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No 5 (2023)

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Politics, economics

Saudi Arabia: Strengthening the Power Vertical in the Context of the Collapse of the Old World-System

Vasiliev A.M.


The implementation of reforms in Saudi Arabia met with both support and resistance. A significant part of the youth, pro-government “liberals”, and those elites that rejected the former feudal pyramid system stood in favor of the reforms. Among the opponents were jihadist extremists, some of the members of the “dominant tribe” of the House of Saud, who were losing their power and income associated with the previous system of corruption, some part of the Wahhabi corporation, religious police, theologians, some part of the business that flourished due to state subsidies and the absence of taxes and control over expenditures and incomes. Among the opponents were also conservatives from the middle and lower strata, dissatisfied with the granting of greater rights to women.The regime’s international image was spoiled by the assassination of opposition leader Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.However, the firm course of the kingdom aimed at protecting, above all, the national interests of the country and the refusal to obey the dictates of the United States in matters of oil prices was highlighted by a demonstrative rapprochement with China and neutrality in the confrontation between Russia and the collective West. Saudi Arabia looked for and found its place in the changing world-system.
Asia & Africa today. 2023;(5):5-16
pages 5-16 views

Balanced Environmental and Economic Situation in Transboundary Territories of Russia and China as a Basis for Long-Term Cooperation

Stepanko N.G.


We consider the border counties of the Russian southern regions of the Far East and Heilongjiang Province in China. The material on the natural-resource potential of the studied territories, their economic activities was collected and analyzed. In addition, the characteristic of the ecological situation of the territories, as well as some calculated indicators (according to the statistical information available) characterizing the ecological status and economic sufficiency of nature protection activity is given. The uneven economic development of the border territories of the regions of the Far East and Heilongjiang Province and, consequently, the unequal impact of the economic activities of the considered territories on the environment are revealed.It is obvious that there are many factors that determine the further effective cooperation. The need for joint projects aimed at methodological development on the basis of a uniform reading of the rules of nature management and sanitary standards is pointed out. It is also extremely important for cross-border territories, in addition to economic joint projects, to formulate and implement joint projects for the protection of the environment and sustainable use of natural resources.
Asia & Africa today. 2023;(5):17-25
pages 17-25 views

Myanmar – China: Beijing’s Strategic Interests and Instruments of Influence

Vinogradov I.S.


The military leadership of Myanmar being under conditions of international sanctions and having a difficult economic situation have to approach China. In the foreign policy of the PRC, Myanmar has also acquired a great geostrategic importance. Getting direct transport access to the Indian Ocean through Myanmar stimulates the export-oriented development of the south-western provinces of the PRC and also forms a safe energy corridor for the import of hydrocarbons bypassing the Malacca Strait. China is implementing many infrastructure projects in Myanmar as part of connecting Myanmar to the Belt and Road Initiative. China as a powerful economic actor is an important source of energy for modern technologies, helping to modernize Myanmar’s economy, creates jobs. At the same time, the growth of Chinese capital in the economy of Myanmar and the political influence of Beijing on the military also cause negative reactions at the grass-roots level. China retains its historical leverage over the Myanmar leadership in the form of ethnic armed organizations (EAO) and plays an important role in the process of national reconciliation in Myanmar. At the same time, the activities of various criminal structures in the Sino-Myanmar border area have a negative impact on the southwestern regions of China.
Asia & Africa today. 2023;(5):26-35
pages 26-35 views

Technological Confrontation between the USA and China as a Challenge to the Foreign Economic Strategy of the Republic of Korea

Zakharova L.V.


In 2022, the global technological competition between the US and China escalated and its focus moved into the field of semiconductor production. Washington’s attempts to weaken the economic potential of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) have a negative impact on the interests of states that have close trade and investment ties with China. New serious challenges appear for the foreign economic strategy of the Republic of Korea, forcing the country to maneuver between the interests of the military-political ally and technology supplier (USA) on the one hand and the main trading partner (PRC) on the other. In the context of the onset of the “new Cold War” and the growing US-Chinese confrontation, Seoul is faced with the need to choose a new effective strategy. There are signs that geopolitics will increasingly influence economic calculations, and countries will deepen integration with friends and weaken dependence on enemies. Given the combination of factors influencing decision-making in Seoul, in the future, South Korea has to make a choice of possible deepening economic integration with the United States and weakening dependence on the PRC.
Asia & Africa today. 2023;(5):36-43
pages 36-43 views

Africa day – May 25

The International Parliament Conference “Russia – Africa”

Pantserev K.A., Starostenko V.A.


