Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Том 50, № 12 (2016)

XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016

Resonant features of the terahertz generation in semiconductor nanowires

Trukhin V., Bouravleuv A., Mustafin I., Cirlin G., Kuritsyn D., Rumyantsev V., Morosov S., Kakko J., Huhtio T., Lipsanen H.


The paper presents the results of experimental studies of the generation of terahertz radiation in periodic arrays of GaAs nanowires via excitation by ultrashort optical pulses. It is found that the generation of THz radiation exhibits resonant behavior due to the resonant excitation of cylindrical modes in the nanowires. At the optimal geometric parameters of the nanowire array, the generation efficiency is found to be higher than that for bulk p-InAs, which is one of the most effective coherent terahertz emitters.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(12):1561-1565
pages 1561-1565 views

On a new method of heterojunction formation in III–V nanowires

Sibirev N., Koryakin A., Dubrovskii V.


The process of the formation of axial heterostructures in nanowires is considered on the basis of the vapor–liquid–solid model of growth. A new method of heterostructure formation in (Al, Ga)As nanowires by varying the arsenic flux is proposed.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(12):1566-1568
pages 1566-1568 views

Atomic composition and electrical characteristics of epitaxial CVD diamond layers doped with boron

Surovegina E., Demidov E., Drozdov M., Murel A., Khrykin O., Shashkin V., Lobaev M., Gorbachev A., Viharev A., Bogdanov S., Isaev V., Muchnikov A., Chernov V., Radishchev D., Batler D.


The results of analysis of the atomic composition, doping level, and hole mobility in epitaxial diamond layers when doped with boron are reported. The layers are produced by chemical-vapor deposition. The possibilities of uniform doping with boron to a level in the range 5 × 1017 to ~1020 at cm–3 and of δ doping to the surface concentration (0.3–5) × 1013 at cm–3 are shown. The conditions for precision ion etching of the structures are determined, and barrier and ohmic contacts to the layers are formed.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(12):1569-1573
pages 1569-1573 views

Theoretical and experimental studies of the current–voltage and capacitance–voltage of HEMT structures and field-effect transistors

Tarasova E., Obolenskaya E., Hananova A., Obolensky S., Zemliakov V., Egorkin V., Nezhenzev A., Saharov A., Zazul’nokov A., Lundin V., Zavarin E., Medvedev G.


The sensitivity of classical n+/n GaAs and AlGaN/GaN structures with a 2D electron gas (HEMT) and field-effect transistors based on these structures to γ-neutron exposure is studied. The levels of their radiation hardness were determined. A method for experimental study of the structures on the basis of a differential analysis of their current–voltage characteristics is developed. This method makes it possible to determine the structure of the layers in which radiation-induced defects accumulate. A procedure taking into account changes in the plate area of the experimentally measured barrier-contact capacitance associated with the emergence of clusters of radiation-induced defects that form dielectric inclusions in the 2D-electron-gas layer is presented for the first time.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(12):1574-1578
pages 1574-1578 views

Microwave-signal generation in a planar Gunn diode with radiation exposure taken into account

Obolenskaya E., Tarasova E., Churin A., Obolensky S., Kozlov V.


Microwave-signal generation in planar Gunn diodes with a two-dimensional electron gas, in which we previously studied steady-state electron transport, is theoretically studied. The applicability of a control electrode similar to a field-effect transistor gate to control the parameters of the output diode microwave signal is considered. The results of physical-topological modeling of semiconductor structures with different diode active-region structures, i.e., without a quantum well, with one and two quantum wells separated by a potential barrier, are compared. The calculated results are compared with our previous experimental data on recording Gunn generation in a Schottky-gate field-effect transistor. It is theoretically and experimentally shown that the power of the signal generated by the planar Gunn diode with a quantum well and a control electrode is sufficient to implement monolithic integrated circuits of different functionalities. It is theoretically and experimentally shown that the use of a control electrode on account of the introduction of corrective feedback allows a significant increase in the radiation resistance of a microwave generator with Schottky-gate field-effect transistors.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(12):1579-1583
pages 1579-1583 views

Strained multilayer structures with pseudomorphic GeSiSn layers

Timofeev V., Nikiforov A., Tuktamyshev A., Yesin M., Mashanov V., Gutakovskii A., Baidakova N.


