
标题 文件
卷 53, 编号 13 (2019) Mg-Doped ZnO and Zn-Doped MgO Semiconductor Nanoparticles; Synthesis and Catalytic, Optical and Electro-Optical Characterization
Parvizi E., Tayebee R., Koushki E.
卷 50, 编号 3 (2016) Microdisk Injection Lasers for the 1.27-μm Spectral Range
Kryzhanovskaya N., Maximov M., Blokhin S., Bobrov M., Kulagina M., Troshkov S., Zadiranov Y., Lipovskii A., Moiseev E., Kudashova Y., Livshits D., Ustinov V., Zhukov A.
卷 52, 编号 16 (2018) Microlens-Enhanced Substrate Patterning and MBE Growth of GaP Nanowires
Bolshakov A., Cirlin G., Mukhin M., Shkoldin V., Shugurov K., Mozharov A., Sapunov G., Fedorov V., Dvoretckaia L., Mukhin I.
卷 52, 编号 16 (2018) Microstructural Evolution of MOVPE Grown GaN by the Carrier Gas
Demir I., Altuntas I., Kasapoğlu A., Mobtakeri S., Gür E., Elagoz S.
卷 53, 编号 13 (2019) Microstructure and Optical Bandgap of Cobalt Selenide Nanofilms
Ghobadi N., Habibi M., Rezaee S., Ţălu Ş., Shakoury R., Arman A., Luna C., Amiri F., Naderi S., Hafezi F., Mardani M.
卷 52, 编号 2 (2018) Microstructure and Raman Scattering of Cu2ZnSnSe4 Thin Films Deposited onto Flexible Metal Substrates
Stanchik A., Gremenok V., Bashkirov S., Tivanov M., Juškénas R., Novikov G., Giraitis R., Saad A.
卷 53, 编号 14 (2019) Microwave Absorption by Axisymmetric Plasmon Mode in 2D Electron Disk
Zagorodnev I., Rodionov D., Zabolotnykh A., Volkov V.
卷 53, 编号 10 (2019) Microwave Magnetic Absorption in HgSe with Co and Ni Impurities
Veinger A., Kochman I., Frolov D., Okulov V., Govorkova T., Paranchich L.
卷 52, 编号 8 (2018) Microwave Magnetoabsorption Oscillations in Fe-Doped HgSe Crystals
Veinger A., Kochman I., Okulov V., Andriichuk M., Paranchich L.
卷 50, 编号 12 (2016) Microwave-signal generation in a planar Gunn diode with radiation exposure taken into account
Obolenskaya E., Tarasova E., Churin A., Obolensky S., Kozlov V.
卷 53, 编号 5 (2019) Miniature Thermoelectric Modules Developed for Cycling Applications
Volkov M., Drabkin I., Ershova L., Nazarenko A.
卷 53, 编号 5 (2019) Miniaturized Heat-Flux Sensor Based on a Glass-Insulated Bi–Sn Microwire
Konopko L., Nikolaeva A., Huber T., Kobylianskaya A.
卷 51, 编号 8 (2017) Mn0.1Ag0.9In4.7S7.6 single crystals: Crystal structure, band gap, and thermal expansion
Bodnar I., Tkhan C.
卷 52, 编号 1 (2018) Mobility of the Two-Dimensional Electron Gas in DA-pHEMT Heterostructures with Various δ–n-Layer Profile Widths
Protasov D., Bakarov A., Toropov A., Ber B., Kazantsev D., Zhuravlev K.
卷 50, 编号 3 (2016) Model Development for Current–Voltage and Transconductance Characteristics of Normally-off AlN/GaN MOSHEMT
Swain R., Jena K., Lenka T.
卷 52, 编号 6 (2018) Model for Charge Accumulation in n- and p-MOS Transistors during Tunneling Electron Injection from a Gate
Aleksandrov O., Mokrushina S.
卷 50, 编号 3 (2016) Model of Adsorption on Amorphous Graphene
Davydov S.
卷 52, 编号 14 (2018) Model of Metamaterial Based on Graphene Scrolls and Carbon Nanotubes with Negative Refractive Index
Siahlo A., Poklonski N., Vyrko S., Ratkevich S.
卷 53, 编号 12 (2019) Modification of Carbon-Nanotube Wettability by Ion Irradiation
Morkovkin A., Vorobyeva E., Evseev A., Balakshin Y., Shemukhin A.
卷 52, 编号 7 (2018) Modification of Photoconductivity Spectra in ZnO–CdSe Quantum- Dot Composites upon Exposure to Additional Photoexcitation
Drozdov K., Krylov I., Chizhov A., Rumyantseva M., Ryabova L., Khokhlov D.
卷 52, 编号 3 (2018) Modification of Photovoltaic Laser-Power (λ = 808 nm) Converters Grown by LPE
Khvostikov V., Sorokina S., Potapovich N., Khvostikova O., Timoshina N., Shvarts M.
卷 52, 编号 11 (2018) Modification of the Ferromagnetic Properties of Si1 –xMnx Thin Films Synthesized by Pulsed Laser Deposition with a Variation in the Buffer-Gas Pressure
Novodvorsky O., Mikhalevsky V., Gusev D., Lotin A., Parshina L., Khramova O., Cherebylo E., Drovosekov A., Rylkov V., Nikolaev S., Chernoglazov K., Maslakov K.
卷 51, 编号 5 (2017) Modification of the surface of GaAs and observation of surface enhanced Raman scattering after the diffusion of indium
Vlasov A., Karlina L., Komissarenko F., Ankudinov A.
卷 51, 编号 13 (2017) Modification of the Surface of Nickel by the Femtosecond Laser Pulses
Kostishko B., Svetukhin V., Yavtushenko I.
卷 51, 编号 4 (2017) Modification of the thermal relaxation kinetics of the photoinduced (at T = 425 K) metastable dark conductivity of a-Si:H films by weak illumination during the initial stage of relaxation
Kurova I., Ormont N.
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