Список статей

Выпуск Название Файл
Том 50, № 1 (2016) Simulation of the characteristics of InGaAs/InP-based photovoltaic laser-power converters
Emelyanov V., Sorokina S., Khvostikov V., Shvarts M.
Том 51, № 6 (2017) Simulation of the field-activated sintering of thermoelectric materials
Bulat L., Novotelnova A., Osvenskii V., Tukmakova A., Yerezhep D.
Том 53, № 9 (2019) Simulation of the Formation of a Cascade of Displacements and Transient Ionization Processes in Silicon Semiconductor Structures under Neutron Exposure
Zabavichev I., Potehin A., Puzanov A., Obolenskiy S., Kozlov V.
Том 50, № 1 (2016) Simulation of the ohmic loss in photovoltaic laser-power converters for wavelengths of 809 and 1064 nm
Emelyanov V., Mintairov S., Sorokina S., Khvostikov V., Shvarts M.
Том 53, № 1 (2019) Simulation of the Parameters of a Titanium-Tritide-Based Beta-Voltaic Cell
Svintsov A., Yakimov E., Dorokhin M., Demina P., Kuznetsov Y.
Том 50, № 4 (2016) Simulation of the real efficiencies of high-efficiency silicon solar cells
Sachenko A., Skrebtii A., Korkishko R., Kostylyov V., Kulish N., Sokolovskyi I.
Том 50, № 1 (2016) Simulation of the β-voltaic effect in silicon pin structures irradiated with electrons from a nickel-63 β source
Nagornov Y., Murashev V.
Том 53, № 6 (2019) Simulation of Thermoelectric Materials Densification during Spark Plasma Sintering with the Example of Ge–Si
Tukmakova A., Samusevich K., Novotelnova A., Tkhorzhevskiy I., Makarova E.
Том 53, № 3 (2019) Simulation of Transient Processes in 4H-SiC Based Semiconductor Devices (Taking into Account the Incomplete Ionization of Dopants in the ATLAS Module of the SILVACO TCAD Software Package)
Ivanov P., Potapov A., Samsonova T.
Том 51, № 3 (2017) Single crystals of (FeIn2S4)x · (CuIn5S8)1–x alloys: Crystal structure, nuclear gamma resonance spectra, and thermal expansion
Bodnar I., Zhafar M., Kasyuk Y., Fedotova Y.
Том 51, № 12 (2017) Single electron transistor: Energy-level broadening effect and thermionic contribution
Nasri A., Boubaker A., Khaldi W., Hafsi B., Kalboussi A.
Том 52, № 12 (2018) Singularity of the Density of States and Transport Anisotropy in a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas with Spin-Orbit Interaction in an In-Plane Magnetic Field
Sablikov V., Tkach Y.
Том 52, № 5 (2018) Site-Controlled Growth of GaN Nanorods with Inserted InGaN Quantum Wells on μ-Cone Patterned Sapphire Substrates by Plasma-Assisted MBE
Jmerik V., Shubina T., Nechaev D., Semenov A., Kirilenko D., Davydov V., Smirnov A., Eliseev I., Posina G., Ivanov S.
Том 53, № 7 (2019) Size Dependence of the Melting Point of Silicon Nanoparticles: Molecular Dynamics and Thermodynamic Simulation
Dronnikov V., Talyzin I., Samsonov M., Samsonov V., Pushkar M.
Том 52, № 9 (2018) Size-Dependent Optical Properties of Colloidal CdS Quantum Dots Passivated by Thioglycolic Acid
Kondratenko T., Smirnov M., Ovchinnikov O., Shabunya-Klyachkovskaya E., Matsukovich A., Zvyagin A., Vinokur Y.
Том 52, № 12 (2018) Solar Cell Based on Core/Shell Nanowires
Sibirev N., Kotlyar K., Koryakin A., Shtrom I., Ubiivovk E., Soshnikov I., Reznik R., Bouravleuv A., Cirlin G.
Том 52, № 8 (2018) Solid-Phase Reactions and Phase Transformations in a Nanoscale Bismuth/Selenium Film Structure
Kogai V., Mikheev G.
Том 50, № 7 (2016) Solubility of oxygen in CdS single crystals and their physicochemical properties
Morozova N., Kanakhin A., Shnitnikov A.
Том 50, № 10 (2016) Some challenging points in the identification of defects in floating-zone n-type silicon irradiated with 8 and 15 MeV protons
Emtsev V., Abrosimov N., Kozlovskii V., Oganesyan G., Poloskin D.
Том 53, № 8 (2019) Some Physical Properties of the New Intermetallic Compound NbCd2
Tuleushev Y., Zhakanbaev E., Migunova A., Nicenko A., Volodin V.
Том 51, № 2 (2017) Spatial redistribution of radiation in flip-chip photodiodes based on InAsSbP/InAs double heterostructures
Zakgeim A., Il’inskaya N., Karandashev S., Lavrov A., Matveev B., Remennyy M., Stus’ N., Usikova A., Cherniakov A.
Том 51, № 5 (2017) Specific features of ballistic electron transport in double-level open systems in a large-amplitude high-frequency electric field
Pashkovskii A.
Том 53, № 6 (2019) Specific Features of Carrier Transport in n+n0n+ Structures with a GaAs/AlGaAs Heterojunction at Ultrahigh Current Densities
Slipchenko S., Podoskin A., Soboleva O., Yuferev V., Golovin V., Gavrina P., Romanovich D., Miroshnikov I., Pikhtin N.
Том 53, № 6 (2019) Specific Features of Closed-Mode Formation in Rectangular Resonators Based on InGaAs/AlGaAs/GaAs Heterostructures for High-Power Semiconductor Lasers
Podoskin A., Romanovich D., Shashkin I., Gavrina P., Sokolova Z., Slipchenko S., Pikhtin N.
Том 50, № 4 (2016) Specific features of doping with antimony during the ion-beam crystallization of silicon
Pashchenko A., Chebotarev S., Lunin L., Irkha V.
1151 - 1175 из 1443 результатов << < 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 > >> 

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