
To the Ecology of Species-Double of Common Vole (Microtus arvalis, Pall.) at the Northern Limit of the Range
Ivanter E.
To the Stady of a Water Vole (Arvicola anphibius) at the North-Western Area
Ivanter E.
Eastern Fennoscandian Wolf (Canis lupus L.) under the Heavy Hunting Pressure: mtDNA Analysis as a Tool to Assess Hunting Impact on the Population-Genetic Structure
Tirronen K., Kuznetsova A., Panchenko D.
Insect Mortality Caused by Baculovirus: a Model of Second-Order Phase Transitions
Soukhovolsky V., Kurenschikov D., Ivanova Y., Kovalev A.
Trophic-Energetic Bases of Functioning and Stability of Natural Populations of Herbivorous Mammals
Magomedov M.
Developmental Stability, Population Dynamics and Climate Change, with Particular Reference to the Common Shrew (Sorex araneus L., 1758) in Central Siberia
Zakharov V., Trofimov I., Yakushov V., Sheftel B.
Multiple Chromosomal Polymorphism in Birch Mice of the Subtilis Group (Rodentia, Dipodoidea, Sicista) from Saratov Right Bank
Baskevich M., Oparin M.
Morphological Diversity of the Skull and Lower Jaw of Three Species of Shrews (Eulipotyphla, Sorex) During Depressions and Peaks of Abundance
Puzachenko A., Kupriyanova I.
Spatially Temporal Synchronicity of the Population Dynamics of the Nortern Red-Backed Vole (Myodes rutilus Pall.) in Northern European Russia
Bobretsov A., Kalinin A., Saburova L., Sivkov A.
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