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Issue Section Title File
No 1 (2023) BIOCHEMISTRY Thyroid and Sex Steroid Hormones in Immature and Precocious Brown Trout Salmo trutta
No 1 (2023) ГЕНЕТИКА Genetic Divergence of Closely Related Species Oxytropis strobilacea, Oxytropis adamsiana and Oxytropis vassilczenkoi (Series Strobilacei of the Section Orobia Fabaceae) from Asian Russia
No 1 (2023) МИКРОБИОЛОГИЯ Genome Analysis of Two Lichen Bacteriobionts, Lichenibacterium ramalinae and Lichenibacterium minor: Factors of Virulence and Adaptation
No 1 (2023) BOTANY Development and Architecture of the Nepeta transiliensis (Lamiaceae) Rhizome
No 1 (2023) PLANT PHYSIOLOGY Regulation of the Activity of Decarboxylating Malate Dehydrogenases in Corn Leaves during an Adaptive Response to Salt Stress
No 1 (2023) ФИЗИОЛОГИЯ ЖИВОТНЫХ И ЧЕЛОВЕКА The Effect of the Probiotic “Subtilis-C” on the Lactoferrin Content in the Blood and Epidermal Secretions of “Feeding” Discus Fish
No 1 (2023) ФИЗИОЛОГИЯ ЖИВОТНЫХ И ЧЕЛОВЕКА The Prospects for Using Bioluminescent Enzymatic Analysis to Reveal the Exercise Capacity of Sports Horses
No 1 (2023) ECOLOGY Reproductive Success of Dactylorhiza fuchsii (Druce) Soó at the Northern Border of Its Distribution Range
No 1 (2023) ECOLOGY Forest Biogeocenoses in the Area of Brown Forest Soils of the Western Caucasus
No 1 (2023) ECOLOGY Transformation of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins and Dibenzofurans Congener Profile during Bioaccumulation in Free-Range Chicken Eggs
No 1 (2023) ECOLOGY Spatially Temporal Synchronicity of the Population Dynamics of the Nortern Red-Backed Vole (Myodes rutilus Pall.) in Northern European Russia
No 2 (2023) ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКАЯ И ЭВОЛЮЦИОННАЯ БИОЛОГИЯ Parallelism in Speciation and Intraspecific Diversification of the Plague Microbe Yersinia pestis
No 2 (2023) БИОЛОГИЯ РАЗВИТИЯ Role of Albumin and Alpha-Fetoprotein in Prenatal Ontogenesis of the Human Eye
No 2 (2023) BIOCHEMISTRY Parameters of Lipid Metabolism in Underyearlings of Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar Reared under Different Regimes of Photoperiod and Feeding Modes in Aquaculture in the Sourthern Region of Russia
No 2 (2023) МИКРОБИОЛОГИЯ Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics, and Biotechnological Potential of Hydrolitic Haloalkalitolerant Bacteria of Soda Sludge Storage
No 2 (2023) BOTANY The Kava River Basin (Northern Okhotsk Area) as a Hotspot of Aquatic Macrophyte Diversity in Northern Pacific
No 2 (2023) ZOOLOGY To the Stady of a Water Vole (Arvicola anphibius) at the North-Western Area
No 2 (2023) ФИЗИОЛОГИЯ ЖИВОТНЫХ И ЧЕЛОВЕКА Sex Differences in Age-Related Changes in Functional Activity and Expression of the Main Regulatory Proteins of the Renin-Angiotensin System in the Aorta and Myocardium of Rats
No 2 (2023) ECOLOGY Unicellular Plankton Size Structure (Size-Taxonomic and Size-Trophic Spectra) in a Hypertrophic Urban Lake
No 2 (2023) ECOLOGY Coexistence of the Water Shrew (Neomys fodiens) and the Common Shrew (Sorex araneus), the Competing Species, in a Flucturing Environment: Sociability and Space Use in a “Dry” Habitat
No 3 (2023) БИОЛОГИЯ КЛЕТКИ Melanoma Cell Lines As a Basis for Vasculogenic Mimicry Model Development
No 3 (2023) BIOCHEMISTRY Photochemistry and Signaling Activities of Plant Cryptochromes. Review
No 3 (2023) ГЕНЕТИКА Multiple Chromosomal Polymorphism in Birch Mice of the Subtilis Group (Rodentia, Dipodoidea, Sicista) from Saratov Right Bank
No 3 (2023) МИКРОБИОЛОГИЯ Exoparasitic Mites – Vectors of Bacterial Symbionts Among Insects
No 3 (2023) BOTANY Anatomical Structure and Phytochemical Analysis of the Leaf, Stem and Root of Hydrangea Tree (Hydrangea arborescens L.)
