimensional and three-dimensional geometry substrates. The nanostructures morphology dependence on the growth temperature was presented. Crystal clusters, single and double rings were observed. The nanostructures shape was shown to be determined by the gallium diffusion length. The conditions of double rings formation during the droplet epitaxy were considered using analytical and numerical approaches. The factors that determine the rings location and shape were analyzed. The growth morphology was demonstrated to be dependent on the initial distance L between the droplets. The double ring formation was possible at a low droplet density only, when the As-stabilized region could be created between the droplets.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(5):639-644
pages 639-644 views

Nanoparticle Formation in Zn+ and O+ Ion Sequentially Implanted SiO2 Film

Privezentsev V., Makunin A., Batrakov A., Ksenich S., Goryachev A.


The 64Zn+ and 16O+ ions were implanted in SiO2 film on Si substrate with next parameters: the implant dose was 5.0 × 1016 cm–2, for Zn+ ions the energy was 50 keV and for O+ ions the energy was 16 keV. Than the samples were subjected to isochronally during 1h annealing in N2 atmosphere in temperature range 400–600°C and than in Ar atmosphere in temperature range from 700 up to 1000°C with a step of 100°C. After annealing the samples surface is structured and its roughness increases due to nanoparticle formation in subsurface layer. In as implanted and in annealed samples on its surface and in its body the Zn-contained nanoparticles with a size about 100 nm were formed. These nanoparticles consist presumably from Zn phase after implantation and from ZnO phase after annealing.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(5):645-650
pages 645-650 views

MBE growth and Structural Properties of InAs and InGaAs Nanowires with Different Mole Fraction of In on Si and Strongly Mismatched SiC/Si(111) Substrates

Reznik R., Kotlyar K., Soshnikov I., Kukushkin S., Osipov A., Cirlin G.


The possibility of InAs nanowires MBE growth on silicon (111) substrates with a nanometer buffer layer of silicon carbide has been demonstrated for the first time. The NWs diameter turned out to be smaller than on the silicon substrate—the minimum of NWs diameter was less than 10 nm. In addition, dependence of structural properties of InGaAs nanowires on composition was studied.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(5):651-653
pages 651-653 views

Effect of Epitaxial Alignment on Electron Transport from Quasi-Two-Dimensional Iron Silicide α-FeSi2 Nanocrystals Into p-Si(001)

Tarasov I., Rautskii M., Yakovlev I., Volochaev M.


Self-assembled growth of α-FeSi2 nanocrystal ensembles on gold-activated and gold-free Si(001) surface by molecular beam epitaxy is reported. The microstructure and basic orientation relationship (OR) between the silicide nanocrystals and silicon substrate were analysed. The study reveals that utilisation of the gold as catalyst regulates the preferable OR of the nanocrystals with silicon and their habitus. It is shown that electron transport from α-FeSi2 phase into p-Si(001) can be tuned by the formation of (001)—or (111)—textured α-FeSi2 nanocrystals ensembles. A current-voltage characteristic of the structures with different preferable epitaxial alignment (α-FeSi2(001)/Si(100) and α-FeSi2(111)/Si(100)) shows good linearity at room temperature. However, it becomes non-linear at different temperatures for different ORs due to different Schottky barrier height governed by a particular epitaxial alignment of the α-FeSi2/p-Si interfaces.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(5):654-659
pages 654-659 views

Growth of GaN Layers on Si(111) Substrates by Plasma-Assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxy

Timoshnev S., Mizerov A., Sobolev M., Nikitina E.


The studies of the growth kinetics of GaN layers grown on nitridated Si(111) substrates by plasmaassisted molecular beam epitaxy are presented. The nucleation and overgrowth of the separate GaN/Si(111) nanocolumns during single growth run is demonstrated. The technique of the in situ control of the GaN/Si(111) nanocolumns lateral size is proposed.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(5):660-663
pages 660-663 views

Kinetics of Structural Changes on GaSb(001) Singular and Vicinal Surfaces During the UHV Annealing

Vasev A., Putyato M., Preobrazhenskii V., Bakarov A., Toropov A.


