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No 1 (2023) УПРАВЛЕНИЕ В ДЕТЕРМИНИРОВАННЫХ СИСТЕМАХ Impulse Transfer Matrix of a Time-Varying System of Differential-Algebraic Equations
No 1 (2023) УПРАВЛЕНИЕ В ДЕТЕРМИНИРОВАННЫХ СИСТЕМАХ Synthesis of Parameters of Proportionally-Integral and Proportionally-Integral-Differential Controllers for Stationary Linear Objects with Nonzero Initial Conditions
No 1 (2023) УПРАВЛЕНИЕ В СТОХАСТИЧЕСКИХ СИСТЕМАХ И В УСЛОВИЯХ НЕОПРЕДЕЛЕННОСТИ Optimum Complexing of Measurements when Maintaining a Maneuvering Object in Statistically Uncertain Situations
No 1 (2023) ОПТИМАЛЬНОЕ УПРАВЛЕНИЕ Recovery of Aircraft Motion Parameters Using the Optimal Control Algorithms
No 2 (2023) ТЕОРИЯ СИСТЕМ И ОБЩАЯ ТЕОРИЯ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for an Extremum in Complex Problems of Optimization of Systems Described by Polynomial and Analytic Functions
No 1 (2023) CONTROL OF SYSTEMS WITH DISTRIBUTED PARAMETERS Optimal Control of Systems with Distributed Parameters Under the Interval Uncertainty of an Object’s Characteristics
No 2 (2023) УПРАВЛЕНИЕ В ДЕТЕРМИНИРОВАННЫХ СИСТЕМАХ Reducing the Problem of the Modal Control by Output for Stationary Fourth-Order Systems with Two Inputs and Two Outputs to the Control by State for a System with a Single Input
No 2 (2023) УПРАВЛЕНИЕ В ДЕТЕРМИНИРОВАННЫХ СИСТЕМАХ Method of Forming a Regular Triangular Tethered Constellation of Microsatellites with Considering Their Motion Relative to the Centers of Mass
No 1 (2023) СИСТЕМНЫЙ АНАЛИЗ И ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ ОПЕРАЦИЙ Organization of the Control Subsystem in Real-Time Computing Systems
No 1 (2023) СИСТЕМНЫЙ АНАЛИЗ И ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ ОПЕРАЦИЙ Comparison of Methods of Organization and Management Efficiency in Dynamic Models of Cournot Oligopoly
No 2 (2023) УПРАВЛЕНИЕ В ДЕТЕРМИНИРОВАННЫХ СИСТЕМАХ On the Stable Solution of the Problem of Compensating Nonsmooth Additive Disturbances with the Help of Feedback Laws
No 1 (2023) СИСТЕМНЫЙ АНАЛИЗ И ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ ОПЕРАЦИЙ Decomposition of a Decision-Making Problem Into Levels of Preference of the Majority Graph
No 4 (2023) ТЕОРИЯ СИСТЕМ И ОБЩАЯ ТЕОРИЯ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ Direct Lyapunov Method in the Problem of Ensuring the Stability of a Compact Minimum Set of a Dynamic System and the Formation of a Halo-Orbit Near the Lagrange Point L2
No 2 (2023) ОБРАБОТКА ИНФОРМАЦИИ И ИДЕНТИФИКАЦИЯ Postflight Recovery of the Rotational Motion of a Small Space Vehicle from Solar Sensor Information
No 3 (2023) УПРАВЛЕНИЕ В ДЕТЕРМИНИРОВАННЫХ СИСТЕМАХ Nonreversible Motion of a System of Interacting Bodies Along a Rough Horizontal Straight Line
No 1 (2023) СИСТЕМНЫЙ АНАЛИЗ И ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ ОПЕРАЦИЙ Multi-Agent Dynamic Model of the Multi-Criteria Information Interaction of Structural Elements of a Self-Organizing Data Transmission Network of a Ground-Air Monitoring System
No 4 (2023) ТЕОРИЯ СИСТЕМ И ОБЩАЯ ТЕОРИЯ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ New Two-Level Machine Learning Method for Evaluating the Real Characteristics of Objects
No 3 (2023) COMPUTER METHODS Improvement of Incomplete Multiview Clustering by the Tensor Reconstruction of the Connectivity Graph
No 4 (2023) УПРАВЛЕНИЕ В ДЕТЕРМИНИРОВАННЫХ СИСТЕМАХ Three-Dimensional Reachability Set For a Dubins Car: Reduction of the General Case of Rotation Constraints to the Canonical Case
No 2 (2023) УПРАВЛЕНИЕ В СТОХАСТИЧЕСКИХ СИСТЕМАХ И В УСЛОВИЯХ НЕОПРЕДЕЛЕННОСТИ Game-Based Interconnected Control of a Group of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Conditions of Informational Counteraction
No 3 (2023) СИСТЕМНЫЙ АНАЛИЗ И ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ ОПЕРАЦИЙ Methods and Models of Project Resource Management under Uncertainty