The temperature and composition dependences of the critical thickness of the 2D–3D transition for a GeSiSn film on Si(100) have been studied. The regularities of the formation of multilayer structures with pseudomorphic GeSiSn layers directly on a Si substrate, without relaxed buffer layers, were investigated for the first time. The possibility of forming multilayer structures based on pseudomorphic GeSiSn layers has been shown and the lattice parameters have been determined using transmission electron microscopy. The grown structures demonstrate photoluminescence for Sn contents from 3.5 to 5% in GeSiSn layers.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(12):1584-1588
pages 1584-1588 views

Physical properties of metal–insulator–semiconductor structures based on n-GaAs with InAs quantum dots deposited onto the surface of an n-GaAs layer

Tikhov S., Gorshkov O., Koryazhkina M., Kasatkin A., Antonov I., Vihrova O., Morozov A.


The properties of metal–insulator–semiconductor (MIS) structures based on n-GaAs in which silicon oxide and yttria-stabilized zirconia and hafnia are used as the insulator containing InAs quantum dots, which are embedded at the insulator/n-GaAs interface, are investigated. The structures manifest the resistive switching and synaptic behavior.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(12):1589-1594
pages 1589-1594 views

Bragg resonance in a system of AsSb plasmonic nanoinclusions in AlGaAs

Ushanov V., Chaldyshev V., Preobrazhenskii V., Putyato M., Semyagin B.


The optical reflection from periodic structures based on a semiconductor AlGaAs matrix containing 2D arrays of plasmonic AsSb nanoinclusions is studied. The number of nanoinclusion layers is 12 or 24, and the nominal spatial periods are 100 or 110 nm, respectively. In the experimental spectra of the optical reflection coefficient at normal incidence, we observe resonant Bragg diffraction with the main peaks at wavelengths of 757 or 775 nm (1.64 or 1.60 eV), depending on the spatial period of the nanostructure. The magnitudes of the resonance peaks reach 22 and 31% for the systems of 12 and 24 AsSb–AlGaAs layers, while the volume fraction of the nanoinclusions is much less than 1%. In the case of light incident at inclined angles, the Bragg-diffraction pattern shifts according to Wulff–Bragg’s law. Numerical simulation of the optical reflection spectra is performed using the transfer-matrix method by taking into account the spatial geometry of the structures and the resonance characteristics of the plasmonic AsSb layers.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(12):1595-1599
pages 1595-1599 views

Asymmetric devices based on carbon nanotubes for terahertz-range radiation detection

Fedorov G., Stepanova T., Gazaliev A., Gaiduchenko I., Kaurova N., Voronov B., Goltzman G.


Various asymmetric detecting devices based on carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are studied. The asymmetry is understood as inhomogeneous properties along the conducting channel. In the first type of devices, an inhomogeneous morphology of the CNT grid is used. In the second type of devices, metals with highly varying work functions are used as the contact material. The relation between the sensitivity and detector configuration is analyzed. Based on the data obtained, approaches to the development of an efficient detector of terahertz radiation, based on carbon nanotubes are proposed.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(12):1600-1603
pages 1600-1603 views

On the radiative recombination and tunneling of charge carriers in SiGe/Si heterostructures with double quantum wells

Yablonsky A., Zhukavin R., Bekin N., Novikov A., Yurasov D., Shaleev M.


For SiGe/Si(001) epitaxial structures with two nonequivalent SiGe quantum wells separated by a thin Si barrier, the spectral and time characteristics of interband photoluminescence corresponding to the radiative recombination of excitons in quantum wells are studied. For a series of structures with two SiGe quantum wells different in width, the characteristic time of tunneling of charge carriers (holes) from the narrow quantum well, distinguished by a higher exciton recombination energy, to the wide quantum well is determined as a function of the Si barrier thickness. It is shown that the time of tunneling of holes between the Si0.85Ge0.15 layers with thicknesses of 3 and 9 nm steadily decreases from ~500 to <5 ns, as the Si barrier thickness is reduced from 16 to 8 nm. At intermediate Si barrier thicknesses, an increase in the photoluminescence signal from the wide quantum well is observed, with a characteristic time of the same order of magnitude as the luminescence decay time of the narrow quantum well. This supports the observation of the effect of the tunneling of holes from the narrow to the wide quantum well. A strong dependence of the tunneling time of holes on the Ge content in the SiGe layers at the same thickness of the Si barrier between quantum wells is observed, which is attributed to an increase in the effective Si barrier height.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(12):1604-1608
pages 1604-1608 views

Polariton condensate coherence in planar microcavities in a magnetic field

Chernenko A., Rahimi-lman A., Fischer J., Amthor M., Schneider C., Reitzenstein S., Forchel A., Hoefling S.