No 3 (2023) PLANT PHYSIOLOGY The Influence of LED Lights of Different Spectrum on the Development of Lactuca sativa
No 3 (2023) ZOOLOGY Taxonomic Assessment of the Karyological Characteristics of Sable (Martes zibellina) and Other Representatives of the Ginus Martes (Carnivora, Mammalia)
No 3 (2023) ФИЗИОЛОГИЯ ЖИВОТНЫХ И ЧЕЛОВЕКА Body and Digestive Tract Sizes in Small Phytophagous Mammals: Influence of Ecological and Physiological Factors
No 3 (2023) ФИЗИОЛОГИЯ ЖИВОТНЫХ И ЧЕЛОВЕКА The initial of Autonomic Tone Determines the Development of Irreversible Myocardial Ischemia in Rats
No 3 (2023) ECOLOGY Morpho-Physiological Determinants of Potato Yield Formation under Conditions of Moisture Deficiency and High Temperatures
No 3 (2023) BRIEF MESSAGES Cuticle of Hermetia Illucens Black Lion Pupa as A Biosorbent for Probiotics
No 4 (2023) БИОЛОГИЯ КЛЕТКИ Physicochemical and Sorption Characteristics of the Hermetia illucens Fly Pupal Cuticle
No 4 (2023) BIOCHEMISTRY Influence of Different Methods of Obtaining of Solid Dispersions and Crystals of Fenbendazole on Biological Activity
No 4 (2023) ГЕНЕТИКА Intrabreed Diversity and Relationships between Races of Honey Bee Apis mellifera carpathica and Apis mellifera caucasica
No 4 (2023) BOTANY Morphological and Anatomical Features of Plantago maritima L. As an Adaptive Reaction to the Conditions of Coastal Biotopes
No 4 (2023) ZOOLOGY The Use of the Microstructure of Coverling Feathers in the Systematics of Ground Jays (Aves, Corvidae: Podoces, Eupodoces)
No 4 (2023) ZOOLOGY Aircraft Collisions With Birds (Order Falconiformes and Accipitriformes)
No 4 (2023) ФИЗИОЛОГИЯ ЖИВОТНЫХ И ЧЕЛОВЕКА The Intra-Annual Variability of Immune System Organs and Lysozyme Content in Male Pike Esox lucius L.
No 4 (2023) ECOLOGY Iron Accumulation of Halophytes on the White Sea Littoral Zone
No 4 (2023) ECOLOGY Diversity and Transformation of the Freshwater Planktonic Protist Community Along the Estuarine Tributary Zone of the Large Plainland Reservoir: 18S RRNA Gene Metabarkoding
No 4 (2023) BRIEF MESSAGES Effects of Ellagotannins on Intestinal Peptidase Activity in Rainbow Trout
No 7 (2023) Articles Homeostatic Mechanisms of Biological Systems: Prolegomena
No 7 (2023) УСТОЙЧИВОСТЬ БИОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ СИСТЕМ: ОРГАНИЗМ Cytogenetic Homeostasis and Environmental Health (Assessment Practice)
No 7 (2023) УСТОЙЧИВОСТЬ БИОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ СИСТЕМ: ОРГАНИЗМ Ecological Biochemical Adaptations in Aquatic Organisms
No 7 (2023) УСТОЙЧИВОСТЬ БИОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ СИСТЕМ: ОРГАНИЗМ Developmental Stability, Population Dynamics and Climate Change, with Particular Reference to the Common Shrew (Sorex araneus L., 1758) in Central Siberia
No 7 (2023) УСТОЙЧИВОСТЬ БИОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ СИСТЕМ: ОРГАНИЗМ Assessment of the Health of the Environment by the Value of Fluctuing Asymmetry of Woody Plants: Analysis of Possible Causes of the Distortion of the Results
No 7 (2023) УСТОЙЧИВОСТЬ БИОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ СИСТЕМ: ОРГАНИЗМ Basic Limitations of Self-Organisation on Examples of High- and Low-Integrated Very Complex Systems (Mammalian Skeleton Elements and Mammalian Fossil Assemblages): from Empirical Evidences to the Theory