No 1 (2023) ИСКУССТВЕННЫЙ ИНТЕЛЛЕКТ Solution of Problems According to Precedent in Knowledge Bases of Tactical Onboard Intelligent Systems During the Mission Phases of a Moving Object
No 2 (2023) УПРАВЛЕНИЕ В СТОХАСТИЧЕСКИХ СИСТЕМАХ И В УСЛОВИЯХ НЕОПРЕДЕЛЕННОСТИ Operational Absolutely Optimal Dynamic Control of the Stochastic Differential Plant’s State by Its Output
No 4 (2023) ОБРАБОТКА ИНФОРМАЦИИ И ИДЕНТИФИКАЦИЯ On the Implementation of Information Technology for Refining the Ephemerides of GLONASS Spacecraft Based on the Use of Advanced Intersatellite Measurement Hardware
No 2 (2023) УПРАВЛЕНИЕ В СТОХАСТИЧЕСКИХ СИСТЕМАХ И В УСЛОВИЯХ НЕОПРЕДЕЛЕННОСТИ Comparison of Parallel Implementations of the Branch-and-Bound Method for Shared Memory Systems
No 4 (2023) УПРАВЛЕНИЕ В СТОХАСТИЧЕСКИХ СИСТЕМАХ И В УСЛОВИЯХ НЕОПРЕДЕЛЕННОСТИ Optimal Finite-Dimensional Controller of the Stochastic Differential Object’s State by Its Output. I. Incomplete Precise Measurements
No 1 (2023) СИСТЕМЫ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ ДВИЖУЩИМИСЯ ОБЪЕКТАМИ Method for Aligning Instrument and Related Coordinate Systems on Aircraft
No 4 (2023) CONTROL OF SYSTEMS WITH DISTRIBUTED PARAMETERS Problem of the Boundary Control of Oscillations of a Sample of a Layered Two-Phase Composite Material
No 3 (2023) СИСТЕМНЫЙ АНАЛИЗ И ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ ОПЕРАЦИЙ Optimization of the Risk Functional to Control the Composition and Structure of a Heterogenous Grouping of Detection Sensors in Three-Dimensional Space
No 2 (2023) УПРАВЛЕНИЕ В СТОХАСТИЧЕСКИХ СИСТЕМАХ И В УСЛОВИЯХ НЕОПРЕДЕЛЕННОСТИ Problem of Controlling a Steam Generator under Uncertainty with Constraints on the Phase Variables and Controls
No 4 (2023) ДИСКРЕТНЫЕ СИСТЕМЫ First and Second Order Signatures of Extreme Uniform Hypergraphs and Their Relationship with Vectors of the Vertex Degrees
No 1 (2023) РОБОТОТЕХНИКА Organizing the Rotation of the Body of a Vibration Robot Around the Vertical
No 4 (2023) ИСКУССТВЕННЫЙ ИНТЕЛЛЕКТ Machine Learning for Software Technical Debt Detection
No 3 (2023) ИСКУССТВЕННЫЙ ИНТЕЛЛЕКТ Reinforcement Learning for Model Problems of Optimal Control
No 4 (2023) ИСКУССТВЕННЫЙ ИНТЕЛЛЕКТ Rapid Goal-Setting in Hierarchical Groups of Active Objects: I. Selected Group
No 2 (2023) МАТЕМАТИЧЕСКОЕ МОДЕЛИРОВАНИЕ Autooscillations of a Multlink Aerodynamic Pendulum
No 3 (2023) ИСКУССТВЕННЫЙ ИНТЕЛЛЕКТ Retrieving Structural Information on Anthropogenic Objects from Single Aerospace Images
No 2 (2023) СИСТЕМНЫЙ АНАЛИЗ И ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ ОПЕРАЦИЙ Designing an ACS by Applying Galvanic Coatings Based on Solving the Optimization Problem
No 4 (2023) ИСКУССТВЕННЫЙ ИНТЕЛЛЕКТ Privileged Learning Using Regularization in the Problem of Evaluating the Human Posture
No 2 (2023) СИСТЕМНЫЙ АНАЛИЗ И ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ ОПЕРАЦИЙ Optimal Control of the Initial Condition in the Problem of Gas Lifting
No 4 (2023) СИСТЕМЫ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ ДВИЖУЩИМИСЯ ОБЪЕКТАМИ Analytical Quasi-Optimal Algorithm for the Programmed Control of the Angular Motion of a Spacecraft
No 2 (2023) СИСТЕМНЫЙ АНАЛИЗ И ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ ОПЕРАЦИЙ Quantitative Analysis of Flow Distributions in a Multiuser Telecommunication Network
No 4 (2023) СИСТЕМЫ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ ДВИЖУЩИМИСЯ ОБЪЕКТАМИ Optimal Control of the Reorientation of a Spacecraft in the Given Time with a Quadratic Performance Criterion Related to the Control and Phase Variables
No 3 (2023) СЛОЖНЫЕ ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЕ СИСТЕМЫ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ И ИНФОРМАЦИОННО-УПРАВЛЯЮЩИЕ КОМПЛЕКСЫ Estimation of the Angular Position of an Aerial Vehicle Based on Measurements of the Parameters of Its Linear Motion