In planar GaAs microcavities in a magnetic field up to 5 T perpendicular to the structure growth plane, under conditions of resonant pulsed pumping to a point close to the inflection point of the lower dispersion curve, Zeeman splitting of the spin sublevels of the polariton condensate is observed. This is accompanied by a significant change in the degree of circular polarization and the second-order correlator g2(0). It is found that the correlator is different for the spin sublevels of the polariton condensate, split in a magnetic field. In particular, correlator measurements indicate different condensation thresholds for the spin sublevels. The correlator values initially differing in terms of the absence of a field increase, reach a maximum, and then decrease and become equal for different polarizations in a field of 5 T.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(12):1609-1613
pages 1609-1613 views

Electrical and photoelectric properties of Si-based metal–insulator–semiconductor structures with Au nanoparticles at the insulator–semiconductor interface

Koryazhkina M., Tikhov S., Gorshkov O., Kasatkin A., Antonov I.


It is shown that the formation of Au nanoparticles at the insulator–silicon interface in structures with a high density of surface states results in a shift of the Fermi-level pinning energy at this interface towards the valence-band ceiling in silicon and in increasing the surface-state density at energies close to the Fermi level. In this case, a band with a peak at 0.85 eV arises on the photosensivity curves of the capacitor photovoltage, which is explained by the photoemission of electrons from the formed Au-nanoparticle electron states near the valence-band ceiling in silicon.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(12):1614-1618
pages 1614-1618 views

Surface passivation of GaAs nanowires by the atomic layer deposition of AlN

Shtrom I., Bouravleuv A., Samsonenko Y., Khrebtov A., Soshnikov I., Reznik R., Cirlin G., Dhaka V., Perros A., Lipsanen H.


It is shown that the atomic layer deposition of thin AlN layers can be used to passivate the surface states of GaAs nanowires synthesized by molecular-beam epitaxy. Studies of the optical properties of samples by low-temperature photoluminescence measurements shows that the photoluminescence-signal intensity can be increased by a factor of up to five by passivating the nanowires with a 25-Å-thick AlN layer.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(12):1619-1621
pages 1619-1621 views

Formation of singular (001) terraces on the surface of single-crystal HPHT diamond substrates

Yunin P., Drozdov Y., Chernov V., Isaev V., Bogdanov S., Muchnikov A.


Methods of the experimental diagnostics and control of the misorientation angle for single-crystal HPHT (High Pressure High Temperature) diamond substrates are discussed. Such substrates are used for the homoepitaxial growth of doped and undoped CVD diamond layers. The formation of singular (001) terraces on the surface of HPHT diamond after microwave-discharge-plasma etching in pure hydrogen or a hydrogen–oxygen mixture is observed. This phenomenon can be used for rapid determination of the substrate misorientation and to improve the control precision of the deviation angle during substrate polishing, or for obtaining large singular (001) areas of single-crystal diamond substrates.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(12):1622-1625
pages 1622-1625 views

CdHgTe heterostructures for new-generation IR photodetectors operating at elevated temperatures

Varavin V., Vasilyev V., Guzev A., Dvoretsky S., Kovchavtsev A., Marin D., Sabinina I., Sidorov Y., Sidorov G., Tsarenko A., Yakushev M.


The parameters of multilayer CdxHg1–xTe heterostructures for photodetectors operating at wavelengths of up to 5 μm, grown by molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE) on silicon substrates, are studied. The passivating properties of thin CdTe layers on the surface of these structures are analyzed by measuring the C–V characteristics. The temperature dependences of the minority carrier lifetime in the photoabsorption layer after growth and thermal annealing are investigated. Samples of p+n-type photodiodes are fabricated by the implantation of arsenic ions into n-type layers, doped with In to a concentration of (1–5) × 1015 cm–3. The temperature dependences of the reverse currents are measured at several bias voltages; these currents turn out to be almost two orders of magnitude lower than those for n+p-type diodes.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(12):1626-1629
pages 1626-1629 views

Influence of surface roughness on a change in the growth mode from two-dimensional to three-dimensional for strained SiGe heterostructures

Novikov A., Shaleev M., Yurasov D., Yunin P.


