Geopolitical and Investment Dimensions of China’s Policy in the Middle East

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The article highlights two key tracks of Chinese Middle East policy – investment and political – at the present stage and in previous years. The established legal and commercial mechanisms are considered, including investment logistics in relation to Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Qatar, etc., the impact of the events of October 7, 2023 – the Hamas attack on Israel with the subsequent escalation on Chinese policy in the region. The role of the One Belt, One Road (OBOR) initiative in strengthening political and economic ties between China and the states of the region – Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Iraq, Iran and others – is analysed. The problem of the relationship between Chinese military-political, economic-investment and value narratives remains central to China’s Middle East strategy. In the context of intensifying Sino-American geopolitical competition, the active entry of the PRC into the Middle East on a powerful economic basis means the gradual erosion of American regional monopoly and hegemony.

About the authors

Sergey G. Luzyanin

HSE University; MGIMO University

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9578-6023
Dr.Sc. (History), Professor Moscow, Russia; Moscow, Russia

Yulia N. Alekseeva

HSE University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2244-9269
Lecturer Moscow, Russia


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