No 4 (2023) СИСТЕМЫ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ ДВИЖУЩИМИСЯ ОБЪЕКТАМИ Stabilization of Programmed Motions of Constrained Mechanical Systems
No 3 (2023) СИСТЕМЫ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ ДВИЖУЩИМИСЯ ОБЪЕКТАМИ Generalization of the Rutherford Formula and Synthesis of Trajectories with Gravity Assist Maneuvers
No 3 (2023) СИСТЕМЫ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ ДВИЖУЩИМИСЯ ОБЪЕКТАМИ Analytical Synthesis of an Aircraft’s Lateral Motion Control by Output at the Lack of Measurements of Slip and Roll Angles
No 4 (2023) РОБОТОТЕХНИКА On the Skating Motion of a Robot Controlled by an Internal Flywheel
No 3 (2023) СИСТЕМЫ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ ДВИЖУЩИМИСЯ ОБЪЕКТАМИ Motion Control of a Multipurpose Laboratory Module with the Use of a Propulsion Unit
No 3 (2023) РОБОТОТЕХНИКА Control of a Mobile Robotic System for the Maintenance of Vertical Surfaces
No 5 (2023) ОПТИМАЛЬНОЕ УПРАВЛЕНИЕ Speed of Performance of a Group of Controlled Objects
No 5 (2023) COMPUTER METHODS Number of Solutions for Some Special Logical Analysis Problems of Integer Data
No 5 (2023) COMPUTER METHODS Combination of Bases and an Evaluation of the Set of Extremal 3-Uniform Hypergraphs
No 5 (2023) МАТЕМАТИЧЕСКОЕ МОДЕЛИРОВАНИЕ Oscillations of a Wind Power Plant with Several Moving Masses Using the Galloping Effect
No 5 (2023) СИСТЕМНЫЙ АНАЛИЗ И ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ ОПЕРАЦИЙ Resource Distribution and Balancing Flows in a Multiuser Network
No 5 (2023) СИСТЕМНЫЙ АНАЛИЗ И ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ ОПЕРАЦИЙ Models and Algorithms for Multiagent Hierarchical Routing with Time Windows
No 5 (2023) ИСКУССТВЕННЫЙ ИНТЕЛЛЕКТ Intelligent Robust Control of Autonomous Robot: Quantum Self-Organization of Imperfect Knowledge Bases—Experiment
No 5 (2023) СИСТЕМЫ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ ДВИЖУЩИМИСЯ ОБЪЕКТАМИ Improvement of Intersatellite Measurements Scheduling to Refine the Accuracy of the Ephemerides of Modern and Prospective GLONASS Orbital Segments
No 6 (2023) ТЕОРИЯ СИСТЕМ И ОБЩАЯ ТЕОРИЯ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ On Some Properties of Sets of Bounded Controllability for Stationary Linear Discrete Systems with Total Control Constraints
No 6 (2023) ТЕОРИЯ СИСТЕМ И ОБЩАЯ ТЕОРИЯ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ Synthesis of Robust Linear Stationary Dynamic Systems Based on Improvement of the Controllability and Observability of the Computational Model of the Object
No 6 (2023) ТЕОРИЯ СИСТЕМ И ОБЩАЯ ТЕОРИЯ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ Synthesis of a Discontinuous Control Law for a Step-Down Voltage Converter
No 6 (2023) УПРАВЛЕНИЕ В СТОХАСТИЧЕСКИХ СИСТЕМАХ И В УСЛОВИЯХ НЕОПРЕДЕЛЕННОСТИ Guiding an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with a Thermal Imaging Correlation-Contrast Algorithm of Automatic Tracking in Conditions of Information Counteraction
No 6 (2023) ОПТИМАЛЬНОЕ УПРАВЛЕНИЕ Optimal Suppression of Oscillations in the Problem of a Spin-Up of a Two-Mass System
No 6 (2023) ОПТИМАЛЬНОЕ УПРАВЛЕНИЕ On the Prevention of Vibrations in the Problem of the Time-Optimal Control of a System with Two Degrees of Freedom
No 6 (2023) CONTROL OF SYSTEMS WITH DISTRIBUTED PARAMETERS Optimization of Longitudinal Motions of an Elastic Rod Using Periodically Distributed Piezoelectric Forces
No 6 (2023) ДИСКРЕТНЫЕ СИСТЕМЫ Structural Models for Failure Detection of Moore Finite-State Machines
No 6 (2023) СИСТЕМНЫЙ АНАЛИЗ И ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ ОПЕРАЦИЙ Game-Theoretic Specificity of a Competitive Allocation of the Frequency Spectrum
No 6 (2023) СИСТЕМНЫЙ АНАЛИЗ И ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ ОПЕРАЦИЙ Analysis of Nodal Multiflows in a Multiuser System with Equalizing Control Strategies
