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Шығарылым Бөлім Атауы Файл
№ 2 (2023) Top problem China – USA: Model 2023. The “Managed Conflict” or Global Split?
№ 2 (2023) Politics, economics China’s Hydrogen Ambitions: Potential Opportunities for Russia
№ 2 (2023) Politics, economics The Second United States – Africa Leaders Summit (13–15 December 2022)
№ 2 (2023) Politics, economics India: International Scientific and Technical Cooperation
№ 2 (2023) Politics, economics Anwar Ibrahim, the New Prime Minister of Malaysia
№ 2 (2023) Politics, economics Mughal Heritage in Delhi: Toponymics Manipulation
№ 2 (2023) Scientific life VII International Forum of the Association of Expert Centers of Russia, China and Mongolia: Key Issues and Prospects for Cooperation
№ 2 (2023) Scientific life Promising Directions in the Studies of the Anglo-Boer War (1899–1902)
№ 2 (2023) Culture, literature, art Immaturity as a cultural value: socio-cultural study of Japanese idol fans
№ 2 (2023) Book review The China Factor in North Africa
№ 2 (2023) A letter to the editor Notes on the Significance of Euro-Language Literature in Asia and Africa
№ 1 (2023) Politics, economics Crisis in Russian-Japanese Relations in 2022
№ 1 (2023) Politics, economics The US Policy of Sanctions and Restrictions against China. Beijing’s Tactical Countermeasures and Strategic Counteraction Potential
№ 1 (2023) Politics, economics Bioethical Problems of China’s Demographic Policy: Background and Present
№ 3 (2023) Politics, economics Saudi Arabia. Salman bin Abdulaziz and Mohammed bin Salman
№ 1 (2023) Politics, economics Israeli-Iranian Rivalry from the Perspective of Sino-Israeli and Indian-Israeli Relations
№ 3 (2023) Politics, economics Ports of Taiwan: Key Infrastructure or Integration Mechanism of Reunification?
№ 3 (2023) Politics, economics Iran’s Membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. A SWOT Analysis
№ 1 (2023) Politics, economics Japan. Government Support Measures for Digital Transformation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
№ 3 (2023) Politics, economics The Islamization and Saffronization of Education: A Threat to the Dialogue of Civilizations?
№ 1 (2023) Politics, economics SADCC as the First Step of Regional Integration in Southern Africa
№ 3 (2023) Politics, economics An Effective Model of Countering Terrorist Danger: Successful Experience of Mauritania
№ 1 (2023) Politics, economics Maasai in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area: Sustainable Development and Traditionality
№ 3 (2023) Politics, economics UN Women Structure: Work in the African Direction
№ 1 (2023) Politics, economics Christianity in India: From the Apostle Thomas to the Present
№ 3 (2023) Politics, economics The African Exarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC): Reasons for the Establishment and Prospects of Further Expansion
№ 1 (2023) Politics, economics Philippines. Economic and Social Activities of a Religious Institute: The Example of the Diocese of Butuan
№ 3 (2023) Politics, economics Brave Children’s Day: The Sikh Version in the General Indian Context
№ 3 (2023) Book review New Collection of Scientific Papers of the Gender Group of the Institute for African Studies, RAS
№ 4 (2023) Top problem Russia and China: Partnership Expands
№ 4 (2023) Politics, economics China’s Socio-Economic Program: To the Results of the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of China
№ 4 (2023) Politics, economics Vladimir G. Shubin. Is the Wait Over? (To the Results of the 55th National Conference of ANC)
№ 4 (2023) Politics, economics Asian Development Bank Activities to Promote Inclusive Economic Growth
№ 4 (2023) Politics, economics Informal Relationships in South Korea Based on Loyalty and Hierarchy
№ 4 (2023) Politics, economics Minorities in Modern Iran: Strategies of “Identity Struggle”
№ 4 (2023) Politics, economics Between the Temple and the Mosque in Varanasi