The influence of the surface microroughness on the critical thickness for the two-dimensional growth of strained SiGe structures on Si(001) and Ge(001) substrates is investigated. A decrease in the critical thickness for the two-dimensional growth of Ge films with increasing number of lattice periods or a decrease in the thickness of Si spacer layers is found for Ge/Si lattices grown on Si(001) substrates. This change is related to an increase in the surface roughness with the accumulation of elastic energy in compressed structures. A comparative study of the growth of SiGe structures on Si(001) and Ge(001) substrates shows that the critical thickness for the two-dimensional growth of tensile-strained layers is much larger than for compressed layers in a wide range of SiGe-layer compositions at an identical (in magnitude) lattice mismatch between the film and substrate.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(12):1630-1634
pages 1630-1634 views

PbSnTe:In compound: Electron capture levels, galvanomagnetic properties, and THz sensitivity

Ishchenko D., Klimov A., Shumsky V., Epov V.


A model of the Pb1–xSnxTe:In compound, based on concepts of the theory of disordered systems is considered. The temperature dependences of the Fermi-level position and carrier concentration are calculated depending on the indium doping level and are compared with experimental data. The transient current–voltage characteristics are calculated in the mode of injection from the contact and current limitation by space charge at various voltage-variation rates. The data obtained are compared with the experiments. It is demonstrated that the shape of the characteristics is controlled by the parameters of electron capture at localized states. Photocurrent relaxation in a magnetic field is studied, and the mechanism of such relaxation is discussed under the assumption of the magnetic freezing of carriers.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(12):1635-1640
pages 1635-1640 views

Quantum Hall effect and hopping conductivity in n-InGaAs/InAlAs nanoheterostructures

Gudina S., Arapov Y., Saveliev A., Neverov V., Podgornykh S., Shelushinina N., Yakunin M., Vasil’evskii I., Vinichenko A.


The longitudinal and Hall magnetoresistances are measured in the quantum Hall effect regime in the n-InGaAs/InAlAs heterostructures at temperatures of T = (1.8–30) K in magnetic fields up to B = 9 T. Temperature-induced transport in the region of the longitudinal resistance minima, corresponding to the plateau regions at Hall resistance, is investigated within the framework of the concept of hopping conductivity in a strongly localized electron system. The analysis of variable-range hopping conductivity in the region of the second, third, and fourth plateau of the quantum Hall effect provides the possibility of determining the localization length exponent.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(12):1641-1646
pages 1641-1646 views

Polarization of the photoluminescence of quantum dots incorporated into quantum wires

Platonov A., Kochereshko V., Kats V., Cirlin G., Bouravleuv A., Avdoshina D., Delga A., Besombes L., Mariette H.


The photoluminescence spectra of individual quantum dots incorporated into a quantum wire are studied. From the behavior of the spectra in a magnetic field, it is possible to estimate the exciton binding energy in a quantum dot incorporated into a quantum wire. It is found that the exciton photoluminescence signal emitted from a quantum dot along the direction of the nanowire axis is linearly polarized. At the same time, the photoluminescence signal propagating in the direction orthogonal to the nanowire axis is practically unpolarized. The experimentally observed effect is attributed to the nonaxial arrangement of the dot in the wire under conditions of a huge increase in the exciton binding energy due to the effect of the image potential on the exciton.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(12):1647-1650
pages 1647-1650 views

Long-wavelength stimulated emission and carrier lifetimes in HgCdTe-based waveguide structures with quantum wells

Rumyantsev V., Fadeev M., Morozov S., Dubinov A., Kudryavtsev K., Kadykov A., Tuzov I., Dvoretskii S., Mikhailov N., Gavrilenko V., Teppe F.


The interband photoconductivity and photoluminescence in narrow-gap HgCdTe-based waveguide structures with quantum wells (QWs) (designed for long-wavelength stimulated emission under optical pumping) are investigated. The photoconductivity relaxation times in n-type structures reach several microseconds, due to which stimulated emission at a wavelength of 10.2 μm occurs at a low threshold pump intensity (~100 W/cm2) at 20 K. In the p-type structures obtained by annealing (to increase the mercury vacancy concentration), even spontaneous emission from the QWs is not detected because of a dramatic decrease in the carrier lifetime with respect to Shockley–Read–Hall nonradiative recombination.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(12):1651-1656
pages 1651-1656 views

Electroluminescence of structures with self-assembled Ge(Si) nanoislands confined between strained Si layers

Baidakova N., Novikov A., Shaleev M., Yurasov D., Morozova E., Shengurov D., Krasilnik Z.


