Modeling Spatial Niches of Small Mammals Using the Example of Myodes glareolus in Mosaic Southern Taiga Forests

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Based on long-term (2010–2014) studies carried out in the forest ecosystems of the Central Forest Biosphere Reserve, two models of the spatial niche of the bank vole (Myodes glareolus Schreber, 1780) were constructed using factor analysis (ENFA). Models with a sufficient level of quality characterize the characteristics of the species’ niche. The modeling results make it possible to describe the structure of the optimal habitat for the bank vole in mosaic southern taiga forests at different levels (scales) of spatial organization.

About the authors

S. G. Mikhalap

Pskov branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “VNIRO”

Author for correspondence.
Russia, 180007, Pskov, st. M. Gorkogo, 13

A. V. Istomin

Pskov State University; Central Forest State Reserve

Russia, 180000, Pskov, pl. Lenina, 2; Russia, 172521, Nelidovsky district, Tver region, village. Zapovedny


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