№ 4 (2023) Scientific life The First International Conference of the Mongolian Federation of Scientists
№ 4 (2023) Pages of history Yet Another Marks
№ 4 (2023) Culture, literature, art “Silenced Generation”: South African Emigrant Writers and Their Fates (1950–1960s)
№ 4 (2023) Book review “A Russian on Commando” (оn the History of the Participation of Russian Volunteers in the Boer War of 1899–1902)
№ 4 (2023) Book review To the Anniversary of Roza N. Ismagilova
№ 5 (2023) Politics, economics Saudi Arabia: Strengthening the Power Vertical in the Context of the Collapse of the Old World-System
№ 5 (2023) Politics, economics Balanced Environmental and Economic Situation in Transboundary Territories of Russia and China as a Basis for Long-Term Cooperation
№ 5 (2023) Politics, economics Myanmar – China: Beijing’s Strategic Interests and Instruments of Influence
№ 5 (2023) Politics, economics Technological Confrontation between the USA and China as a Challenge to the Foreign Economic Strategy of the Republic of Korea
№ 5 (2023) Africa day – May 25 The International Parliament Conference “Russia – Africa”
№ 5 (2023) Africa day – May 25 Russia’s Planned Naval Logistics Base on the Red Sea: Regional Security Implications
№ 5 (2023) Book review The History of Russian-Ethiopian Relations before 1917
№ 5 (2023) Africa day – May 25 African Policy of France in 2017–2023
№ 5 (2023) Book review The Phenomenon of the Nation and Its Transformation in the Post-Colonial World
№ 5 (2023) Africa day – May 25 North African Countries in XXI Century: The Processes of Formation of a New Social Appearance. Part 2
№ 6 (2023) Politics, economics Japan: Have Nuclear Arrows Moved?
№ 6 (2023) Politics, economics Диалектика экономических реформ Н. Моди
№ 6 (2023) Politics, economics Nigeria’s 2023 Election: A Change in Political Leadership
№ 6 (2023) Politics, economics The Definitions with a Prefix ‘Narco-’, and a Real Conundrum in West Africa
№ 6 (2023) Politics, economics Peacekeeping Mission UNIFIL: “Blue Helmets” in the South of Lebanon
№ 6 (2023) Politics, economics Digital Economy of Northeastern Provinces of China: Modern Approaches to Regional Development
№ 6 (2023) Politics, economics Regional Security and Threat Dynamics: Lake Chad Region in Perspective
№ 6 (2023) Politics, economics The Arab Countries of the Persian Gulf as “New Donors” in the World Economy
№ 6 (2023) Post-graduate tribune The Trends in German Foreign Policy in African Countries
№ 6 (2023) Book review I am dumasheda, and I am a Russian
№ 7 (2023) Top problem Catching Up and Overtaking Growth of Developing Countries: Dimensions, Factors, Problems and Prospects. Part 1
№ 7 (2023) Politics, economics The Fight Against Corruption in the Chinese Army as an Important Component of the Work to Strengthen the Armed Forces. Part 1
№ 7 (2023) Politics, economics Taiwan Crisis 2022: Korean Dimension
№ 7 (2023) Politics, economics Vietnam and Other ASEAN Countries During the COVID-19 Pandemic
№ 7 (2023) Politics, economics Cooperation Between Asian Countries in the Field of Digital Identification of a Person
№ 7 (2023) Politics, economics The Great Man-Made River Project after Muammar Gaddafi’s Overthrow
№ 7 (2023) Politics, economics ECOWAS: Energy and Digital Infrastructure as a Factor of Regional Integration and Development
№ 7 (2023) Scientific life Africa’s Role and Place in the Forming Multipolar World
№ 7 (2023) Culture, literature, art Postcoloniality as a Reality, Postcolonial Discourse as a Phantom
№ 8 (2023) Top problem Catching Up and Overtaking Growth of Developing Countries: Dimensions, Factors, Problems and Prospects. Part 2
№ 8 (2023) Politics, economics The Fight Against Corruption in the Chinese Army as an Important Component of the Work to Strengthen the Armed Forces. Part 2
№ 8 (2023) Politics, economics New Risks and Threats in China’s Economy: Consequences of Sanction Pressure or Falling into the “Middle-Income Trap”?
