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Issue Title File
Vol 51, No 2 (2017) Study of the deposition features of the organic dye Rhodamine B on the porous surface of silicon with different pore sizes
Lenshin A.S., Seredin P.V., Kavetskaya I.V., Minakov D.A., Kashkarov V.M.
Vol 51, No 6 (2017) Study of the distribution profile of iron ions implanted into silicon
Kozhemyako A.V., Balakshin Y.V., Shemukhin A.A., Chernysh V.S.
Vol 50, No 10 (2016) Study of the effect of doping on the temperature stability of the optical properties of germanium single crystals
Podkopaev O.I., Shimanskiy A.F., Kopytkova S.A., Filatov R.A., Golubovskaya N.O.
Vol 53, No 1 (2019) Study of the Effect of Doping with Iron on the Luminescence of Zinc-Selenide Single Crystals
Gladilin A.A., Ilichev N.N., Kalinushkin V.P., Studenikin M.I., Uvarov O.V., Chapnin V.A., Tumorin V.V., Novikov G.G.
Vol 52, No 10 (2018) Study of the Effective Refractive Index Profile in Self-Assembling Nanostructured ITO Films
Markov L.K., Pavluchenko A.S., Smirnova I.P., Pavlov S.I.
Vol 50, No 3 (2016) Study of the Electron Distribution in GaN and GaAs after γ-Neutron Irradiation
Tarasova E.A., Khananova A.V., Obolensky S.V., Zemlyakov V.E., Sveshnikov Y.N., Egorkin V.I., Ivanov V.A., Medvedev G.V., Smotrin D.S.
Vol 53, No 15 (2019) Study of the Formation Process of Memristor Structures Based on Copper Sulfide
Belov A.N., Golishnikov A.A., Mastinin A.M., Perevalov A.A., Shevyakov V.I.
Vol 50, No 8 (2016) Study of the impurity photoconductivity in p-InSb using epitaxial p+ contacts
Eminov S.O.
Vol 51, No 11 (2017) Study of the influence of ga as a surfactant during the high-temperature ammonia MBE of AlN layers on the properties of nitride heterostructures
Alexeev A.N., Mamaev V.V., Petrov S.I.
Vol 51, No 1 (2017) Study of the parameters of nanoscale layers in nanoheterostructures based on II–VI semiconductor compounds
Karavaev M.B., Kirilenko D.A., Ivanova E.V., Popova T.B., Sitnikova A.A., Sedova I.V., Zamoryanskaya M.V.
Vol 50, No 5 (2016) Study of the phase composition of nanostructures produced by the local anodic oxidation of titanium films
Avilov V.I., Ageev O.A., Konoplev B.G., Smirnov V.A., Solodovnik M.S., Tsukanova O.G.
Vol 50, No 8 (2016) Study of the photoinduced degradation of tandem photovoltaic converters based on a-Si:H/μc-Si:H
Abramov A.S., Andronikov D.A., Emtsev K.V., Kukin A.V., Semenov A.V., Terukova E.E., Titov A.S., Yakovlev S.A.
Vol 53, No 14 (2019) Study of the Photovoltage in Mn/SiO2/n-Si MOS Structure at Cryogenic Temperatures
Bondarev I.A., Rautskii M.V., Yakovlev I.A., Volochaev M.N., Lukyanenko A.V., Tarasov A.S., Volkov N.V.
Vol 52, No 6 (2018) Study of the Properties of II–VI and III–V Semiconductor Quantum Dots
Mikhailov A.I., Kabanov V.F., Gorbachev I.A., Glukhovsky E.G.
Vol 50, No 10 (2016) Study of the pulse characteristics of semiconductor lasers with a broadened waveguide at low temperatures (110–120 K)
Veselov D.A., Shashkin I.S., Bobretsova Y.K., Bakhvalov K.V., Lutetskiy A.V., Kapitonov V.A., Pikhtin N.A., Slipchenko S.O., Sokolova Z.N., Tarasov I.S.
Vol 52, No 9 (2018) Study of the Structural and Emission Properties of Ge(Si) Quantum Dots Ordered on the Si(001) Surface
Smagina Z.V., Zinovyev V.A., Krivyakin G.K., Rodyakina E.E., Kuchinskaya P.A., Fomin B.I., Yablonskiy A.N., Stepikhova M.V., Novikov A.V., Dvurechenskii A.V.
Vol 52, No 6 (2018) Study of the Structural and Luminescence Properties of InAs/GaAs Heterostructures with Bi-Doped Potential Barriers
Pashchenko A.S., Lunin L.S., Chebotarev S.N., Lunina M.L.
Vol 52, No 11 (2018) Study of the Structural and Morphological Properties of HPHT Diamond Substrates
Yunin P.A., Volkov P.V., Drozdov Y.N., Koliadin A.V., Korolev S.A., Radischev D.B., Surovegina E.A., Shashkin V.I.
Vol 51, No 2 (2017) Study of the structural and optical properties of GaP(N) layers synthesized by molecular-beam epitaxy on Si(100) 4° substrates
Kryzhanovskaya N.V., Polubavkina Y.S., Nevedomskiy V.N., Nikitina E.V., Lazarenko A.A., Egorov A.Y., Maximov M.V., Moiseev E.I., Zhukov A.E.
Vol 51, No 13 (2017) Study of the Structural Properties of Silicon-on-Sapphire Layers in Hydride-Chloride Vapor-Phase Epitaxy
Sokolov E.M., Fedotov S.D., Statsenko V.N., Timoshenkov S.P., Emelyanov A.V.
Vol 50, No 13 (2016) Study of the structure and composition of the strained epitaxial layer in the InAlAs/GaAs(100) heterostructure by transmission electron microscopy
Lovygin M.V., Borgardt N.I., Bugaev A.S., Volkov R.L., Seibt M.
Vol 52, No 1 (2018) Study of the Structure of Cadmium-Sulfide Nanowire Crystals Synthesized by Vacuum Evaporation and Condensation in a Quasi-Closed Volume
Belyaev A.P., Antipov V.V., Rubets V.P.
Vol 50, No 11 (2016) Study of the structures of cleaved cross sections by Raman spectroscopy
Plankina S.M., Vikhrova O.V., Danilov Y.A., Zvonkov B.N., Konnova N.Y., Nezhdanov A.V., Pashenkin I.Y.
Vol 50, No 2 (2016) Study of the surface of GaAs after etching in high-frequency and glow discharge plasma by atomic force microscopy
Dunaev A.V., Murin D.B., Pivovarenok S.A.
Vol 51, No 5 (2017) Study of the voltage drop process for the case of high-power thyristors switched in the impact-ionization mode
Gusev A.I., Lyubutin S.K., Rukin S.N., Tsyranov S.N.
1251 - 1275 of 1443 Items << < 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 > >> 

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