The dynamics of processes of antimony desorption was investigated on the singular and vicinal GaSb(001) surface by RHEED method. The role of the terraces edges was determined during antimony evaporation in Langmuir desorption mode. It is shown that the structural transition (2 × 5) → (1 × 3) is a complex of two transitions—orderdisorder and disorder → order. The influence of the degree of surface miscut from the singular face on the dimension of the transition (2 × 5) → DO was studied. The activation energies of structural transitions ex(2 × 5) → (2 × 5), (2 × 5) → DO and DO → (1 × 3) on singular and vicinal faces GaSb(001) were determined.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(5):664-666
pages 664-666 views

Site-Controlled Growth of GaN Nanorods with Inserted InGaN Quantum Wells on μ-Cone Patterned Sapphire Substrates by Plasma-Assisted MBE

Jmerik V., Shubina T., Nechaev D., Semenov A., Kirilenko D., Davydov V., Smirnov A., Eliseev I., Posina G., Ivanov S.


We report on a new approach to fabricate regular arrays of GaN nanorods (NRs) with InGaN QWs by plasma-assisted molecular-beam epitaxy (PA MBE) on micro-cone patterned sapphire substrates (μ-CPSSs). A two-stage PA MBE fabrication process of GaN NRs has been developed, starting with a high temperature nucleation layer growth at metal-rich conditions to aggregate selectively GaN nucleus on c-oriented areas of the μ-CPSSs and followed by growth of 1-μm-thick GaN NRs at strongly nitrogen-rich conditions exactly on the cone tips. These results are explained by energetically favorable GaN growth on the (000-) oriented sapphire surface. Both micro-photoluminescence and micro-cathodoluminescence confirm the formation of regular array of optically and spectrally isolated NRs without usage of any nanolithography.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(5):667-670
pages 667-670 views

Resistance Switching in Ag, Au, and Cu Films at the Percolation Threshold

Gladskikh I., Gushchin M., Vartanyan T.


A straightforward method for thin metal films production and bringing them at the percolation threshold has been developed. The method is based on the controlled thermal annealing of initially conductive metal films. Electrical conductivity studies of thin silver, gold, and copper films at the percolation threshold revealed the existence of high-resistance states (1012 Ω) and low-resistance states (103 Ω) of the films. The switching between these states under bias is reversible. The characteristic switching times are 200 ns, 2 μs, and 60 μs for silver, gold, and copper films, correspondently.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(5):671-674
pages 671-674 views

Dip-Pen Nanolithography Method for Fabrication of Biofunctionalized Magnetic Nanodiscs Applied in Medicine

Smolyarova T., Lukyanenko A., Tarasov A., Sokolov A.


The magnetic properties of ferromagnetic nanodiscs coated with gold, manufactured using the Dip-Pen Nanolithography method, and were studied by atomic-force and magnetic force microscopy methods. The magnetic discs (dots) are represented as nanoagents (nanorobots) applied in medicine for the cancer cell destruction. The motivation of this work stem from the necessity of the understanding of the magnetization distribution in ferromagnetic discs that is crucial for their application in biomedicine. We have performed the theoretical calculations in order to compare the theoretical image contrast to experimental results. Herein, we report about the fabrication and analysis of biocompatible ferromagnetic nanodiscs with the homogenous magnetized state.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(5):675-677
pages 675-677 views

Air-Oxidation of Nb Nano-Films

Lubenchenko A., Batrakov A., Ivanov D., Lubenchenko O., Lashkov I., Pavolotsky A., Schleicher B., Albert N., Nielsch K.


X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) depth chemical and phase profiling of air-oxidized niobium nanofilms has been performed. It is found that oxide layer thicknesses depend on the initial thickness of the niobium nanofilm. The increase in thickness of the initial Nb nano-layer is due to increase in thickness of an oxidized layer.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(5):678-682
pages 678-682 views

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