№ 8 (2023) Politics, economics Mamata Banerjee – the Leader of Bengal
№ 8 (2023) Politics, economics The Evolution of Parliamentarism in Africa in the Context of Social Transformation and the Formation of a Multipolar World
№ 8 (2023) Politics, economics Cameroon: Problems of National Development
№ 8 (2023) Post-graduate tribune The Evolution of the UAE Security Policy towards the Conflict in Yemen
№ 8 (2023) Post-graduate tribune Malaysia. Characteristics of the Economy in the Context of the Transition to a Knowledge-Based Model
№ 8 (2023) Culture, literature, art Roots and Crown (Notes in the Margins of a Tahar Bekri’s Poem)
№ 8 (2023) Book review Traditional African Culture in the Context of Modernity. Between Archaics and Modernization
№ 9 (2023) Top problem The Second Russia – Africa Summit and Economic and Humanitarian Forum: New Global Architecture
№ 9 (2023) Politics, economics Strategic Culture of India and Pakistan and Its Influence on Weapon Names
№ 9 (2023) Politics, economics UAE in the Struggle for Regional Leadership
№ 9 (2023) Politics, economics The Program of Deradicalization of Islamists “Operation Safe Corridor” in Nigeria: Evaluation by Contemporary African Scholars
№ 9 (2023) Politics, economics Features of Cambodia’s Economic Transformation: Achievements and Failures
№ 9 (2023) Politics, economics Transformation of Education in Cote d’Ivoire: Issues and Perspectives
№ 9 (2023) Politics, economics Humanitarian Activities of International Structures in Africa. Some Aspects
№ 9 (2023) Post-graduate tribune Military Bloc Policy of the Western Powers in the Asia-Pacific Region
№ 9 (2023) Book review India on the Way to Independence
№ 10 (2023) Politics, economics Trade Interactions between China and Russia: Problems of Intensification
№ 10 (2023) Politics, economics China: agricultural modernization strategy
№ 10 (2023) Politics, economics Positive Discrimination in India: New Approaches to Contemporary Socio-Economic Issues
№ 10 (2023) Politics, economics Saudi Arabia. Thoughts about the past and the future
№ 10 (2023) Politics, economics Alliance of the USA, Japan, Philippines: A New Format to Contain China?
№ 10 (2023) Politics, economics The Phenomenon of “Coupvolution” in Africa
№ 10 (2023) Politics, economics Pentecostalism and Social and Political Changes in Sub-Saharan Africa
№ 10 (2023) Politics, economics Realization of Opportunities as a Driver of African Economic Migration to Europe
№ 10 (2023) Book review Ethiopian Muslims
№ 10 (2023) Book review "The French language is my homeland" (Gabriel Rodisio). "The French language is my foreign land" (Malek Haddad)
№ 12 (2023) Articles International Corridor “North – South”: The Transport Project, or Big Geopolitics?
№ 12 (2023) Articles From Sister Cities to “Macroregions Paradiplomacy”: A Search of Russo-Chinese Cooperation New Forms (on 10 Years of Volga–Yangtze Regional Program)
№ 12 (2023) Articles Diaspora policy in Ethiopia: institutional dimension
№ 12 (2023) Articles Japan: Demographic Crisis
№ 12 (2023) Articles Punjabiyat vs “Punjabistan”: Features of Punjabi Ethnic Nationalism (A Case of Pakistan)
№ 12 (2023) Articles Egyptian Feminism: History, Achievements and Problems
№ 12 (2023) Articles China. Modernization of Industrial Production
№ 12 (2023) Articles Military-Political Activity of NATO in Africa
№ 12 (2023) Articles Energy Cooperation on the African Continent
№ 12 (2023) Articles Journal Contents for 2023
№ 11 (2023) Articles In memory of L.L. Fituni
№ 11 (2023) Politics, economics Will Russia be Able to Strengthen Its Strategic Position in Southeast Asia?
№ 11 (2023) Politics, economics “Perestroika” à la Nigérien: The Reasons for the Military Coup of 2023
№ 11 (2023) Politics, economics SA BRICS Chairship: from Emerging Partnership to a New World Order
№ 11 (2023) Politics, economics The Punjab Issue and the Sikh Diaspora: Calls for Secession in the XXI Century
№ 11 (2023) Politics, economics Private Business in the Chinese Economy after the 20th Congress of the CPC
№ 11 (2023) Politics, economics Iran and Saudi Arabia: a New Détente?
