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No 11 (2023)

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In memory of L.L. Fituni

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Asia & Africa today. 2023;(11):5-5
pages 5-5 views

Politics, economics

Will Russia be Able to Strengthen Its Strategic Position in Southeast Asia?

Rogozhina N.G.


The article analyzes the prospects of Russia’s interaction with the countries of Southeast Asia, taking into account the factor of conducting a special military operation in Ukraine. This dictates the need to consider the positions of the countries of the region towards the special military operation as a new reality in their relations with Russia. An analysis of this issue shows that the opinions of the Southeast Asian countries are divided and three groups with similar views on the new situation can be distinguished. Most countries remain neutral and do not intend to intervene in an international conflict so as not to spoil relations with Russia. This official point of view reflects the presence of pro-Russian sentiments in local societies, which gives Russia the opportunity to develop military-technical, economic and diplomatic cooperation with Southeast Asian countries. At the same time, the solution of this problem encounters a number of obstacles that limit the prospects for expanding Russia’s cooperation with Southeast Asian countries. In these conditions, the importance of using “soft power” tools to increase the attractiveness of Russia is increasing.
Asia & Africa today. 2023;(11):6-14
pages 6-14 views

“Perestroika” à la Nigérien: The Reasons for the Military Coup of 2023

Issaev L.M., Ilina A.M.


The article is devoted to the study of the events that transpired in Niger in July 2023, which led to the overthrow of President Mohamed Bazum by members of his own guard, under the command of Abdrahman Tchiani.The fieldwork and interview materials that the authors gathered in Niger in September 2023 are used in this article. It is demonstrated that an escalated intra-elite conflict that started to fester as soon as Mohamed Bazum was elected president in 2021 was the cause of the military coup. The opposition, led by the Democratic and Republican Renewal Party and the Niger Democratic Movement for an African Federation, immediately denounced the results of the February 2021 presidential election as being falsified and staged large-scale demonstrations.Then, in March 2021, before the inauguration in Niger, an unsuccessful coup attempt was made. A disagreement between Mohamed Bazum and his predecessor, Mahamadou Issoufou, inside the ruling Party for Democracy and Socialism may have become apparent by the middle of 2023. The Nigerian security forces, led by Abdrahman Tchiani, the head of the Presidential Guard, and Salifou Modi, the former and current Chief of the General Staff, as well as Abdou Issa, who opposed the current president, spoke the final word.
Asia & Africa today. 2023;(11):15-22
pages 15-22 views

SA BRICS Chairship: from Emerging Partnership to a New World Order

Voronina N.A., Zelenova D.A.


 The article is devoted to the results of South Africa’s BRICS Chairship in 2023. The authors conclude that SA’s presidency, which witnessed a decision to take on new members as well as with the adoption of the final Johannesburg Declaration-II, demonstrates an increasing importance of South Africa and Africa in BRICS. With new African countries, namely Ethiopia and Egypt, joining BRICS, South Africa obviously loses its status as the only representative of the entire African continent, but it further promotes its agenda, as reflected in the Final Declaration. The article reveals an increasing role of BRICS as a whole. While at the first stage, cooperation between the member-states of the BRIC “club” was rather symbolic, we can now see the emergence of a more independent international agenda and the creation of new financial institutions, which shows that the world system is transforming towards multipolarity and inclusion.
Asia & Africa today. 2023;(11):23-31
pages 23-31 views

The Punjab Issue and the Sikh Diaspora: Calls for Secession in the XXI Century

Bochkovskaya A.V.


The article discusses the role of Punjabi-Sikh diaspora in supporting and heating up secessionist ideas in contemporary India. In focus are specific features of the most visible non-governmental organizations based beyond South Asia, which advocate an idea of setting up an independent Khalistan state in the north-west of India (Punjab); activities of the “Sikhs for Justice” group aimed at launching the Khalistan Referendum / Referendum 2020; and 2022–2023 developments in Punjab related to the performance of Amritpal Singh Sandhu, a present-day “successor” of Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale (1947–1984) – a charismatic leader of the Sikh separatists in the late 1970s – early 1980s.Since the 1990s, the Punjab issue has cooled down, but the idea of establishing a sovereign Sikh state has not become a thing of the past. The Khalistan proponents and, in particular, Bhindranwale who was killed in the 1984 “Operation Bluestar” in Punjab, have been proclaimed martyrs for the Sikh faith. International pro-Khalistani groups have been using their images both for self-advertising and for destabilizing India in general and Punjab in particular.
Asia & Africa today. 2023;(11):32-40
pages 32-40 views

Private Business in the Chinese Economy after the 20th Congress of the CPC

Chuvankova V.V.