No 7 (2023) УСТОЙЧИВОСТЬ БИОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ СИСТЕМ: ПОПУЛЯЦИЯ Trophic-Energetic Bases of Functioning and Stability of Natural Populations of Herbivorous Mammals
No 7 (2023) УСТОЙЧИВОСТЬ БИОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ СИСТЕМ: ПОПУЛЯЦИЯ Ecological Niches Modelling of the Most Dangerous Invasive Species Top-100 in Russia: Testing the Hypothesis of Conservatism of Ecological Niches
No 7 (2023) УСТОЙЧИВОСТЬ БИОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ СИСТЕМ: СООБЩЕСТВО Theoretical and Methodological Substantiation of Borders and Integrity in Landscape Cover and Its Components
No 7 (2023) УСТОЙЧИВОСТЬ БИОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ СИСТЕМ: СООБЩЕСТВО Peculiarities of Dynamics and Structure of Communities of Small Mammals at High Latitudes
No 7 (2023) УСТОЙЧИВОСТЬ БИОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ СИСТЕМ: СООБЩЕСТВО Hierarchy of Ecological Homeostasis as A Principle of Systemology
No 5 (2023) ГЕНЕТИКА Gene Diversity of Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I of the Far Eastern Leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis)
No 5 (2023) МИКРОБИОЛОГИЯ Physiological and Biochemical characters of Nigrospora gorlenkoana Novobr. Occurring on Cereals
No 5 (2023) BOTANY Growth of Epilithic Lichen under the Conditions of South Karelia
No 5 (2023) BOTANY Karyological Study of the Isolated Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris) Population of the Shirinskaya Steppe of the Republic Of Khakasia
No 5 (2023) PLANT PHYSIOLOGY On the Influence of Wavelengths of Different Ranges of Photosynthetically Active Radiation on the Carbon Isotope Composition of Plant Biomass and Its Fractions (Using as the Example Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) of the Aficion Variety)
No 5 (2023) ZOOLOGY Life Cycles of Lung Helminths in Terrestrial Mammals from Eastern Europe and Their Biological Classification
No 5 (2023) ZOOLOGY Effect of pH on Cytomorphological Parameters of Erythrocytes of the Rana macrocnemis Tadpoles
No 5 (2023) ФИЗИОЛОГИЯ ЖИВОТНЫХ И ЧЕЛОВЕКА Histological Assessment of the Laboratory Rats Skin after Thermal Damages Treated with Nanosecond Microwave Pulses
No 5 (2023) ФИЗИОЛОГИЯ ЖИВОТНЫХ И ЧЕЛОВЕКА Transport Functions of Serum Immunoglobulins Among the Residents of the European Arctic of the Russian Federation
No 5 (2023) ECOLOGY Distribution of Polychaete Communities in the West Spitsbergen
No 5 (2023) ECOLOGY Insect Mortality Caused by Baculovirus: a Model of Second-Order Phase Transitions
No 5 (2023) ECOLOGY East Fennoscandian Ecological Corridors and Their Role in the Formation of the Modern Mammal Fauna of the Region
No 5 (2023) ECOLOGY Eastern Fennoscandian Wolf (Canis lupus L.) under the Heavy Hunting Pressure: mtDNA Analysis as a Tool to Assess Hunting Impact on the Population-Genetic Structure
No 6 (2023) ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКАЯ И ЭВОЛЮЦИОННАЯ БИОЛОГИЯ The Evolution of Redfishes of the Genus Sebastes (Perciformes: Sebastidae) of the Atlantic and the Arctic Oceans: Budding Speciation in the Species Flock
No 6 (2023) PLANT PHYSIOLOGY Physiological Responses of Cucumber Plants to Sodium Lignosulfonate Application to Sandy Loam Soil