№ 11 (2023) Politics, economics Vietnam and South Korea – New Partners in Defense Sphere
№ 11 (2023) Politics, economics The State Governance in the Coming Digital Age: Implications for China
№ 11 (2023) Politics, economics Demographic Crisis in the Republic of Korea: History, Specifics, Perspectives
№ 1 (2024) Articles Intolerance and Nationalism in Israeli Society: Manifestations, Causes and Role of Religion
№ 1 (2024) Articles Israel’s GONGOs: Upholding Zionism and Fighting Human Rights NGOs
№ 1 (2024) Articles Formation of the Political System of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: Challenges and Limitations
№ 1 (2024) Articles The Lake Chad Basin: A Territory of Instability
№ 1 (2024) Articles China. Issues of Economic Modernization
№ 1 (2024) Articles Impact of the EU Carbon Boundary Adjustment Mechanism on China and China’s Responses
№ 1 (2024) Articles Water Supply for African Communities.Gender Dimension of the Problem
№ 1 (2024) Articles Tourism Industry in the Kingdom of Cambodia in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic
№ 1 (2024) Articles “African Lysistrata” – the Woman Who Stopped the War
№ 2 (2024) Politics, economics India Heading for South China Sea
№ 2 (2024) Politics, economics The Arctic Vector of China’s Polar Policy
№ 2 (2024) Politics, economics South Africa – 2024: Political Parties’ Activities Ahead of Elections
№ 2 (2024) Politics, economics From Ecotowns to Supercities: Low-Carbon Cities in Japan
№ 2 (2024) Politics, economics Global Tendencies of Clean Energy Development
№ 2 (2024) Politics, economics The Impact of Digital Technologies on the Development of the Luxury Industry in China
№ 2 (2024) Post-graduate tribune France and Russia in Ensuring Security in Central Africa and the Fight against Terrorism
№ 2 (2024) Scientific life The Current Issues in the Research of Colonialism, Neocolonialism, and Decolonization
№ 2 (2024) Scientific life The Role of the Service Sector in Africa’s Socio-Economic Development
№ 2 (2024) Culture, literature, art Social Issues in M. Moshfeq Kazemi’s Novel “The Terrible Tehran”
№ 2 (2024) Book review Beautiful Indonesia: History and Culture in Literary Portraits
№ 4 (2024) Politics, economics Evolution of India’s Solar Energy Industry at the Beginning of the 21st Century
№ 4 (2024) Politics, economics Gender Aspects of the Yemeni Conflict (2014–2023)
№ 4 (2024) Politics, economics The Phenomenon of “Parallel” Societies in Great Britain (Case of the Ethno-Religious Pakistani Community: Postcolonial Discourse and Political Reality in the 21st Century)
№ 4 (2024) Politics, economics Muslim Political Representation in Telangana (2014–2024)
№ 4 (2024) Politics, economics Bangladesh’s Hedging Foreign Relations: The Dilemmas of a Weak State
№ 4 (2024) Politics, economics New Initiatives within Chinese “Soft Power”
№ 4 (2024) Post-graduate tribune Creation and Regulation of Digital Platforms in China
№ 4 (2024) Scientific life Africa and Asia in the Changing Landscape of the World
№ 4 (2024) Culture, literature, art What Maghreb Writers of the XX and XXI Centuries Dream of and Denounce (Essay)
№ 4 (2024) Book review The “Great Game” in Pacific Asia and Russian Policy
№ 4 (2024) Book review Vietnamese View on Relations with America
№ 5 (2024) Articles K 85-letiyu akademika A.M. Vasil'eva
№ 5 (2024) Politics, economics India’s Role in Promoting International Cooperation in the Arctic
№ 5 (2024) Politics, economics Seaports of China: Main Indicators, Characteristics and Features
№ 5 (2024) Politics, economics From Ne Win to Min Aung Hlain: Astrology, Numerology and Apotropaic Rituals as a Part of Myanmar Military Elites Policy
№ 5 (2024) Politics, economics Evolution of the Saudi-Egyptian Relations
№ 5 (2024) Politics, economics 60 Years of Union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar
№ 5 (2024) Politics, economics Mozambique: Islamic Radicalization as a Factor of Political Instability
№ 3 (2024) Top problem The Korean Vicious Circle
№ 5 (2024) Politics, economics Ethno-Social Aspects of Conflict in Northern Mali
№ 3 (2024) Politics, economics Relations between India and Taiwan at the Present Stage
