Ethno-Social Aspects of Conflict in Northern Mali

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The article offers an attempt to classify opposition and pro-government armed groups in northern Mali with a stress on their ethno-component. This factor is considered combined with two others – illegal business and jihadism. Such three factor analysis in a complex and situational milieu gives way to show that the formation of armed groups, their strategic alliances and competition are dependent on traditional status among the different ethno-fractions of the Tuaregs and Saharan Arabs. In the situation of racial stand-off the armed groups of the Songhai and Fulani play a minor role. Corruption, drug trafficking and clan ties come across such Eurocentric analytical stereotypes as government – insurgents, army – separatists, jihadists – nationalists. Recent escalation of conflict in northern Mali that pushed unexpectedly to unite opposition and former pro-government armed groups, calls into question the policy aimed to weaken the armed opposition by manipulations with ethnic factor.

About the authors

I. V Ponomarev

Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8848-3750
Moscow, Russia


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