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No 2 (2024)

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On a numerical estimation method with a given accuracy of a quantile criterion in the case of a piece-linear loss function and a gaussian probability density

Nefedov V.N.


The solution of many practical problems leads to the calculation of the values of probabilistic criteria, the most common of which are the quantile and probability functionals. It is known that, under fairly general assumptions, methods suitable for solving problems of finding the values of a probabilistic criterion can be used to solve the problem of quantile analysis. The proposed method for solving the problem of quantile analysis is based on the use of the method of numerical multidimensional integration described in the previous works of the author. One of the important properties of this integration method is universality (when using it, we can set an arbitrary number of variables n and an arbitrary number of linear constraints r). The only limitation is the case of an unacceptably long solution time. Thus, the indicated universality is transferred to the solution of the considered problem of quantile analysis.

Teoriâ i sistemy upravleniâ. 2024;(2):3-24
pages 3-24 views

Stochastic models for time complexity of computing tasks: II. Description of interaction with databases

Borisov A.V., Ivanov A.V.


The paper contains the second part of an investigation devoted to the design of the mathematical models for the execution time of user tasks carried out on the virtual calculating nodes. We provide the performance of the proposed model for the description of the data processing fulfilled in the databases. As a testbed for stress testing, we choose a prototype of the anonymization system of the passengers’ personal data. There are stochastic models describing two types of user tasks: personal data anonymization procedure and calculation of the sample statistical characteristics. The paper contains a detailed description of the stress test planning and fulfillment for both models. The obtained mathematical models developed by the real data demonstrate high performance.

Teoriâ i sistemy upravleniâ. 2024;(2):25-42
pages 25-42 views


Estimation of probabilities of transitions of markov binary input signal of nonlinear system

Boldinov V.A., Bukhalev V.A., Skrynnikov A.A., Khismatov I.F.


The problem of estimating unknown probabilities of transitions of a random Markov binary input signal of a nonlinear one-dimensional discrete system based on estimating the expectation and variance of the output signal is considered. The defined expressions are built on the basis of considering equally probable transitions and the steady-state mode of the algorithm for assessing the state of the system, obtained by approximating the probability density of its output signal by the Pearson type I distribution. An example of comparison of theoretical calculations with the results of imitation mathematical modeling is given.

Teoriâ i sistemy upravleniâ. 2024;(2):43-52
pages 43-52 views

A game-theoretic approach to managing the composition and structure of a bearing-only measurement system in conditions of a priori uncertainty

Ugolnitsky G.A., Chepel E.N.


The problem of managing the composition and structure of a bearing-only measurements system (BOMS) in a game-theoretic formulation is considered. An approach of cooperative search for the placement of BOMS points and a method for estimating the work-time indicator of the system are proposed. The search for the placement of BOMS points uses the toolkit of multi-agent potential games. The criteria for selecting the placement of points and the type of potential function are determined. The management of the composition and structure of the BOMS is based on the results of the cluster-variation method. A structural and functional description of the simulation model is presented. The above results of simulation modeling confirm the practical effectiveness of the proposed approaches.

Teoriâ i sistemy upravleniâ. 2024;(2):53-66
pages 53-66 views


On the optimal control function diagrams in the problem of the movement of a platform with oscillators

Kayumov O.R.


We consider the problem of the time-optimal movement of a rigid body moving translationally along a horizontal straight line and carrying n-linear oscillators. The only control force is applied to the platform and is limited in magnitude, there is no friction. The system is transferred from a state of rest to a specified distance with vibration damping. The evolution of optimal control functions depending on the distance of movement is investigated. A general approach to constructing a visual diagram reflecting such evolution is proposed. To do this, a geometric interpretation of the necessary optimality conditions is used as properties of an auxiliary “control” curve in n-dimensional space. Numerical examples of constructing diagrams of optimal control functions for a platform with three oscillators are given.

Teoriâ i sistemy upravleniâ. 2024;(2):67-83
pages 67-83 views


Inverse Problem for a Distributed System from Pulse Technology

Khachaturov R.V.