№ 3 (2024) Politics, economics Methods of Influence of the J.Biden Administration on Japanese Security Policy
№ 5 (2024) Scientific life An African Woman in the Fight against Terrorism and Violence
№ 3 (2024) Politics, economics The Amu Darya River Basin and the Development of Irrigated Agriculture in Northern Afghanistan
№ 3 (2024) Politics, economics Russia’s Arctic Strategy and the Ways of Cooperation between Russia and China in the Arctic
№ 5 (2024) Culture, literature, art Noo Saro-Wiwa: in Search of Africa
№ 3 (2024) Politics, economics Burkina Faso: From an Unfinished Popular Uprising to Military Coups
№ 3 (2024) Politics, economics “Little Mogadishu” in Stockholm, or “Apartheid with a Friendly Face” in Sweden
№ 3 (2024) Politics, economics ASEAN amidst the Digital Fragmentation
№ 3 (2024) Politics, economics “Bride Exports” in Media Discourse of Vietnam and China
№ 6 (2024) Politics, economics Missile Defense of the U.S. and Their Allies in Northeast Asia and Regional Security
№ 6 (2024) Politics, economics The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict of 2023: The Response of Global and Regional Actors
№ 6 (2024) Politics, economics Thailand’s Political Choice
№ 6 (2024) Politics, economics The Shi’a Paramilitary Units “Al Hashd al Shaabi” in Iraqi and Regional Policy
№ 6 (2024) Politics, economics The Impact of Gender Inequality on the Energy Sector in India
№ 6 (2024) Politics, economics African Aluminium Industry: Structure, Problems, Potential
№ 6 (2024) Scientific life Psychological Consequences of COVID-19 in Sub-Saharan Africa (on example of Tanzania and Nigeria)
№ 6 (2024) Post-graduate tribune Automation of the Manufacturing Industry in China: Prospects and Risks
№ 6 (2024) Book review A Page of Angolan History
№ 7 (2024) Top problem How Significantly and Sustainably are Developing Countries Surpassing Advanced Economies in Terms of Productivity Dynamics?
№ 7 (2024) Politics, economics Regional Disproportions in Russian Exports of Agricultural Products to African Countries
№ 7 (2024) Politics, economics Geopolitical and Investment Dimensions of China’s Policy in the Middle East
№ 7 (2024) Politics, economics China’s Path to Global Trade and Economic Leadership
№ 7 (2024) Politics, economics Protest Movement in Iran in 2022: A Test for Political Stability
№ 7 (2024) Politics, economics Gender and Demographic Aspects of the Arab Spring Protests: Youth Bulges, Women’s Participation and the Role of Internet
№ 7 (2024) Politics, economics Results of the First 10 Years of the Agenda 2063
№ 7 (2024) Politics, economics Christian Communities in the Political Life of Modern Iraq
№ 7 (2024) Culture, literature, art Emergency: Behind the Scenes of an Unreleased Film
№ 8 (2024) Politics, economics South Africa: New Era?
№ 8 (2024) Politics, economics China: Pursuing a New Type of Industrialization
№ 8 (2024) Politics, economics Food Security of African Small Island Developing States
№ 8 (2024) Politics, economics ECOWAS: Integration vs Disintegration
№ 8 (2024) Politics, economics Modern Africa’s Trade and Economic Cooperation Models
№ 8 (2024) Political portrait “Indian Stalin”
№ 8 (2024) Scientific life Africa in the Conditions of Emerging Multipolarity
№ 8 (2024) Culture, literature, art May Ayim: To Be Black
№ 8 (2024) Book review The Secret Inner Workings of French Diplomacy
№ 9 (2024) Politics, economics The Central African Republic and the Russian Federation: Problems of Military-Economic Cooperation
№ 9 (2024) Politics, economics Rwanda as Africa’s Rising Center of Power? Three Decades of Post-Genocide Development
№ 9 (2024) Politics, economics The Problem of the Shortage of Fresh Water in Egypt and the Possibilities of Its Solution
№ 9 (2024) BRICS today BRICS Expansion: Views of China and India
№ 9 (2024) BRICS today Operation Blue Star in the History of India: 40 Years Later
№ 9 (2024) BRICS today Evolution of the UK Tilt to the Indo-Pacific Region
№ 9 (2024) BRICS today Germany’s Initiatives in the Sahel in the Framework of the Niger Events
№ 9 (2024) BRICS today Swiss Capital in Africa as a Tool to Prevent Migration
№ 9 (2024) BRICS today Sanctions as a Coercive Leverage Within ECOWAS

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