 On March 19–20, 2023 an International Parliament Conference “Russia – Africa” was held in Moscow. Members of parliaments of over 40 African countries as well as deputies of the State Duma, members of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and representatives of the business and academic community participated in this conference. Within the Conference, several round tables were organized on March 19 where the most crucial issues were discussed on the inter-parliamentary cooperation in the field of science and education, the search of the joint solution on economic challenges, different security issues and the resistance to the Western neocolonialism. On March 20, the plenary session entitled “Russia – Africa in the Multipolar World” took place with the participation of Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia.The Conference not only identified major problems that impede the further sustainable social and economic growth of African countries but also proposed possible ways to solve them. Representatives of the business and academic community expressed their readiness to work together with their African partners to solve common tasks.  
Asia & Africa today. 2023;(5):44-47
pages 44-47 views

Russia’s Planned Naval Logistics Base on the Red Sea: Regional Security Implications

Denisova T.S., Kostelyanets S.V.


In 2020, it was announced that Russia signed an agreement with Sudan on the establishment of a naval centre on the Red Sea. While the agreement still has not been ratified by Sudan’s legislative body, which has not been formed, in February 2023 Sudan’s military authorities declared their support for the construction of the Russian naval facility after having reviewed terms of the treaty, which has made the implementation of the project most probable to date.Over the past decade, Moscow has repeatedly demonstrated its desire to obtain naval facilities in the region; this has arguably become a central theme of Russian negotiations with littoral countries. The paper will argue that Russia’s naval presence in the Red Sea and adjacent areas serves the interest of littoral and neighbouring countries in light of Moscow’s historic and contemporary interests, approaches and objectives in the region. The fact that regional powers have already engaged in what has been conceptualized as ‘strategic hedging’ – a geopolitical strategy by which states pursue policies that are in their national interests while not openly antagonizing ‘the hegemon’ – is likely to offer Russia a corresponding window of opportunity.
Asia & Africa today. 2023;(5):48-55
pages 48-55 views

North African Countries in XXI Century: The Processes of Formation of a New Social Appearance. Part 2

Tkachenko A.A., Tkachenko K.A.


The countries of North Africa, which are currently at different stages of social transit, have been undergoing significant, qualitative changes in recent decades, mainly in the 2000s.The evolution of the social image of the Arab States has become one of the most important consequences of the ongoing large-scale transformations in this region and, more broadly, in the globalized world. Geopolitical and geoeconomic parameters/features of the object of the study - the North African countries with their hundreds of tribes and clans predetermine significant differences in the nature and dynamics of transformation and development of selected states. This is due to significant differences in historical-cultural development, ethnic and confessional composition within a large group of countries, and their population. This group includes numerous states that differ in natural and geographic environment and have a rich historic background with its particular case in each country.Today there exists a rather mixed picture of positions that selected countries of the region hold in the “world ranking” of the level and dynamics of economic development, quality of human capital, scale of poverty, framework conditions for investment, demographic factor, urbanization, environmental protection, etc. All of this directly affects implementation of renovation/modernization concept - the key mega trend of social development of the region in recent decades. On the whole, for the past 50 years the shifts have been limited (but anyone could say that this is just the beginning).This article is devoted  mainly to the analysis of the factors influencing the formation of a new social image of the North African countries.
Asia & Africa today. 2023;(5):56-64
pages 56-64 views

African Policy of France in 2017–2023

Filippov V.R.


The geopolitical transformations of modern times marked the beginning of the end of French dominance in Western and Central Tropical Africa. The article names the main determinants of the process of degradation of the French model of neo-colonialism. Among these, the author refers to the destruction of Libyan statehood, the ensuing invasion of militants of Islamist associations into the territory of the Sahel and the consolidation of Islamists into the Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) unit, the uprising of the Tuareg in northern Mali and the proclamation of the unrecognized state of Azawad in the Sahel, the operation of the French troops “Barkhane” in the territory of the countries of the military-political bloc G5S.According to the author, the failure of operation “Barkhane”, the inability of the French troops to effectively resist Islamic terrorists provoked discontent among the citizens of the CAR, Mali and Burkina Faso. In these African states, coups d’état took place, as a result of which puppet pro-French political elites were removed from power and regimes oriented towards Moscow were established.
Asia & Africa today. 2023;(5):65-73
pages 65-73 views

Book review

The Phenomenon of the Nation and Its Transformation in the Post-Colonial World

Khokholkova N.E.


Review of the book: Bondarenko D.M. Post-Colonial Nations in the Historical and Cultural Context (Moscow, 2022. 400 p.) (In Russ.). ISBN 978-5-907498-42-6
Asia & Africa today. 2023;(5):74-76
pages 74-76 views

The History of Russian-Ethiopian Relations before 1917

Tkachenko A.A.


Asia & Africa today. 2023;(5):77-79
pages 77-79 views

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