
Photoluminescence properties of thallium-containing GeSe2 and GeSe3 vitreous semiconductors
Babaev A.
Development of a Physical-Topological Model for the Response of a High-Power Vertical DMOS Transistor to the Effect of Pulsed Gamma-Radiation
Khananova A., Obolensky S.
Study of the Electron Distribution in GaN and GaAs after γ-Neutron Irradiation
Tarasova E., Khananova A., Obolensky S., Zemlyakov V., Sveshnikov Y., Egorkin V., Ivanov V., Medvedev G., Smotrin D.
InGaAlP/GaAs Injection Lasers of the Orange Optical Range (~600 nm)
Nadtochiy A., Shchukin V., Cherkashin N., Denneulin T., Zhukov A., Maximov M., Gordeev N., Payusov A., Kulagina M., Shernyakov Y., Ledentsov N.
MBE Growth and Structural Properties of GaP and InP Nanowires on a SiC Substrate with a Graphene Layer
Alexeev P., Cirlin G., Reznik R., Kotlyar K., Ilkiv I., Soshnikov I., Lebedev S., Lebedev A., Kirilenko D.
On the Asymmetric Generation of a Superradiant Laser with a Symmetric Low-Q Cavity
Kocharovsky V., Kukushkin V., Tarasov S., Kocharovskaya E., Kocharovsky V.
Determining the Hydrogen Concentration from the Photovoltage of Pd–Oxide–InP MIS Structures
Grebenshchikova E., Salikhov K., Sidorov V., Shutaev V., Yakovlev Y.
Critical Radius of Full Depletion in Semiconductor Nanowires Caused by Surface Charge Trapping
Petrosyan S., Yesayan A., Nersesyan S., Khachatryan V.
Analysis of the Features of Hot-Carrier Degradation in FinFETs
Makarov A., Tyaginov S., Kaczer B., Jech M., Chasin A., Grill A., Hellings G., Vexler M., Linten D., Grasser T.
Investigation of InGaAs/GaAs Quantum Well Lasers with Slightly Doped Tunnel Junction
Yajie Li , Wang P., Meng F., Yu H., Zhou X., Wang H., Pan J.
Measurements of electrophysical characteristics of semiconductor structures with the use of microwave photonic crystals
Usanov D., Nikitov S., Skripal A., Ponomarev D., Latysheva E.
Investigation of DC and RF Performance of Novel MOSHEMT on Silicon Substrate for Future Submillimetre Wave Applications
Ajayan J., Ravichandran T., Mohankumar P., Prajoon P., Pravin J., Nirmal D.
Dependence of the electron capture velocity on the quantum-well depth in semiconductor lasers
Sokolova Z., Bakhvalov K., Lyutetskiy A., Pikhtin N., Tarasov I., Asryan L.
Measuring the Effective Masses of the Electrical Conductivity and Density of States by Contactless Microwave Means
Usanov D., Postelga A., Gurov K.
Charge transfer in rectifying oxide heterostructures and oxide access elements in ReRAM
Stefanovich G., Pergament A., Boriskov P., Kuroptev V., Stefanovich T.
Behavioral Features of MIS Memristors with a Si3N4 Nanolayer Fabricated on a Conductive Si Substrate
Tikhov S., Gorshkov O., Antonov I., Tetelbaum D., Mikhaylov A., Belov A., Morozov A., Karakolis P., Dimitrakis P.
Relaxation oscillations of superluminescence in a semiconductor caused by recovery of the Fermi distribution of nonequilibrium electrons
Kumekov S., Mustafin A., Mussatay S.
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