An inverse problem with distributed parameters for the process of the self-focusing of cylindrical X-ray pulses in a plasma is considered, and a mathematical model of the studied process in a cylindrical coordinate system is described, taking into account the symmetry of the pulse relative to the direction of its propagation. A similar process in the case of plane pulses is compared, a computational method for solving the direct problem of interaction between the plasma and pulse for the given parameter values is presented, the second order of approximation and the asymptotic stability of the constructed difference scheme are proved. It is proposed to use the equivalence set method to solve the inverse problem of determining the initial parameters of the plasma and pulse from the shape of a cylindrical X-ray pulse passing through it and the dynamics of its maximum intensity. Using this problem as an example, an algorithm for using the equivalence set method to solve inverse problems is described.

Teoriâ i sistemy upravleniâ. 2024;(2):84-106
pages 84-106 views


Mathematical models for management of production and financial activities of an enterprise

Apalkova T.G., Kosorukov O.A., Mishchenko A.V., Tsurkov V.I.


This paper proposes optimization models for the production and financial activities of an enterprise, which make it possible to increase the efficiency of its functioning in the modern market environment. The novelty of the proposed tools is due to taking into account the peculiarities of the processes of consumption and storage of finished products, as well as lending and expansion of production. To implement the proposed models, the generalized reduced gradient method is used, built into the MS Excel toolkit (the “Solver” add-on). Solving problems of choosing a production program is also possible using other methods of this add-on, including the simplex method.

Teoriâ i sistemy upravleniâ. 2024;(2):107-129
pages 107-129 views

Interval observers for hybrid continuous-time stationary systems

Zhirabok A.N., Zuev A.V., Shumsky A.E.


The problem of interval observer design for hybrid continuous-time stationary systems under external disturbances and measurement noise is studied. It is assumed that continuous-time dynamic of such systems is described by linear or nonlinear differential state equations with linear function of output. System parameters depend on system states and are switched based on the control system with finite set of states. The relations allowing designing hybrid interval observer of minimal dimension estimating the set of admissible values of the prescribed linear vector function of the system states are derived. To solve the problem, algebra of partitions and linear algebra are used. Theoretical results are illustrated by example.

Teoriâ i sistemy upravleniâ. 2024;(2):130-142
pages 130-142 views

Control of video buffering for videostreams decoded from cyclic structures

Zvyozdochkin M.Y., Mironov V.V.


The article formulates a problem of compliance of time inter-frame delays via video frames decoding from input cyclic-structured video stream. Implementation of software buffer or buffers set is reviewed as a general approach to solving this problem. Some methods of implementation of such buffers for video processing and transmission systems are proposed. Experimental research of these methods is conducted; recommendations for use are offered.

Teoriâ i sistemy upravleniâ. 2024;(2):143-153
pages 143-153 views


On advanced manned spacecraft motion control using jet thrusters

Sumarokov A.V.


The motion control of the advanced manned spacecraft “Orel” is considered. For maneuvering and angular stabilization, a propulsion system is used as an actuator. In order to ensure simultaneous control of the motion of the center of mass of the spacecraft (SC) and its stabilization with the help of engines at each moment of time, it is necessary to solve the problems of determining the required change in the speed of the SC, choosing the optimal configuration of the engines, and the problem of predicting the motion parameters of the SC. Methods for solving these problems, applied in the development of the control system of the manned spacecraft “Orel”, are presented. The operability of the described algorithms is confirmed by the results of mathematical modeling on a ground test bench for onboard software.

Teoriâ i sistemy upravleniâ. 2024;(2):154-168
pages 154-168 views


Modification of the hopfield neural network model for solving the task of optimal task allocation in a group of mobile robots

Darintsev O.V., Migranov A.B.


In the context of group interaction among mobile robots, there arises the challenge of task distribution within the group, considering the robots' characteristics and the working environment. This study aims to modify the Hopfield neural network and develop methodologies for its application in solving the task allocation problem for an arbitrary number of tasks within a group of mobile robots. To achieve this, the Hopfield neural network is represented as a graph. An algorithm is presented, demonstrating the transition from the initial problem to the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). The application of the Hopfield model to the task distribution problem in a group of robots is described, along with the development of an optimization function calculation algorithm. An assessment is conducted to evaluate the impact of neural network parameters on the quality and speed of solving the optimization problem. By comparing it with other heuristic methods (genetic and ant colony algorithms), the domains of application for the modified algorithm are determined.

Teoriâ i sistemy upravleniâ. 2024;(2):169-182
pages 169-182 views

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