After the decisions of the 20th CPC Congress, support for the private sector of the economy as a whole, as well as micro, small, medium and individual enterprises in particular, deepening the institutional reform in entrepreneurship are becoming the most important factors in promoting Chinese modernization and ensuring quality development.The article assesses the contribution of the private and individual sectors to the socio-economic and innovative development of China. Specific documents and measures of regulatory and economic support and stimulation of private business, including in R&D, improving the innovation and qualification level of small and medium-sized enterprises, creating a favorable political, financial and competitive environment for enterprises of all forms of ownership, are considered. Special attention is given to the plan for carrying out party-state institutional reforms in order to strengthen party and government leadership in science and innovation in accordance with the requirements of high-quality development and modernization of the economy in the “new era”.
Asia & Africa today. 2023;(11):41-47
pages 41-47 views

Iran and Saudi Arabia: a New Détente?

Podrezov M.A.


The agreements on restoring diplomatic relations between Tehran and Riyadh that were reached in Beijing in spring 2023 marked a shift in their interaction away from confrontation towards resolving bilateral disputes although the two countries remain rivals in the region. The main factor that stimulated Iran to move closer to Saudi Arabia was the economic difficulties in the country caused by sanctions, which affects, among other things, Iran’s ability to support its allies in the region. At the same time, Riyadh, which had pursued an active policy to confront Iran and its supporters since the mid-2010s, has not achieved its goals. The anti-Iran coalition that would have included Israel and the Sunni states of the Middle East region has proven never to become a reality. Mohammed bin Salman seeks to implement the Vision-2030 reforms. He is also preparing a ground for a change of power in Saudi Arabia that requires internal and external stability of the country, which is impossible without reaching agreements with Tehran.  
Asia & Africa today. 2023;(11):48-55
pages 48-55 views

Vietnam and South Korea – New Partners in Defense Sphere

Fedorov N.V.


The aim of the article is to define characteristics of military cooperation between Vietnam and South Korea and perspectives of its development. The relevance of the topic is due to rising level of Vietnam – South Korea relations and complication of situation in the international security field in the Asia-Pacific region. Defense ties between Hanoi and Seoul are still on the stage of formation and this issue is not completely researched by scholars.The article considers general features of interaction between Vietnam and the Republic of Korea, formation of bilateral dialogue in the defense sphere and key directions of military collaboration. The problems were analyzed in the context of international situation in the region and priority fields of policies of Vietnam and South Korea.The author makes conclusions on the presence of favorable preconditions for bilateral defense cooperation that is stipulated by as high level of relations between the two states so practical interest of Hanoi and Seoul in such interaction. The obstacles for expansion of military collaboration might be distinctions in priorities of foreign policies in Vietnam and South Korea, and also in positions of these states in the regional international order. The Republic of Korea orients for the alliance with Washington, Vietnam tries to balance between the most significant regional actors – the USA and China.
Asia & Africa today. 2023;(11):56-62
pages 56-62 views

The State Governance in the Coming Digital Age: Implications for China

Cheng G.


The digital transformation, as the main trend in this coming Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0.), is not only leading a new round of economic and industrial transformation, but also reshaping society and fundamentally transforming state governance.How to manage the state governance in this digital age is becoming the vital question for many countries in the post COVID-19 era. How to adjust the state governance rules and methods in accordance with the emerging digital technologies to boost the socio-economic growth and development?This article provides the analysis of state governance in the digital age both at theoretical and practical levels, from Chinese perspective. It focuses on the governance changes that digital transformation brings with the traditional institutionalism, defines the state of the coming digital era, observes China’s state governance transformation in this process, and finally offers the implications of “Chinese model” in terms of state-led development in this digital age. The main research methodologies mainly contain analytical, comparative, and inductive.

Asia & Africa today. 2023;(11):63-70
pages 63-70 views

Demographic Crisis in the Republic of Korea: History, Specifics, Perspectives

Krasova E.V., Moskalionova A.A.


Статья посвящена демографическому развитию Республики Корея, которая в последние десятилетия столкнулась с быстрым падением рождаемости. Конец 2010-х – начало 2020-х гг. – период антирекордов для страны по сокращению численности населения (с 2020 г.), одним из самых низких в мире коэффициентов брачности и рождаемости. В статье представлены этапы демографического развития в Республике Корея в XX–XXI вв., различающиеся характером и условиями протекания демографических процессов. Особо выделены этапы перелома тенденций рождаемости, возникшие в 1960-х гг. вследствие экономических реформ и государственной политики демографического контроля, проводимой в формате программ планирования семьи. Обозначены национальные особенности демографического кризиса в Республике Корея, в числе которых: «чрезмерная эффективность» демографического контроля, кардинальное изменение отношения корейцев к семье и деторождению, высокие затраты на воспитание и образование детей. Сделан вывод о неблагоприятном влиянии демографического кризиса на будущее страны.
Asia & Africa today. 2023;(11):71-79
pages 71-79 views

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