China’s Path to Global Trade and Economic Leadership

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In this century, China has shown outstanding results in achieving economic growth. In a short period of time, the country has evolved from a world factory producing simple consumer goods into a leading exporter of high-tech final goods, technologies, equipment, and components for production. Since 2012, China has been maintaining a policy of strengthening national economic growth based on domestic sources, the country is actively expanding its influence through large-scale initiatives such as the Belt and Road Initiative, Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), BRICS+, thus not abandoning plans to expand trade and economic cooperation and increasing its political influence. In this regard, this study is focused on understanding the Chinese model of building trade and economic cooperation, which does not often appear in the scientific literature in contrast to the issues of the specificity of China’s economic growth model. For this purpose, the article systematizes the mechanisms of developing trade and economic relations of the People’s Republic of China, such as tariff policy, strategies, trade and economic unions, special free trade zones, the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative, foreign investments, institutes of foreign financing of Chinese projects.

About the authors

Galina A. Khmeleva

Samara State University of Economics

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4953-9560
Dr.Sc. (Economics), Professor, Chief Researcher Samara, Russia

Maria S. Guseva

Samara State University of Economics

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1910-8869
PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Senior Researcher Samara, Russia


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