The electroluminescence of structures with self-assembled Ge(Si) nanoislands grown on relaxed SiGe/Si(001) buffer layers and confined between strained Si layers is studied for the first time. The electroluminescence signal from the structures is observed in the wavelength range from 1.6 to 2.0 μm, i.e., at longer wavelengths compared to those in the case of structures with Ge(Si) islands formed on Si (001) substrates. This give grounds to consider the structures with Ge(Si) islands confined between strained Si layers as candidates for the production of Si-based sources of emission at wavelengths of >1.55 μm.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(12):1657-1661
pages 1657-1661 views

Mercury vacancies as divalent acceptors in HgyTe1 – y/CdxHg1 – xTe structures with quantum wells

Fadeev M., Varavin V., Mikhailov N., Dvoretsky S., Gavrilenko V., Teppe F., Kozlov D., Rumyantsev V., Morozov S., Kadykov A.


A long-wavelength band caused by transitions between states related to the valence band is detected in the photoconductivity spectra of HgyTe1 – y/CdxHg1 – xTe (CMT) structures with quantum wells. The energy states of mercury vacancies in quantum wells of CMT structures is calculated taking into account a chemical shift. It is shown that the long-wavelength band observed in the photoconductivity spectra of these structures is associated with the ionization of divalent acceptor centers which are such vacancies.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(12):1662-1668
pages 1662-1668 views

Terahertz injection lasers based on PbSnSe alloy with an emission wavelength up to 46.5 μm

Maremyanin K., Rumyantsev V., Ikonnikov A., Bovkun L., Chizhevskii E., Zasavitskii I., Gavrilenko V.


Diffusion injection lasers based on Pb1 – xSnxSe alloy, emitting in a wide spectral range of 10–46.5 μm depending on the composition and temperatures are fabricated. A technology for growing high-quality single crystals from the vapor phase under conditions of free growth is developed. The dependences of the total emission intensity on the pump current and the emission spectra of injection lasers based on Pb1 – xSnxSe are studied. In these samples, lasing of long-wavelength radiation to a record wavelength of 46.5 μm is achieved.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(12):1669-1672
pages 1669-1672 views

Polarization of the induced THz emission of donors in silicon

Kovalevsky K., Zhukavin R., Tsyplenkov V., Pavlov S., Hübers H., Abrosimov N., Shastin V.


The polarization of the terahertz (4.9–6.4 THz) stimulated emission of Group-V (Sb, P, As, Bi) donors in single-crystal silicon under pumping (photoionization) by a CO2 laser (photon energy 117 meV), depending on the uniaxial compressive deformation of the crystal along the [100] axis, is experimentally investigated. The influence of the field direction of the pump wave on its efficiency is discussed.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(12):1673-1677
pages 1673-1677 views

Effect of random inhomogeneities in the spatial distribution of radiation-induced defect clusters on carrier transport through the thin base of a heterojunction bipolar transistor upon neutron irradiation

Puzanov A., Obolenskiy S., Kozlov V.


We analyze the electron transport through the thin base of a GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistor with regard to fluctuations in the spatial distribution of defect clusters induced by irradiation with a fissionspectrum fast neutron flux. We theoretically demonstrate that the homogeneous filling of the working region with radiation-induced defect clusters causes minimum degradation of the dc gain of the heterojunction bipolar transistor.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(12):1678-1683
pages 1678-1683 views

Giant negative photoconductivity of PbSnTe:In films with wavelength cutoff near 30 μm

Akimov A., Klimov A., Morozov S., Suprun S., Epov V., Ikonnikov A., Fadeev M., Rumyantsev V.


Experimental results on the photoconductivity dynamics in PbSnTe:In films with a high SnTe content and corresponding fundamental absorption edge near 30 μm at liquid helium temperatures are reported. The possible causes for the giant (over two orders of magnitude) negative photoconductivity of the samples are discussed.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(12):1684-1690
pages 1684-1690 views

The exciton excitations and relaxation processes in low-dimensional semiconductor heterostructures with quantum wells

Aleshkin V., Gavrilenko L., Gaponova D., Krasil’nik Z., Kryzhkov D.


The processes associated with the transfer of excitonic excitations between tunnel-uncoupled quantum wells (QW) and the influence of the local electric field were investigated in AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures by the method of photoluminescence excitation (PLE) spectroscopy at low (4.2 K) temperature. The variation in the intensity of photoluminescence (PL) from the wider QW under resonant excitation of excitonic transition in the adjacent narrow QW has been observed. The difference in the PL maximum position and intensity of the wider QW under resonance excitation of the narrow one is explained by the influence of quantum-confined Stark effect on the process of exciton recombination.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(12):1691-1695
pages 1691-1695 views

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