No 6 (2023) PLANT PHYSIOLOGY An in vitro Arabidopsis thaliana Root Structural and Functional Characterization
No 6 (2023) PLANT PHYSIOLOGY Connectivity of Photosynthesis and Respiration with Content of Chlorophyll Pigments in Plants of Reed Fescue Festuca arundinacea Schreb. Under the Impact of Alkanes and Aromatic Hydrocarbons
No 6 (2023) ZOOLOGY Additional Elements in the Posterior Part of the First and Second Upper Molars in Lasiopodomys (Stenocranius) gregalis (Rodentia: Cricetidae)
No 6 (2023) ZOOLOGY To the Ecology of Species-Double of Common Vole (Microtus arvalis, Pall.) at the Northern Limit of the Range
No 6 (2023) ZOOLOGY Circadian Activity in Yellow Ground Squirrels Spermophilus fulvus Licht. (Sciuridae): the Pilot Instrumental Study
No 6 (2023) ФИЗИОЛОГИЯ ЖИВОТНЫХ И ЧЕЛОВЕКА The Effect of Photoperiod Duration on Humoral Innate and Humoral Adaptive Immune Responsiveness in Campbell’s Dwarf Hamster
No 6 (2023) ФИЗИОЛОГИЯ ЖИВОТНЫХ И ЧЕЛОВЕКА Аnticoagulation Effects of Leucine-Containing Glyprolines in Hypercoagulation
No 6 (2023) ECOLOGY Microcystin-LR Biodestruction by Autochthonous Microbiota of Different Water Bodies in the North-West of Russia
No 6 (2023) ECOLOGY Shell Amebas of the Natural and Historical Park “Bitsevsky Forest”, Moscow
No 6 (2023) ECOLOGY Ecology of Brambling Fringilla montifringilla L. in the North of Western Siberia
No 6 (2023) BRIEF MESSAGES Shedding of a Thick Layer of Glycocalyx in Cystacanth of the Acanthocephalan Acanthocephalus tenuirostris (Achmerov et Dombrowskaja – Achmerova, 1941)
No 8 (2023) НАУЧНОЕ НАСЛЕДИЕ ЮРИЯ ГЕОРГИЕВИЧА ПУЗАЧЕНКО Yury Georgievich Puzachenko (1940–2018) Biographo-Semantical Analysis
No 8 (2023) ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКОЕ МОДЕЛИРОВАНИЕ From Spatial Distribution to Ecological Niche: Modeling Issues within the Correlation Approach
No 8 (2023) ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКОЕ МОДЕЛИРОВАНИЕ Absence of the “Absences”: the Engler-Hengl Approach in Species Distribution Modelling
No 8 (2023) ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКОЕ МОДЕЛИРОВАНИЕ Modeling Spatial Niches of Small Mammals Using the Example of Myodes glareolus in Mosaic Southern Taiga Forests
No 8 (2023) КОМПОНЕНТЫ БИОРАЗНООБРАЗИЯ Morphological Diversity of the Skull and Lower Jaw of Three Species of Shrews (Eulipotyphla, Sorex) During Depressions and Peaks of Abundance
No 8 (2023) КОМПОНЕНТЫ БИОРАЗНООБРАЗИЯ Diversity of the Red Blood Parameters System in the Pigmy Field Mouse and the House Mouse (Rodentia, Muridae) in the Elbrus Region: Multivariate and Information Analyses
No 8 (2023) КОМПОНЕНТЫ БИОРАЗНООБРАЗИЯ Genetic and Morphological Variability of the Small Wood Muse (Apodemus (Sylvaemus) uralensis, Rodentia) in the North Caucasus
No 8 (2023) ЛАНДШАФТНАЯ ЭКОЛОГИЯ Dynamics of Phytomass Spatial Organization in a Reserved Steppe Landscape: Case Study of Burtynskaya Steppe, Orenburg Reserve
No 8 (2023) ЛАНДШАФТНАЯ ЭКОЛОГИЯ Thermodynamical Parametrs of Khubsugul Mountain Forests (Khordol-Sardag, Mongolia)
No 8 (2023) ЛАНДШАФТНАЯ ЭКОЛОГИЯ Representation the Properties of the Central-Forest Reserve Southern Taiga Forest Soils in Remote Hyperspectral Measurements
No 1 (2024) БИОЛОГИЯ КЛЕТКИ Comparison of the cytogenetic effects of a pulsed magnetic field and gamma radiation on meristem cells of onion seed sprouts (Allium cepa l.)