No 6 (2023) ИСКУССТВЕННЫЙ ИНТЕЛЛЕКТ Neural Network Approaches for Recommender Systems
No 6 (2023) СИСТЕМЫ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ ТЕХНОЛОГИЧЕСКИМИ ПРОЦЕССАМИ Controlling the Process of Formation of the Scientific and Technological Background in Aircraft Construction Based on the Assessment of a Deficit of Functional Properties of Promising Aircraft
No 1 (2024) STABILITY On partial stability in probability for nonlinear stochastic functional differential systems with aftereffect (delay)
No 1 (2024) CONTROL IN DETERMINISTIC SYSTEMS Aggregation of multidimensional conservative systems with oscillations
No 1 (2024) INFORMATION PROCESSING AND IDENTIFICATION Stochastic models for time complexity of computing tasks: I. Development principles, statistical data mining, identification problems
No 1 (2024) CONTROL IN STOCHASTIC SYSTEMS AND UNDER UNCERTAINTY Optimal finite-dimensional controller of the stochastic differential object’s state by its output II. Stochastic measurements and separation theorem
No 1 (2024) OPTIMAL CONTROL Amplitude control of systems oscillations with friction
No 1 (2024) OPTIMAL CONTROL Reserching performance of the Dubins machine hybrid model with single separation of control objects
No 1 (2024) CONTROL OF SYSTEMS WITH DISTRIBUTED PARAMETERS Minimization of integral quadratic estimate of controlled variable in systems with distributed parameters
No 1 (2024) COMPUTER METHODS Interpretability of learning in a signal processing system
No 1 (2024) COMPUTER METHODS Scheduling calculations for a multiprocessor system in real time
No 1 (2024) MATHEMATICAL MODELING Modeling of the dynamics of a catamaran driven by a Savonius rotor and a propeller
No 1 (2024) SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND OPERATIONS RESEARCH Interval estimation in discrete-time linear systems with parametric uncertainties
No 1 (2024) ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Explainable artificial intelligence in deep learning neural nets-based digital images analysis
No 2 (2024) INFORMATION PROCESSING AND IDENTIFICATION On a numerical estimation method with a given accuracy of a quantile criterion in the case of a piece-linear loss function and a gaussian probability density
No 2 (2024) INFORMATION PROCESSING AND IDENTIFICATION Stochastic models for time complexity of computing tasks: II. Description of interaction with databases
No 2 (2024) CONTROL IN STOCHASTIC SYSTEMS AND UNDER UNCERTAINTY Estimation of probabilities of transitions of markov binary input signal of nonlinear system
No 2 (2024) CONTROL IN STOCHASTIC SYSTEMS AND UNDER UNCERTAINTY A game-theoretic approach to managing the composition and structure of a bearing-only measurement system in conditions of a priori uncertainty
No 2 (2024) OPTIMAL CONTROL On the optimal control function diagrams in the problem of the movement of a platform with oscillators
No 2 (2024) COMPUTER METHODS Inverse Problem for a Distributed System from Pulse Technology
No 2 (2024) SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND OPERATIONS RESEARCH Mathematical models for management of production and financial activities of an enterprise
No 2 (2024) SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND OPERATIONS RESEARCH Interval observers for hybrid continuous-time stationary systems
No 2 (2024) SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND OPERATIONS RESEARCH Control of video buffering for videostreams decoded from cyclic structures
No 2 (2024) СИСТЕМЫ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ ДВИЖУЩИМИСЯ ОБЪЕКТАМИ On advanced manned spacecraft motion control using jet thrusters
No 2 (2024) РОБОТОТЕХНИКА Modification of the hopfield neural network model for solving the task of optimal task allocation in a group of mobile robots

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