No 1 (2024) БИОЛОГИЯ КЛЕТКИ TNFRSF12A mRNA Expression and distribution of TNFRSF12A+ cells in rat liver during thioacetamide-induced fibrogenesis
No 1 (2024) BIOCHEMISTRY Lipid-correcting and antioxidant effects of the lipid complex from the red marine algae Ahnfeltia tobuchiensis under the conditions of a high-fat diet
No 1 (2024) BIOCHEMISTRY Lipid profile of parr and smolts of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) reared in aquaculture under various lighting regimes
No 1 (2024) МИКРОБИОЛОГИЯ Fungi in groundwater springs and wells in the Moscow region
No 1 (2024) МИКРОБИОЛОГИЯ Effect of some metabiotics from strains of the genus Enterococcus on the growth of pathogenic bacteria that cause pneumonia
No 1 (2024) ZOOLOGY Analysis of Parasitofauna and Endosymbionts of Lissotriton vulgaris L., 1758 (Caudata, salamandridae) in natural and urban gradients of the environment
No 1 (2024) ZOOLOGY Effects of stearic acid on the cryotolerance of the domestic cat (Felis silvestris catus) embryos
No 1 (2024) ZOOLOGY Extra-pair paternity in the Wood Warbler (Phylloscopus sibilatrix) in Central Russia
No 1 (2024) ECOLOGY Mesozooplankton communities in deep-water areas of the Black Sea: are their composition and biomass regulated by the Ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi A. Agassiz, 1865?
No 1 (2024) ECOLOGY Regional variability of the Black Sea ichthyoplankton state during the change of the spring hydrological season to the summer
No 1 (2024) ECOLOGY Emission of gaseous nitrogen oxides in soils of boreal forests (review)
No 1 (2024) ECOLOGY Comprehensive analysis of gap formation in the canopy of an old-growth broadleaved forest
No 1 (2024) ECOLOGY Composition of fatty acids, phytosterols and total content of antioxidants of Morus L. seeds
No 1 (2024) BRIEF MESSAGES Physiological and biochemical parameters of Erythrocytes in White Sea bearded seals Erignathus barbatus barbatus Erxleben, 1777 (Phocidae) across different age groups
No 2 (2024) BIOCHEMISTRY Effect of the lipid extract from the marine green algae Codium fragile (Suringar) Hariot 1889 on metabolic reactions under acute stress
No 2 (2024) BOTANY A haplotype network approach to reconstruct the phylogeny of Rosa L. (Rosaceae)
No 2 (2024) PLANT PHYSIOLOGY Dynamics of the activity of antioxidant enzymes and the expression of the genes encoding them in wheat after ultrasound exposure
No 2 (2024) ZOOLOGY Micromorphological changes in the parenchymatous organs of the muskrat infected with Quinqueserialis quinqueserialis (Trematoda: Notocotilidae)
No 2 (2024) ANIMAL AND HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY The effect of dalargin on the level of corticosterone in rats with different individual typological features of behavior in the PTSD model
No 2 (2024) ECOLOGY Spatial and seasonal variability of chlorophyll A concentration in the Barents Sea
No 2 (2024) ECOLOGY The role of fungi and bacteria in the mineralization of nitrogen compounds in the ecosystems of the Southern Taiga of European Russia
No 2 (2024) ECOLOGY The role of biodiversity in the functioning of ecosystems. Message1. General principles of ecosystems monitoring
No 2 (2024) ECOLOGY The role of biodiversity in ensuring the functioning of ecosystems. Message2. Small mammals in the ecological monitoring system: data obtaining, assessment of diversity, state and dynamics of ecosystems
No 2 (2024) ECOLOGY Depression of the population of the steppe polecat (Mustela eversmanii) in the Southern Urals
No 2 (2024) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ Natural populations of the rare medicinal species Alangium platanifolium (Alangiaceae) in Russia

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